In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)
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Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 2:43 am ]
Post subject:  In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

Ishiyo emerged from the dressing rooms again, she couldn't help but blush the first time she stepped into the room. It did not last long, though some pleasant memories lingered all the same. Clad in her bathing suit, the Crane began her morning stretched in preparation for her morning swim.

Author:  Kuchiki Satoru [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (D5 Akaboshi)

A familiar face was in the gym this morning as well, at least probably passingly familiar. Satoru had come for swimming today and emerged from the changing room in skin tight swimmers trunks a towel slung over his shoulder.

He bowed to the Crane as he entered "Daidoji-sama, good morning. Good to see a good workout habit is being kept even during this chaotic event." he said as he set up to do a bit of stretching to loosen his muscles.

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

"Oh Kuchiki-san," Ishiyo smiled, "Well yes for the most part. Alternating swimming and practice in the dojo." She keep going with her own stretches.

"I believe this was the same setting we last spoke in. Seems less crowded at the moment." She chuckled. "How has the miai gone foh you so fah?"

Author:  Kuchiki Satoru [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

"Indeed it is on both accounts." he says calmly, almost cold but not directed simply how he is.

He scratched his chin briefly "Miai has been, a bit of a mixed bag but overall not a bad time. Our hosts have certainly thought up some interesting challenges." he replies his tone a bit pensive "What of you Daidoji-sama?" he asks fixing her with his cool dark brown eyes.

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

"I have met quite a few interesting people," Ishiyo stands back up straight and lifts her hands over her head, going up on her toes for a second, "And done alright at most of the challenges. But nothing to catch ouh hosts eye. Oh I should say I have not attracted furtheh attention."

Author:  Kuchiki Satoru [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

He nodded as he moved to stretch his legs "It would be difficult for you to not attract attention Daidoji-sama. Beautiful, well spoken, not inconsiderable pedigree and from my brief experience and observation quite pleasant to be around. I suspect you will have a very successful Miai." It might have seemed flattery if it weren't delivered so clinically.

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

Ishiyo settled back onto her heels and smiled wearily, "I suppose it is all true." She replies with a small smile, "And I am Crane, even in these times few can find ouh charms completely irresistible." Ishiyo looks over to the Spider, "And may I ask how you-eh search for a proper spouse is going? If not ouh hosts attentions you could work toward attracting anotheh hiheh placed participant's attention."

Author:  Asahina Fusako [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

It was a shame there was no paparazzi around.

As Ishiyo and Satoru spoke, Fusako made her way out in a white swimsuit of her own making that she'd brought with. There wasn't a single sign of a blush or any sort of self-conscious feeling in her manner, exuding the confidence of someone that was used to being seen. She wore the fancy sunglasses she'd gotten from the arcade the other day, though she took them off and set them on a bench with her towel as she made her way over. Spotting the two stretching samurai, she gave a bit of a bow, more of a nod really.

"Daidoji-san," a pause, "Kuchiki-san. Ohaiyo." She said nothing more, not wanting to interrupt any conversation they might be having as she did a few stretches herself.

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

"Asahina-sama." Ishiyo blinked a few times, then returned the bow, "I have not seen you since the first day." She smiled, "Come to partake of some morning exercise with us?"

Author:  Asahina Fusako [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

"Mmm, I believe I will, hai. I had thought perhaps I would just come out and show off, but that sounds like a much better idea." She gave a bit of a smirk, enjoying her little sarcastic tease. "Other than the baths, this is the closest I can get to being back home after all."

Author:  Kuchiki Satoru [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

Satoru had been about to reply when the Asahina showed up he gave her a small bow "Ah Asahina-sama, I have seen you around the Miai but I don't think we've actually met. I am Kuchiki Satoru its a pleasure."

Author:  Asahina Fusako [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

At the introduction, Fusako glanced over and eyed over Satoru a moment before smiling. "Of course it is. Asahina Fusako, charmed. You both have already met I take it?"

Author:  Kuchiki Satoru [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

In his current state of dress little is hidden from her eye he is tall and rather muscular, not in a big bulky way like a Hida but he was certainly no stranger to the gym. His left shoulder was mostly dominated by a flowing swirling set of jade lines. His brown hair was kept short but not close cut and his eyes were a dark enough brown to almost be black they had a cool and analytical gaze, like a scientist examining a specimen.

"Yes Asahina-sama, Daidoji-sama and I have worked out here at the same time before."

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

"Indeed, I technically met Kuchiki-san before officially meeting you Asahina-sama," Ishiyo chuckled a little and moved toward the pool. "Yourself, Bayushi Tenma, and Matsu Hide if my memory is correct." Her blue eyes turn to the Spider as she says the last statement.

Author:  Kuchiki Satoru [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

Satoru nodded "indeed we all met here on the first day of the miai the ladies were here to swim and I was working my legs. There was a mild accident when Bayushi-sama pushed off the wall into Daidoji-sama. I thought I might have to rescue one or both of them."

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

Ishiyo let out a nervous chuckle, "Well....yes that did happen. I am a pretty good swimmeh though and Bayushi-san did not hit me all that hard, she also seemed to be a good swimmeh...if inattentive. It would have been unlikely eitheh of us would have been in any real dangeh."

Author:  Asahina Fusako [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 1:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

"The world would certainly have been much worse for itself for the loss, but I have no doubt that Kuchiki-san would have saved the day even if the ladies had needed it." Fusako had wasted no time as she spoke and as she ended her words, she dove in quite naturally. Coming up out of the water, she floated on her back a moment with a sigh. "Mmm, I can hardly claim to be a professional myself, but I make due. It'd be a waste to not swim regularly while living on a planet of oceans after all."

Her own form was athletic and toned with a clear air for fitness over strength, and to not detract from her figure, which her suit hugged quite well.

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

Ishiyo smiled, "As you say Asahina-sama. Though I believe the oceans are still untamed." The Daidoji shrugged at the Spider and dove in herself, falling silent as she made a quick lap to warm up. Stopping at the opposite end she looks out to see where her two companions were in the pool.

Author:  Kuchiki Satoru [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 7:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

Satoru was well aware if how the suit hugged the Asahina's figure but made no show it he nodded to her words "your faith in me honors me Asahina-sama."

Seeing the Daidoji dive in Satoru followed suit making minimal splash as he entered and swimming at a consistent pace to warm the muscles up.

Author:  Asahina Fusako [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 7:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In for a dip (EM D5 Akaboshi)

Fusako seemed to just enjoy floating for a while, short hair fanned out around her, but she realized it was a sport's center, and she wouldn't stay fit just sitting still. She made her way to the wall and pushed off, starting an even pace. She was a fine swimmer, but it was a paced, work out level of swimming, hardly a sport pace. After a lap she paused, seeming to remember Ishiyo's words. "Mmm, that's what makes them so wonderful Daidoji-san. This is a fine pool and all, but there's something about the waves and the surf that makes the ocean something else."

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