We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)
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Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Mon Oct 05, 2020 2:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

"No problem." Hayato replied with a smile as he ducked out if the room. Hyeon-ju presumably leaving behind him.

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Mon Oct 05, 2020 2:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

Helping with the empty glasses, Hyeon-ju followed behind. Not like it was a tough job, but she figured Yul and Mumei would probably like the little moment alone too.

"I don't think that couch can get any smaller," she remarked with some humor, clearly feeling a bit better about the whole thing from earlier. But, he had helped ease that pain, and the silly songs and banter also had helped in lightening her mood.

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Mon Oct 05, 2020 2:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

"Well." He glanced at the lovely woman following along with him down the hall. "He hasn't pulled her into his lap yet, so it's still technically a couch and not a chair." Hayato offered with a soft chuckle.

"Though it might be by the time we get back."

Author:  Nakauchi Mumei [ Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

As the door closes, Mumei shifts a bit, still crosslegged, so she can lean back across Yul's lap, resting her head on the arm of the couch to grin up at him. Her far hand reaches up to his cheek, fingers cool against his skin. "So, I'm pretty sure you were wrong about them not making good use of their time in here alone. Still want to prove we'll make better use of it?"

Author:  Shinjo Yul [ Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

Yul gave a pleased murmur as he suddenly found Mumei laying across his lap. His eyes had curiously followed Hyeon-ju and Hayato as they left the room, but now Mumei had all his attention.

"Mmm." Yul smiled, nuzzling into her hand, enjoying the cool softness. "Guess we'll just have to try even harder, now." He bent to her, one hand stroking through her hair as they came together for a kiss, first tender, then more rough, Yul growling softly against her lips.

Author:  Nakauchi Mumei [ Mon Oct 05, 2020 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

Her hand slips behind his head as she meets him halfway, lips parting for his, each sensation drawn out with a slight, alcohol-induced languor. For long moments, she can let everything else fall away to indulge this hunger, one kiss barely allowed to end before another begins as if there's no actual peak to a passion that could keep rising as they keep challenging one another to find more, knowing there's only a small time to share it in.

When they do let theselves part, she curls in to press forehead to shoulder. "mmm, I love how you say 'yes,' even if it is surely just because you needed to prove yourself right." Her voice is teasing, cut a bit short as she presses her lips to his throat. "mmm, but definitely let's find something silly to sing next."

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Mon Oct 05, 2020 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"Well." He glanced at the lovely woman following along with him down the hall. "He hasn't pulled her into his lap yet, so it's still technically a couch and not a chair." Hayato offered with a soft chuckle.

"Though it might be by the time we get back."

Her lips tugged into a half-smile and she gave a shake of her head. The alcohol was giving her a little buzz and the rush of emotions earlier was now culminating into a strange sensation of relief.

Depositing the empty glasses and order up the new round of drinks, Hyeon-ju reached out and touched Hayato's arm gently. "... Thank you," she murmured, maintaining some of her On still but there was a fondness in her expression that she hadn't been able to show before.

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

He turned towards her at the touch, a little surprised at it, not that he really should be. His eyes sought hers and his lips shifted into a soft smile. "If it was anyone but you that asked Hyeon-ju...." He didn't finish the sentence.

His eyes dropped to her lips for a moment and he considered dipping in for another kiss. The middle of the bar didn't seem the right place for it though, not when they had just started. "It was my pleasure though." He continued at last. "And I wouldn't change my answer even if I was given the same choice a thousand times over."

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

She knew he meant it. Hayato's honesty and sincerity was never something she had doubted. And she felt certain he'd never do to her what the Akodo had done.

Then remembering something, she cracked a brief smile and a silent snicker. "It feels really silly now that I sent something almost like a farewell note to your room with a gift after we parted ways at the festival."

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

He smirked at that. "And here I had rethought sending you Yakumo outfit I had made because it was in Mantis colors." It would of gotten a lot of weird looks at the double date.

He did smile though, as his hand moved over to touch her side. "I suppose the weird thing about that fish bowl though, is i put the goldfish i won in with it. I suppose it's just a weird coincidence that those fish ended up together and now we will."

