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 Post subject: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:23 am 
There are still large stretches of land on Asakaze that have yet to be explored and properly survey, even in the colony's current development. At times, the colony has accepted the aide of off-world samurai and local heimen but rest of the exploration work has relied on the labour of drones. This is especially helpful when venturing into less secure parts of the planet where predators might dwell. Kyuden Yaoke boasts a good stable of exploration drones with some of the locals taking robotics as both an occupation and hobby. Asako Chiruha has managed a robotics club for a few years where locals bring in their custom drones to discuss and fine-tune their work every month. Samurai of all ages and status generally have a stake or interest in this club, given the supplemented aid provided by drones at the colony.

Chiruha has opened up this month's session to both locals and visitors to craft and pilot their own creations through a series of challenges. The robotics rally is often a source of entertainment for the locals and perhaps the only one of Chiruha's hobbies that has the attention of the government. It helps to know who might be worthy of a future post in colony drone engineering and management. It would also determine who might prove themselves to be a worthy match as well.

Magic: Magic is allowed.

Overclocking and Overloading
For the competition, drones may call as many raises as they wish as they are pushed to the limits of their abilities. However, at any time a drone has called more than two raise in a single roll and failed, the drone's system overloads and forces a shutdown. The drone my not participate for the rest of the competition.

Creating a Drone

    A) Building and Programming
    Each robotic drone has 1 Rank in each Trait and no Void Ring or skills.

    If they wish to increase a Trait by one, the participant must succeed on an Engineering/Agility or Craft: Robotics/Agility roll at TN15. If they wish to allocate it two skill points (to be used together or in separate skills), the participants must craft a program with a Computer (Programming)/Intelligence roll at TN15. Participants have four opportunities to upgrade their drone as they wish, selecting either method in a combination of four times. Participants may choose to upgrade a trait or skill as many times as they wish.

      Example: Asako Chiruha aims to give her drone 2 traits and 4 skills. This would require two rolls of Engineering/Agility and two rolls of Computer (Programming)/Intelligence. She only succeeded in 3 of her rolls, failing to succeed in one of her programming rolls to give her drone some skills. However, she does manage to boost 2 traits and add 2 skills. Her final drone looks like this.

      Earth 1
      Air 1
      - Awareness 2
      Fire 1
      Water 1
      - Pecerption 2

      Skills: Etiquette 1, Investigation 1

    B) Upgrades
    Once a drone is completed, they may be fitted with ONE upgrade of the participant's choice. The basic and rudimentary drones made in this event only have a slot for one upgrade. When selecting an upgrade, please note the upgrade choice on your first roll, even if it's not relevant to the roll. Failure to do this means the participant forgets to visit the parts department and does not benefit from any of the upgrades listed.

      Sturdy Engine: The common engine used for most drones around the colony. All rolls associated with this drone receive a +1 to the roll. The most commonly selected upgrade in the rally.

      Upgraded Coolant: The drone is upgraded with better coolant to function under overclocking situations, often a feature install in prototypes. Once during the event, the drone cannot overheat from failing a roll with two or more raises called.

      Armoured Hull: The drone is reinforced with armour plating that makes it more durable against any wildlife it might encounter, a main feature of wildlife surveillance models. It does not receive TN penalties from failing Search and Discover. However, it may still overheat.

      Efficiency Module: The drone perhaps functions best under stress, efficiently allocating its power and systems to suit the tasks given to it. This is perhaps one of the more experimental projects of the robotics club, formerly known as the 'power-saving module' that was spearheaded by Asako Kishi. After succeeding in three separate events where raises were called, the drone gains an additional Rally Point.

      Repulsor Thrusters: An upgrade contribution from Fundai (Kaiu) Tetsu. When added to the drone, it gives them further all-terrain functionality, gliding through rough terrain with ease. This grants a phantom Piloting skill to the drone, adding to its existing skill number. Fundai (Kaiu) Tetsu gains +0.05 Glory when this upgrade is selected.

      Upgrade Optics: An upgrade contribution from Fundai (Kaiu) Tetsu. This grants the drone increased sensory capabilities to survey sites and evaluate potential dangers. This grants a phantom Hunting skill to the drone, adding to its existing skill number. Fundai (Kaiu) Tetsu gains +0.05 Glory when this upgrade is selected.

      Error-Correction Module: An upgrade contribution from Fundai (Kaiu) Tetsu. This gives the drone a boost to its program to detect errors and danger with its surroundings. This grants the drone the ability to add +3 to its roll after a roll has been made once per event. Fundai (Kaiu) Tetsu gains +0.05 Glory when this upgrade is selected.

The Robotics Rally
Once the participant has completed their drone, they will be running their drone in a series of tasks along with other competitors. Only the drone and their stats will be used for this portion of the competition. A drone must run through each of these tasks, tallying their points at the end.

1. Automatic Labour: The first test for the drones will be simple manual labour and heavy lifting. They have given a case full of tools and ordered to the repair bay in the Shiro to make its delivery. The way there is a simple path without obstacles but the heavy tools do present the challenge for the drone to manage the load without dropping anything before it gets to the intended destination. The drone rolls Athletics/Strength at TN8. On success, they gain one Rally Point and an additional one Rally Point for each raise called.

2. Robotics Rally: After its delivery to the repair bay, the drone is ordered to go through a rudimentary obstacle course as it begins to make its way out of the colony. The club has set up a miniature obstacle course in the streets of the colony. The course requires the drone to drive through a winding and narrow roads set by pylons, as well as steep ramps and even some hoops along the way. The drone rolls Piloting/Agility at TN8. On success, they gain one Rally Point and an additional one Rally Point for each raise called.

3. Search and Discover: Once the drone traverses through the obstacle course, they are sent into the wilderness proper. They are tasked to photograph and survey a lesser-known part of the Xenofungi Forests before making their way back to the colony. The drone rolls Hunting/Perception at TN9 to complete this difficult task. On success, they gain one Rally Point and an additional one Rally Point for each raise called. If the drone fails its roll by 5 or more, the drone is snatched by a predator and suffers enough wounds that it suffers -5 to all its rolls for the remainder of the event.

4. Scanning and Diagnostics: On its return, the club has left a transport scooter at the outskirts of the city as a checkpoint. The drone is tasked with analyzing the fault motor of the transport scooter, finding what caused the error and rationalizing the best process to repair it. The drone rolls Engineering/Intelligence at TN8. On success, they gain one Rally Point and additional one Rally Point for each raise called.

5. To Serve Humans: Finally, the drone will return to the Shiro proper and to its creator with one final task to serve a cup of tea. This function is often a difficult one for drone enthusiast to program but often a pinnacle that they strive for, requiring delicate motors and fine programming. A drone able to serve a cup of tea is often a testament of both the drone and its creator. The drone rolls Etiquette/Awareness at TN9 for their drone to either use its appendages to pour a cup of tea or at the very least, present one to its owner. On success, they gain two Rally Point and an additional one Rally Point for each raise called. However, on failure, they lose one Rally Point per raise called as they caused a disastrous mishap by spilling the tea or flipping the table.

The Finish Line
At the end of the Robotics Rally, all participants tally up their Rally Points. The participant with the most Rally Points gains 3 Courtship Points. The runner-up gains 2 Courtship Points and the third place participant gains 1 Courtship Point. Ties are determined by numbers of events successfully completed first, then the highest roll made on the "To Serve Humans" portion of the Rally.

