Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)
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Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Fri Sep 18, 2020 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

There was something amusing about technically having dates with two Lion in the same day. Was there something in her horoscope about that, perhaps? Or was it a special sign?

Well dressed as always, in a red and green fusion of different styles, Hyeon-ju showed up to the Snow Maiden for her meeting over tea with Akodo Akihiko. First time had been a chance meeting, and the second had been a group meeting, so it would be interesting to see how this one would go...

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Sat Sep 19, 2020 3:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

Inside the Snow Maiden's comfortable lounge area, the Unicorn finds Akihiko preemptively pouring tea for each of them. A server delivers a small plate of tidy snacks, which she can see him accept thankfully before he spots her arrival.

When Akihiko sees his beautiful tea companion, he freezes for a moment. A heartbeat later he's standing, smiling, by the table. Not standing on too much ceremony, he bows to her as she approaches. "Welcome, Utaku Hyeon-ju-san."

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Sat Sep 19, 2020 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

The formality surprises her a little, and she stops and bows. It is still a very military-like sharpness to the movements, despite the femininity of her clothing and appearance. "Thank you, Akodo Akihiko-sama."

"Congratulations on performing rather well in the robotics challenge today. It seems you did rather well..." she had no ill feelings about her own shortcomings there, having been fully prepared for it to go pretty poorly as building robots was pretty far outside of her knowledge of mechanics.

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Sun Sep 20, 2020 2:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

He waves her to sit, noting the hesitation. "Thank you, Utaku-san. It seems I remember more than a few things from my ship's officer training," he says, sounding genuinely surprised. In a quieter voice, he adds: "As with so many of our hosts' little games, I think it a poor test of what really needs be known about potential matches."

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Sun Sep 20, 2020 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

"I admit my knowledge of engineering is mostly related to the crafts we fly and not building robots," she added in with a wry smirk as she took the offered seat.

"Hm, is that so?" Hyeon-ju raised her eyebrows a little. "For some I can see the value it has; if one is an engineer, it is a way to showcase how good they actually are within a short amount of time. But yes, I can see that it might hold little value if that is not what someone is looking for in a partner. Pray tell, what does Akodo-sama look for in these tests?"

Author:  Yasuki Nishida [ Sun Sep 20, 2020 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

Somewhere in another corner of the lounge Nishida was sitting and enjoying a tea he had made himself.

He massaged his temples a bit, the day had not gone well. Although he had given a good report card at the robot event, the thing with Eriko still haunted him.

He breathed heavily in and out as he took the cup of tea and sipped on it. Some of his peace had returned.

[D7:LA] Tea Ceremony/Void TN15: 4d10o10k3 30

Don't mind me, just drinking Tea in this Timeslot, but you can apporach me if you like :)

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Mon Sep 21, 2020 3:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

"I think it more what I look for in a match, and which is difficult to reduce to a challenge. For example, I think it's very important, as a pilot, to have a match who's some kind of soldier, because of the risk they would be facing. And either a miai participant has that experience or they don't, and it's hard to create an event to test 'potential emotional resiliency.'" He grimaces. "But I am being unfair. As you say, it's a way to show off certain skills, for those who value those particular skills."

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Mon Sep 21, 2020 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

She nodded with understanding of what he was saying.

"And a way to see how some people deal with the unexpected too, no doubt. But as you say, there's much more one looks for in a partner outside of these challenges and contests - though they do lend themselves well to a conversation starter." Hyeon-ju smirked a little bit at that. "May I be so forward as to ask what Akodo-sama looks for in this miai, in a partner?"

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Mon Sep 21, 2020 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

Akihiko smiles. "I don't think that in this context that is too forward, although I confess even after seven days here I understand it feeling that way." He looks thoughtful for a moment, giving import to his answer.

"Besides a fellow soldier, I would hope to find someone with shared interests. I think politics matter, but I also recognize that the Lion Champion and our high command won't be changing any strategy based on my betrothal. I shall do right by my clan, but there is a duty to make the best of 'circumstances on the ground.' Clan-level politics alone cannot make a decision for me." Akihiko's voice is steady, firm in a way that surprises even him.

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Mon Sep 21, 2020 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

"A sensible approach," she remarked, her thumb and index finger touching her chin in a mark of brief contemplation.

"I wouldn't expect arrangements made here to have great effect on our clans as a whole, though they are not inconsequential." And she didn't know what sort of orders the Lion had compared to the others, or the Unicorn.

