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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 2:37 am 
Shiba Hoshiko
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Shugenja
Age: 17
Height: 5'5"
Build: Slim
Hair: Dark
Eyes: Dark

Hoshiko is usually well groomed and well dressed. She prefers flowing robes or any outfit made for comfort, anything she can easily move about in. If there's music around or just a rhythmic beat, or if the mood just inspires her, she's unlikely to resist the urge to dance. Fortunately, that has been helpful in her studies with the Nakauchi and with making friends in the city. Agile and strong, she has a similar slim build to her sister shares the same bright alertness to her eyes.

She is more sociable and “proper” than her sister and prefers her densai to armour or weapons. Her clothing is light and delicate, fashionable but affordable. Hoshiko does not spend as much time in the farmlands as she did in her childhood, but she's found life in the city to be just as challenging.

Hoshiko is accompanied everywhere by Ren, her shiba inu.

志浪 星子 Phoenix, Shugenja, Nakauchi Trained, Older Twin, Darling, Sensation... Let's Dance!
Status: 1 (2 in Court), Honour: As Expected, Glory: 1, Courtship Points 1

GEAR: Densai, Wakizashi, Water Bottle, Purse
Accompanied by Ren, a shiba inu.
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 7:23 am 
Matsu Hide
Clan: Lion Clan
Identifies as: Female
Marital Status: Looking
Occupation: Soldier, Fleet Guard
Age: 21
Height: 5’4”
Build: Athletic, can lift for days
Eyes: Amber
Hair: Black with white highlights


A bit shorter than you’d expect a Matsu to be, Hide tends to carry herself in a manner that defies her shorstack nature. She is by no means small, and she will have you know that. While off duty, her casual attire tends to either include a nice sturdy jacket, or some shirt shows off the tattoos on her left arm.

• Do you even lift? - Hide really enjoys hitting the gym or anywhere with a set of weights.
• Jock incarnate - Sports? Hide likes to play.
• Work hard... Play hard - Hide is no stranger to the nightlife. She loves to hang out after the lights go out.

Last edited by Matsu Hide on Sat Aug 29, 2020 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

Lion Clan • Bushi • Marine • Daredevil • Brash • Gullible • Mastermind?!
Status: 1.0 | Honor: Exceptional | Glory: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 1
Carries: Daisho, sidearm, communicator
Betrothed to Kuni Eriko

Artist (NSFW stuff in the gallery)
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 8:35 am 
Gender: Female
Marital Status: At a Miai
Occupation: (Baby) Courtier
Age: 16
Height: 5'2
Build: Slim
Hair: White
Eyes: Blue, looks almost violet in certain light.

A young, bright girl who has been stringing words together into poems since she was very young. Finding herself with a natural incline toward the arts, as many Crane have. Doji Ichika is largely untested by Empire or Clan and has now found herself being sent to Asakaze on behest of those who'd control her direction in life. Among her peers she's a more humble sort, far more than many might expect of the proud Crane. Perhaps, it will be this that gives her some minor success in the upcoming arrangements.

Routinely she is found with her trusty densai close to hand, and rarely other materials that let her apply herself toward one craft or another. Well-dressed, always, a staple for many Crane and she is hardly one to be found unlike her kin in this regard. Favoring a blue floral-print kimono and a flower band tucked neatly into her hair. Most notably, unlike most of her kin, she is found with a white eye-patch that wraps around her head discreetly to cover her damaged eye.

Last edited by Doji Ichika on Sat Aug 29, 2020 3:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Crane Clan | Low-Rank-Courtier | Artsy | Pretty Voice | Eye-Patch: Damaged Eye
Honor: Exceptional ♪ Glory: 1.0 ♪ Status: 1.0
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 2:24 pm 
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Duh
Occupation: Drop Trooper office
Age: 19
Height: 5'11
Build: Athletic
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown

Jin dresses in an utilitarian fashion, as befitting a soldier of a minor clan. His build is that of an athlete, one used to quick action and long marching. His hair is messy, and it seems no matter what he does, so he's given up on it. quite often he wears a grin of confidence, like he is young and invincible. Because he is, after all.