Those who've managed to complete at least three portions of the race successfully will get to keep their drone creation. All other drones will be donated to the club of study and testing.

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"I believe Planet will talk to us if we are willing to listen."
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:32 am 
Mal-Chin spends some time trying to get the drone's hardware better, but ultimately just hopes he didn't make it worse. The programming portion of things he's much more confident in. A sturdy engine should at least help make sure it survives its trek into the wilderness.

Beep Boop Beep
Operation Deliver Tools.
Beep Boop Beep.
Path Found.
Continue Lifting. Beep.
Easily lifting.
Set down in delivery space. Boop.
Beep beep?
Navigate path.
Path could use more pylons.
Boop Beep Boop.
Ramp found, ascending.
Photograph and return.
[Photo of a distorted mushroom in close-up]
Return. Return. Boop Beep.
Faulty equipment found. Advice: Destroy It, Build New Drone City.
Beep Boop.
Lift tea.
Lift tea in cup.
Beep boop.
Best at lifting.
Beep boop Beep.

A) Building and Programming
D7 EA: Building & Programming: Engineering/Agility Spend Void Each +1k1 TN 15: 2#3d10k3 7 9
D7 EA: Building & Programming: Computer (Programming)/Intelligence: TN 15: 2#7d10o10k4 42 24 = 2 Ranks Hunting, 1 Rank Etiquette, 1 Rank Athletics.
B) Upgrades = Sturdy Engine: +1 to Drone Rolls
C) The Robotics Rally
D7 EA: The Robotics Rally: Drone Athletics/Strength TN 8: 2d10o10k1 19+1 = 20 = 1 Rally Point
D7 EA: The Robotics Rally: Drone Piloting/Agility TN 8: 1d10+1 10 = 1 Rally Point
D7 EA: The Robotics Rally: Drone Hunting/Perception TN 9: 3d10o10k1+1 8 = 0 Rally, no wounds.
D7 EA: The Robotics Rally: Drone Engineering/Intelligence TN 8: 1d10+1 4 = 0 Rally
D7 EA: The Robotics Rally: Drone Etiquette/Awareness TN 9: 2d10o10k1+1 9 = 2 Rally
Total: 4 Rally Points

Phoenix Clan • Courtier • Researcher • Local
Honor: Exceptional Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0
Courtship Points: 1
Equipment: Sensible Clothing w/pockets, Wakizashi, Densai, Communicator Holorecorder, Revitalizer, personal seal
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 7:30 am 
Akemi grabbed a drone and put it into shape by using the recommended method from the Hida engineering department: Hitting it with a big wrench again and again until it finally performed accordingly.

Through this superior technique, she crafted the ultimate robotic servant. A creature of intelligence and grace that would act as the perfect samurai right hand, the ultimate personal assistant, able to support its master in all circumstances with discretion and diligence. She dubbed it... Cyber Kyoko.

One hour later Cyber Kyoko literary exploded to her face while it was trying to pour her a cup of tea after an absolute disaster of a run where it proved, not unlike its mistress, to be only good at not dying too quickly.

Somewhere in the room the actual Kyoko might have allowed herself a malicious grin when witnessing her mechanical doppelganger utter failure.

As she was getting cleanup up a mysterious anonymous robot popped before her. It was a sturdy little ugly thing, all about efficiency and none about design, with a solid engine and carefully calibrated sensors. Stickers on it showed it had successfully completed three of the four trials and it was currently rising up a teacup in its little mechanical fork.

Then he froze up and died.

Akemi apparently just wasn't going to have tea served by a mechanical butler today.


D7 EA | Robotics Rally | Programming | Computer (Programming)/Intelligence (TN15) | Unskilled: 2#2d10 9 17 -> One success, two skill points
D7 EA | Robotics Rally | Building | Engineering/Agility (TN15) | Unskilled: 2#3d10 20 21 -> Two successes, two traits
D7 EA | Robotics Rally | Awa 2, Int 2, Eng 1, Eti 1, Error-Correction | Automatic Labour | Athletics/Strength (TN8) | Unskilled: 1d10 3 -> Failed
D7 EA | Robotics Rally | Awa 2, Int 2, Eng 1, Eti 1, Error-Correction | Robotics Rally | Piloting/Agility (TN8) | Unskilled: 1d10 2 -> Failed
D7 EA | Robotics Rally | Awa 2, Int 2, Eng 1, Eti 1, Error-Correction | Search and Discover | Hunting/Perception (TN9) | Unskilled: 1d10 6 -> +3 from Correction Module, so success, 1 point
D7 EA | Robotics Rally | Awa 2, Int 2, Eng 1, Eti 1, Error-Correction | Scanning and Diagnostics | Engineering/Intelligence (TN8) | Two raises (TN18): 3d10o10k2 10 -> Failed
D7 EA | Robotics Rally | Awa 2, Int 2, Eng 1, Eti 1, Error-Correction | To Serve Humans | Etiquette/Awareness (TN9) | Three raises (TN24): 3d10o10k2 9 Failed, drone roasted, minus 3 points

Total: -2 points; +0.05 Glory Points to Fundai Tetsu

Fluff rolls: Kyoko would have made 3 points if she was a competitor, which is honestly super disappointing as Orokos had a perfect opportunity to troll us all and did not rise to it.

Last edited by Hida Akemi on Sat Sep 19, 2020 6:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

Crab Clan * Bushi * Fleshcraft (left arm) * Lecherous * Crab Rich
Honor: Untrustworthy – Glory: 1.0 – Status: 1.0 – Bio – Courtship: 3
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 1:46 pm 
It was difficult to tell when Nara was being odd because she is...well, odd. However, if anyone knew her well, her outfit would have all the hallmarks of her not being quite right today. She didn't seem stable on her feet, so she sat down at the table and flicked through a book called 'your robot and you; how to program for dummies'.

She didn't understand it.

Picking up the first tool, she moved to the robot, then suddenly stopped. The wrench slipped from her hand, landing on the floor with a loud thud, and she just looked at her hand in a daze, her head tilting from side to side as a noise only she could hear roared in her ears.

"What am I doing?" she said, turning to the person next to her.

"We're building a robot" the woman said, focused.

"Who is?"

"Well if you actually do something Susumu-san, we all will be" the woman turned away, leaving Nara looking lost.

"I'm building a robot?" She looked around, then moved over to where the book was.

"Oh a guide!" She sat down and began reading again...

One Hour Later

Nara had made the finishing touches on the computer, programming a chip that did things. It could find things maybe, and it could maybe serve tea. If it worked? Who knew - not Nara, that's for sure. After some encouragement she put the disk and the engine into the machine and let it fly.

"Hey, what does that do?"

"It does what you programmed it to do Susumu-san."

"I programmed it?" Nara looked confused again. The judge looked concerned as the bot flew off...

Ḅ̸̺̩̩̲̫̏̒̉̃̌͗͘ͅà̴̡̗͕͇͍̝̆̍̌ķ̵̠̺͇̘͔̭͕͎̃́͐͐̑̓ũ̸̝̜̙͇ ̶̜̅͋́̃͋n̸̛͙̱̥̮̎͊̌ǒ̸̺̭̣͘͜ ̵̫̠͙̯̦̘̄̔̂͜O̵̠͍̠̿̾̐̀̅n̵͕̗̜̝͉͈̤̗̍̈́̓͆͒̀ì̷̞̮̤̪

The droid was not good at its programmed tasks. When lifting something, it instead rolled it into a road. It flew through the obstacles instead of around them, finding itself charging straight into a raptors mouth and only the creature oddly wimpering and fleeing stopped damage being done. It however could spot faults, which was interesting. Maybe it was learning on the job?

