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 Post subject: Recent past
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 8:27 pm 
Emperor Iweko LXXV ascends to the throne at the age of 37 after her mother, Iweko LXXIV retires to a Seppun monastery.

The tournament of the Emerald Champion takes place as the previous champion, Kakita Nariko, retires. It is an exceptionally lavish event; the competitions being widecast all across the Empire’s many planets, featuring hundreds of participants from all the clans. Although many aspects of the competition have changed, it still culminates in the traditional iaijutsu duel. The winner is a masked woman named Kagami, who defeats the heavy favorite, Kakita Shinnosuke, son of the previous Champion. Kagami keeps her allegiance secret, but immediately begins building her power base.

The Yogo finish the construction of the Black Tower, one of the largest space-born fortresses in the galaxy at the time. Most of the Yogo Family make this their home, taking advantage of its advanced research and training facilities.

Crab reconnaissance frigate is caught within the Spider held space. The crew manages to destroy most of the sensitive equipment before the Spider board the ship. The matter is never brought up in public, though the Crab easily deduct the fate of the vessel. Spider, as precaution fill their information networks with disinformation while all the security protocols are updated.

The Lion launch a daring raid on the Watchtower, one of the three Mantis stations in OsanoWo's Reach. Lion scouts had been skirmishing with Yoritomo fleets in the vicinity of the other two stations for several weeks prior, drawing Mantis reserves out of position. With the battlefield arranged, the Lion's mighty warships engage the small flotilla left to guard the giant space fortress, forcing them to flee. Knowing there is little time before nearby Mantis fleets reroute to engage, the Lion eschew boarding in favor of turning their guns upon Watchtower, crippling its defenses and docks. The Fortress is rendered useless for years to come, severely limiting the Mantis' activities within the system.

A small group of Mantis vessels launches an attack on a supposedly secret Phoenix weapons development facility. Phoenix scientists board their prototype ships and sally forth in desperation. The raiders are eventually driven off by the eclectic experimental flotilla, though both sides suffer heavy casualties. A young engineering student, Asako Asagi rises to fame as she guns down three Mantis fighters with her half-finished Kurenai-class vessel.

In the fall, a secret Phoenix research facility near the Eastern Nebula is attacked, leaving defenders barely time to pulse out a coded distress call. Arriving rescue ships find an empty shell riddled with radiant weapons damage, blood spatters, and no bodies. They investigate the carnage without coming to any conclusions about the source of the attack.

The Spider, following this successful raid, study the stolen schematics and equipment. With study aided by information tortured from the captured researchers, they are able to recreate the High-R Ion Drive being developed at the facility. The drives are functional, but the Phoenix had been working to fine tune the necessary crew supports that would allow them to function under such conditions. Quickly realizing that their undead legions will have little problem functioning after high-R stresses, the Spider move to refit several fleets with the new engine designs.

Asahina Nozomu marries Shinjo Kimiko, further strengthening the ties between the Crane and the Unicorn. Despite the nature of the union, Nozomu soon grows fond of his shy, but intelligent wife. By the end of the year the Asahina announce the birth of an heir.

A Lion Clan transport is attacked by a smaller Mantis ship commanded by a man named Yoritomo Osu. Despite being less well-armed, Osu’s skilled crew is able to overcome the Lion’s defenses and carry away an important shipment. The Lion are incensed, while the Mantis publicly disavow Osu and his crew. Rumors claim they are still secretly supporting them, as they are rumored to support many other “privateers”. The Lion expand the escorts for their ships and search for Osu across the galaxy.

After years of work and preparation, the Unicorn launch a revolutionary new ship called the Ide, built in collaboration with the Phoenix. They hope this vessel will be capable of crossing the eastern border of the Empire. Despite being piloted by one of the Unicorn’s greatest captains, Utaku Ji-Yeong, the ship disappears during its test flight. In the absence of any communication, it is considered lost. The Unicorn launch an extensive investigation to determine what happened to the ship, eventually learning that a Phoenix engineer had been stealing experimental components and replacing them with lesser versions. Although the Phoenix clan as whole claim ignorance, publicly condemning the engineer, the Unicorn launches several punitive raids at Phoenix border worlds, pillaging the colonies before burning them down. A series of small skirmishes follow as the Clans try to avoid full-blown war, and higher-level diplomats attempt to repair shattered relations.

A Dragon Clan patrol finds a devastated world stripped bare of resources on the edge of the Eastern Nebula. No trace of life remains on the world. The Dragon leave a small group of Kitsuki to investigate, but the team cannot reach any logical conclusion.

Several attempts to bring Yoritomo Osu to justice end in bitter failures as even more ships and cargo are stolen. Lion Clan Champion, Akodo Tsuroi, personally takes command of Lion’s First Fleet and undertakes the pursuit of Osu. Although the pirate still eludes his pursues, Tsuroi wins several key victories against the other privateers working for the Mantis. Near the end of the year, rumors place the pirate at The World of Dreams, and Tsuroi moves to blockade the planet until its governors give up Osu. The Scorpion are understandably incensed at the action, which proves generally unpopular with most clans, given the disruption of traffic and trade.

Still distraught at the loss of the Emerald Championship, Kakita Amane and Kakita Nariko command their family to investigate the identity of the Emerald Champion, Kagami. Kakita family finds itself at odds with the Emerald Champion and her supporters several times as she quashes all of their attempts to learn who she is.

