[D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)
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Author:  Daigotsu Katsuo [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

Susumu Nara wrote:
"I don't bite people, I shoot people. And by people I mean demons on my show" Nara frowned "the demons bite people!"

She paused again as more spoke, adding "I'm here to get married. I don't know who to! Should I pick someone at random? I haven't met an Imperial before, I can poke him to see if he's good people or not. I know good people" she grinned a little more now "heee, I'm sure Imperials are good people! Maybe a bit boring and snobby but they have Emperor blood so not their fault. Right?"

"Susumu-san might need to refer to the Crane method of war when it comes to marriages. Look pretty and smile." Katsuo noted druly. "Say as little as possible. There's a reason why Doji wives are as coveted as they are. They know when to speak... and when not to."

"As Susumu-san, welcome!" the older man greeted Geppu, smirking. "Have a seat, tea. Recite a poem." Taking a sip from his tea, he turned to Tsugiharu. "A Crane lass you say? Who was she?"

Author:  Kuchiki Tsugiharu [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

Daigotsu Katsuo wrote:
"Susumu-san might need to refer to the Crane method of war when it comes to marriages. Look pretty and smile." Katsuo noted druly. "Say as little as possible. There's a reason why Doji wives are as coveted as they are. They know when to speak... and when not to."

"As Susumu-san, welcome!" the older man greeted Geppu, smirking. "Have a seat, tea. Recite a poem." Taking a sip from his tea, he turned to Tsugiharu. "A Crane lass you say? Who was she?"

Good Luck with that, Matchmaker. If you can get Nara to behave and get married, you're in the running for Sixth Grand Dark Fortune. he thought at the matchmakers advice.

He didn't figure he could escape the man's attention forever, but he had hoped that Geppu would launch into poetry. But seem not artistic salvation in sight, he answered.

"Doji Ichika, perhaps the damaged goods that Susumu-sama was referring to. Specifically her right eye. I'll need to investigate more to determine if that is genetic, or trauma. One can only learn so much with casual conversation rather than a more hands-on approach." he said.

Author:  Daigotsu Katsuo [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

"Very good. Let me know when you find out. Maybe I can talk with her to ask the awkward questions none of you really wants to ask." Katsuo suggested. "It doesn't matter if she doesn't like me, does it. Oh and if you can get your hands on her, by all means. First hand experience is often essential."

Author:  Susumu Geppu [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

Daigotsu Katsuo wrote:
"As Susumu-san, welcome!" the older man greeted Geppu, smirking. "Have a seat, tea. Recite a poem." Taking a sip from his tea, he turned to Tsugiharu. "A Crane lass you say? Who was she?"

After breaking the seal on his helmet with a hiss of air, he takes a sip of his tea to appear the gracious guest, enjoying the flavor for a moment before lowering his cup once more.

"A poem, Daigotsu-sama? Hm."

He percolates a bit before clearing his throat and offering,

"Prizes to be won,
Tight web snares the unwary,
Spider, ascendant"

Author:  Susumu Nara [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

Daigotsu Katsuo wrote:
"Susumu-san might need to refer to the Crane method of war when it comes to marriages. Look pretty and smile." Katsuo noted druly. "Say as little as possible. There's a reason why Doji wives are as coveted as they are. They know when to speak... and when not to."

Nara went to speak, then stopped. She did it twice more, before blinking, frowning, and raising her hand.

Author:  Daigotsu Katsuo [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

"Yes?" Katsuo turned to the Susumu actress with a faint smile on his lips.

Author:  Susumu Nara [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

"My father said my voice would make Lady Doji smile and that I shouldn't be quiet. He's a Doji so I think he would know too. I sing from time to time" Nara said with an entirely serious look on her face.

Author:  Daigotsu Katsuo [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

"Well. You do have a nice voice." he glanced at Nara. "But still, might want to keep the highlights of your career to yourself. If you know what I mean. The Crane here might not be well used to such violent success."

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

"Good advice to follow", Shokomaru noted as servants arrived with saké. "As for me, I'm no poet, singer or actor. If anything my hobby is art, though it's on rough water these days."

