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Author:  Tassu [ Mon Sep 09, 2019 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Description

Temple, the Fortune of Persistence, is favored by settlers across the Empire and so it is no wonder that the first temple on Asakaze was dedicated to him. Constructed during the same year the colonization of world began, the temple is more functional than a work of art. Time has taken its toll on the building and now the facade is more dirty grey than the alabaster white it once was. The poor state of the temple is made even more evident by resplendent Heaven's Wing Dojo sitting just across the street.

Despite the wear and tear, the temple remains popular among the city's inhabitants and during holidays it is not uncommon to see queues outside the building. The monks tending to the temple tend to be on the younger side as the orphan children given to the Brotherhood are often assigned here. The main hall withing the temple is as as humble as the temple itself. The plastered walls are largely bare with few inspirational scrolls covering the worst cracks. The large once-golden statue of Kisada is flanked by statues of Osano-Wo and Bishamon, all three standing behind a low metal fence meant to keep the grabby hands of the faithful away from the sacred icons. Several pillows lay before the fence, providing comfort for the devout and the pious. A vending machine selling unguents, incenses and lucky charms sits at the corner of the room. For reasons known only to the monks themselves, the vending machine is guarded by a tall initiate who greets all customers with a polite bow and curt prayer.

Location rules:
The temple has a small dormitory that is open to travelers which offers anyone not bothered by lack of privacy a warm and safe place to sleep. Ronin characters taking part to the miai are housed here. When setting up threads in the dormitory please, please note so in yout thread title e.g. [Dormitory].

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