Threads and Time slots
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Author:  Tassu [ Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Threads and Time slots

A note about time slots and the formatting we would like people to use. This is mostly just for the sanity of the GMs and other players, so we would appreciate it if everyone could follow these guidelines.

First off, you can see a list of time slots here

When you make your threads, we'd like to keep them standardized to this format

Teatime (Day 9, Late Afternoon)

Specifically, it follows the format of "Thread Title (Current Day, Time Slot)."

If the title is a bit long, you can abbreviate the day or time slot, like so:

Teatime (D9, LA)

All threads are by default Open. If your thread is a private discussion between two people in a private location, and you do not want other people joining the thread, it's fine to list that in the title, like so:

Teatime (Day 9, Late Afternoon, Closed)

What counts as private locations? Basically, your room should you stay in the Snow Maiden or live in the city. Similarly a closed cabinet at tea house or a restaurant would be a private location. It can be also argued that if you head into the wilderness you may avoid other people and so claim the thread to occur at a 'private location'.
Other locations should be considered public and you should not make 'Closed' threads in them.

Improperly formatted thread titles will be adjust when I see them, but it'll make me grumpy, so please try to stick to these guidelines.

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