[D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)
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Author:  Asako Mal-Chin [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

"COME ON WARDEN!" He cheered loudly. Come on. Let one thing go right today!

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"Better over dressed then under, right?" Hayato offered with a wry smile letting his eyes pause on the woman's uniform. At least she looked good in it too.

Leading the way to the back he let Ishiyo pick her seat before taking one of his own. "As for what us it, think of it as a cross between a play and a wrestling match?"

"...I gathered the aura of being scripted with in the first few minutes." Ishiyo rubbed her cheek and let out a nervous laugh, "I have been to both over produced events and real bouts, I know which of the two this feels like."

"And I mean I could have done worse. It is technically the evening. I could have worn my mess dress. Or on the opposite end my pajamas or bathing suit." She joked.

Author:  Hotaru Koseki [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

"Oof! That had to hurt. I think her ancestors felt that one huh Shinjo-san?" He chewed the Watermelon Rush thoughtfully and looked at his communicator.

A minute or so after Eriko left, and with the crowd still cheering or jeering depending on their preference, Koseki pulled out his lighter. "Think I'll take that smoke break before anyone really gets hurt."

With the occasional glance at the ring he casually /exits

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

Daidoji Ishiyo wrote:
"...I gathered the aura of being scripted with in the first few minutes." Ishiyo rubbed her cheek and let out a nervous laugh, "I have been to both over produced events and real bouts, I know which of the two this feels like."

"And I mean I could have done worse. It is technically the evening. I could have worn my mess dress. Or on the opposite end my pajamas or bathing suit." She joked.

He chuckled in response. "I think I've seen more of the over produced stuff myself, though in it's own way it's quite entertaining."

His eyes drifted away from the show to the Crane woman, an amused smile on his lips. "I mean I suppose that depends on your interpretation of worse." Hayato joked in return. "The pajama's might come off as cute, and start a new fashion trend."

iHs hand lifted in an expansive gesture, though the crowded seats limited his mobility. "Could you imagine an entire arena of cheering fan's wearing pajama's and fuzzy slippers."

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

After Akihiko loses himself in the show for a time, he registers Shizuku's voice and turns toward her -- to see she's speaking to a Spider. Taking a deep breath, he turns the other way, catching notice of a well-dressed Crane a short distance away. Oh, it's Ishiyo. And she's... talking to a Mantis.

The Lion sits back in his seat and closes his eyes. He alternates deep breaths with long drags on his large sugary drink.

Author:  Asako Mal-Chin [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

Akodo Akihiko wrote:
After Akihiko loses himself in the show for a time, he registers Shizuku's voice and turns toward her -- to see she's speaking to a Spider. Taking a deep breath, he turns the other way, catching notice of a well-dressed Crane a short distance away. Oh, it's Ishiyo. And she's... talking to a Mantis.

The Lion sits back in his seat and closes his eyes. He alternates deep breaths with long drags on his large sugary drink.

"Hey Akodo-sama! Enjoying the show?" Mal-Chin bows a little from his seated position, a thumb pointing back at the two wrestlers. It's clear that he is.

Author:  Doji Ichika [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

Asako Ryo wrote:
...If the Crane was going to be cheery, it was kind of hard for Ryo to maintain his resting courtier face. However, he still had his reservations.

"I am, thank you. It's been a long time coming between the Law and the Delinquent Club. For a while, I thought the Club was going to run amok without anyone doing anything..." He said with a nod toward the match.

"I am Asako Ryo, son of Asako Naokuni. It might be awkward for us to continue talking like this...perhaps I could join you?" He said, gesturing to the free seat next to her.

"Oh!" she said, glancing to his friends for a moment. "Of course, Asako-san. I just didn't want to disrupt you and your friends too much," she said with a light smile. Glancing back to the match at the time but looking back to him quickly.

Author:  Asako Ryo [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

Ryo looked to his friends knowingly, giving them proverbial thumbs up when he scored slightly better seats, even by a row. Sure, the good seats were reserved for guests and samurai of status but he couldn't stop one of them for inviting him over. Right?

"Thank you, Doji-san," he said before shifting and moving down a row so that he could join the Crane, more than willing to ditch his friends for now. "Are you enjoying the show so far? Is this something you usually watch at home?"

Author:  Doji Ichika [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

"Not at all," she said happily, chuckling into her hand. "Still, new place new experiences, yea? Even if this isn't the usual experience for a place like this, from what I heard?" she laughed light and airy.

Author:  Shinjo Yul [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

Yul glanced at his communicator. He frowned. Then looked around.

"I should go." He said, to no one in particular. A few moments passed.

Rising to his feet, Yul slipped out of the stadium...


Author:  Daidoji Shizuku [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

Akodo Akihiko wrote:
After Akihiko loses himself in the show for a time, he registers Shizuku's voice and turns toward her -- to see she's speaking to a Spider. Taking a deep breath, he turns the other way, catching notice of a well-dressed Crane a short distance away. Oh, it's Ishiyo. And she's... talking to a Mantis.

The Lion sits back in his seat and closes his eyes. He alternates deep breaths with long drags on his large sugary drink.

Shizuku herself had turned back to the fight, but noticed the discomfort of her companion. She leaned slightly toward him and spoke so only he could hear. "Akodo-sama, should we go?"

Author:  Hida Akemi [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)


Lost in the excitation of the moment Akemi didn't realize at first she had received a message.

It's only the sudden emptiness all around her that finally had her look at her communicator and reminded her she was supposed to sneak out at some point.

And sneak out she did. The Hida way. In a crowded stadium.

Quite a number of knees and feet were bruised and lot of "Sorry, sorry, must pass" were uttered this evening before she finally managed to get out.


