Eriko gave a few blinks at the mention of dragons, "Get out. Really now?" she responded with a bit of skepticism. A part of her wondered if people in space were to used to seeing the same thing around them that they had developed some sort of space mirage from it. Then again, she was also on a strange planet.
"Isn't that sort of discovery you should be reporting to someone? I guess you weren't the only one there," she said as she found herself inadvertently fiddling through the offering of nigiri before finding one she like with reddish flesh. She dipped it in soy sauce and popped in her mouth. "Raw fissh and shtuff. It'sh great."
She took a sip of tea but it made her wonder if it was better with sake, especially with the small morsel food in front of her. "Living on the edge...sound kind of fun, actually, but probably not in a good way. Hey, don't shame me for that. It must seem like magic to just have this air...just there...I guess the downsides is that there are no warning signs and nothing comes with instructions. I could suddenly see why you'd be so into writing this stuff out."