Communicator Protocol
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Author:  Tassu [ Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Communicator Protocol

As the technology in this setting allows characters to communicate with each other even when not at the same location, we've established some guidelines on how to manage 'communicator calls' between characters. Characters are assumed to have their communicators with them unless they specifically state they've left it behind.

In essence, treat such communication much like sending notes via servant in previous games, with much faster response times. Thus, you can post the 'call' from an active thread (in which case everyone in the thread can monitor the conversation), or start a new thread (following the rules for maintaining the time/space continuum). We prefer that you do most such communications 'on-screen,' while recognizing that occasionally it will make sense to do it off-screen.

PM the other player involved. You can't expect them to be monitoring your threads to spot their name.

The other player chooses whether or not to respond to your call, and should PM you that decision. If they chose not to pick up, there is the equivalent of voice mail, should you chose to use it.

If they pick up, there are a few options to play out the communication. If they are in an active thread in that time-slot, they may chose to roleplay their communicator alerting them to the incoming communication and chose when to have it pop up in that thread. Remember that threads in the same time slot are not necessarily completely in synch, as each one covers a few hours while most conversations that are roleplayed are obviously not that long. If they answer the call but wish to avoid having it interrupt their thread, they can respond off-screen or in the same thread after conversations occur.

If they are not in a thread at that time, they can start one, in order to have the conversation happen on screen (preferable) or may run it in PMs on their end.

Do not post in each other's threads. This makes it difficult for us to keep track of the 'one thread per time slot' rule. This is the case even if you are not in another thread at the time. If your character is not physically in the thread, you should not be posting there.

Do PM each other the communications, and do copy those into your own thread in a way that makes it obvious they are part of your 'call'. (Italics works well for this, possibly with brackets if you tend to use italics for other purposes).

Depending on how your communicator is set, others in the thread may or may not hear the other person talking to you. Make this clear in your posts.

At this point, you are essentially having a conversation with someone out of sight in the middle of your thread. Again, role play accordingly. If you wouldn't leave your call hanging while having a conversation about tea with someone at the table, don't do that in your posts. Yep...this will slow things down if your communicator call partner goes offline in the middle of a conversation, so it's best to keep calls short and informative.

For example:

Let's say that Akodo Daito's player is enjoying a chat in the Mess Hall and learns something he wants to pass along quickly to Bayushi Miu, who happens to have a thread in the same time slot playing Go in the Gardens over a picnic lunch. Daito's player needs to make a post indicating their character is calling Miu. They can continue a bit of chat in that thread while 'waiting for Miu to pick up,' but keep it reasonable. A full length philosophical debate about the divine nature of stars probably can't take place in the minute one would reasonably wait for someone to respond to their call.

Daito: "Pardon me a moment, Ikoma-san, but I think Bayushi Miu should hear this and may have information for you." He raises his arm, wrist communicator close enough to his face to ensure he is heard. "Communicator, call Bayushi Miu please." He shrugged off the small feeling of self consciousness, voice activation was too convenient to let these minor moments of awkwardness bother him too much.

He covered it with a quick, "more tea, Ikoma-san?" while waiting for Miu to answer.

PM the other player involved. Daito's player shouldn't assume Miu's player is monitoring their thread to notice that they're being called upon.

Assuming Miu's player decides that her character wants to take the call, Miu might pick it up in the middle of her thread.

"Ah, very sorry Shizu-chan, I need to take this. Would you mind finishing the tea preparation?" Tapping the nearly invisible button at the edge of her mask, she activates the communicator built into it and purrs, "Daito-san, so pleased to hear from you, it's been...nearly an entire day!"

Or she might wait till the thread is over, conduct the conversation via PM and post it after the garden party.

As Shosuro Shizu left with the last of their picnic, Miu heard the chime of an incoming communication and saw Daito's name flash across the display in her mask. With a sigh, she tapped the button at the edge of her mask to answer the call. "Ah, Akodo-san, I hope the stars continue to favor you today."

(ooc: dropping in conversation conducted via PMs earlier)

<copy/paste conversation>

Miu stared at the water that shivered with the subtle, constant thrumming of the station as she considered Daito's news.

Note that Communicator Etiquette requires that the person being called should speak first upon picking up.

Now back to the example:

"Daito-san, so pleased to hear from you, it's been...nearly an entire day!" Miu's voice could easily be heard across the table, causing Daito to squirm slightly at what Ikoma Mayumi would think. It wasn't like that, really.

He cleared his throat a bit, putting on his most businesslike voice. "Indeed, Bayushi-san. I imagine we'll speak in court tomorrow, but I thought you would have a particular interest in hearing Ikoma-san's news now."

Note the inclusion of Miu's conversation in italics.

If one or both sides ends up holding up their end of the conversation in PM, please copy it to your PF (this is a good idea regardless, but particularly if part of the conversation is otherwise invisible to GMs. Bluntly put, what happens in game needs to be visible to GMs, player communication is private, character communication is not.

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