Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)
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Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Sep 08, 2020 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Color: Harlequin
Love Luck: *****
Work Luck:*****
Money Luck: *
General Luck: ***
"Work Hard, Play Hard but expect to keep your wallet in check. You might be tempted to take your partner to an expensive dinner, but go with something more affordable instead. Money isn't the only way to impress, and you don't want to break the bank."

Checking the morning Horoscope was typically how Hayato started his day, and the one he received today certainly dictated how he started it. Working hard meant training, and training meant firing ranges. Well at least that was where his mind immediately went.

Which is what had brought to the dojo where he was doing a few final checks over his sidearm before he moved onto to firing at the targets down range. It wouldn't be the absolute best kind of training, another biathlon would serve much better. But you kinda took what you could get when in foreign lands.

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Tue Sep 08, 2020 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

The Mantis-Wasp was not alone, as another samurai was just arriving, checking his sidearm. He glanced at the mon, and bowed. "Tsuruchi-san, good morning. Have you had rice yet?"

He seemed to be satisfied with his weapon for now, and stood next to the other samurai, raising his sidearm in aim.

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Sep 08, 2020 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

"Had a bit of tea." Hayato replied as he finished checking his weapn and returned it to his holster. "No rice yet, though." Or breakfast at all for that matter, unless you counted caffeine and ciagrette.

He glanced towards the Hare, and offered a bow of greeting. "What about yourself Usagi-san?"

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Tue Sep 08, 2020 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"Had a bit of tea." Hayato replied as he finished checking his weapn and returned it to his holster. "No rice yet, though." Or breakfast at all for that matter, unless you counted caffeine and ciagrette.

He glanced towards the Hare, and offered a bow of greeting. "What about yourself Usagi-san?"

Jin nodded. "Had some...thing fr breakfast. Fungal rice?" He shrugged, then started aiming. "Nice shooting the other day Tsuruchi-san. At the biathlon." He gave him a nod of appreciation.

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Sep 08, 2020 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

"Sounds like mushrooms." At least he hoped it was mushrooms and not some kind of mold... "Maybe really tiny ones or something?" It would be odd but it could happen, right?

At the compliment Hayato gave the hare a nod of thanks. "Thanks, I just did what my Sensei always taught me though, if I didn't score like that they probably would of been disappointed." HE wa sa Tsuruchi after all.

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

Jin nodded, then let loose a bolt at the target. It hit, but wasn't a perfect hit. "Makes sense. My shots were good, but not that good. Could've spent more of myself on the climb looking back, but regret is a Sin, I'm told." He said with a smile. "How are you finding Asakaze so far?"

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

"Yeah?" He paused for a moment. "If I recall you did quite well on the climb?" Though Hayato had also only paid passing attention of how others had preformed so it was hard to tell.

"As for Asakaze. It's alright for a place out here on the edge of the gaalxy." He drew his sidearm and fired in one swift motion, a nearly perfect shot. "Has plenty to do to keep you entertained at least." Even if it felt like the same few things.

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

"Hai, though I could've done better. Ah well." He shrugged, and placed another shot. "Certainly. I was thinking of some cooler weather, but not necessarily this cool." Damn rain. "The forests are pretty strange, though they have a charm, certainly."

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

"Does make it hard to spend a pleasant morning in the garden with someone that has caught your eye. Other the that though, I enjoy a good storm. Just wish there was a nice place to watch it."

Hayato rolled his shoulders after holsters his sidearm. "As for the forests? Have yet to go exploring them, don't figure today is the day for it either."

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 2:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"Does make it hard to spend a pleasant morning in the garden with someone that has caught your eye. Other the that though, I enjoy a good storm. Just wish there was a nice place to watch it."

Hayato rolled his shoulders after holsters his sidearm. "As for the forests? Have yet to go exploring them, don't figure today is the day for it either."

Jin nodded. "Am I bothering for a potential meet Tsuruchi-san?" He checked his gun and shot again. "Yeah, probably not. Spent some time near them, it was pretty fun. Watch out for reavers though."

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 3:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

"Bothering me for a meeting? Nah. Honestly I've been looking to meet new people." He eyed the Hare for a moment an amused smile on his face. "And I'm not too picky about gender when it comes to marriage. So chatting up the fellas works just as well as chatting up the ladies."