A Crab patrol exploring a rocky planet in the southeastern region disappears entirely. Unsure about the identity of the culprit, Hida Tetsuya orders thorough investigations and mobilizes his forces, fully aware of the heightening tensions within the galaxy. No further incidents happen that year. 3119 After his months-long blockade of World of Dreams fails to gain cooperation from the Scorpion, Akodo Tsuroi’s agents learn the location of Osu and the Lion champion commands a small cadre of elite warriors to the surface for a covert attack. The two men briefly fight each other, causing minor but noticeable damage to the small Scorpion settlement around them in the process. Osu escapes, fleeing the planet with the Lion in close pursuit. Bayushi Isao lets both men leave his planet and remains oddly silent on the matter afterwards. He later sends an agent with Osu, masquerading as a member of his crew to find out why the most notorious of Mantis pirates seems to despise the Lion so much. A scout vessel commanded by Hiruma Keitaro is ambushed by a Spider bioship but manages to flee despite extensive damage to the ship’s hull. A few days later Crab are forced to land on one of their remote mining outposts, only to discover that no human life remains on the planet. On their first night, the Hiruma come under violent assault from previously unknown creatures, human sized insectoids which display an eerie level of intelligence, employing primitive weapons to fight the Crab. With no way to escape, Keitaro and his men commend their souls to their ancestors and prepare to sells their lives as dearly as possible.

The Dragon, in response to an insult to their name, launch an offensive against the Spider Clan, occupying several seemingly unimportant worlds. Incensed, the Spider deploy their formidable forces against the invaders. Bitter fighting ensues between the two Clans, and soon the fortunes seem to favor the Spider. As the Spider forces approach the Dragonoccupied worlds, the Emerald Champion intervenes with her personal fleet, threatening to destroy the opposing fleets should the conflict prolong. The Dragon consolidate their gains, while Spider fall back to lick their wounds. Surprisingly, the Crane champion the Spider’s cause in the courts, forcing the Dragon to return two of the conquered worlds to the Spider

The Black Tower, home of the Yogo Family and the center of its operations, is destroyed in a cataclysmic explosion, killing all aboard. Less than three hundred Yogo survive, scattered about the galaxy. The remnants of the now-crippled family build a new colony on Shadow’s Rest, home of the Shosuro.

A Crab Clan patrol searching for the lost Hiruma Keitaro and his crew stumbles upon the abandoned mining world, discovering heaps of insectoid corpses surrounding the now dead Hiruma warriors. A small group of Kuni is summoned to investigate the incident and the Crab patrol returns home, unknowingly carrying one of the monsters back to Hida Secundus in one of the ship’s compartments. Once upon the planet, the creature begins infecting people, turning them into similar beings. In a matter of months, Hida Secundus is embroiled in war as the parasitic creatures wreak havoc in the massive biodome cities of the planet, slaying millions. The Hida nickname the creatures Mushi due to their insectoid looks. Local forces mount a stubborn defense but are eventually overcome by hordes of their twisted kin. The Crab daimyo orders the Crab forces to bombard both Hida Secundus and the small mining colony with tactical weapons, rendering both worlds inimical to all life, human or insectoid.

Spider intelligence learns that Crab champion Hida Tetsuya is going to visit the small mining outpost of Umisaki III. Seeing this as a chance to avenge their humiliating defeat at the hands of Crab five years earlier, the Spider launch a surgical raid on the unsuspecting moon in hopes of capturing the Hida daimyo as a hostage. Fierce fighting ensues in the narrow corridors of the garrison-fortress as the Crab prepare to sell their lives as dearly in defense of their champion. Hida Tetsuya is slain by Daigotsu Morio, but the Spider victory is short lived as the defenders drive the kami of the fort’s spirit-furnace into an agitated state, causing the power-plant to go critical. The resulting explosion wipes out the
entire settlement along with every man and woman on the moon. Licking their wounds, the Spider fleet retreats. The young Yuka Hida becomes the Crab champion.

Shiba Qadan, much to his surprise, becomes the Shiba daimyo after his grandmother retires. Mirumoto Yorimitsu marries Shosuro Yanagi, daughter of Shosuro Ayami to further unite the two clans. The Scorpion organize a grand fete to celebrate the occasion. Scandalously, the bridegroom himself is not present, having mysteriously disappeared after the wedding night. Yorimitsu returns three days later, rebuffing Scorpion inquires about the reasons of his absence.

After crop failure, a violent peasant uprising occurs on Matsu Prime. Matsu Hanako orders the planetary governor to put down the rebellion with extreme force. Thousands of heimin are put to sword. Asahina and Phoenix voices protest, but the Lion inform them that they will deal with their internal matters as they deem best, while suggesting that the entire uprising was Scorpion plot.

Utaku Ji-Yeong unexpectedly returns to the Unicorn, with the modified but recognizable ship, Ide. She explains that her ship somehow reached a completely different part of the universe, home to a vast and highly intelligent alien civilization. The realization that there is another space-faring culture, apparently mightier than the Rokugani comes as a great shock to the Empire. Ji-Yeong has learned much from the aliens, even having adopted some of their customs. Although the Unicorn are still upset by the Phoenix’s industrial spying, the safe return of the Ide takes the edge off their anger and the conflict between the two clans simmers down. The exact nature of discoveries made by the ship's crew is obscured, though Imperial authorities receive a full report.

Lion and the Scorpion forces clash on a small habitable moon orbiting UNE-433. At first it seems that the Scorpion are victorious, but Lion reinforcements change the tides of battle, and the Scorpion are forced to flee, losing several ships as they run through the Lion blockade. The Lion-Kitsune alliance claim the moon to their name, sidestepping the decree keeping any individual clan from claiming a world; though it’s widely known that the Kitsune are nothing but Lion’s proxy in this, and that little of the planet’s wealth will end in Kitsune coffers. Indeed, few Fox settle outside of their own forested lands. Daidoji Tomoe marries Akodo Takahide, though their nuptials are interrupted by a Mantis raid upon a nearby Crane outpost. The almost-wed couple charges to battle, celebrating their union on a later day.