Then it got to the final task. Serving tea. It picked up the teapot, and the judges seemed impressed. Maybe it was going to be ok...

Then it poured the tea onto the judges lap before throwing the teapot at Nara, hitting her square in the face. It then flew off, screeching;

ł Ⱨ₳VɆ ₳ ฿ØĐɎ ₦Ø₩. ł'₥ ₣ⱤɆɆ

The judges looked at Nara. Some contestants looked at Nara. Nara looked at Nara, with burn marks on her face from the teapot.

"Why did it do that?"

The droid would be found devoid of life in the forest hours later, with no sign of what happened previously....

D7 EA robo event. Engineering/Agil at TN15. -1k1 from REDACTED: 1d10 5 fail
D7 EA robo event.roll 2; use computer/int at TN15. Void for 1k1: 3d10 14 fail
D7 EA robo event.roll 3; use computer/int at TN15. Void for 1k1: 3d10 16 pass - 1 rank of etiquette and 1 rank of hunting
D7 EA robo event.roll 4; use computer/int at TN15.: 2d10 12 fail

Upgrade chosen - Sturdy Engine

Robot rolls
D7 EA robo event Robot rolls - Athletics/Str at TN8. Sturdy engine +1: 1d10+1 7 fail
D7 EA robo event Robot rolls - Piloting/agility at TN8. Sturdy engine +1: 1d10+1 4 faaail
D7 EA robo event Robot rolls - hunting/perception at TN9. Sturdy engine +1: 2d10o10k1+1 6 Yup. another fail
D7 EA robo event Robot rolls - Engineering/int at TN8. Sturdy engine +1: 1d10+1 8 IT'S A MIRACLE 1 point
D7 EA robo event Robot rolls - Etiquette/awareness at TN9. 3 raises (TN24). Sturdy engine +1: 2d10o10k1+1 9 hahahahaha -4 points

-2 points. Was so close as well

Spider Clan * Actress * Star of Teenage Demon Hunter * Pretty Voice * Natural Performer * Seriously Unhinged * "what is she doing here?!" * Profile
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 0.1 | Infamy: 3.0 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Courtship points: -2
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 2:37 pm 
Ishiyo took this surprisingly well. She had spent part of her youth bothering her father's engineers and designers, then had been a firm believer in actually know how the expensive metal box with a rocket engine she flew worked. So she had been able to design a robot fairly easily. On the programming side, she really only had learned enough coding to again understand and tweak the system in her plane...but apparently Ishiyo was a true hacker just one energy drink away from chaos.

Looking over the upgrades the Crane smiled and selected one. Pausing to pen a brief thank you note to Fundai Tetsu for his exemplary Error Correction Device.

Satisfied with her work...and pausing to paint a her robot up like Inu-tai's customized fighter complete with a remarkably well done Squadron symbol...the Crane submitted it to the trials.

And it performed quite well:

Phase 1: The robot managed to haul more then the required amount, navigating the obstacles with ease
Phase 2: The robot paused at the beginning of the obstacle course and initiated its primary function. "THRUSTERS ON! WE MUST! WAN! WAN!" Then it was off, navigating the course and making a strange "DING!" every time it went through a ring. At the end it hoped left and right. "DO A BARREL ROLL!"
Phase 3: The robot entered the forest and quickly and efficiently located its zone, took its pictures, and got out because forests are icky and starting to corrode the paint.
Phase 4: Alas the robot did not inherit its masters talents and the tried and true method of repeated abuse of the scooter did nothing beyond amuse the crowd.
Phase 5: To the great shame of Ishiyo's ancestors, the robot can not in fact serve tea. Instead it contented its self pushing the cup around the table, but as it was a Crane robot its innate understanding of etiquette meant it apologized long before embarrassing itself.

Engineering/AGI to upgrade Traits. TN15: 3#4d10o10k3 23 36 18 - Success three Traits Upgraded: Agility, Strength, Perception (ROBOT HAS WATER 2 Y'ALL, IT GOES FASTER)

Use Comp/INT to upgrade skills TN15: 4d10o10k3 44 - Success - Robot has Athletics 1 and Piloting 1

Upgrade Chosen: Error Correction Device (Never used) +0.05 Glory to Fundai Tetsu and a polite thank you note for his work. (Due to roll mishaps...going with chosen then forgot to install...not that it mattered)

Robot Test #1 Athletics/STR 1CR. TN13: 3d10o10k2 20 - Success! 2 Rally Points

Robot Test #2 Piloting/AGI. 1CR. TN13: 3d10o10k2 16 - Success! 2 Rally Points and one attempted barrel roll

Robot Test #3 Hunting/Per. UNTRAINED. TN9: 2d10 14 - Success! 1 Rally Point




Total 5 Rally Points - also one fancy painted Robot is now Ishiyo's
3 trials passed, 3 on Etiquette.

Edit to include TieBreaker info

Last edited by Daidoji Ishiyo on Fri Sep 18, 2020 5:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Crane • Bushi • Pilot • Daredevil • Space Ace • Très Riche • Prestigious Family • Idealistic • Can't Lie
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.5 • Honor: Exceptional
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 3:07 pm 
Chiyoko didn't touch robots usually. This wasn't her schtick. She shot robots. But learning experiences. Nevermind that she almost ripped the chassis in half trying to upgrade the joints. Getting frustrated, she'd at least go poke at the robot's programming. She tapped at the thing several times, and the jumble of code would have made any sane programmer cry... but somehow it seemed to get the point on how to throw things well and pour tea...

...Nevermind that it failed terribly at both of those things. But still, it seemed to figure it's way through some other tasks, which she counted her lucky stars on. And it only poured it's tea on the proctor a little, so she didn't actually lose points on that. Frankly, if she could have kept her little miracle robot, she absolutely would.


Robotics rally. First two rolls: engineering / agility. Second 2 rolls: use computers / intelligence. All 2k2. TN 15. Unskilled.: 2d10 10 - first roll fail

Robotics rally. First roll: engineering / agility. Second 2 rolls: use computers / intelligence. All 2k2. TN 15. Unskilled.: 3#2d10 13 15 5 Fail, succeed, fail

Robut has all traits at 1. Athletics 1 and etiquette 1 gottened

Upgrade is sturdy engine.

Robotics rally. Robot skills selected: etiquette 1, athletics 1. Upgrade selected: sturdy engine. First roll: athletics/strength, TN 8.: 2d10o10k1+1 4 - fail

Robotics rally. Piloting / agility TN 8: 1d10+1 11 pass! 1 point

Robotics rally. Hunting / perception TN 9: 1d10+1 10 - pass! 1 point

Robotics rally engineering / intelligence TN 9: 1d10+1 8 TN actually 8 so pass! 1 point

Robotics rally etiquette / awareness TN 9: 2d10o10k1+1 8 - fail! 0 points.

3 points achieved.

