Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)
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Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

Ishiyo blushed, "Sorry...I tend to get excitable when speaking on flying." She took a long sip of her drink, "I miss the clarity of the cockpit. Things are much simpler when I am juggling a hundred different things at once." She sighed and took another sip.

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

He smiled, nodding. "It isn't that I don't understand. To relate it to myself, I have to think about the terrain ahead, where my scouts and information from battalion last spotted the enemy, their speed, our progress, whether or not we've seen their scouts, what their objective might be. All of those things come into figuring where we'll engage them next."

he blew smoke and tossed the last of the cig into his tray, snapping it shut, then he took a drink.

"Then I have to decide how to engage, or if it's even worth a fight. Call for support if it's needed, and work with another company having it's own situation, and also worry about being called in myself. Dealing with one unit can put you out of position, and then that leaves others hanging. Then if there's any communications issues, acting independently to deal with a situation you don't have all the details for. All you can do is make your best guess based on what you know about the enemy at that point. What kind of units are they deploying, do they have artillery, do they use magic, are they aware of our capability? how will they react when we engage them, and what can we do to follow up effectively?"

He chuckled a bit, giving a knowing look. "So I might know a few things about the balancing act of having a hundred different things to deal with."

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

Ishiyo blinked then her mischievous smile returned, "Well then what does the commander think of his current battle? This pilot find herself surrounded by unknown planes and I am not sure which are shooting at me and which are tailing otheh planes."

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

"A miai is a dog show, like I said", he reminded the Crane with the wagging of his finger. "Do I look like an expert on animal husbandry? The fact is that only someone looking for heartbreak is putting all their effort in one direction, or worrying about how sincere everyone else is."

He took a big gulp that time.

"Though since I only have a very vague idea of who you've been involved with other than me, it's also hard for me to say any more than that. Well, except that all those other suitors aren't serious and I'm clearly the only one worth your time."

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

"Wan. Wan." Ishiyo replied with an irritated expression, "Well...yes, it is foolish to have you-eh heart set on matteh how that make you feel." She blushed at that and looked away, "I just mean...nevermind."

She looked back at him and tapped her empty cup. "Against my better judgment may I have some more."

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

He poured, carefully, as to not spill.

"It's good you recognize that, as I don't mind saying my heart has been set on at least four different people", he winked. "If I could, I'd steal them all and take them home, give Hiroshi-gunso command privileges and live a happy life with my four dream spouses on Kobushi in the lovely Shadowless Village."

He placed the bottle down.

"But it won't, it can't, and I wouldn't anyway. Even though I'm greedy enough for it."

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

Ishiyo glared at him again, "I am not planning on being anyone's concubine." She took another long sip, "Also I doubt Daigotsu-sama has the skills to handle fouh lovehs in the same home."

Her expression softens, "Still...the fundamental truth remains, even with fouh choices you may not get any you wished."

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

He smiled crooked, a wiley look in his eye.

"I could resort to kidnapping, then I'd be the only one to blame."

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

Ishiyo pressed her lips together and growled, "Try me."

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

He let out a hearty laugh for once. Looked up at her, smiling. The broke down laughing again.

"Daidoji-san, you're the best", he said, calming down...somewhat. "Ahh...that you take that seriously really fills me with some small satisfaction." The spider wiped his eyes a little. "Really...though I do recall you mentioning something about being tied up before."

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

Ishiyo downs her drink to hide her blush, "I...was just making a joke on what some people feel my clan mates get up to in privacy." She rubs her cheek and turns over the cup, "I think water for now, before you talk me into some scandal."

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

"Hey", he said, pointing to her and then to his eyes. "Right here when you're being honest, hmm?"

He refilled their drinks.

"And water is fine, but have one more with me, to drink with dinner, and I'll let it go. Even the kidnapping." he chuckled and sighed, still pretty pleased with all of that.

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

Ishiyo glared at him but accepted the drink regardless, "Alright foh the meal."

Her mischievous smile returned, "I wondeh if you have mentioned kidnapping to any of you-eh otheh favorites. I suspect at lease on of them would react with a way that would be amusing...foh me at least."

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

"If I did, I might be beaten to it, who knows?" he shrugged. "So you said chef's choice earlier, what's your bet on? Sushi?"

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

"Something with mushrooms." Ishiyo shrugged, "Maybe nothing but..."

"Oh, I underestimated Daigotsu-sama's draw then." She raised a brow, "Perhaps you are the one who will be the kidnapped concubine."

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 5:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

"Anything is possible", he said with a grin. "Even mushrooms apparently..."

He really hoped it wasn't mushrooms.

He looked thoughtful for a moment, but dismissed whatever weirdness he was just processing. "I don't know the first thing about caring for a harem, all I know is I'd do what's expected of me, even if it's difficult. Though you know by now like to run my mouth, so maybe it wouldn't go that great." he laughed.

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

"Laying about managing someone's household? Seems a decent job foh you." Ishiyo responded, sipping water while they wait for the meal. She smiled mischievously.

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

"Yep, that's me. Real homebody", he answered with the roll of his eyes. "Honestly it sounds nice, that's why it won't end up that way."

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

"I assume the Spideh would neveh let a commandeh rest on his accomplishments." She responded her expression turning sympathetic again, "No matteh who you choose they will become a Spideh. Are you sure any of you-eh choices could survive that life?" Her tone had turned serious. "Oh have you even considered such?"

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Makeup Dinner (D6 EE Private Room)

He shook his head, looking down. A disappointed chuckle escaping his throat.

"Now that's a hell of a thing to say."

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