Iweko LXXV invites Utaku Ji-Yeong into attendance. Several Imperial authorities take part to the hearings as the Otomo and Seppun try to determine the best course of action. After weeks of discussion, Iweko LXXV does something that no Emperor has done in centuries, addressing his people in a recorded open speech. In his speech, the Emperor roughly explains the nature of Ide's discovery, tasking the Unicorn to organize a diplomatic mission into the alien space. Lion and Crane are incensed, but do not voice their concerns openly. Lion shipyards burst into a frenzy of activity as no less than three new Katana-class battlecruisers are laid down. Immediately after the Emperor's speech, the Unicorn announce a plan for such a mission, openly asking aid from other clans. While the official reason for the request is the need for skilled personnel and potential access to latest Phoenix and Scorpion technology, many of the courtiers note that monopolizing the project would have been a political suicide for the clan.

The Crab launch a punitive raid against a small Spider mining world. Bitter fighting ensues as Spider defenses are more extensive than Yasuki analysts had predicted. The Spider dig in and the Crab do what they do best, lay siege to Spider defenses while the small Crab fleet blockades the system. This siege lasts for three months, eventually wiping out the Spider garrison, while the Crab suffer hundreds of casualties. Yasuki are puzzled about the lack of Spider intervention.

Scandalous pictures of Matsu Kohana in the company of the current sumai grand-master appear in Scorpion tabloids and spread across the galaxy. The images are later proven to be falsified, but not before the Otomo cancel Kohana’s engagement to the Emperor’s younger brother, who instead marries a prominent Bayushi noble. Incensed, the Lion raid two Scorpion border colonies, only to have their raiding parties ambushed. Lion withdraw for the time, as most of their forces are committed keeping their shipping lanes clear of pirates and harassing the Mantis in search of Osu.

Hearing of the Lion plan to enlarge their fleets, Hida Yuka digs deep into the Yasuki coffers and orders the Crab to follow the Lion’s example, laying down three battlecruisers of their own. These new ships are the first vessels of the newly engineered Kisada-class, having thicker armour and heavier weapons than the ubiquitous Katana-class ships. Hearing of the Crab armament plans, the Crane and Phoenix speak openly for the need to avoid such an arms race, but their pleas are largely ignored.

Lion and Mantis hostilities flare again over presumed piracy incident at Osano-Wo’s Reach. The border is tense for a time, with a few small skirmishes fought between the scout flotillas of the clans. No more than handful of vessels are lost before both sides withdraw from the forward positions to avoid a full-blown war.

Two Mantis ships go missing in Scorpion held space, but as the vessels were privateers, Mantis cannot pursue the matter openly. Discouraged by the incident, many of the Mantis privateers head to Crane and Phoenix space.

Unknown raiders ambush an Utaku light cruiser, the Windrider, stripping her of equipment before scuttling her badly damaged hull. Eerily enough, when the wreckage is finally discovered, the crew of the ship is nowhere to be found. Utaku diplomats press the Mantis, whom deny all accusations.

Hiruma Namiko’s ship, the Iron Bear, fails to respond to a scheduled communications check while patrolling the galactic north. At first, technical failure is suspected but when the ship is not heard of after another two months, the granddaughter of the Hiruma daimyo and her crew are declared lost.


Month of the Hare

A small Spider force equipped with a new class of corvettes raids, boards and subsequently cripples, the orbital station of Yaneka II, a small Unicorn clan-held mining station near the Spider-held space. The small local garrison organizes a pursuit, but the meagre Unicorn forces are unable to catch the nimble attackers. Adding insult to injury, the new class of vessels employed on the strike cannot to be identified, leaving the Unicorn unable to publicly pin the attack on the Spider.

Month of the Rooster

With the plans for the Ide II having been finished, the Great Trials begin as the Unicorn organize several grand gatherings where samurai of all clans can prove their skills and earn a place on the mission. The other clans scramble to send their best, hoping to earn fame and glory in the eyes of the Emperor. The fact that all of the Ide II's crew are likely to be able to observe the much-discussed alien civilization is also a consideration.

Events of Banner of Stars occur here.

Responding to suggestions that escalating losses from pirate attacks along trading lanes indicate that she is incapable of keeping the Imperial Peace, the Emerald Champion’s forces stage a series of well-coordinated raids. This leads to several days of conjecture that the elusive Yoritomo Osu had been captured. While he remains at large, many other influential pirates and criminal leaders are taken in the raids, and much of the Mantis-run underworld is thrown into hiding. Notably, parts of the Imperial Fleet are pressed into service as Kagami directs raids on numerous remote hideouts--much to the annoyance of many among those forces.

Month of the Dog

The Phoenix send a delegation of Technolytes, Tensai, and xeno-scholars to Crystal Tower to help the Unicorn as they struggle to aid the Karushan with repairs. Their aid is invaluable to the task, but they also use the opportunity to funnel information to the Elemental Council and to investigate well beyond their assignments. While many of the Unicorn are happy to have their aid, quite a few doubt their motives. Under the protection of the Throne, Taushirr nrrUdatowyn remains upon the station, learning the ways of the Empire from the Ide. During this time it becomes evident that the Karushan captain represents a only one faction of the Kal’sha. While the alien claims to represent a ‘notable party’, the actual political layout of Karushan society remains vague, thanks to difficulties in translation. Taushirr insists that the Rokugani would be welcomed, however.

Near month’s end, the Imperial envoy escorts Taushirr nrr-Udatowyn to Golden Mirror in preparation for the ensuing Winter Court. The Karushan spends time immersed in lessons on Rokugani etiquette as well as teaching the ways of the Kal'sha to Imperial scholars as both sides slowly gain fluency in one another’s tongues.

Having lost significant portions of their raiding fleet to Kagami’s forces, the Mantis find it increasingly difficult to disrupt Lion supply lines. Able to bring their full might against the Mantis, Lion forces push back the Mantis on several fronts in the Crossroads system. Yoritomo and Tsuruchi fight rearguard actions, relying on guerilla tactics to inflict significant casualties even as they are pushed back.

