[Day 1 LA] Professionals Have Standards [Open]
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Author:  Susumu Geppu [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  [Day 1 LA] Professionals Have Standards [Open]

The high pitched whine of a directed energy weapon can be heard at the gun range late this afternoon, followed by the telltale crackle of the weapon discharging echoing along this particular section. Someone was practicing in the marksman's section of the gunnery area. The rhythmic sound of charge, fire, impact...charge, fire, impact...charge, fire, impact...and then the hiss of the weapon forced into a cooldown as the charge pack was cycled out for a fresh one and the process begins again.

After twenty or so minutes of this, Susumu Geppu rises from his prone position on the range floor into seiza, carefully setting his weapon to the side and beginning some basic maintenance and cleaning while he waits for his ammo packs to recharge. He's dressed in his typical casual clothing, his usual helmet on the ground beside him, strands of ebon hair occasionally fluttering about in the light artificial breeze of the climate controlled area.

Author:  Susumu Geppu [ Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1 LA] Professionals Have Standards [Open]

Geppu packs up his rifle and charge packs after a bit and wanders out of the dojo to places unknown!

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