What is known:
Jin's lack of patience is visible from afar, always fidgeting, never standing still, if not his body, then at least his fingers are constantly moving. The young nikutai got his promotion recently, after the battles at the Crossroad system. People may know that his rise has been nothing short of meteoric, as he has served in the legendary 1st Spaceborne Battalion right after gempukku.

- Did you do battle at the Crossroad recently? Do you want to talk about it? Neither does he...
- Personal fitness is important when you're risking your life every day. Do you agree? Let's work out!
- DUEL ON! Jin plays Fantasy Flight on his off-time as a pastime.
- Wanna explore the planet? Jin is up for it! Sitting on your pretty behind is not for him!
- Do you like animals? Yube probably likes you! Or not. And he'll let you know!

Last edited by Ujina Jin on Thu Aug 27, 2020 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

Hare * Drop Trooper * Prodigy * Daredevil * Nikutai
Status: 2.0 * Glory: 1.8 * Honor: What is expected * Courtship: 4
Civilian outfit: daisho, clothes, Yube
Combat outfit: light armor, daisho, rifle
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 3:23 pm 
Moto Ganbold
Sex: Male
Occupation: Marine--ship to ship boarding specialist.
Age: 20
Height: 5'9
Build: Broad and Sturdy
Hair: Dark
Eyes: Dark

Ganbold dresses in the traditional Moto manner: sturdy, practical clothing often made with dead critters. He doesn't tower over people, but there is a sense that he dominates space with his frame, which is powerful and broad. He is possibly handsome, but a bit of scarring and his throwback haircut make it difficult to really pin that down. He presents himself as broadly affable. Indeed, some might think him an easy mark. But there is just the slightest hint of cunning to him...not that he's particularly good at hiding it. Or, you know, anything.

What is known:
Ganbold is a marine, his brothers are all marines, his father was a marine, his mother was a marine's wife. Many of his engagements have been against the Spider in the hit-and-run actions in Unicorn space, though his actual claim to fame is keeping his unit alive while they were marooned for a week in a desert by mechanical failures. He is starting to make a name for himself among lecturers and engineers in the Unicorn, Crab, and Phoenix clans. After all, they aren't usually asked for autographs at all, let alone from battle-scarred Moto.

--Have you campaigned against the Spider clan? Ganbold has seen things the Ide say he's not supposed to talk about.
--Are you an engineer? Do you know something about electricity or electrical systems? Ganbold digs that kind of thing deeply.
--Do you want to hire me a motorbike? I'll be your friend!!
--Also, we could use that bike to go exploring?

Unicorn Clan * Bushi * Space Marine * Call Sign: Scimitar to the Face
Honor: Untrustworthy, Glory: 1, Status: 1

Wears: Sturdy, sensible clothing. A scimitar and a wakizashi. His communicator.
FIGHTING!: Heavy Armor, Khal Tugalga: His Sidearm, Three Swords, Advanced Gas Mask, Night-Vision Goggles.
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 7:23 pm 
Matsu Chiyoko
Clan: Lion Clan
Identifies as: Female
Marital Status: Looking
Occupation: Soldier, Sniper
Age: 20
Height: 5’6”
Build: Athletic, slim
Eyes: grey
Hair: Blonde (likely dyed)

Matsu Chiyoko is about middle height, and often not what one suspects for a samurai of the Lion. Often relatively quiet, she lacks the... penchant for shouting that many of her clansmen possess during battle. Instead, she is possessed of a quiet confidence that seems to radiate everything she does. She prefers practical clothing and seems uncomfortable in the high fashion pieces that she wears for formal events. Indeed, she is most at peace at a shooting range.

She Famous Tho: Matsu "Maximum Range" Chiyoko has been quite the subject of Ikoma broadcasts recently. It started during the action on UNE-433. In the middle of the battle, Chiyoko - a simple front line soldier at the time - is said to have grabbed a Heavy Assault Rifle off the ground and downed a Scorpion drop ship in one shot. The Ikoma have made a point of following her career as best they can without giving up classified information, and her penchant for maximum range head shots have only improved her reputation.

• Boom. Headshot - Chiyoko is very comfortable firing all sorts of weapons, but marksmanship is where she truly shines
• Too Cool - Are you off to do something cool? Maximum Range Chiyoko would be glad to join you.
• Flowers. Also cool - Chiyoko has a surprising love of ikebana, and sometimes can be found studying them in the garden. Is she... good... at Ikebana? Probably not so much.