The Mantis, knowing they can’t support simultaneous engagements with the Lion openly and the Emerald Champion secretly for long, turn to their alliance with the Spider, drawing forces and expertise to harry the Emerald Champion’s forces from unexpected quarters. Notably, Spider pirates ambush and decimate two Seppun cruisers. In response, Imperial forces begin traveling in larger groups, leaving the Mantis more room to maneuver

Month of the Boar

Emperor Iweko LXXV opens Winter Court at Golden Mirror and formally receives Taushirr nrr-Udatowyn, the Karushan diplomat. After a week of rehearsing the exchange with linguists, this important meeting goes off without a hitch. Diplomatic hiccups are saved for a later week, when a conversation in the garden leads Taushirr to ask if the Emperor’s girth indicates he carries young.

The Otomo and Ide daimyo are both in attendance specifically due to the alien’s presence at court. In fact, this court is better-attended than any in recent memory. News crews chafe at the restrictions and delay in sending their reports as Imperial censors take time to review all reports carefully before releasing them. The Emerald Champion is in attendance as well.

While securing newly-won territory on Red Fields, the Lion discover ancient tombs, predating the Blightstrider civilization. These grave complexes are found to be sealed by Blightstrider wards and sigils. As these aliens have been known to wield maho in the long, bloody battles that have raged across the small world, the Lion are unwilling to divert resources investigating the tombs themselves. They report it to nearby Imperial forces, who request the assistance of the Yogo.

Osu, now openly disavowed by the Yoritomo, dispels the rumours regarding his capture by seizing and subsequently privateering the Lion cargo ship ‘Firemane’ near Kitsu Prime. When the Lion publicly accuse the Mantis of the attack, they present Osu's warrant of arrest, signed by the Yoritomo daimyo himself.

The Kuni mount an expedition to the quarantined Hida Secundus in hopes to unearth some evidence regarding the organization and physical characteristics of the mushi, the insectoid creatures that infected the population in 3120 causing command to order the world destroyed from space. Crab leadership feels that the threat of this alien species to the Empire at large must to be evaluated. Meanwhile, some of the more radical Kuni are quietly discussing the possibility of weaponizing the mushi-spores in hopes of developing an ultimate biological siege weapon. Obviously, the organism would need to be modified to include some kind of biological killswitch to control them, but the radicals see this merely as the sort of challenge their family was created to tackle. Meanwhile, the Hiruma mount yet another expedition to the galactic south in hopes of discovering the fate of Hiruma Namiko and her crew, reasoning that whatever has kept them from returning may be yet another danger that ought to be investigated.

Month of the Rat

The crew of the Ide II, composed of the Ide’s crew, Imperial Explorers and those applicants drawn from the Trials, gather at Open Hand Castle where the Ide II is being constructed. Under Iuchi and Miya supervision, the crew begins familiarizing itself with the vessel. They study Karushan culture and language extensively, drill heavily with the equipment they will be using, and run through the many scenarios imagined by mission leaders. Phoenix stationed at Open Hand Castle gain extensive access to the records of Ide and Ide II via espionage. An agent known by the codename Lantern is particularly successful in retrieving classified data for the Council.

Discussion at Winter Court finally seems to turn toward business, as the novelty of the alien’s presence wears off. Kagami shocks the court by noting that there is no way to ascertain the provenance of spoils captured from raids on pirate and criminal strongholds, so the many
claims forwarded to her office (mostly from the Crane and Unicorn) would remain unfilled, with the unclaimed resources directed to Imperial coffers--including those of her office. Unsurprisingly, this solidifies the Emerald Champion’s standing among the Imperial contingent and the Crane's hatred of her.

Angered by this power play, the Crane seek out the Mantis, throwing their political forces together against the Emerald Champion and bargaining for some protection from the piracy draining their coffers. Given their need to pull back from their less legal actions under Kagami's scrutiny and the need to redirect forces to fend off Lion attacks, the Mantis are happy to oblige. With Crane political support and covert Spider military support, they can push their underworld activities to a back burner for the time being. Under the watchful eyes of Seppun scholars, Kitsu and Yogo researchers began to study the magical wards Blightstriders used to seal the burial complexes of an unknown and ancient civilization.

Month of the Ox

Yogo Kaoru makes a breakthrough in researching the strong Blightstrider wards, allowing him to counter them, at least for a time, with wards of his own that bar the influence of the Blightstrider magic from the area. With an unknown time, free of the dark wards’ influence, archaeologists rush to catalog and retrieve the tombs’ contents. They are found to be full of alien remains, sequestered in hundreds of small jars liberally decorated with what appears to be writing. Similar runes cover the many artifacts and probable weapons discovered. It will be years before it can all be properly studied.

A Dragon outpost near the Eastern Nebula picks up a signal that seems to originate beyond beyond the Nebula itself. The signal is composed of four distinct pulse waves of R-particles that repeat sixteen times. While brief, no natural sources could explain the signal. Kitsuki researchers inform their daimyo, who reports to the clan champion. Following the advice of Togashi Rin, Mirumoto Yorimitsu instructs Dragon scholars and mystics to study the matter. Despite the urgings of Kitsuki Yayoi, no word of the incident reaches Imperial authorities.

Fantasy Fight, a long forgotten virtual card game finds a surprising renaissance during the Trials for the crew of the Ide II. Allowing competitors a way to pass time and blow off steam in a multi-clan environment in the down time between tests, its popularity only grows as the Ide II's crew trains together, and then spreads to the Empire at large. Crane merchants attempt to turn the trend to their advantage by acquiring rights to the game and publishing add-ons. Most fans, however, reject such alterations to the elegant game and prefer to stick to what they call the ‘Rice’ version of the game. Fan-driven tournaments proliferate, with rare, unopened packs from the game's heyday becoming sought after prizes.

