[Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)
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Author:  Murame Shoan [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

Shoan remains at the Dojo for several hours after she arrives in the early morning. Her arms and legs burn with exhaustion but that just means her teeth are gritted a little more tightly as the hours pass. It's not a routine she takes lightly, alternating between kata, slow jujitsu movements, target shooting with her rifle and quick draw practice with her small arm.

She keeps an eye on the samurai training around her on the perhaps flawed logic that maybe a better partner would be someone who took their exercise seriously.

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

A minor clan samurai was practicing jiujitsu in a grey training suit. He was sweating, after being through several kata from his sensei, but he seemed to enjoy himself.

He finished his latest series, a set of kicks and holds, and took a break, breathing loudly. She noticed the samurai-ko with the Lion mon, and nodded towards her.

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

Ujina Jin wrote:
A minor clan samurai was practicing jiujitsu in a grey training suit. He was sweating, after being through several kata from his sensei, but he seemed to enjoy himself.

He finished his latest series, a set of kicks and holds, and took a break, breathing loudly. She noticed the samurai-ko with the Lion mon, and nodded towards her.

Shoan's style is probably more basic than the Ujina's, with a particular focus on grappling. As she finishes what would have been a fairly nasty throat stomp in the field, Shoans bows her head in return.

"Hare-sama" Her tone is reasonably relaxed as the Murame calmly straightens herself and takes several deep breaths through her nose.

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

"Ujina Jin, nikutai of the 101st Drop Trooper brigade, of the 1st Spaceborne Battalion." He gave a bow. "Nothing like an early morning workout, neh? Best way to start the day in my opinion."

He observed her movements. That was indeed a nice trick with the throat stomp. "You progress from a throw to the stomp, I assume."

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 5:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

Ujina Jin wrote:
"Ujina Jin, nikutai of the 101st Drop Trooper brigade, of the 1st Spaceborne Battalion." He gave a bow. "Nothing like an early morning workout, neh? Best way to start the day in my opinion."

He observed her movements. That was indeed a nice trick with the throat stomp. "You progress from a throw to the stomp, I assume."

"Or something less intricate if the situation is complicated. I have used a shoulder charge before."
That had been a hell of a day.
"I am Shoan of the Murame who serve the Ikoma. I am honoured to meet you Ujina-sama, drop troopers have a reputation."

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

Murame Shoan wrote:

"Or something less intricate if the situation is complicated. I have used a shoulder charge before."
That had been a hell of a day.
"I am Shoan of the Murame who serve the Ikoma. I am honoured to meet you Ujina-sama, drop troopers have a reputation."

The Hare nodded, and started his own kata, focused on kicks this time. "That's a good approach too." He kicked out far, then drew back and spun to extend his leg once again, this time from the reverse. "Arigatou, we strive to do our best. Mostly, it's successful." He smirked.

"You here for the miai I assume?"

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

Ujina Jin wrote:
The Hare nodded, and started his own kata, focused on kicks this time. "That's a good approach too." He kicked out far, then drew back and spun to extend his leg once again, this time from the reverse. "Arigatou, we strive to do our best. Mostly, it's successful." He smirked.

"You here for the miai I assume?"

"Hai, I think the dojo is overrun with miai participants"
Implying that the locals seemed to rarely use the place

Shoan seems happy to spend a few moments inspecting Jin's form. After all, if the Hare were known for one thing, it was jumping and kicking, the spinning seemed a nice touch too.

"Is it a more or less daunting prospect than an orbital drop?"

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

Despite having answered on the survey that she wasn't planning to make any use of a dojo in the city, boredom prompted Tenma to do just that. Having just had a swim and an early lunch, she sought to expand on her earlier workout with something more gymastic.

Thus she arrived in her gymnastic uniform, skin tight leotard with full arms. Finding a spot to sit in the somewhat busy looking space, she started putting athletic tape on her feet for grip.

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

Bayushi Tenma wrote:
Despite having answered on the survey that she wasn't planning to make any use of a dojo in the city, boredom prompted Tenma to do just that. Having just had a swim and an early lunch, she sought to expand on her earlier workout with something more gymastic.

Thus she arrived in her gymnastic uniform, skin tight leotard with full arms. Finding a spot to sit in the somewhat busy looking space, she started putting athletic tape on her feet for grip.

Shoan looks over, nearly does a double take and then nods politely, not intending to interrupt the Bayushi if they were intent on their exercise.

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

"Eh...depends. My first Orbital Drop? I was nervous, but looking forward to it. This miai? Kinda the same." He shrugged, loosening some of his joints in the meanwhile. "I guess, this is different, as the effect is more permanent, what with a spouse and all. But then, a bad orbital drop means I die and end up in the kharmic wheel. So...dunno. The same?"

Man, that was a confusing set of words.

"This your first miai?"

