Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)
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Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Tue Sep 22, 2020 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

"But stripping away all pretense, I really just here to watch you look cool", he added with a shrug.

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Tue Sep 22, 2020 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

"An excuse to not train yourself then?" She retorted, pausing in her own training.

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Tue Sep 22, 2020 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

"An interesting idea, but no", he said. "As stripping all pretense is only hypothetical at best. As samurai...well, as people, we're inescapably tied to it, like a choking thread that controls our actions. So no, I'm being quite trained right now, learning many things." He smiled at the Unicorn. "As I feel you are too, but what conclusions we draw make the difference."

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Tue Sep 22, 2020 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

Ishiyo stopped her movements and looked to the Daigotsu, "Oh?" She rested the bokken against her shoulder and looked at the other two. "Hoping to learn what makes us tick by watching how well we handle a wooden sword?"

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Tue Sep 22, 2020 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

"You were meditating when I arrived", he shrugged. "I'd have been satisfied with that, I enjoy Daidoji-san's company, even if she isn't engaging me."

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Tue Sep 22, 2020 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

Ishiyo smiled, "I see Daigotsu-sama." She dropped back into a guard stance, "Still would it not feel better to practice some of you-eh own blade work?"

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Tue Sep 22, 2020 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

He stood up, as if it were all too much trouble. "If your aim was to see a Daigotsu flail at the air helplessly I suppose I can oblige."

He bowed to the dojo as he crossed the floor and picked a bokken up. Crossing back he peformed some simple striking drills. He obviously wasn't getting fancy, but also clearly knew what a sword was for.

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Tue Sep 22, 2020 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

She watched him for a few moments.

"Does Daigotsu-sama need a sparring partner?" Hyeon-ju asked, observing his kenjutsu-form.

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Wed Sep 23, 2020 12:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

"When the moment comes for that, I'd prefer it be in a situation one of us can't say anything after", he told her. "I don't like to spar, really, but I'm honored to be asked."

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Wed Sep 23, 2020 1:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

"I suppose if Utaku-san wishes I could provide a sparring partner." Ishiyo shrugged, "I am more skilled at the draw then what comes afteh."

She watches Shokomaru's practice for a moment, "I would say you are as skilled with blade as I am, even if my teacheh was more focused on grace in combat then you-eh own."

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Wed Sep 23, 2020 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

Shokomaru was given a curious look, but she did not press the matter.

"I'd be honored, Daidoji-sama. We can practice both forms, if you wish. I'd say that grace in combat was not a strong part of our curriculum, but rather finding the harmony of movement."

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Wed Sep 23, 2020 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

The Spider, for his part, bowed to them both and settled back into seiza and proper distance away, placing the bokken down in front of him while he watched.

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Wed Sep 23, 2020 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

"Alright you-eh choice then Utaku-san," Ishiyo stopped her practice and stepped back, bokken her loosely at her side.

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Wed Sep 23, 2020 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

A bow was given to the Crane, and then Hyeon-ju stepped forward with her bokken by her side in one hand. "It's an honor, Daidoji-sama."

The Unicorn inhaled deeply through her nose, then released the breath slowly as she settled into her stance. Similarly to the Kakita, the Utaku had maintained their martial teachings through the generations of the Empire's history.

Her perceptive eyes studied the Crane's form.


D8 EM Fluff practice iaijutsu vs Ishiyo. And initiative because I forgot that: 4d10o10k3 15

D8 EM Fluff practice iaijutsu vs Ishiyo. Iaijutsu/Awareness. +1k0 Prodigy: 5d10o10k2 23

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Wed Sep 23, 2020 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

Ishiyo smiled at that, bowing to the Utaki she stepped back and slide the bokken into her obi. She dropped into the classic stance of the Kakita. Her expression was blank as she studied her opponent. Her hand came to rest palm up on the hilt of the bokken. She recognized the Unicorn as being of near equal training....but Ishiyo had been taught the techniques that had won the Crane duels for thousands of years. Instinctively all the minor flaws in the Utaku's stance were made plain to her.

Init Roll for Practice Iai. +4 from KAKITA: 4d10o10k3+4 22

Iai Assessment. One Raise TN20: 5d10o10k3 34

Assessment Bonus gained

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Wed Sep 23, 2020 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

Hyeon-ju could tell the Crane had an edge over her even if they were both about equal skill in the art, but where she herself was a prodigy with her sensei's teachings, Ishiyo had the benefit of being trained by the master duelists of the Empire.

Had this been a serious duel, she would've considered bowing out to acknowledge the superior Crane, but this was just practice. She couldn't train herself more if she backed out now, and so she remained focused, studying the Daidoji for an opening.


D8 EM Fluff practice iaijutsu vs Ishiyo. Iaijutsu/Void for Focus. +1k0 Prodigy. +1k1+2 Center: 6d10o10k3+2 26

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

Ishiyo let her mind focus, time grinding to a halt. What precisely triggered it, who could know but with a rush of wind her bokken was out. Even as it touched the Utaku, she felt a similar tap. The Crane was a hair faster, of that she was sure, but it had mattered little. The duel would be counted as a kharmic strike.

Iai Practice FOCUS! +1k1 from Kakita, +1k1 from Assessment, +1k1 from Center. +3 from Center and Kakita. Focus Emphasis: 7d10ro1o10k5+3 27 - Sorry I forgot I am actually good at this. Thanks for reminding me with failure you RNG prick of a machine Orokos.

Iai Reflexes for practice. +1k1 from KAKITA +1k1 from Center +3 From center and Kakita: 7d10o10k5+3 35 - Oh nice still below average and no 10s, never change you programmatic hate-filled monster Orokos.


Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

Indeed, the speed of the Utaku was legendary and while she didn't have Ishiyo's specialized training, she at least succeeded in concluding the match in a draw.

Standing there with bokken pointed at eachother, Hyeon-ju breathed easily once more and smiled gently, bobbing her head in gratitude. No words were needed to compliment the Crane maiden.


D8 EM Fluff practice iaijutsu vs Ishiyo. Iaijutsu/Reflexes to strike Ishiyo. +1k0 Prodigy. +1k1+2 Center: 7d10o10k4+2 37

Elegantly striking the air around eachother. :lol:

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

Ishiyo pulled back her bokken and took a step back then bowed, "Thank you Utaku-san, it has been a while sense I practiced." Her sensei would have been furious. "I sense you had a bit more skill at the art then I had been aware of in my initial assessment."

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword In the Morning (D8 EM)

"Thank you, Daidoji-sama," she lowered her own weapon and took a step back to bow. "Those words mean much to me, and my sensei. My parents wanted for me to train much in the traditional arts, so iaijutsu was not allowed to be neglected."

A part of her wondered how it would've been had they both entered a match with real stakes. Probably in Ishiyo's favor.

"To be praised so by you is a high honor."

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