Month of the Tiger

Winter court comes to an end without major incidents. The Emperor asks the Kal’sha envoy to join the Ide II’s crew. Taushirr readily agrees, with the stipulation that the Ide II sets off with the Kal’sha ship whose repairs are nearly complete. While Spider agreements with both the Crane and Mantis are kept quiet, rumors begin to circulate of surprising maneuvers in court and whispered sightings of Spider samurai and suspiciously Spiderish ships among Mantis forces. Already half at war with the Spider, the Crab focus on acquiring better intelligence regarding these possible ties. Somewhat reluctantly, they turn to the Scorpion, trading technological secrets for access to Scorpion intelligence feeds. Several prominent Crab and Scorpion houses are also joined by marriage by the end of court, drawing a bit of notice and speculation about the unlikely ties. Same
Wataru is found in his rooms, appearing to have choked upon a large bit of the New Year’s mochi. His daughter, Same Minami claims her father’s seat. With her husband originally hailing from the Scorpion, some of the older Shark see her as a threat for the clan’s independence. After a failed attempt to oust her, Minami purges the clan’s upper echelons of unloyal elements with the support of Same Mamoru and his cadre of friends loyal to her cause.

Month of the Hare

In the vacuum created by the Mantis’s reduced presence in the Empire’s underworld, Spider and Scorpion-connected enterprises have less competition. World of Dreams, already strongly in the Scorpion’s hands, sees them push back much of even the limited Mantis presence still lurking their. The former crime boss known as the Golden Fist quickly gives up several other notable Mantis criminals when interrogated, striking a solid blow to Mantis underworld holdings there. Kuchiki Bioengineering Corps (KBC) announces a breakthrough in the field of bacterial engineering, heralding a new era of science where once harmful germs are turned into curative agents. Bacteria are being engineered to treat various debilitating diseases such as cancer and Taroyo’s syndrome. First commercial application is a treatment aimed to help samurai lose weight with adipose breaking bacteria. While most Lion and Phoenix scholars openly scoff at such vain treatments, they have enough applicants waiting for the treatment's approval to announce that they'll be looking for two more clinic sites to meet demand. Seeing the potential profit, and chance for industrial espionage, representatives of several worlds begin negotiations to bring the clinics to their worlds.

Mantis forces manage to stabilize the situation in the Crossroads system, though suffer severe casualties in the process. While the alliance with the Crane and Spider benefits the clan, Yoritomo Akifumi cannot quell the voices of discontent. Many of the more traditional samurai are opposed to clan's dealings with the Spider while others still recall the recent series of skirmishes the Mantis fought with the Crane. Unwilling to force an alliance that leaders of his clan's families would oppose, Akifumi wishes to check the wind before setting sail and alienating the rest of his families. Extravagant engagement banquets, well-attended by trusted informants, have allowed him to quietly gauge the opinions of his clan members while flaunting the vast wealth of the Mantis before the Empire. These banquets have quickly become the leading social scene for the year 3124 as guests flock to the lush gatherings.

New Kalani happens here.

The festivities conclude without major incidents despite the unexpected kraken migration. Local media reports a dragon sighted within the city, but this particular piece of news is not spread by the LNN that focuses on the impact of the alliances.

In the wake of the cyber attacks on New Kalani by Voice and its anti-establishment movement, many organizations are forced to come to grips that their network security is woefully ill equipped to equipped to handle modern cyber terrorism and several sysops commit seppuku to cleanse the shame, though rumors suggest that many of the samurai involved were coerced into taking their own lives. Following the attacks and much to the chagrin of the Crane, the Miya News and Entertainment Network chooses to opt out of the Doji-made Wall_FLWR defense system and acquire the Yasuki made to CRPTR_Wall defense system instead due to its reportedly better performance during the massive cyber attack.

Following the purges targeting the associates of Yoritomo Genshin, the Kyuden Sango Stars finds itself without a head coach. The Stars fail to quality to the finals leaving the Shiro Shinju Stormcallers facing the Shiro Akabachi Deadeyes in a record breaking 14-inning long game of baseball. Aftermath of the game sees several riots occur at Shiro Shinju, though they are quickly suppressed before any real property damage could be done.

Month of the Dragon

With his clan seemingly supporting the proposed alliances, Yoritomo Akifumi orders the Mantis navy within Yoritomo’s Reach to withdraw to protect the three worlds Mantis still holds. Meanwhile, Yoritomo and Komori engineers begin fortifying these planets as the Yoritomo legions in the system dig-in. This move is meant to give respite to the thinly stretched Mantis forces while ensuring that the current status quo is maintained. As the Lion admirals debate how they should react to more passive Mantis, a Miya diplomat delivers a Mantis offer for peace to Kiyomizu no Tama.

The Ide II is officially launched, heading out for space trials that are expected to last for two months during which the crew is supposed to learn the ins and outs of the most advanced spacecraft ever built. Some of the Karushan engineers join the tests causing confusion among the crew with their questions regarding both the spiritual engineering and the social structure of the Empire. While the aliens seem to be enthralled by the kami-engines, they have harder time wrapping their minds around the idea of celestial order.

This year’s lesser Fan-Cons arranged across the Empire prove to be a great success, drawing greater numbers as new fans join the old ones celebrating their fandom. However, the largest gathering was held on Yakumo. Dubbed ‘Fan-Con Prime’ the event attracted record breaking audience. The annual cosplay competition drew numerous professional cosplayers and costume designers to showcase their work. This year’s favourite was Kakita Shizu, an idol who had done particularly well at her previous showings in conventions and courts. However, she was ultimately outdone by Shosuro Naoko who won with her tailor-made costume and crossplay performance as Seppun Rokusaburo, the mysterious masked man and occasional hero of the Starlight Miko Crusaders. All eyes were on the Crane, as there were doubts about Naoko’s costume’s authenticity, but no duels were declared.

Month of the Serpent

After month long negotiations the Crane-Mantis-Spider alliance becomes reality when the daimyo of the respective clans sign the Treaty of Irontide named after the planet hosting the negotiating parties. Festivities following the occasion last for a better part of a week with the diplomats consuming ludicrous amounts of alcohol.