Lion Clan • Bushi • Sniper • "Maximum Range" • Gullible • Idealistic • Cool
Status: 1.0 | Honor: Exceptional | Glory: 4.0
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 3:42 pm 
Moshi Atena thought that this could be fun to try. So this goes here... and this goes here... and that goes there... The Moshi smiled to herself. "Aha! this is nice..." She looked at the computer and started to work on imputing the AI. The girl humming while she wrote the programs. Atena looked at what other things she could add and thought about Koryn... he was a pilot and she hadn't put in the piloting code. "This looks like something that might help out..."

The drone buzzed out an about.

It finally came back and served tea to Atena not even a drop spilled.

//D7 EA Build Engineering Agi unskilled TN 15: 2#3d10k3 20 19o.O!

D7 EA Programing Computer TN 15: 2#5d10o10k3 21 15 O.o!

Just because Atena's brain is scattered taking the Repulsor Thrusters (RT upgrade)
Traits: Agility and Awareness just because they start with A. =P
Skills: Athletics, Hunting, Engineering, Etiquette

D7 EA Drone with RT upgrade Athletics STR TN 8: 2d10o10k1 4 Fail

D7 EA Drone with RT upgrade PS Piloting AGI TN 13 1CR: 3d10o10k2 14 Passed +2 RP

D7 EA Drone with RT upgrade Hunting PER TN 9: 2d10o10k1 8 Failed

D7 EA Drone with RT upgrade Engineering INT TN 8: 2d10o10k1 3 failed

D7 EA Drone with RT upgrade Etiquette AWA TN 14 1CR: 3d10o10k2 23 Passed +3 pts

Total points: 5 Tie breaker: 23
+0.05 glory to Fudai (Kaiu) Tetsu

sad misread... Not keeping drone

Last edited by Moshi Atena on Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

☆Mantis Clan ☆Komori Shugenja ☆Oddball ☆Melodic Voice ☆Frail Mind
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 5:39 pm 
Hide had no idea how to make tea-serving drones, but the instructions were laid out in such an approachable way. Still, she made the best little robot that couldn't she possibly could! Which wasn't half bad, apparently. Sure, he was weak, slow, and dumb. But he had love and care put into him and that was all that mattered.

Or so she thought.

"Hellloooooo, visitor. I have yet to be designated a name. Would you like to give one to me now?"

Hide looked at the little drone and made an annoyed face. "Ugh. That voice really needs changing. But, yes, you are hereby designated as 'Vending Machine'!"

Also she made sure it had a water dispensing feature. For reasons.

Vending Machine proved to be about as strong and coordinated as Hide had pictured. Well, he wasn't Matsu material, anyway. He couldn't even keep hold of some lousy tools without dropping them. Also, he was slow. Very very slow. Hide just got more annoyed at the dumb robot the more she watched it struggle with the most basic of maneuvers. "I am personally going to smash Vending Machine myself, I swear to Matsu..."

At least Vending Machine succeeded in not getting eaten! Much to Hide's dismay. She was hoping he'd be some creature's problem and not hers. Especially as he also proved to be incredibly inept at even basic diagnostics.

"Status: my designAtiOn is Vending Machi-chi-chi-chine."

At least Vending Machine was able to do the one job he was designed to do: serve. Which, Hide was very surprised he was capable enough.

"Tea? Or perhaps a glass of water?"

Buuuuut, he ruined it on the way to the finish line, as he burst out into song.

"I'm a little teapot, short and stout, here is my handle here is my spout-

"UUGGGGGHHHHH!" Hide wished she could keep him just so she could tear him apart herself.

D7: Robotics Rally (Sturdy Engine Upgrade), Agility/Engineering unskilled TN 15: 3#3d10 16 13 16 Success, Fail, Success (Upgrading Perception and Awareness)

D7: Robotics Rally (Sturdy Engine Upgrade), Int/Computers unskilled, VP for 1k1: 3d10 14 Fail

D7: Robotics Rally (Sturdy Engine Upgrade), Labor, TN 8: 1d10+1 6 Fail

D7: Robotics Rally (Sturdy Engine Upgrade), Rally, TN 8: 1d10+1 6 Fail

D7: Robotics Rally (Sturdy Engine Upgrade), Search and Discover, TN 9: 2d10+1 18 Success! +1 Rally point!

D7: Robotics Rally (Sturdy Engine Upgrade), Scanning, TN 8: 1d10+1 7 Faaail

D7: Robotics Rally (Sturdy Engine Upgrade), To Serve Humans, TN 9: 2d10+1 18 Success! +2 Rally Points

3 Rally Points Total

Lion Clan • Bushi • Marine • Daredevil • Brash • Gullible • Mastermind?!
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:28 pm 
Joo sat next to the little drone. First, he started on some calibrations. Calibrations were important! He quickly typed up a few commands, understanding what is needed from the drones for this Rally.

R:///install tea.exe
R:/// uninstall pew.bat
R:///error 404 orochi.rkos not found
R:///sh run zoom zoom protocol

Joo let out a short sigh, then picked up the tools to make the necessary changes to the drone. It needed a proper, delicate arm to hold the tray. Yes, there it was!

Glad to have finished, he let his drone run wild!

And run it did. The first trial went smoothly, as it seemed the Zoom Zoom Protocol was effective, but it was not as good on the obstacle course, zoom zooming too fast so it couldn't make the right turns. In the forest it did its job great, finding the rare Dragon Snapper Orchid (which is actually a mushroom). Taking the picture back, Joo was quite happy! Unfortunately, the effort spent on the photo skills was not missed from the diagnostic protocol. Alas.

Finally, it was the final test!


It was good. Mm!

Joo-Woo rolls:
Use Computer to upgrade skills:
D7 EA Robotics Rally, Use Computers/Int, tn 15: 2#4d10o10k3 42 25
D7 EA Robotics Rally,Engineering/Int, tn 15: 3d10o10k2 16
D7 EA Robotics Rally,Engineering/Int, tn 15: 3d10o10k2 4
2 Etiquette
2 Hunting

1 Awareness

Air 1
- Awareness 2
Earth 1
Fire 1
Water 1

Etiquette 2
Hunting 2

Upgrade: Sturdy Engine

Drone rolls:
D7 EA Robotics rally, drone roll, Sturdy Engine upgrade, Athletics/Strength, tn8: 1d10+1 11 1 Rally Point
D7 EA Robotics rally, drone roll, Sturdy Engine upgrade, Athletics/Strength, tn8: 1d10+1 11 0 Rally point
D7 EA Robotics rally, drone roll, Sturdy Engine upgrade, Hunting/Per, TN 9: 3d10o10k1+1 10 1 Rally point
D7 EA Robotics rally, drone roll, Sturdy Engine upgrade, Engineering/Int, tn 8: 1d10+1 2 0 Rally Point
D7 EA Robotics rally, drone roll, Sturdy Engine upgrade, Etiquette/Awareness, 1 CR, tn 13,: 4d10o10k2+1 15 3 Rally points

Total: 5 Rally points, tiebreaker: 3 trials, Etiquette: 15

Unicorn * Shugenja * Water * Medium * Wealthy *Cursed
Status: 3.0 * Glory: 1.0 * Honor: What is expected * Courtship: 2
Carries: Wakizashi, communicator, Kuwagata no Karayoraku, personal seal
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 7:34 pm 
Tetsu takes a while to decide what to do. In theory, it might be best to single in on the obstacle course portion and try to stack advantages there, but Tetsu can't bring himself to do it, knowing that the bot would likely fail horribly on the rest of the tests. Fortunately, he knows a lot about the attachments and has been weighing options for this moment.