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

Ujina Jin wrote:
"Eh...depends. My first Orbital Drop? I was nervous, but looking forward to it. This miai? Kinda the same." He shrugged, loosening some of his joints in the meanwhile. "I guess, this is different, as the effect is more permanent, what with a spouse and all. But then, a bad orbital drop means I die and end up in the kharmic wheel. So...dunno. The same?"

Man, that was a confusing set of words.

"This your first miai?"

Jin gets a look
" this....not your first? I suppose if you have experienced multiple orbital drops it is as you say, no great different to multiple miai."

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

" is my first. Honestly, I never thought about it, just seemed like the polite thing to ask?" He shrugged. "I guess if I marry someone at a miai, and they die. And then miai again. And they also die. And then you know, a new miai. And then lung cancer. Or orbital drop. Or falling off stairs..."

The Hare seemed to be lost in thought.

"Well, this is both of our first miai, so let's do our best. Gambatte Ikoma-san! Murame-san."

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

Ujina Jin wrote:
" is my first. Honestly, I never thought about it, just seemed like the polite thing to ask?" He shrugged. "I guess if I marry someone at a miai, and they die. And then miai again. And they also die. And then you know, a new miai. And then lung cancer. Or orbital drop. Or falling off stairs..."

The Hare seemed to be lost in thought.

"Well, this is both of our first miai, so let's do our best. Gambatte Ikoma-san! Murame-san."

Not unkindly
"I always do my best, Ujina-sama. But I will work hard to perform well at...finding someone appropriate to marry. And I have no doubts to your ability to do the same."
Dryly "Given your daring-do though, I imagine it may be less difficult for yourself."

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

Jin awkwardly scratched his neck, like protagonist-kun when talking to his favorite love interest-chan. Or something.

"Arigatou Murame-san." He finished his awkwardness and stepped towards a bokken. "Next up, some kenjutsu drills. I must say, I haven't really been to similar worlds before. Or had time to sight see much. You? Been on a frontier world before?"

His eyes wondered towards the Scorpion in the gymanstic call, and sent her a small nod of greeting.

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

Ujina Jin wrote:
Jin awkwardly scratched his neck, like protagonist-kun when talking to his favorite love interest-chan. Or something.

"Arigatou Murame-san." He finished his awkwardness and stepped towards a bokken. "Next up, some kenjutsu drills. I must say, I haven't really been to similar worlds before. Or had time to sight see much. You? Been on a frontier world before?"

His eyes wondered towards the Scorpion in the gymanstic call, and sent her a small nod of greeting.

"I wish I'd had the chance Ujina-sama. All my duties have kept me to the core worlds. Asakaze is a....pleasant change."
Hefting her own bokken Shoan salutes Jin before flowing into her own kata, although she's clearly more interested in seeing Hare techniques up close.

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

"Greetings, Hare-san... Lion-sama. Philosophizing in the dojo, hm? This one is Bayushi Tenma, yoriki."

Done taking up she stands and takes some steps towards the two, giving a graceful bow with a stylized flourish.

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

Jin started a series of rapid strikes, cutting close and whirling around, the drill a number of fast strikes ending up with an overhead strike from a jumping position (of course.)

"Ah, Bayushi-san." He guessed, hopefully. "Ujina Jin, Nikutai of the 101st Drop Tropp brigade, from the 1st Spaceborne Battalion." He gave her a nod, then extended her bokken towards Shoan "Care for a spar?"

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

Bayushi Tenma wrote:
"Greetings, Hare-san... Lion-sama. Philosophizing in the dojo, hm? This one is Bayushi Tenma, yoriki."

Done taking up she stands and takes some steps towards the two, giving a graceful bow with a stylized flourish.

"Well met Bayushi-sama."
Shoan's polite bow was considerably more utilitarian
"I am Shoan of the Muraume who serve the Ikoma. I hope our philosophizing did not interrupt your routine"

Ujina Jin wrote:
Jin started a series of rapid strikes, cutting close and whirling around, the drill a number of fast strikes ending up with an overhead strike from a jumping position (of course.)

"Ah, Bayushi-san." He guessed, hopefully. "Ujina Jin, Nikutai of the 101st Drop Tropp brigade, from the 1st Spaceborne Battalion." He gave her a nod, then extended her bokken towards Shoan "Care for a spar?"

With the slightest hint of amusement towards Tenma, Shoan nods, raising her own bokken in a two handed grip
"I would welcome the opportunity to properly stretch my muscles Ujina-sama, although only if it is not rude to Bayushi-sama"

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

Jin nodded. "Of course." He nodded towards the Scorpion, if she had any objections. He tried to focus on her eyes as best as he could, though.

"You are here for the miai I assume, Bayushi-san?"

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LM] Train On (Open)

"I doubt there are many Scorpion here not here for it. ...are the Hare often so abrupt in sparring with those they meet in the dojo? And were you not planning on sparring with Ikoma-san here?"

She did not have a weapon picked up, and she wasn't here to spar, but a good Scorpion was flexible to situations as they came. Tenma crossed her arms under her chest as she looked at Jin curiously.

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