Soon after the treaty has been signed, dozens of memes portraying Dark Fortunism in poor light appear across Mantis intranets. While the censors eventually manage to purge the harmful material from the networks, their origin remains mystery with some evidence pointing at Crab. The censors consider the incident minor enough to not warrant a full investigation, though a memo detailing a need for hunter-killer scripts is drafted.

In response to the alliance, the Crab dig deep into their coffers, allocating funds to several secret Kaiu and Kuni project in hopes of developing new weapons for the great war they deem inevitable. During the following months, top-secret training facilities are set up on the wakizashi class vessel Atago where hand-picked samurai learn to pilot the new Type-1 ‘Marauder’ Exo suits.

Spider intelligence manages to pick up a hint of the Crab military build-up, conveying this to both the Crane and the Mantis in a secret memo. In response, the Crane request the Mantis’ aid in securing its borders against potential Crab invasion. The Mantis high command agrees, figuring that in case of a war, the Crab would most likely to strike at the Crane to weaken the alliance.

Somewhere within Spider space a monk belonging to the Brotherhood of Shinsei causes a small diplomatic crisis by preaching taoist creed most of the Spider samurai do not agree with. This small problem is exacerbated by the rumors that suggest that the monk fraternized with samurai-ko in an inappropriate manner. Thereafter the monk finds himself shadowed by a mysterious figure...

Firefly, a clan without a world to call home, are suddenly granted right to settle HSE-764 alongside the Miya and Seppun as a reward for their services to the throne. In reality, this reward is meant to ensure that the Imperial Families maintain a firm hold of the clan. This allows the Otomo to control the flow of rare, strategically important minerals into markets, increasing the costs of naval expansion following the increased tensions between the grand alliances. This precedence of joint Imperial and Minor clan settlements causes some consternation among the Great Clans, who now feel there are more rivals for settlement than planets to be settled.

Month of the Horse

Emboldened by the now official alliance, Susumu Gen’ishiro hatches a plan to assassinate the Emerald Champion who has been a thorn is Spider’s side ever since she took the office. The Susumu agent chosen for the task manages to infiltrate the Emerald fleet under false identity, securing a position as one of Kagami’s personal guards. However, the agent fails to assassinate the Emerald Champion, though grievously injured. The Seppun manage to seize the would-be-assassin and force a confession out of her. Recordings of the interrogation are broadcast across the galaxy, angering many. The Spider claim that the recordings are a hoax, engineered by Kagami to bolster her declining popularity. While the Otomo know that the claims are justified, they publicly refuse to mobilize Imperial legions, noting that Kagami has sufficient forces to defend her honor.

Seeing the balance of power shift - and fearing that the Mantis raiders would pillage their distant settlements - the Unicorn break alliance with the Phoenix, seeking an arrangement with the Lion and the Crab. As a result of surprisingly brief negotiations the Unicorn joins the loose Crab-Lion-Scorpion alliance, providing the Lion and the Crab with crops and material in return for security guarantee that sees small Lion and Crab fleets patrolling the major Unicorn shipping routes, allowing the Unicorn to allocate their fleets to defend the more distant settlements. Many of the senior Unicorn politicians oppose this pact even if the majority of daimyo deem it necessary.

A Dragon science vessel ‘Amberwing’ goes missing near Eastern Nebula. While the clan leaderships is informed of the incident only a partial version of the report reaches the Imperial authorities. The search party following the route Amberwing took find no trace of the vessel while the Nebula remains quiet.

Much to the shock of her agent and fans, Shosuro Hashinako resigns from the production of ‘Life of a Togashi’ to pursue career as a traveling thespian. Rumors follow the artist with many assuming that such a decision could only be result of a blackmail, wondering just who Hashinako had managed to cross. Others suggest that she became pregnant to an important lord and thus disgraced herself, her letter of resignation being a ruse to cover her shame. This sudden news also came up at the same time as the Miya News and Entertainment Network were looking to acquire the show under their banner.

Despite their founding charter requiring the Firefly to sell the entire yield of certain strategic minerals to the Otomo, the youngest of Minor Clans signs a trade contract with the Spider. This contract sees the Firefly trading some of their hard-earned deep mining knowledge to the Spider in return for coin that the Firefly invests in their new settlement on HSE-764 - world later dubbed as Amanoseki. There are rumors that Imperial blessing has been given to the deal, though no official word has been released by the Otomo, but neither have been any public censures inflicted on the minor clan.

The Kaiu Heavy Industries Incorporated release the Shinobu fleshcraft prosthesis range, version 9.0.0, to the public after months of anticipation. The firmware update fixes certain performance issues that had been plaguing the version 8.4.6, including annoying whirring sound during idle time and certain responsiveness bugs. Notably, the new model also features also built-in GPS receiver and navigation system. Moto Shiwahime, hero of New Kalani, is among one of the first adopters of the product.

In a huge upset Hiruma Anzu loses the lightweight sumai belt to Hida Tamami after a grueling 1-hour match at Sumai Showdown 84, ending Anzu’s reign of three years. There was some reported interference when Anzu took a chair to the back of the head from Shosuro Asashi, a previous rival. Hiruma Anzu is demanding a rematch and the representatives of Hida Tamami have yet to comment. Despite that, Sumai Showdown 84 was one of the Silver Fin Production’s most watched events.

Month of the Goat

Using the maps provided by the Crane, the Mantis privateer fleet moves to operate in Phoenix space, using the information gleaned from the Crane to terrorize the commonly used shipping lanes. Phoenix merchant fleet loses no fewer than 18 vessels during the month of Goat alone. The raiders are brutally effective, commandeering all of the seized vessels.