Resized Chiyoko.jpg
Resized Chiyoko.jpg [ 67.05 KiB | Viewed 11592 times ]

Lion Clan • Bushi • Sniper • "Maximum Range" • Gullible • Idealistic • Cool
Status: 1.0 | Honor: Exceptional | Glory: 4.0
Carries: Daisho, sidearm, umbrella, High Fashion (when appropriate), Light Armor (when appropriate), Heavy Assault Rifle (when appropriate)
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 10:09 pm 
Name: Nakauchi Mumei
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Shugenja for hire/Dancer
Age: 18
Height: 5'2"
Complexion: Olive
Build: Wiry
Hair: Currently shades of blue
Eyes:Ever-dancing hazel

Despite clothes that have obviously seen better days, Mumei moves with the posture and poise of her training--and the distracted air of someone paying attention to sights and sounds someplace other than here and now. It's likely the excellent spatial awareness that comes with dancing that keeps her from being a trainwreck of bumping into and tripping over everything and everyone.

Her half head of hair is currently in shades of blue, with a good half inch of black roots since she hasn't had a great place to redye, or much in the way of funds for color. The other half is shorn close with circuitry patterns shaved into it.

She talks to everything, more than everyone. Plants, bulkheads, her holoslate, breakfast, that potted plant over there, and the computers everywhere. Probably also giant riding birds in the near future.

Osprey * Shugenja * Dancer * Scruffy
Courtship points: 1
Honor: What is Expected * Glory: 1 * Status: 1

Carried: Wakizashi, holoslate, communicator,inhalator, sweets, writing materials


"Remember what the Dormouse said" -Jefferson Airplane
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:40 am 
Name: Fundai (Kaiu) Tetsu
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Crab Military Technical Officer
Age: 19
Homeword: Kaiu Prime
Height: 5'8"
Complexion: Olive
Build: Lean
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown


Tetsu was born on Kaiu Prime, and grew up in the Fundai Docks, the site of the massive dockyards that supply the Crab navy. He was the son of a Crab artillery gunner and technical officer. Their home,Fundai Prime, is fueled by the shipbuilding industry, filled with smelters, metalurgists and engineers. Still actively serving in the Crab navy, Tetsu was left in the care of the workmen and found himself “interning” at countless workshops around the planet, beginning a love of engineering. While focusing more on the armor crafting and ship building, Tetsu took to most fields like a Crab to low tide. One of the overseers noticed and recommended him to the Kaiu Engineering Academy, and to Tetsu and his father’s delight, he was accepted.

He's been graduated a few years now, and enlisted as a Technical Officer in the Crab navy. He's had a few ideas for the shipbuilding division but is too low ranked to be taken to seriously. His love life has been floundering, so he has signed up for this Miai.

-Tetsu is an avid craftsman and spends a ton of time in the shop. He would love to geek out with people over it.
-A fan of rock music, even if he can't play a note
-The Drunk'n Crab's vibe is very much his scene
-Not a bad driver...want to take a ride with him?

Last edited by Fundai Tetsu on Thu Aug 27, 2020 3:21 am, edited 3 times in total.

Crab Clan | Bushi/Artisan | Tinkerer
Honor: What is expected Status: 1.0 Glory: 2.0
Carries: Sturdy clothing, Daisho, Paper and Ink, Holorecorder, Communicator, Sochu
When Serious: Heavy Armor
"Drumstick" the Otori
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:54 am 
Name: Kuni Koryn
Clan: Crab
Gender: Male
Occupation: Fighter Pilot
Callsign: Daylight
Age: 16
Height: 5'9"
Build: Athletic
Hair: Dark
Eyes: Blue
Homeworld: Oka

Young and impressionable, Koryn graduated from the Kaiu Naval Academy last week and was immediately shipped out to his first posting, a diplomatic mission to Asakaze. He seems rather confused on the lack of senior staff on this mission, or the exact nature but will do whatever he can to help Crab/Phoenix relations.

Koryn is a capable young bushi and pilot who is usually accompanied by his pet Falcon "Inu" and is surprisingly skilled in field work such as hunting and tracking. He also typically wears his Ancestral Steel-Silk Flight suit that may be slightly out of date in style, but timeless in look.