Author:  Matsu Hide [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

Hide made sure she was the one to be the bookend. With the others all gone, there was no one to make some lame excuse to leave. She just did so.

Somehow, the Matsu was the most subtle of the bunch.


Author:  Kitsune Izumi [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

Izumi was now cheering on the Hida so loudly and quickly that no one could possibly make any sense of it.

He was just loud and excited.

Vulpine Excitement Level nearing Maximum.

Author:  Yasuki Nishida [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

Nishida considered buying earplugs, he was sure that, if the Kitsune continued to scream, he might have no voice for a day or two.

Author:  Asako Ryo [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

Doji Ichika wrote:
"Not at all," she said happily, chuckling into her hand. "Still, new place new experiences, yea? Even if this isn't the usual experience for a place like this, from what I heard?" she laughed light and airy.

"No, it's the first time the Rumble Slam Arena has hosted a show on Asakaze at all. They rarely perform in Phoenix space as is. Combative sports aren't too popular among the Phoenix, though this is kind of not real. I think it's only made possible with some goodwill from the Crab and several strings pulled by my father. Which I don't mind, it's a pretty cool show and Asakaze could probably use a few more of these from any Clan." He gave a cool shrug.

"Oooooof!" Ryo called out with an audible wince once Hikaru took the knee to the head from the Menace, clearly more interested in the show than he let on. He shook his head in disappointment. "She's done, I think she's pretty much done. That looked brutal."

Author:  Boogiepop [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)


The Menace staggered back slightly after that move and winced in pain as it seemed that her back was aching, potentially at the earlier moves done by her opponent. As tremendously devastating as it was, it didn't look entirely effortless on her part at least and she took a few seconds to nurse her back with a hand. Not wanting to waste any more time than she already had, she went over to cover her opponent for the win. Hikaru laid there with her eye closed like she was knocked out cold from the act. The referee got into position to make the count.

"The Menace going for the cover. This could be it. One! Two!"

Just as he was about to put his down for the third count, Hikaru shot her arm upwards and gasped back to life. This stunned Menace as she was taken aback by her opponent's seemingly Fortune-blessed toughness. Some of the attendees in cheer and outrage at the near fall. The referee gestured officially that it was a close two and a three-quarters count, which was still not a full three count.

"...And NO! Hida-senshu is still in this fight! This is a great testament of her resilience and fortitude. An absolutely incredible feat from our current Vermillion Bird Champion!"

The Menace slammed her fists on the mat in a fit of anger, clearly enraged as she felt that victory was hers. She climbed atop of her and gave her a quick flurry of punches to keep her down. After Hikaru was pacified, she made her way to the top turnbuckle with an athletic jump up and she stood on the top ropes for balance.

"Now the Menace is going for a high-risk maneuver off the top ropes. We've seen this many times from Menace-senshu, the flipping aerial drop she calls the Sky Piercer. Nobody has yet to be able to kick out from that crushing move!"

"She has to pull all the stops if she wants to be a Rumble Slam Arena Champion! We might just see a new Champion tonight!"

Just as the Menace was about to get in position, Hikaru staggered back to her feet with mustered effort and gave a forceful tug at the ropes to knock the Menace off balance. The Menace seemingly slipped off the ropes and landed straddling the top turnbuckle without warning.

"And the Menace was greatly punished for her high-risk attempt. A great counter from the Champion!"

Hikaru staggered a few steps back with her hand on the back of her head and gave it a few shakes, clearly trying to get herself to become more focused after all of the attacks she endured. ā€œEnough! Iā€™m putting you away!ā€ She called out in a declaration, which incited cheers from the crowd who felt the change in momentum in the match. Quickly taking advantage of her stunned opponent, she quickly rushed to the corner where the Menace was still seated and she managed to pick her up by the waist and neck before she flung the other woman overhead to the mat of the ring to great effect

"Hida-senshu bringing her opponent back into the ring with a powerful toss! That looked painful!"

Hikaru walked over to her dazed opponent and grabbed her, hooking an arm around her neck. She then lifted her straightened body up in the air by her waist. With a turn as she carried her opponent in the air, Hikaru sat down while slamming the Menace into the ground at the same time.

"And puts Menace-senshu down with a FINAL JUSTICE!"

[The Wrestletron Recap thread link]

Author:  Kitsune Izumi [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

"GO WARDEN!!!!!!"

How something this small could be so loud was at least a PhD, a research grant, 5 peer reviewed articles and a tenured position's worth of research work.

Author:  Yasuki Nishida [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

Yep, earplugs it is. Nishida valued his ability to hear, he would like to keep it.

Author:  Doji Ichika [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D4 EE] Show Event: Rumble Slam Arena (Akaboshi)

Asako Ryo wrote:
"No, it's the first time the Rumble Slam Arena has hosted a show on Asakaze at all. They rarely perform in Phoenix space as is. Combative sports aren't too popular among the Phoenix, though this is kind of not real. I think it's only made possible with some goodwill from the Crab and several strings pulled by my father. Which I don't mind, it's a pretty cool show and Asakaze could probably use a few more of these from any Clan." He gave a cool shrug.

"Oooooof!" Ryo called out with an audible wince once Hikaru took the knee to the head from the Menace, clearly more interested in the show than he let on. He shook his head in disappointment. "She's done, I think she's pretty much done. That looked brutal."

"I thought she was done right at the start," she commented softly to herself, an awkward chuckle as she watched the display. Furrowing a brow as she watched, wincing a little each time there was a hit and certainly sometimes more than others. Namely, when the Menace climbed back up onto her opponent Ichika looked away to avoid watching that. Glancing around she smiled a little, seeing how much the others around seemed to enjoy the show. Looking back to Ryo, she still wore that little smile, "Certainly something he should consider with how much the crowd seems to like it," she said with a chuckle.

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