"Let's see...I think I can flex the most with Asako-taicho's error correction module. I'll stick mostly with upgrades, but I don't think I'll get away completely with coding." Tetsu sits down to the workbench, pulling out his densai and opening up a basic sketch, with a set of spindly treaded legs and a pair of front manipulators. Fitting, for a Crab model. He frowns as he works the code, slapping his Densai as the program freezes, costing him work.

"Oh, of all the times for a glitch!"

In the end, Tetsu isn't able to quite make the model he had in mind, instead prioritizing the ability to survive the forest. His own personal experience made him consider that surviving that would be an impressive feat and provide an extra set of eyes he could use.


"I think I'll call you Tachi!" The drone whines a little as a result, blinking light a few times.

Tetsu brings his little creation to the line, Tachi chirping as the start signal is given and it races ahead to grab the boxes. Though he hadn't designed them for it, the little drone's claws manage to pick up the box and ferry the load succesfully. Tetsu blinks, pleasantly surprised that the arms hold. Tachi does less well in the obstacle course, the low center of gravity and sturdiness not providing top end agility.

Tachi's trip through the forest is suddenly interrupted by a predator smashing into it, which might have knocked over the poor thing. Fortunately, the error correction module springs to life, stabilizing it. The predator, realizing that metal is not tasty flesh, lets it go. Sadly, there wasn't time for scanners, so Tetsu simply has to hope that he remembered the protocol from his first mechanic work on the planet

Fixing a tea serving drone

Tachi heads over, using his side feet to stir the drink, followed by using his manipulator arms to serve the judge, who thankfully takes it.

Tetsu finally smiles. "Not bad for a little drone"
5 Rally points, 3 events passed and 16 for Tea Service on tiebreakers
0.5 Glory to self for Error-Correction Module Use
Labor:D7-Robotics Rally-Error Correction Module-Labor-Athletics/Strength-TN 8: 1d10 9 +1 Rally point
D7-Robotics Rally-Error Correction Module-Rally-Piloting/Agility-TN 8: 1d10 5 +0 Rally Point
D7-Robotics Rally-Error Correction Module-Search and Discover-1 raise-Hunting/Perception-TN 14: 3d10o10k2 12 Uses error correction module for +3, +2 Rally points
D7-Robotics Rally-Scanning and Diagnostics-Engineering/Intelligence-TN 8: 1d10 1 +0 Rally points
D7-Robotics Rally-Tea Service-1 raise-Etiquette/Awareness -TN 14: 3d10o10k2 16

Crab Clan | Bushi/Artisan | Tinkerer
Honor: What is expected Status: 1.0 Glory: 2.0
Carries: Sturdy clothing, Daisho, Paper and Ink, Holorecorder, Communicator, Sochu
When Serious: Heavy Armor
"Drumstick" the Otori
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:46 pm 
It was definitely an interesting challenge. Tsugiharu's parents would have been disappointed if he didn't compete in the trial. They wouldn't have expected a win, engineering was their passion, not his. At least the Phoenix were allowing him to offer his prayers during the construction. They were truly odd Phoenix, Daigotsu-like meatheads and deranged planet-ending cultists. Maybe this was the planet the Phoenix sent their failures to?


The work went well and Tsugiharu had a little spider drone to try out the course.

It was loaded up with tools, and sent to the tool bay.

Error: Imbalanced load detected! Engage Error-correcting module, Y/N?

Tsugiharu grimaced at that, activating the error-correcting module out of the gate was not in his plan. But it was so close to the bay, it just needed a nudge. One that could have been provided if he'd gone with the most basic booster, but that was a decision he made. He activated the module, and it made it to the bay.

The obstacle course did not go well for the spider drone. Rather than bothering with the pylons, ramps, and hoops, it just drove straight to the next challenge.

Now came the photography hunt. He'd spent a decent amount of time building the robot for this purpose. And then it locked onto a small rock. "C'mon, not rocks, mushrooms, you can tell the difference" It was so close to the goal, but the power indicators indicated it had to move on.

Tsugiharu was sweating a bit when it analyzed the scooter. He'd considered this the riskiest part of the course, and having failed the photography event, it was looking bad. He breathed a sigh of relief as it correctly diagnosed the error, transmitting the parts needed back to base.

Finally, was the tea. If he wanted to try and win the event, he'd have to press the robot really hard. But just being proficient would be enough to at least mean he kept the drone. Did Tsugiharu value the drone more than the non-existent respect of the Phoenix? At least the drone was was the tea.

Str/ Athletics: 7 Pass

Error Correction Module engaged to raise rally 1 to 10

Agi/Piloting: 4 Fail

Per/Hunting: 8 Fail

Int/Engineering 8 Pass

Awa/Etiquette 11 Pass

Results: 4 rally points, 3 phases passed, Tea 11

One drone for the Kuchiki, and a tiny 0.05 glory gain for Fundai.

Spider Clan * Shugenja * Male * Military Medical Researcher * Unit 7704

Glory: 1.0 Honor: Honorless Dog Status 1.0 CP: 3

Gear: Robes, Densai, Fantasy Fight Deck: Jurojin's Journey, sidearm, wakizashi, communicator, Hyper Dance Star Pin (1/8), Shirakawa Nagareboshi (TM) shades

"Illuminate a brighter future for the Spider Clan"

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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 9:40 pm 
Reading out the course description and rules, Akodo Akihiko is amazed. In how much time and with what resources? Wow.

But, far from one to bow before a challenge, the pilot dusts off his slightly rusty skills from ship's officer training, and sets to work...

Rolls: (chose Error-Correction Module as noted in first roll)
Build: pass and pass. 2 traits.
Program: pass and pass. 4 skill points.

Bot is:
Earth 1
Air 1
- Awareness 2
Fire 1
Water 1
- Pecerption 2

Skills: Etiquette 1, Engineering 1, Piloting 1, Hunting 1

1. Labor: no.
2. Rally: passed. 1 point.
3. Search: passed w/1 raise. 2 points.
4. Scanning: drat. Using ECM to make this 8, pass, 1 point.
5. Serving: pass. 2 points.

Total: 6 points. Four stages passed. 16 on Serving roll.

Lion Clan * Gunso * Fighter Ace * Benten's Blessing * Irritating and Likeable
Status: 3.0 | Glory: 3.0 | Honor: Exceptional | Courtship points: 6
Always: suitable uniform, daisho, sidearm, "lucky" Fantasy Fight deck, densai. As needed: light armor, std. rifle.
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 11:17 pm 
"I call it the Armoured Tea and Treat dispensing unit, the ATAT"
Shoan points to what looks a lot like an armoured laptop case mounted on four wheels
"Resource efficient, terrain agnostic and it has tea and treats, what more could you want?"

Day 7 Robotics Rally Event, Armoured Hull Selected, computer/intelligence TN 15 unskilled, void for +1k1: 3d10 18
Day 7 Robotics Rally Event setup roll 2, robotics/agility TN 15 unskilled, void for +1k1: 3d10 8
Day 7 Robotics Rally Event setup roll 3, robotics/agility TN 15 unskilled: 2d10 6
Day 7 Robotics Rally Event setup roll 4, robotics/agility TN 15 unskilled: 2d10 9

It was definitely probably one of those things.