Author:  Susumu Nara [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

Daigotsu Katsuo wrote:
"Well. You do have a nice voice." he glanced at Nara. "But still, might want to keep the highlights of your career to yourself. If you know what I mean. The Crane here might not be well used to such violent success."

"It's less violent than everyone else in the room" Nara muttered as she looked down at her hands "and it's not real either. It's a show. A show about violence but a show."

She obviously was only thinking about the show, and not...the awards ceremony.

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

Shokomaru poured the woman a drink.

"Relax, Susumu-san, we're all here fighting an uphill battle. I'm sure the other clans, not understanding we are actually civilized, will think what you did was normal among us."

Author:  Daigotsu Katsuo [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

Susumu Nara wrote:
"It's less violent than everyone else in the room" Nara muttered as she looked down at her hands "and it's not real either. It's a show. A show about violence but a show."

She obviously was only thinking about the show, and not...the awards ceremony.

"But at least they know when to pull their guns." Katsuo noted, turning to look at Shokomaru. "Restraint is a virtue, is not, commander?"

Daigotsu Shokomaru wrote:
Shokomaru poured the woman a drink.

"Relax, Susumu-san, we're all here fighting an uphill battle. I'm sure the other clans, not understanding we are actually civilized, will think what you did was normal among us."

"Exactly. You have a reputation. Well, of course they have no idea who you are. But it's perhaps things stay that way. That when they look at you they see a pretty girl and not a... well. A problem."

Author:  Susumu Nara [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 12:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

"I'm a problem?" Nara asked, looking at Katsuo "what happened wasn't my fault though."

Author:  Daigotsu Katsuo [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 12:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

Susumu Nara wrote:
"I'm a problem?" Nara asked, looking at Katsuo "what happened wasn't my fault though."

"Yes, yes it is." Katsuo frowned and then huffed. "Were you stronger, had you the dignity, that would have not happened. But that's my opinion. That's between you and your lord. I don't know why he let you off like that but..." he shrugged. "Not my problem. Or well, now you are. Because I am supposed to help you get married."

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

"Let's drink instead of being assholes, we're Spider not blustering Crab or whimpering Crane, and we're certainly not stingy Scorpions", Shokomaru had clearly had enough of both sides and trying to defuse it by indirect talk had reached pointlessness.

Author:  Kuchiki Tsugiharu [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 2:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

Tsugiharu looked between the host and the matchmaker. It was an old story. A Daigotsu Bushi with rank status-whipping a supposedly 'powerless' Susumu courtier without rank. He wondered what kind of man the matchmaker was...besides an unrepentant lech. While the Daigotsu did outrank him, the matchmaker had the ability to negatively impact the Daigotsu's whole future with little risk to self save from the Daigotsu choking him to death.

Fortunately, the command to drink gave one ample opportunity to not speak up and involve themselves in a fight they had no skin in.

Author:  Daigotsu Ryuu [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 2:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

Ryuu seemed relieved when the sake arrived. He couldn't say he was a fan of the way Katsuo belittled Nara. It was unfortunate incident, but st the same time, Nara was a prime catch. Lovely and talented. She could easily help with the goals of the Clan.

But Ryuu had no standing to stand up for her. His lips tightened into a hard line, thanking the servant for the sake.

Author:  Daigotsu Katsuo [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

Daigotsu Shokomaru wrote:
"Let's drink instead of being assholes, we're Spider not blustering Crab or whimpering Crane, and we're certainly not stingy Scorpions", Shokomaru had clearly had enough of both sides and trying to defuse it by indirect talk had reached pointlessness.

"Just being realist, Daigotsu-sama." Katsuo bobbed his head in deference to his superior. "They ask me to find a spouse to this... disaster." he pointed at Nara. "I am trying to make her as marketable as possible. But by all means, let us drink. Though, you might not want drink too much. We wouldn't want to give a bad impression, do we?" he added, smiling wryly.

Author:  Susumu Geppu [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

"We each have our weaknesses. Know them intimately and you can wield them as weapons to rival any sword or rifle."

Another sip of his tea.

Author:  Susumu Nara [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, EA: Cabinet] Web of...Lunch? (Spider Only)

"I'm pretty good with a gun. Got a good shot."

Nara peered at Katsuo, looking annoyed.

"I'm not a disaster."

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