Pilot1.jpg [ 78.14 KiB | Viewed 11489 times ]

Last edited by Kuni Koryn on Thu Aug 27, 2020 4:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

Crab Clan Pilot * Bushi * Artisan * Male * CP: 2
Idealistic * Sage * Tactician * Blood of Osano-Wo
Glory 1.0 * Status 1.0 Honor: What is Expected
Gear: Steel Silk Flight Suit, Diasho, Sidearm, Falcon, Communicator & Densai
Field Pack: Gasmask, Holorecorder, Med Pack, Cone Lantern, Paper & Ink
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 3:18 am 
Gender: Male
Occupation: Acquisition specialist
Age: 23
Height: 5'8 // 172cm
Build: Slim
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Grey/Blue
Homeworld: Green Carp

Yasuki Nishida, first-born and heir to Yasuki Hitaro, the current 6th generation director of YamadaCorp, a small but extremely lucrative weapons manufacturer, is a brilliant, if devious, businessman.
Always accompanied by his faithful bodyguard Akechi, he set off for Asakaze, not only to find a suitable marriage partner, no, but also to increase the ever growing fortune of his bloodline. Of course under the pretext to bring more resources to the crab clan, but what harm does it do if there is a profit in it?

In some circles it is said that Nishida often uses brutal means when a deal is broken and one or the other "business partner" of Nishida is said to have been found seriously wounded in dark alleys. Furthermore, others claim that he does not always take the truth seriously and, if you let enough Koku jump, he overlooks some things that an honorable man would never ignore.

Some would denigrate this as wild rumors and say that Nishida is a Gentleman who can serve a good tea, likes high quality tobacco, spends alot of time with his Shiba Inu Mochi and has something to say on almost any subject.

Businessman, gentleman or ruthless con man?
The public opinion is divided, the future might show who he really is.

  • Money? Money! Nishida knows about money, if you need something you can ask him, don't be afraid of the interest, the contract is not that bad you see,...
  • Do you want to have a good conversation with tea and Go? Then he is the right man for you
  • Likes exactly three people, Akechi, Mochi and himself. Do you wanna be number 4?

Yasuki Nishida


Last edited by Yasuki Nishida on Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Crab * Male * Businessman * Prestigious * Infamously wealthy * Profile * Theme
Status: 3.0 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Glory: 0.2 | Infamy: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 7
Carries: Business Suit, Wakizashi, Sidearm(Where allowed), Communicator, Cigs&Lighter
Accompanied by: Akechi - Bodyguard
Pet: Mochi - Shiba Inu
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:42 am 
Name: Kuchiki Satoru
Gender: Male
Occupation: Surgeon, healer, researcher
Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Build: athletic
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black

Satoru is a studious young samurai rather taken with his duty as a researcher and doctor. A skilled surgeon with a sharp and curious mind Satoru is almost more comfortable around books than people. Not rude intentionally he does have little patience for social niceties and certainly lacks social graces. He is less than thrilled to be pulled away from his work and research but is looking to make the best of the experience. He is a tall man with dark eyes and hair, his body is mostly obscured by the robes he frequently wears but he moves like someone used to working out. Satoru can usually be found studying, trying to find things to study or working out.


- Knows about a lot of random subjects, can at least engage in discussion about almost any intellectual topic
- works out surprisingly often for such a nerd
- very interested in medicine and flesh craft
- may get a little too invested in a new research topic

Spider * Shugenja * Doctor * Engineer * Anti-social * Seeker of Knowledge * Asakaze Space Colonist Champion
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 2.1 | Honor: Honorless Dog Courtship points: 1
carries: Wakizashi, Densai, robes, communicator, Deflector fan, side arm, Fantasy Flight Deck
Profile Theme
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 5:56 pm 
Name: Bayushi Tsukiko
Clan: Scorpion
Gender: Female
Occupation: Cybersecurity Specialist
Age: 18
Height: 5'3
Build: Slender, Delicate
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown with teal streaks