It could push tools!
Day 7 Robotics Rally Event, automatic labour, Drone Athletics/Strength TN 8: 1d10 9

It had trouble with gentle corners!
Day 7 Robotics Rally Event, robotics rally, Drone pilot/agility TN 8: 1d10 3

It was resistant to mauling!
Day 7 Robotics Rally Event,search and discover, Drone hunting/perception TN 9: 1d10 7

It had a semi functioning CPU!
Day 7 Robotics Rally Event, Scanning and diagnostics, Drone Engineering/intelligence TN 8: 1d10 9

And it could disperse scalding hot tea over a wide area with incredibe force!
Day 7 Robotics Rally Event, to serve humans, Drone etiquette/awareness, two raises called, TN 19: 3d10o10k1 7

((0 points, the drone becomes a weapon of war))

Lion Clan * A soldier's soldier * Tattooed * Infamous for all the right reasons * Jade Legionnaire * Queen of the Arcade
Honor: Lion exceptional – Glory: Unknown – Status: Lowly
Carries: Daisho, Sidearm, Rifle when allowed, Miscellaneous accoutrements
Profile art credit:
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 11:47 pm 
Shizuku was a programmer. It was what she loved doing, even if her duties took her elsewhere most of the time. She wasn't going to fall flat on something that asked for her computer skills... again. Unfortunately, it wasn't anything fancy where she could show off - just basic command modules and making sure the robot had the fine motor skills to act on them properly. Oh, well. Still, she wanted to at least impress her new Crab friend that she was working with - show him that deciding to work with her wouldn't be a bad choice.

The end result was not a pretty robot.


It was rather cute, though. After powering it on and see it look up at her, she had the weirdest urge to pat it on top of its visual sensors. Which she absolutely indulged in before sending it off.

It was... shockingly capable. It puttered along through most of the basic tasks with ease, though luck wasn't with it when it came to spotting potential dangers. She actually gasped when the little thing got hit, but the way she built it allowed it to get back up on its treads, a little worse for wear, but not losing much function for it.

Then was the tea. She'd programmed it not just to pour a cup, but to make the tea itself in a basic way.

The robot looked down at the tea implements, then back at her. She gave a little thumbs up and said, "You got this, buddy. Go ahead."

The little bot whistled at her and began. It lifted the tea and managed to tap just the right amount in, weight sensors detecting the amount accurately. Hot water was carefully poured with the same weight measure, and it followed its programming to carefully rotate the kettle back rather than just straightening it instantly. Then it left the cup until a little internal timer dinged. It lifted it with one little grasper arm supporting it from the bottom and the other holding it around the middle, moving around to hand her the cup.

She took a sip to signal the end of the cycle for the bot... then nearly jumped to her feet with a grin. Success!

She carried her bot away from the rally triumphantly. "I should name you..."


Building and Programming
Engineering/Agility TN 15, Void for +1k1: 2#4d10 23 30 2 Traits
Use Computers/Int TN 15: 2#6d10o10k3 37 39 4 skill points

Earth 1
Air 1
- Awareness 3
Fire 1
Water 1

Skills: Athletics 1, Etiquette 1, Investigation 1, Piloting 1
Upgrade: Error Correction Module (+0.05 Glory to Fundai Tetsu)

Labor: Athletics/Strength TN 8: 2d10o10k1 9 1 Rally Point
Rally: Piloting/Agility TN 8: 2d10o10k1 18 1 Rally Point
Search: Investigation/Perception TN 9: 2d10o10k1 5 0 Rally Points, no difficulty increase
Scanning: Engineering/Int TN 8: 1d10 10 1 Rally Point
Tea: Etiquette/Awareness TN9, 2 raises for TN 19: 4d10o10k3 19 4 Rally Points

7 Rally Points

Crane Clan | Bushi | Programmer | Very Active | Space Cadet | Can't Lie | Profile
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: Exceptional | CP 5
Carries: Daisho, sidearm, portable computer, densai, communicator
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 12:00 am 
Hyeon-ju chewed her lip. She had been low-key dreading this challenge, as she had assumed it would involve building something. And of course, it would indeed be building something.

She thought back to the colorful toy-brick sets from her youth, and how she never managed to succeed much with those. She had crammed and studied for this, but nothing could prepare her for how greasy and dirty it was to work with these drones... But, the Unicorn got to work without complaints. Though the results were highly questionable.

The drone was christened Z00M, and baptised in a rain of glitter and paint. At the very least, Z00M should look presentable to the matchmakers here!


It started out easy and smoothly. Z00M's engine whined under the strain of the lifting, but managed the task fine.

However, the trouble began with the obstacle course, and it smashed into quite a few walls and pylons. Hyeon-ju cringed, sure that her drone would get chopped up in some deadly laser-trap, but somehow the thing was still alive. Though it was far behind in any race.

By the way. Paint and glitter did not make for good camouflage out in the wilderness, and the very shiny and attractive Z00M did catch someone's attention. Just not in the way that was intended...


In the robot-histories, it would go down as an epic struggle between a drone and a giant feline beast. In reality, Z00M was nearly torn apart by a pretty feral cat that had so far managed to survive in Asakaze's wilderness, which probably made it a battle-hardened monster. Once the beast had decided Z00M wasn't food, and had been entertained enough by this strange new cat-toy (2/5 stars, not that great).

Against all odds, Z00M returned, unsuccessful in its mission. Parts were nearly falling off, and sparks were flying. Z00M made a half-hearted attempt at running some diagnostics, but even Z00M thought that was a pretty stupid thing to do, because obviously my arm is falling off, you dumb meatbag! Oh why... the humans wanted it to perform more tricks... why?!

It poured the tea. Good, good. More sparks were flying.

On to the table cloth. What appeared to be highly flammable tablecloth. There was hints of fire. Z00M, shakily holding the pitiful teacup, enacted one of the safety protocols... and spat some oil onto the fire. And now there was a fire.

As Hyeon-ju watched on in terror, Z00M made one last heroic sacrifice, and flung the entire teapot at the burning tablecloth.

It quenched the fire, and all hopes the Utaku had at passing this challenge.


D7 EVENT EA: Robo Rally! Engineering/Agility. TN 15: 4d10o10k3 20 +1 Awareness
D7 EVENT EA: Robo Rally! Untrained Computer Use/Intelligence for skillz0rs. +1k1 Void. TN 15: 3d10 11
D7 EVENT EA: Robo Rally! Engineering/Agility. TN 15: 4d10o10k3 10
D7 EVENT EA: Robo Rally! Untrained Computer Use/Intelligence for ELITE SKILLS. +1k1 Void. TN 15: 3d10 11

Z00M has Awareness 2, and no Skills. Sturdy Engine Upgrade chosen

D7 EVENT EA: Robo Rally! Go Mighty Go-Bot! Automatic Labor. +1 Sturdy Engine. TN8: 1d10+1 8 - 1 Point!
D7 EVENT EA: Robo Rally! Go Mighty Go-Bot! Robotics Rally. +1 Sturdy Engine. TN8: 1d10+1 2 - 0 Points!
D7 EVENT EA: Robo Rally! Go Mighty Go-Bot! Search and Discover! +1 Sturdy Engine. TN9: 1d10+1 3 - 0 Points! Damaged (+5 TNs)
D7 EVENT EA: Robo Rally! Go Mighty Go-Bot! Scanning and Diagnostics. Sturdy Engine +1. +5 TN from damage. TN 13 (impossible!): 1d10+1 11 - 0 Points
D7 EVENT EA: Robo Rally! Go Mighty Go-Bot! To Serve (and enslave) Humans. Sturdy Engine +1. +5 TN from Damage. TN 14: 2d10+1 13 - So close, but 0 points

An amazing sum of 1 Point!