Similarly, Spider raiders probe the Unicorn borderworlds but find that the Children of the Shinjo are fierce opponents and present in larger numbers than the Daigotsu-stratego could predict. Vessels are lost on both sides, the Kuchiki built self-destruct mechanisms on the nimble Spider frigates ensuring that there is never enough evidence to prove that the Spider are behind the attacks. Despite the Spider’s best efforts to obfuscate the origin of the attacks, the Unicorn are well aware of the true nature of their enemy. When accused in public, the Daigotsu daimyo insists that the Spider navy has not been sanctioned to raid the Unicorn and thus such attacks cannot have taken place.

Crane publishes another expansion to Fantasy Fight, dubbed ‘Lords of Iron’ that explores the heroes and legends of the early industrial age corresponding roughly to 17th century. The power creep becomes evident as the ‘Iron Beasts aggro’ and ‘Gilded Coin control’ dominate the tournaments where the expansion is allowed. While gaining some popularity among the Crane and the Mantis, the Lion game-masters refuse to touch the expansion.

Scorpion, fully aware of the gravity of their situation, call upon Same Minami, daimyo of the Shark and leave her with an ultimatum. Either she marries a Scorpion noble or the Scorpion disclose just how much money the Shark owe them and how badly Minami’s father mismanaged the Shark’s fortunes. With the Shark are also heavily indebted to the Mantis, Minami, much to her dismay, has to agree with the Scorpion ultimatum.

The Lion archaeologists discover two further necropoli on Red Fields, both older than the tombs discovered the previous year. Teams of Kitsu and Ikoma scientists began unearthing the remains of what the Lion and Scorpion now know to be an advanced civilization predating the life on Rokugan. Kitsu philosophers and theologians debate whether the Lion can employ the technologies based on the findings without committing a heresy. The Scorpion who gain access to the tombs in return for helping the Lion with the ancient wards have no such qualms and the Yogo R&D teams are busy for months to come as they try to reverse-engineer some of the artefacts given to the clan of secrets.

A surge of tourists overwhelms some of the smaller and less well-known traditional hotels on Golden Mirror thanks to series of eccentric commercials tapping into current memes. The campaign is utilizing computer generated graphics and is seen very much up to date, unlike most of the Crane marketing.

The Miya News and Entertainment Network continues their work with pre-production on the live-action Starlight Miko Crusader movie. The role of Bayushi Shana is perhaps shockingly given to Shosuro Niko, a largely unknown actress know only for a small handful of parts. However, the network assures the fans that Shosuro Niko will do the role justice once shooting begins next year.

Having recovered from the assassination attempt, Kagami summons her captain informing them of her plan of taking war to the Spider space and laying siege to Whispers, the Susumu homeworld. The Emerald Fleet scattered near Mantis space begins to prepare for war. Kagami swears that she will not relent until the Susumu homeworld lies in ruin. The Emerald Champion contacts the commander of the Imperial navy, requesting help for her campaign. However the Otomo fear that this might tip the precarious balance between the Lion and the Mantis and inform Kagami that while she is allowed to defend her honor, she has to do so with the ships she has under her command.

Month of the Monkey

Moshi Wakana and Daigotsu Isao are wed on Whispers, with friends and relatives in attendance. Moshi Chizuru is sighted among the crowd, seemingly pleased with herself. Much to the Spider’s surprise, Wakana settles on Blightwell, living among Isao’s relatives. The determined woman sets up a small charity operation, using her time to look after the poor and the weak in the slums of the city. While Isao fears for her safety, the commoners come to love the noblewoman they dub Lady Darksun. Eventually few other nobles join Wakana’s efforts, even though the city’s peerage scoff at their efforts.

With their shipping lanes in shambles and no strong allies to call to aid, the Phoenix face economic ruin. Without trade, the small border worlds of the clan cannot sustain themselves forcing the clan leadership debate abandoning the hard-won territory. The Elemental Council convenes and orders Shiba Qadan to see to an arrangement with the Crab. High level negotiations are commenced with the Crab keen on acquiring Phoenix technology - even if it means sending part of their navy to protect the Phoenix worlds.

Similarly, Komori Sumire and Asahina Tomoko are wed in a grand ceremony on World of the Golden mirror with several celebrities in presence. The wedding is done in the Rokugan feudal tradition, albeit the union follows contemporary norms. The festivities last three days and no less than four duels are fought over misunderstandings between the Crane and the Komori guests. During the occasion Kakita Ruri, niece of Kakita Amane, shocks the traditional Crane fashion world by wearing a contemporary outfit bristling with frills, lace and bows. This leads to the Crane fashionista wait with baited breath to hear the Clan Champion’s opinion on the matter to see of they have to follow Ruri’s example or if they can publicly condemn her.

Same Minami marries Bayushi Atsushi, cousin of Bayushi Hazuki. The political union becomes a common gossip throughout the courts of the Empire with the courtiers speculating the amount of influence the Scorpion have on the Shark.

Later in the month, the Emerald Fleet pushes into the Spider space transmitting a single word - ‘vengeance’ - on all common frequencies. The Spider call the Mantis for aid and the Yoritomo and Komori begin fitting a fleet capable facing the Emerald Champion. The Spider navy tries to delay the Emerald Fleet’s advance by near suicidal hit-and-run attacks, suffering heavy casualties. Convinced that the fate of the Spider is at stake, Daigotsu Miyako orders the Eisei to prepare the undead fleet for war.

Month of the Rooster

The Mantis openly deploys their 3rd and 4th fleets on ‘exercises’ even as the Emerald Fleet pushes deeper into the Spider space. Everyone expects Yoritomo Akifumi to commit his forces alongside the Spider sooner than later. Meanwhile the agents of the Emerald Champion are working behind the scenes, meeting with Crab and Scorpion lords with significant fleet assets in hopes of bolstering the worn Emerald Fleet. Diplomats follow these events with trepidation as everyone is acutely aware that a military engagement involving vessels of four navies would likely usher the Empire into yet another widespread conflict. Understanding just what might happen and fearing the worst, the clans prepare for war, consolidating their assets and forces even as the Spider destroyer groups fight several inconclusive skirmishes with the Emerald fleet that result in minor losses on both sides.

