[D7, LM] Breakfast of champions (Expecting)
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Author:  Hotaru Koseki [ Sat Sep 19, 2020 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  [D7, LM] Breakfast of champions (Expecting)

Smartly dressed and with a spring in his step Hotaru Koseki walked from the Temple of Fukurukujin towards the classiest place in town. Having only seen it from a distance it felt a bit strange to be coming here as a patron. It certainly wasn't his usual noodle cart, street food, or sake bar. In fact this restaurant was so fancy it was schmancy. Then again he was a guest at this miai so he should probably just get over it. Taking a moment to savour the view he stepped inside.

"Table for two please."

Author:  Kuni Eriko [ Sat Sep 19, 2020 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7, LM] Breakfast of champions (Expecting)

This was the second time in a row Eriko would be visiting the Snow-Moon-Flower but she didn't really count the first time when it was done on a dire war cabinet basis. The fungi-zombies were still on her mind but that wasn't entirely the point of today's meeting.

She would be tardy for her meeting with Koseki and she did it on purpose so that her partner could get a table first and she wasn't going to be left fussing with the staff at a fancy place. At the very least, she did dress pleasantly for the occasion in some fashionable wear. She would stroll in right after Koseki made his request and gave him a polite bow.

"Hey, Koseki-san. Fancy seeing you here and all that," she smirked.

Author:  Hotaru Koseki [ Sat Sep 19, 2020 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7, LM] Breakfast of champions (Expecting)

"Hey, good morning Eriko-san! Wow, nice outfit. I know it's a bit early for lunch but we beat the rush." Her polite bow was returned just before the attendant arrived to seat them. "After you."

The table was probably worth more than the shuttle he used to fly... The attendant went off to fetch them some tea.

"Hmm, first time I've been here. It's pretty nice." Understatement of the year there. "So how have you been? I finally managed to get myself noticed in the yojimbo contest yesterday. Pretty pleased about that." In truth he'd been delighted. It felt like a victory for his clan even though he'd placed second.

Author:  Kuni Eriko [ Sun Sep 20, 2020 5:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7, LM] Breakfast of champions (Expecting)

"I figured I should dress extra fancy if I'm not getting in trouble and this is a nice place too, so it matches," she smirked. "Hey, breakfast, lunch, dinner. A fancy place and good company only mean the eating must be good, right?"

She nodded and took the lead as they were lead to the table and seated herself at the table, looking around at this place before smiling at Koseki, "Hey, congrats on the yojimbo thingy. I wasn't there to see it but I can say that you've earned my approval. Let me know if they need me to throw some references and toss down some names. So we must be here to celebrate? Eh, as for myself, I've been mostly fl-"

Then her communicator rang and she pulled out her communicator to see who it was, "well, shit. At least, they called before the tea arrived. Sorry, Koseki-san, I have to take this one real quick."

She stood up and took her call to an alcove that was probably reserved for calls happening in the middle of a meal, pulling the curtains behind her.

[The Call.]

Author:  Kuni Eriko [ Sun Sep 20, 2020 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7, LM] Breakfast of champions (Expecting)

Eriko yanked the curtains open from the curtains. She shouldn't be upset and it was her duty but she couldn't help but at least feel slightly cheated from a meal. Especially, when it could have been planned around. Maybe it was her fault for working on her own for so long.

She made her way to Koseki at the table and sighed deeply. "Sorry, Koseki-san. I might have to ask for a rain-cheque on this one. You got time later today? Or tomorrow? I'll rebook and make sure we get a spot, ruffle some feathers if I have to. Provided...they don't lock me up. Not making excuses. It's about the business a few days ago."

"I'll catch you later, alright? Throw me some messages, I got to run," she said before bowing deeply in apology and made her prompt exit from the restaurant.


Author:  Hotaru Koseki [ Sun Sep 20, 2020 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7, LM] Breakfast of champions (Expecting)

"Hey thanks." A bit of colour came to his cheeks at the flattery. Ghost dad chuckled in amusement. "Yeah, I... Sure, no problem." He gestured that it was fine as she got up to take the call. The tea arrived and he poured them each a cup.

When she returned with bad news he tried not to look too crestfallen. "Oh, right. Well it sounds important Eriko-san. Rest of my day's pretty packed, tomorrow then? You know you can always call me, any time you need back up. Or whatever..." He returned the bow and watched as she left.

Hope they don't kick her out boy. She's a good one right there.

Koseki just nodded absently and sipped his tea, thoughts buzzing.


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