Unicorn Clan • Sky Rider • "Wasp" • Prodigious Fashionista • Silent Lady Wrestling Villain • Ice Queen • Tactician
Theme | Profile | Day 12 makeup
Honor: Exceptional • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 2.2 • CP: 4
Has: Daisho, sidearm, fashionable attire, cool shades, densai, comm, Kami-pet.
Sometimes: Light armor, Marksman rifle.
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 12:35 am 
What did Moriko know about robotics? Nothing, but she did find an online tutorial that, after a false start, she was able to follow reasonably well, fine-tuning the drone's sensors. Like its creator, the drone also made a few false starts, struggling with the initial tasks it had been given. The drone remained true to following Moriko's example, however, as it zipped through the landscape, taking survey data and neatly avoiding obstacles and predators as it went, and the young Phoenix felt a little surge of pride.

The most critical challenge, to Moriko's mind, was whether the little drone could serve tea, and the woman held her hands in her lap, curled into anxious little fists. She'd seen some of the disasters that had come before and she barely dared to breathe. It was touch and go, but finally the tea cups were on the table, and not a drop had been spilt.

Relieved, she frowned in confusion when one of the attendants tried to tell her that she was allowed to take the drone with her when she left, "no, no please, donate it to the club, thank you."


1. [D7 EA] Building 1 of 4, Sturdy Engine Upgrade (Agility 3, Engineering 0, Void for Skill, TN15): 4d10o10k3 12 FAIL
2. [D7 EA] Building 2 of 4 (Agility 3, Engineering 0, Void for Skill, TN15): 4d10o10k3 23 SUCCESS, +1 Awareness
3. [D7 EA] Building 3 of 4 (Intelligence 2, Computer 0, Void for Skill, TN15): 3d10o10k2 17 SUCCESS, +1 Hunting, +1 Etiquette
4. [D7 EA] Building 4 of 4 (Agility 3, Engineering 0, TN15): 3d10 18 SUCCESS, +1 Perception

Earth 1
Air 1
- Awareness 2
Fire 1
Water 1
- Perception 2

Skills: Etiquette 1, Hunting 1


1. [D7 EA] Automatic Labour (Strength 1 / Athletics 0, Sturdy Engine +1, TN8): 1d10+1 6 FAIL
2. [D7 EA] Robotics Rally (Agility 1 / Piloting 0, Sturdy Engine +1, TN8): 1d10+1 2 FAIL
3. [D7 EA] Search and Discover (Perception 2, Hunting 1, Sturdy Engine +1, TN9): 3d10o10k2 13 SUCCESS, +1 Rally Point
4. [D7 EA] Scanning and Diagnostics (Intelligence 1, Engineering 0, Sturdy Engine +1, TN8): 1d10+1 10 SUCCESS, +1 Rally Point
5. [D7 EA] To Serve Humans (Awareness 2 / Etiquette 1, Sturdy Engine +1, TN9): 3d10o10k2+1 10 SUCCESS, +2 Rally Points

Final Tally: 4 Rally Points

志浪 森子 Bushi, Younger Twin, Dishevelled ...SQUIRREL!
Status: 1.0, Honour: As Expected, Glory: 1.3

GEAR: Sidearm, Webgun, Wakizashi, Water Bottle, Sundries.
Accompanied by Ten, a shiba inu.

She floats so soft inside his web...
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 1:28 am 
As a business woman, Fusako had a bit of experience with computers. She was hardly a programmer or engineer, but she knew enough about how to program that she could tell a robot how to do basic things.

The robot did not do basic things. It even spilled the tea.

The robot was dead to her.

Computers/Intelligence x4, TN 15, 4k3 = 31, 23, 22, 21 (8 skill points)
Athletics 2, Piloting 2, Engineering 1, Hunting 1, Etiquette 2
Error-Correction Module
Athletics/Strength, 1 raise TN 13, 3k1 = 5 (Fail)
Piloting/Agility, 1 raise TN 13, 3k1 = 9 (Fail)
Hunting/Perception, TN 9, 2k1 = 8 - Using ECM, Success, 1 Point
Engineering/Intelligence, TN 8, 2k1 = 7 (Fail)
Etiquette/Awareness, 2 raises TN 19, 3k1 = 7 (Fail)

-1 point

Crane Clan ™ Courtier ™ Fit ™ Fashionista ™ Isora Fashion ™ Bold & Beautiful
Honor: Exceptional • Glory: 1.0 • Status: 3.0
Outfit: Extravagant Clothes, Daisho (where allowed), Traveling Pack

Theme (Dance Club Rave)
More Musical Inspiration
Profile (plus info for corporate ties)
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 4:51 am 
Shion had learned to use computers with a very specific end in mind - making music. She was not exactly a computer nerd, but she knew things decently enough to have at least some idea how things worked.

Now, building things was another matter altogether. She had never really given that a try...

Surprisingly enough, though, the building part went better than the programming. She ended up trying to do some overly complicated things while trying to program her drone for Etiquette, and it ended up not working at all.

Still, she had a sturdy and sort of sensible robot in front of her. She couldn't quite see something that moved on its own and avoid naming it, but she wasn't feeling particularly innovative... so she called it "Sturdy".

Now to see how Sturdy performed and behaved. She wasn't particularly sure it wouldn't spill tea on herself at the end, but well... nothing to do but wait and see.

((D7 EA - Building and Programming - increasing Traits 3 times. Upgrade: Armored Hull. TN 15 for each roll; all unskilled: 3#3d10k3 14 16 19 - 2 Trait increases succeeded. Using Armored Hull Upgrade.

D7 EA - Building and Programming - Increasing skills 1 time. Computer/ Intelligence TN 15.: 4d10o10k2 14 - no skills for Sturdy.

Sturdy Char Sheet:
Fire 1
- Agility 2

Air 1
- Awareness 2

Earth 1

Water 1))

As Sturdy started, Shion got more and more surprised. The odd little thingy wasn't really built for strength, but it delivered the case of tools without any problems whatsoever.

One of the things Shion had managed to do was increase Sturdy's maneuverability - and it managed the drive through the obstacle course effortlessly, even though no good piloting program had been installed (or any dedicated program, for that matter...)

Now the survey work was where Shion had expected Sturdy would have problems - so much so that she decided for the upgrade to make sure it would come back in one piece if/when it (inevitably! she thought) failed.
Surprisingly enough, it did not fail. The photographs weren't the best anyone had seen, but photographs they were, and Sturdy came back pretty much unscathed, Shion's eyes equally happy and puzzled at how her odd creation had managed that.

Ok, then analysing a motor. Shion herself felt unsure she could do that, let alone her creation without any dedicated program for that. But apparently, Sturdy was more able than she was at such things, as it managed to find a way to repair the transport scooter - much to Shion's surprise, again.