Battle of Point 65-32 takes place in Spider space where a cruiser squadron from the Emerald fleet engages a Spider task force. The Spider lose two masakari-class destroyers and the light carrier ‘Iron Wasp’ while two of six attacking wakizashi cruisers are destroyed by drone borne munitions. Commander of the cruiser squadron, Shireikan Seppun Kiyoshi is ‘promoted’ to Kagami’s staff even as Seppun Hanako takes his place.

As the clans begin to bolster their defenses and muster their forces, the frontier worlds are left to fend for themselves. While this is less of a problem for the Mantis and Lion with their vast mercantile fleets and good supply lines, the Phoenix and especially their youngest settlements, Asakaze and Starfall are hard hit. While the treaty between Phoenix and Crab means that the Phoenix do not stand alone, the Shiba and Asako simply lack the resources and ships needed to safeguard their distant holdings. Even if the Mantis are busy preparing for what seems like an inevitable war, the Mantis ‘privateers’ operate as before, seizing no fewer than four Phoenix freighters this month.

Privateers ravage Phoenix trade routes, seizing no fewer than seven trade barges, two of which belonged to the Osprey clan. While Mantis are the main suspects the investigations are inconclusive as the little security footage that remains shows masked figures wearing civilian clothing. With the Mantis leadership denying any responsibility and with the Phoenix having no real allies, the Asako and Isawa are forced to run their commerce in convoys, placing yet further strain on their navy.

Crane with no real frontier worlds to its name provides supplies for the Mantis who in turn deploy one of their fleets in the Crane space much to the annoyance of both the Crab who had been looking into striking against the Kakita should war break out. The Lion calls forth some of their reserve forces, though stay on the defensive as their admiralty plans for yet another campaign in the Crossroads system. The ambitious plan calls for a massive attack to push through the Mantis defenses before the system can be reinforced.

With the Mantis fleets unaccounted for, the Emerald champion orders her fleet to fall back, docking in the Green Carp system while waiting for resupply and reserves. While Kagami herself is full of vigour, her men are tired and her ships in dire need of maintenance. Even if the Otomo courtiers and agents do their best to hamper Kagami's efforts, many Crab and Unicorn daimyo have no qualms supporting the Emerald champion, providing her forces with several auxiliary ships brimming with supplies and fuel as her crews enjoy a brief respite after months of active service. While the Yasuki are gracious hosts, several ‘misunderstandings’ happen, leaving dozens of Crab and Seppun hospitalized. Several duels are fought to sort out the matters of honor while the Yasuki magistrates take care of the rest.

The Kaiu provide the Scorpion with the designs of their new fire control modules in exchange for blueprints of the current Mantis vessels, allowing the Crab to feed all the relevant information into their military software. Meanwhile Scorpion blackships, space faring vessels with exceedling small scrying orb signature drift into the Spider space, deploying passive scrying drones along the known and suspected trade routes. The Crab are gearing for war against the Spider and its allies, the death of Hida Tetsuya still fresh in their minds.

Unbeknownst to the Emerald Champion and her supporters, the Spider finishes deploying their undead fleet, the ghostly heavily armored and armed vessels now poised to strike against the Emerald Champion should her forces push deeper into the Spider space. Crewed by revenants and undead melded with their stations, the vessels of the fourth Spider fleet require no supplies or oxygen, allowing them to carry more fuel and ammunition than any conventional fleet of similar size. All the ships of the fleet are equipped with self-destruction mechanisms to ensure that no maho-enhanced vessel will be caught intact.

Even as the Empire rests at its edge, the Otomo rush into action, sowing paranoia and distrust among both the Mantis and the Crab in hopes of stopping ‘unfavorable developments’. Several minor diplomatic incidents follow, leading to few duels and disgraced diplomats, but the gears of war keep turning.

Governor-General of Asakaze, Asako Naokuni announces a tournament and celebration for Tanaba to be held on Shiro Yokake, the seat of his power. The festival is meant to foster goodwill and understanding between the clans as well as provide the young samurai a chance to find a spouse for themselves with the assistance of the Asako nakado. As Phoenix stands largely on its own and as the Asakaze is rich in biochemical resources, many daimyo see this as an opportunity to establish a profitable relationship with a distant Phoenix world particularly as the invitation proudly proclaims that the governor’s daughter is taking part in the festival.

Month of the Dog

With the threat of war lingering in the air, the clans increase their clandestine operations. Potential informants are sought out even as spies are deployed on both Rokugan and the World of Dreams. With everyone seeking to buy information, the networks are soon filled with half-truths and outright lies. On the World of Dreams the actions of the Spider and Crab diplomats lead to a shadow war where both sides hire mercenaries to kill informants they presume working for the other party. The Scorpion allows this to happen, meddling in the affairs when it benefits their cause. While some crafty ronin make fortunes, many more end dead.

With her fleet supplied and her crew rested, Kagami raises her warbanner once more, setting a course towards the Spider space, her fleet now accompanied by smattering of Crab and Unicorn vessels even while the Crab and the Unicorn champions insist that the commanders are acting on their own initiative. The truth is hard to discern with many of the Kagami’s new followers harboring a grudge against the Spider.

Much to everyone's surprise, Otomo Kaga announces that Kagami indeed enjoys the favor of the Throne and that the Imperial families support her cause to avenge the attempt on her life. However the Imperial Chancellor makes it clear that the Throne does not allow the Emerald Champion to force a landing on any of the Spider settlements. Only time will tell whether the bloodthirsty Kagami will heed to this command. Yet this announcement does little to dispel the threat of a war and there are rumors that the Imperial families are preparing to denounce the Emerald Champion.

Voice of the Planet • All the Tentacles • Experienced 2

"I believe Planet will talk to us if we are willing to listen."
- Asako Mafuyu
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