Some of the things he said were interesting for other reasons. "I'm a little surprised you seek a fellow soldier, though." Not that it seemed an unpleasant surprise. "Perhaps it was silly of me to think that you would be seeking a partner who could be more, uhm... homely?"

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Tue Sep 22, 2020 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

Akihiko chuckles, polite and quiet, but genuine. "I saw that in my parents' marriage," he shares, "and it was... workable. But my mother was a Matsu -- an uncommon one, before presumptions are made -- and she knew well what a soldier's wife's life would mean. Though she managed, I would not force that on someone. And my specialty is more dangerous than my father's. But now I'm presuming. Utaku-san, you perhaps hoped for a more home-oriented spouse?"

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Tue Sep 22, 2020 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

She could imagine a housewife life would be rough for a Matsu.

"Yes, and no. Personally, I would prefer a spouse where the two of us will share the burden of married life, so to speak. Not one person will be stuck at home, raising children, all the time. My own parents did so, and to me that seems to be the most fair and reasonable way," Hyeon-ju explained calmly.

"As a fellow pilot, I'm sure you can understand how much one dreads being grounded for a long period of time, yes?"

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

Akihiko nods, but without the agreeable smile so common to his face. "I can understand. No one becomes a pilot unless they want to fly. It was my greatest dream and it came true when I was 18 years old." The Lion doesn't seem as happy as one would expect.

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Tue Sep 22, 2020 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

"Once you start flying, it is hard to give it up." She on the other hand looked almost wistful for a moment. Before sobering up. "Though, of course, in a traditional Sun and Moon union, I understand that there is a time period when a mother must be the parent at home... I personally just look for a partner that will also take part in any potential child's growing years."

Hyeon-ju spoke with a calm and matter-of-fact tone.

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Tue Sep 22, 2020 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

"That is eminently reasonable, Utaku-san, and I hope for that for you as well. I am," he contemplates his next word a bit. "I am realistic that a match like me could be less favorable in that regard. The Lion Navy likely has its own sense of what is fair and reasonable for a flight leader's time, and I know in my father's career he did not seem too much in control of when he would be home and not. That said, I would try to ensure my wife's goals are at least made possible, even in the face of the navy's demands." The Lion pilot looks apologetic, almost like he's already had this fight with his superiors.

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Wed Sep 23, 2020 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

She nodded, seemingly with a very understanding expression. "A samurai can not ask for more, really. In the end, what is most important is serving the clan and our lords." Hyeon-ju held up a hand. "And if it would be my path to marry into the Lion, I don't think that my skills as a Sky Rider would be taken for granted."

The Akodo, or the Matsu, she felt a bit more certain now after her talk with Ishiyo that the Lion wouldn't do something like only seeing her as a potential mother when she was a skilled pilot and tactician.

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

Akihiko thinks for a time about what a future for Hyeon-ju in the Lion might look like. Suddenly he has a pained look on his face, but he chuckles at the same time.

He quickly recovers and explains: "I'm sorry, Utaku-san, but I had a ... unique thought occur to me, about how my friends at the Ikoma Widecast Network might react to an opportunity to showcase talented fighter pilot spouses." He shakes his head, perhaps trying to shake the thought poutof his head. "I apologize, I should not even mention such improbable things. Since my improbable start as a pilot, a certain amount of ... unpredictability ... sometimes creeps into my thoughts."

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

One eyebrow was raised, then she cracked a brief chuckle and smile. "Ah, I see. Seeing as you're the Goldenboy, yes," Hyeon-ju mused, as she recalled the story of his callsign and how he had been somewhat of a poster-boy for the Ikoma to use. They seemed rather skilled at that, with both Akihiko and Chiyoko both.

"An amusing thought. But nothing to apologise for. A miai tends to draw out... well, contemplative thoughts of possible futures before us, seeing as we have more choice on the matter than most do." She closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath as she did, before opening them once more. "The Lion have sent very eligible attendants to this miai."

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

"Utaku-san is most kind," Akihiko says with a small bow of his head. "Especially when the Unicorn have likewise sent very interesting candidates." The Lion takes a small but dramatic pause. "Well, one who's very interesting, at least," he says, giving Hyeon-ju an intent look.

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtship Is Honor (D7, LA)

"... Thank you, Akodo-sama," the direct compliment surprised her, though she was not the type to blush easily it seemed. Still, there was a sincere smile gracing her features, that spoke more than any blush.

"Ah well," it seemed she was a little bit more flustered than her cool exterior let on, "... I would like to learn more about Akodo-sama, in the possibility of that is how fate decides to go? Perhaps what you enjoy doing in your sparetime when you're not flying or being in front of the camera?"

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