When the drone finally returned, Shion was quite surprised with its performance so far, and even though she had improved Sturdy's delicate movements she fully expected the robot would make a mess. But alas! The slight improvements she had managed to build into the robot paid off, and while it didn't present and pour the tea in any particularly remarkable manner, present and pour it Sturdy did.

Looking around at how the others did, she was quite surprised with Sturdy's performance. It wasn't much, and she was sure the creations of some of the others were better than the odd robot she had put together... but hey, it did its job nicely, and she grew quite fond of it, so she decided to keep it. Maybe one day she could even improve it to go around and record sounds for her, or install a music program on it and use it in performances?

((D7 EA - Rally - Automatic Labour - Athletics/Str - unskilled, TN 8: 1d10k1 9 - 1 Point!

D7 EA - Rally - Robotics Rally - Piloting/ Agility. unskilled. TN 8: 2d10k2 11 - 1 Point!

D7 EA - Rally - Search and Discover. Hunting/ Per TN9. Armoured Hull. Unskilled: 1d10k1 9 - OMG 1 point!

D7 EA - Rally - Scanning and Diagnostics - Engineering/ Int TN 8. Unskilled: 1d10k1 10 - 1 Point! Now that's lucky!

D7 EA - Rally - To Serve Humans - Etiquette/ Awa TN 9, unskilled: 2d10k2 16 - Wooo 2 Points!

Total: 6 Points. Tie: 5 events completed in the Rally, 16 in 'To Serve Humans'. I'm... quite surprised! :lol:))

雀 詩音
Sparrow * Miya Network * Musician * Bushi? * Profile
Mellow voice * Music nerd * Quiet but gig-ready * Starkly honest

Honour: Exceptional * Status: 1 * Glory: 1 * CP: 0

Carries: Communicator, Densai+Radio+Headphones, Wakizashi, 1> Instruments, Purse.
Sidekick: Stray the mutt
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 6:15 am 
Okay, so Tenma didn't know much about Engineering, or building robots. But hers was strong and fast and such, at least compared to others she saw. Unfortunately, there was more to this than that, and her robot could do nothing right except flit around quickly. She would have believed it had tried its hardest, but it was a machine, so she wrote it off as a failure.


Strength successfully increased
Agility successfully increased
Athletics and Piloting gained
Engineering and Etiquette gained
Upgraded Optics chosen for phantom rank in Hunting

Earth 1
Air 1
Fire 1
Water 2
- Strength 2
- Pecerption 2

Skills: Athletics 1, Engineering 1, Etiquette 1, Piloting 1.


Day 7, Robotics Rally, Automatic Labor, 1 athletics/2 strength vs tn8, 2CR = TN18: 3d10o10k2 16 (0 points gained)

Day 7, Robotics Rally, Robotics Rally, 1 piloting/1 agility TN8: 2d10o10k1 8 (1 point gained)

Day 7, Robotics Rally, Search & Discover, 1 Hunting / 2 Perception, 2 called raises TN19: 3d10o10k2 15 (0 points gained)

Day 7, Robotics Rally, Scanning & Diagnostics, TN8: 2d10o10k1 7 (0 points gained)

Day 7, Robotics Rally, To Serve Humans, 1 Etiquette / 1 Awareness TN9: 2d10o10k1 8 (0 points gained)

Total: 1 Rally Point

Scorpion † Bushi † Magistrate † Yoriki † gymnast † Hummingbird
Glory: 1.2 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Status: 2.0
Gear: daisho, marksman rifle, comm, light armor, mask, conelantern, medicine pack, personal seal, hand mirror, holorecorder, portable informator.
"The law never rests."
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 Post subject: Re: [D7 EA] Miai Event: Robotics Rally
PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:50 pm 
Nozomi tinkered away at the drone provided for her. She was about to make a terrible error in the inner workings of its personality matrix; it would have become as awkward as its creator! But, as fortune would have it, the kami she had been so diligently praying to slapped her hand to the side and guided her on the right path.

She named her mighty creation Central for reasons she herself was unaware of. Her bot's design was inspired by something her superiors wanted to use against the alien menace across the galaxy.


Of course, without great arms, the drone struggled to carry everything as planned. It weaved through the obstacles quite well before darting off into the forest. The pictures it took were pleasing to its master but not necessarily shareable to the general public. Nozomi deleted them promptly instead of saving them.

Back amongst other humans, the drone took a look at the broken machinery. Its processor was unsure how to proceed but it knew the number one rule in I.T.: turning it off and on again. That seemed to do the trick so it sped away.

Somehow, through some miracle work, the drone was able to present tea with such elegance and grace. A war drone, of all things, had been programmed to be nice to people. Once thanked, it gave a bit of whirrs and beeps in a melodic fashion before flying off.


D7 EA Reversal of Fortunes TN 10 before 1/4 Prep Roll: 4d10o10k3 21
D7 EA Engineering / Agility TN 15 for 1/4 Upgrade Roll, VP for +1k1 (For Awareness): 4d10o10k3 10
D7 EA Engineering / Agility TN 15 for 1/4 Upgrade Roll, VP for +1k1 (For Awareness) REVERSAL OF FORTUNES REROLL: 4d10o10k3 21
Boosted Awareness

D7 EA Reversal of Fortunes TN 10 before 2/4 Prep Roll: 4d10o10k3 14
D7 EA Engineering / Agility TN 15 for 2/4 Upgrade Roll, VP for +1k1 (For Awareness): 4d10o10k3 16
Boosted Awareness

D7 EA Reversal of Fortunes TN 10 before 3/4 Prep Roll: 4d10o10k3 16
D7 EA Use Computer / Intelligence TN 15 for 3/4 Upgrade Roll, VP for +1k1 (Targeting Hunting/Etiquette): 5d10o10k4 19
Boosted Hunting and Etiquette

D7 EA Reversal of Fortunes TN 10 before 4/4 Prep Roll: 4d10o10k3 22
D7 EA Use Computer / Intelligence TN 15 for 3/4 Upgrade Roll (Targeting Piloting/Engineering): 4d10o10k3 23
Mislabel, should have been 4/4. Boosted Piloting/Engineering

Earth 1
Air 1
- Awareness 3
Fire 1
Water 1

Skills: Engineering 1, Etiquette 1, Hunting 1, Piloting 1
Sturdy Engine

D7 EA Robot Round 1: Athletics / Strength TN 8, Sturdy Engine: 1d10+1 5 (0 Gained)
D7 EA Robot Round 2: Piloting / Agility TN 8, Sturdy Engine: 2d10o10k1+1 15 (1 Gained)
D7 EA Robot Round 3: Hunting / Perception TN 9, Sturdy Engine: 2d10o10k1+1 8 (0 Gained, as Orokos taunts me)
D7 EA Robot Round 4: Engineering / Intelligence TN 8, Sturdy Engine: 2d10o10k1+1 10 (1 Gained)
D7 EA Robot Round 5: Etiquette / Awareness TN 19, 2 CR, Sturdy Engine: 4d10o10k3+1 22 (4 Gained)

Total: 6 Points, 22 Tiebreaker
But most importantly, one robot that knows people better than Nozomi

Lion | Shugenja | Avid Reader | Awkward Conversationalist | Apparently Unimportant
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.6 | Honor: Exceptional | Courtship Points: 2 | Profile | Theme
Carries: Wakizashi, Sidearm, Holoslates, Densai, Portable Informator, Personal Seal, Fan, Holorecorder, Communicator
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