"But I'll do that should I make it out exploring. Not sure what reavers are, but they don't sound too friendly."

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 4:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

"Ah, glad to hear." He smiled. "Yeah true, I should meet more people. I've been mainly meeting samurai-ko myself, but yeah, open though for other options." He winked at the Mantis. "Good plan though." He aimed and...missed. "Reavers are big lizard things that eat children. If they're allowed to."

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

"It doesn't seem to be a very popular one. but I kinda like it myself." Hayato repleid with a chuckle. "I mean I'd likely prefer to marry a ssamurai-ko, but I need to look at what's best for my clan as well."

"Sounds ugly." Hayato replied a frown making it's way onto his lips. Was that what he had eaten teh night before? "I take it you ran into some?"

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

Jin nodded. "Yeah, I understand. Duty is as Duty does." He smiled at the Mantis, and finished checking the sidearm. "Yeah, met two the other day. Ugly, smelly things." He frowned. "Missed most of my shots actually, so figured it's time for some practice."


Three quick shots in succession...with mixed results. "You're a marksman, I take it?"

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

"Yeah, it's what I was trained to be." One of the few things he was good at too. "Sitting back with a rifle and making every shot count." If you missed, well it was hard to garuntee another clear shot.

He watched the Hare shot and offered a crooked smile. "Wish I could give you some pointers, but sadly I'm not too good of an instructor."

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"Yeah, it's what I was trained to be." One of the few things he was good at too. "Sitting back with a rifle and making every shot count." If you missed, well it was hard to garuntee another clear shot.

He watched the Hare shot and offered a crooked smile. "Wish I could give you some pointers, but sadly I'm not too good of an instructor."

A brief shudder past through Jin as he recalled his experience with Sharpshooters. "Yeah. Scary." He offered simply. "Not an instructor then?" He asked mildly, shaking the weapon. "Weight seems to be off."

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

"I'm really not all that frightening Ujina-san." Hayato offered with a wry smile. "At least not when I'm trying to get married." He continued playfully.

Nevertheless he let his eyes drift towad the Hare's weapon. "Could be it's weighted wrong for you?" The Mantis offered after a moment. "Some might say one sidearm is quite like another, but their are slight differences to the way every samurai shoot, and some weapons might not feel as good in the hands of one as in the hands of another."

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"I'm really not all that frightening Ujina-san." Hayato offered with a wry smile. "At least not when I'm trying to get married." He continued playfully.

Nevertheless he let his eyes drift towad the Hare's weapon. "Could be it's weighted wrong for you?" The Mantis offered after a moment. "Some might say one sidearm is quite like another, but their are slight differences to the way every samurai shoot, and some weapons might not feel as good in the hands of one as in the hands of another."

Jin fell silent for a moment. "Not at the miai, no." He flashed a sad smile. "I have met some people of your school. From the other end of your weapon. Recently." He offered as an explanation. "Others of my units did, too." He didn't elaborate, not wanting to push the topic too much.

He shrugged raising the weapon, trying to judge it. "Hm, not sure. It's a recently issued one, my old one has met a sad fate. It's possible. You're an expert on sidearms too?" He asked in a friendly, teasing, sideways glance.

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

Hayato offered the man a understanding nod, that was the unfortunate nature of his clans current involvement with others. There was very little else he could say about the suject though, and so he let it drop.

"I wouldn't say i'm an expert." He offered leting his hand drift to his holster, there was a slow dreath from the wasp before he drew fired and holstered his weapon in one smooth motion putting a whole nar the center of the target down range. His movements were tight, and a trained eye might be able to come to the conclusion that he could use the weapon at closer quarters then most. "I'm good mind you, but I'm a bit better with my rifle."

firearms/reflexes: 8d10o10k4 37

Author:  Ujina Jin [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Hard, Play Hard (Day 4 Early Morning)

Jin nodded, dropping the subject. This is not what he was here for, after all.

He tried copying the motion, his draw similarly fast but his aim not as good.

"Mhm...pretty good." He smiled. "Granted, my focus is more on fitness and an all around combat sense. I'm not bad with kenjutsu either. A rifle is usually good, but not always the best weapon in my situation."

D4 EM Fluff sidearm roll, Firearms/Ref: 7d10o10k3 20

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