Tsukiko is a skilled cyber security analyst for the Scorpion clan and niece of her family's daimyo who, like many others, got sent here to hopefully gain beneficial connections or an edge for her clan. She's not one to let her duty prevent her from finding a way to enjoy herself though, unlike the brusque servant that accompanies her, still very much a spoiled youngest sibling and the family daimyo's favorite niece, as despite going through exhaustive efforts to convince her superiors to send her to Asakaze, she's perhaps more eager to explore the unique environment and try new things as this is her first time outside the megacities of World of Dreams

Tsukiko opts for a very contemporary style if you couldn't tell from the dyed streaks in her hair already, sporting fewer layers with shorter sleeved clothing than is traditional, as is expected of one from such a hot climate like World of Dreams. Though her outfit choices are always posh and of high quality, none of her clothing is extravagant enough to turn heads or really shock anyone except the most traditional of samurai. Her favorite outfits tend to be various types of sleeveless blouses and skirts or leggings with a silk cardigan in cooler weather.

• If you're into performance, you'll find a kindred soul in Tsukiko. She's not particularly skilled at it though, but that won't stop her from trying!
• This is Tsukiko's first time outside of the megacities on World of Dreams so don't be afraid to talk to her if you want to explore Asakaze with a friend!
• Computers? Tsukiko is a master of computers; she'll answer any questions you might have if you're confused.
• Tsukiko can frequently be caught sketching her surroundings or anything that catches her attention and she's always looking for more subjects to draw. If you want a (digital) painting of yourself, she'd be glad to draw you.
• Into trying new things or taking risks? Tsukiko will join you if her servant doesn't manage to talk some sense into her first.

Scorpion | Courtier | Aspiring Artist | Profile
Honor: 1.5 | Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 4
Carrying: Daisho, Densai, Headphones, Fashionable Outfit, Mask
Servant Naoki Carrying: Sidearm, Portable Computer, Holorecorder
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 11:49 pm 
Name: Bayushi Akagi
Clan: Scorpion
Gender: Male
Occupation: Security guard
Age: 20
Height: 170cm
Build: Slim and wiry
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Black

Akagi’s story:
A second son from a lesser branch of the Bayushi family, Akagi was posted as a doshin in the security detachment of the Scorpion merchant vessel Hanei Maru. As a lowly security guard on a freighter, Akagi has few prospects for marriage or advancement. His aunt, Bayushi Hanako, is a senior courtier posted on the Scorpion homeworld, and she has decided that This Will Not Do - she has pulled some strings to get her nephew an invitation to the miai on Asakaze, where hopefully a good match can be secured.

  • Akagi is interested in sightseeing, and hopes to see the native wildlife in their natural environment. Perhaps you’d like to explore the wilderness with him.
  • The merchant ship Hanei Maru travels through much of known space. Perhaps you've met Akagi when his ship visited your home world, or crossed paths with your own ship.
  • As a guard on a merchant ship, Akagi dislikes space pirates, regarding them as obvious criminals. Perhaps you have fought space pirates, or are a space pirate.

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Merchant Marine • Doshin
Status 1.0 • Glory 2.3 (saved Asako Chiruha) • Untrustworthy
carries: daisho, sidearm, communicator, portable informator, holorecorder.
when appropriate: otori mount, light armor, standard rifle.
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 3:53 am 
Moshi Atena
Clan: Mantis
Gender: Female
Occupation: Comunications
Age: 17
Height: 168cm
Build: Sturdy
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Brown

What is known:
Moshi Atena has odd mood swings specially when threatened or insulted.
The girl has a sweet voice and enjoys singing while studying holoslates.
She works as a communications officer in one of the Mantis ships.

☆Mantis Clan ☆Komori Shugenja ☆Oddball ☆Melodic Voice ☆Frail Mind
☆Honor: What's expected ☆Glory:2.2 ☆Status:1
Court Points: 0 Hair: green as of Day 7
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:03 pm 
Name: Shosuro Maiko
Clan: Scorpion
Gender: Female
Occupation: Soldier
Age: 21
Height: 5'6"
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Maiko's bearing and rather brusque demeanor give away the hallmarks of a career member of a clan's military forces.

Asking for details yields the following précis: After an unremarkable childhood, Maiko was enrolled in her clan's military academy where her performance in mental and physical skills was deemed wholly acceptable and she graduated about the middle of her class and commissioned to the ground forces as an infantry officer.

An unremarkable career ensued with most of her time spent among line units. A recent accident during a training exercise saw Maiko transferred off her usual duties and, taking advantage of the downtime while she was recuperating, her superiors decided it was a good a time as any for Maiko to pursue marriage to fulfill other duties owed to the clan.

• Not very interesting, unfortunately. Maiko's spent her time in army camps. March here, march there, march back in the opposite direction. She's good for a few camp stories, if nothing else.
• Recent injuries have definitely slowed this Shosuro down. Still, a frontier world is an interesting place to explore.
• If nothing else, Maiko has availed herself of this opportunity to try to acquire special Phoenix territory-only Starlight Miko Crusaders merchandise. It seems she's something of a fan...


Scorpion | Bushi | Gunso | Profile
Honor: 1.5 | Status: 3.0 | Glory: 1.0
Courtship Points: 4
Carrying: Daisho, Densai, Sidearm, Sturdy Clothing, Veil
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:39 pm 
Name: Moto Rúhé (如何)
Clan: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Occupation: Musical Warrior
Age: 20
Height: 187 cm
Build: Strapping
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Black

A metal-head with an unenviable childhood. Originally from Kuwagata, he spent his teens in the Three Castles System. Played in several bands, known a bit for his power horsehead fiddle virtuosity and stage charisma, but his involvement in any serious effort is usually a flash in the pan. The upside is he can easily get excited by what excites you and try it. He has his peeves but is usually very open-minded and easy going.

  • Sad past on Kuwagata
  • Actually a Shinjo bushi
  • Let's improvise a wild performance!
  • Let's drink and talk music or existence

Unicorn Bushi \m/ Metalhead \m/ Power Fiddler \m/ Stage Diving Beast \m/ Loafer \m/ Karmic 27 Club
Status: 1 \m/ Glory: 1 \m/ Honor: Expected

Ancestral Power Morin Khuur (!!!), less important stuff like arms, blades and shells
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 5:08 am 
Name: Suzume Shion
Gender: Female
Marital Status: This is a Miai..
Occupation: Miya Entertainment Network Musician/ Producer
Age: 19
Height: 5'4"
Complexion: Slightly tanned
Build: Androgynous, bit on the skinny side
Hair: Light brown, medium-sized, a bit wild, often tied in a simple knot
Eyes: Brown, somewhat distant
Homeworld: Rokugan

Shion: a Primer
Suzume Shion (雀 詩音) is the youngest of two children of an unimportant Sparrow family used to their usual duties as custodians of the history and traditions of the sacred Rokugani home planet. Raised in the family’s simple ways – traditional fighting styles, Rokugani religion and history, and Suzume storytelling – the plain-looking, quiet and otherwise unremarkable Shion developed a charming, melodic voice and a knack and profound interest for music.

Shion seized the opportunities provided by her sensei to learn as much as she could, and, while she learned to value classical Rokugani culture and music, her musical interests would not be contained within the limits of tradition, leading her to seek whatever technology she could to find her way through a variety of styles, traditional and moern, from different parts of the sprawling empire.

Recently, her talents drew the interest of people in the Miya News and Entertainment Network, who hired her as a musician and music producer. Her work gives Shion access to equipment she wouldn’t have otherwise, and means she is more well-off than most Suzume – but she’s still a Sparrow at heart, humble and unassuming in behaviour and style. She has been mostly in the background in the Network, writing and recording songs and doing sound editing for a number of programmes, but they probably consider her too pedestrian to be one of their faces. Not that Shion seems to care – she loves to create, and she might like to be heard more, but she doesn’t care much for being seen.

Her going to Asakaze was an arrangement between people in the Miya Network and representatives of the Sparrow clan, who seem to hope she can strengthen the clan’s connections with Imperials. On her part, Shion knows she owes the Miya for her position and for sponsoring her presence in Asakaze, and expects they may have plans for her presence there. She is not ecstatic about taking part in a Miai, but hopes it may at least provide an opportunity to see new things and people – and learn more about the local music scene. Perhaps she may even end up with someone who may match her interests…

Despite adopting a more modern style than many of the more traditional members of her clan, Shion is still a Sparrow at heart, sticking to simple, unassuming, practical clothes. She will usually be seen in a sturdy set of black trousers with a simple white or brown T-shirt and a brown and dark green jacket with some yak fur (a nod to some Unicorn ancestry long ago in her line) and an embroidered sparrow on the left side of her back. The velvety sheen in her other set of trousers and jacket is slightly less plain and left for special occasions. She often has her earphones on, and frequently carries around a Shamisen, a Guitar, or a small Keyboard + her computer.

While not sickly, Shion’s build is on the skinny side, and her wardrobe, her lack of obvious curves and her aversion to makeup give her a decidedly androgynous look. She usually uses a cloth band to tie her medium-sized, straight light brown hair in a simple knot at the back of her head, although she may use other ornaments or even flowers to adorn her hair in particular occasions.

Shion almost always has by her side a slender, mid-sized mutt with a wiry, black/ brown coat, semi-pricked ears and a long, happy tail which is constantly waggling when he’s near her, which she calls simply “stray”. Stray is a bit wary when others approach Shion, but is quite docile if he senses they mean no harm. Despite the dog’s apparently dismissive name, her often stoic nature is considerably softened when she’s talking to or playing with him, and she’ll open up somewhat to those who show appreciation for the mutt.

• More interested in doing things/ going places than in the Miai proper? So is she.
• Into music? Shion’s your person. She’ll talk about music styles, history, artists and different things going on in the music scene non-stop if you let her.
• Need someone for a music or performance gig? She’ll do it.
• Quiet, but still a sparrow. Ask for a story and you will get one.
• Liked the soundtrack of that show on the Miya Entertainment Network? You've probably never seen her, but she may have been behind it.
• Like dogs? So does she.
• Tradition or modernity? Why not both?
• How do you get a quiet country bumpkin to play sports with you? You just ask!


Stray, the mutt

Last edited by Suzume Shion on Sat Aug 29, 2020 8:05 am, edited 4 times in total.

雀 詩音
Sparrow * Miya Network * Musician * Bushi? * Profile
Mellow voice * Music nerd * Quiet but gig-ready * Starkly honest

Honour: Exceptional * Status: 1 * Glory: 1 * CP: 0

Carries: Communicator, Densai+Radio+Headphones, Wakizashi, 1> Instruments, Purse.
Sidekick: Stray the mutt
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 5:52 am 
Name: Daidoji Hamui
Clan: Crane
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single
Occupations: Soldier
Age: 18
Height: 5'11"
Complexion: Light Farmer's tan
Build: Muscular
Hair: Dyed White
Eyes: Blue
Homeworld: Isatawa Prime

Hamui has try to look the part of Crane clan, but he's still taller than most, muscular and spends some time out in the sun as a soldier. He trying to keep his exposure to the sun at a minimum. He is a military man as a long line of Daidoji Iron Warriors. Iron Warriors may be becoming a rarity, but the day there are no more is not today. He has been working hard to become a duelist. Things like katanas may be relics of days past, but there is an elegance of them. While in the military academy, he has been enjoying learning about them. He keeps up with his other weapons, but he's keen to become a great duelist.

When he started defensive driving course in school, that was the day that changed his life forever. It was exhilarating feel the car had became part of him. He is looking forward to more training. When he's off duty, he spends most of his time with friends and family. He prefers to not go clothes shopping with his mother, but somethings a growing man has to do it to make sure they fit right. He is a Crane after all, and that means the newest trends of the clan. And, he does a flare picking out great choices, but he would rather be out with friends or working on his "defensive driving" at sanctioned places, like a drag strip or auto-cross. While he has watched a few underground races, but he never driven in one.

-Combat Driving - Hamui enjoys driving a lot. He would love to get better at it. Maybe one day he will start racing.
-Exceptional Duelist - Hamui does well with duelist, but he wishes to be one of the greats in history.
-Wealth Helps - Hamui is well off in live with money. It opens some doors with things that might otherwise have been closed.

20200828173554_1.jpg [ 91.34 KiB | Viewed 11037 times ]

Crane | Bushi | Soldier | Driver | Balance | Reichtum | Conumed - Strength | Idealistic | Can't Lie
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.2 | Honor: Exceptional | CP 3
Carries: Daisho, sidearm - silencer, rifle, densai, communicator, Night Vision Goggles

Theme | Profile
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 12:10 pm 
Name: Shiba Atsumori 斯波昌森
Gender: Male
Marital Status: “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single samurai in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a spouse.” -Asako Jun, 24th century
Occupation: Bushi/wildlife conservationist
Age: 20
Height: 5’10”
Complexion: Suntanned
Build: Fit, but otherwise middle-of-the-road
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Brown

Atsumori is an energetic bushi who has finally, in the last year or so, finished catching up to his last growth spurt and put on enough muscle mass to look like a solid young man rather than a teenager. He has the build of a person who is highly active but doesn’t devote much time to “working out” as such, preferring long hikes and impromptu kemari games to hours in the gym or dojo. His hair, a bit lightened by the sun, is often slightly mussed, and his typical style of dress is sturdy and practical for outdoor adventure. In short, he looks like the kind of guy who has useful things in his pockets at all times (but possibly not a comb). He has a few small and irregular scars--an old pressure cut on his chin, scratches and what could even be an animal bite mark on his hands and forearms--but nothing to write home about for a bushi, and mostly not very noticeable unless you're looking for them.

He smiles readily, and it’s easy to tell when he is enthusiastic about some topic.

Nakodo’s preliminary notes:
  • Middle child of three; only son.
  • Born and raised on Joudo; parents attached to Master of Earth’s security detail. Unimpeachable family record.
  • One sister a shugenja. No other priests in family. Recessive trait, low priority?
  • Extended family estates located on Ujimitsu. Sizable; moderate inheritance a possibility?
  • No military service.
  • Most recent posting on Old Rokugan, listed as “wildlife conservation research.”
  • Dossier indicates potential for frontier security service, exozoological work, or… reality media? That must be a typo. Note: remind heimin management office again, literacy is a requirement for clerks. I swear….

In His Own Words:
“Hey lads, here I am back to the Grove again…”


“Not for long, though! I’ve just got time to say hello to these little fellas, and then it’s off to Asakaze for this miai everyone’s on about. Well, my mum and all her friends, anyway.”


“Anyway, the mushroom forest biome there sounds fair amazing. Flying mammals! Big lizards! Can’t wait to do some holos out there for my HouOuVue channel. You’ll be the first to know.”

“And, uh, oh yeah. Here’s to marriage… right? Uh, well... see you on Asakaze!”


Phoenix • Bushi • Wildlife Enthusiast • Rider of Princess (•ө•)
Courtship Points: 5 • Glory: 1 • Status: 1 • Honor: Expected • Description
Everyday kit: Sidearm, daisho, densai, communicator, recorder drone, pocket knife, fan.
Outside town: Web gun, misc. utility gear, armor

"Here we see the miai participant in his natural habitat..."
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 Post subject: Re: Cast
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:55 pm 
Name: Tsuruchi Hayato
Clan: Mantis
Gender: Male
Occupation: Bushi/Sniper
Age: 20
Height: 5'10
Build: Lean
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Short and Black

Hayato isn't an unattractive fellow, though he tends to be a bit disheveled at most times, likely due to not being overly worried about his appearence. Something he was warned would do him no favors in attending a miai, though that hasn't really improved matters. He's fairly tall for a rokugani, with a lean frame that lends one to believe he partakes in too much Kaf and Cigarettes and not nearly enough proper meals. His eyes are the grey of storm clouds, though perhaps a bit more welcoming, and he keeps his dark black hair cut short. In public he tends to wear the greens and balcks of his clan, though in private his wardrom tends to be more muted.

What is known: Outside of the Mantis little is known about Hayato, he wasn't had many prestigous postings and as such has had little chance to sign. He did recieve excellent marks from his School's instructors, and is known as a fine shot for his age. Of his family, it is known that they are involved in arms manufacturing, though even as teh first child, their is some uncertainty of if he will inherit.


-So, do you like guns, specifically shooting them?
-Do you have a interest in Music?
-What are your hobbies, do people even have hobbies these days? Hayato like Smoking, Kaf, and folding paper!

Mantis Clan * Bushi * Well Off * Smoker * Marksman
Honor: 3.5 Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.8

Carries: Wakazashi, Sidearm(where appropriate). Cigarettes, Lighter, Communicator, Densai, Holorecorder, Gun belt, earphones

Courtship points: 6 (Certified quality husband material)
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