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

"Ooh..." she knew instantly which costume that had to be. Like the true fan she was. "Well then... I look forward to finding a more proper time to wear it."

Speaking of the goldfish, that was a touch romantic. And here she thought he'd given all the ones he won away. "... I think we'll have to get them a proper tank then. It would be nice to keep them for at least a little bit. Not that I know how to care for goldfish very well, or what they need... or how long they live."

But that would be a fun thing to do together.

Author:  Shinjo Yul [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

Nakauchi Mumei wrote:
Her hand slips behind his head as she meets him halfway, lips parting for his, each sensation drawn out with a slight, alcohol-induced languor. For long moments, she can let everything else fall away to indulge this hunger, one kiss barely allowed to end before another begins as if there's no actual peak to a passion that could keep rising as they keep challenging one another to find more, knowing there's only a small time to share it in.

When they do let theselves part, she curls in to press forehead to shoulder. "mmm, I love how you say 'yes,' even if it is surely just because you needed to prove yourself right." Her voice is teasing, cut a bit short as she presses her lips to his throat. "mmm, but definitely let's find something silly to sing next."

Yul chuckled softly, throatily. "Maybe to make sure things stay lively, I should ask Hyeon-ju to send me little taunting messages from time to time. Although..." He groaned softly as her lips touched his neck, his chin tilting up, fingers pleasantly clenching against her back, "-I don't think that'll be necessary."

He smiled. "But hey, you want silly, I can do silly." He glanced at the door. "So I really didn't imagine something, huh? With the two of them." Yul chewed his lip thoughtfully.

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 1:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

Utaku Hyeon-ju wrote:
"Ooh..." she knew instantly which costume that had to be. Like the true fan she was. "Well then... I look forward to finding a more proper time to wear it."

Speaking of the goldfish, that was a touch romantic. And here she thought he'd given all the ones he won away. "... I think we'll have to get them a proper tank then. It would be nice to keep them for at least a little bit. Not that I know how to care for goldfish very well, or what they need... or how long they live."

But that would be a fun thing to do together.

"And I look forward to seeing you wear it." It was after all a cute little piece and stockings and heels really did a thing for a ladies legs.

"Honestly I don't know either." Hayato replied with a soft chuckle. "It seems we'll have a bit of reading to do." He'd never thought he would need to learn to care for a goldfish before. The drinks arrived and he looked at Hyeon-ju. "Should we give them a bit more time?"

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 1:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

"I think a minute more will be good for them. Though I hope they haven't been undressing or anything in the short time we've been gone."

She mused a bit more about the idea of having goldfish as pets. "Have you had pets before or while growing up?"

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 2:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

He didn't mind, leaving the pair in there meant they got some time too. "I'll bet there is a shirt off, or at least a hand under one." Hayato hoped he was wrong though.

"We had a family dog." No cats of course. "That was it though, my Dad wasn't a fan of a lot of animals around the house. You?"

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 2:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

"I hope not..." she sighed, ready to give Yul disapproving looks.

"Not really... my older sister had a couple of songbirds when we were young, but that was it, really. Not like we didn't like animals, but there were rarely time considered for them as pets. My pet-life has strictly been electronic, due to my duties as a pilot. It's no place to bring an animal or pet, and leaves little spare time to give them the attention they deserve and need."

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

"You're likely right." Hayato replied with a chuckle. "I just thought you might jump at the chance at an easy win."

"The same goes for soldiers, it's not like I can keep anything in the barracks." He cooked an eyebrow at her. "I didn't take you as the type to raise digital pets though."

Author:  Nakauchi Mumei [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

"No?" she bites gently at the soft skin there, enough to feel, not mark. "I let me know if things aren't quite catching your interest." Unfolding her legs, she rolls a bit to the side, and sits up to look at him with a small smile and a nod. "A bit of something at least, and quick to put in some distance when the door opened."

She leans in a bit, "Planning to give them the same view to keep things even?" then turns to glance at the catalog, "or just start picking out a song?"

Author:  Shinjo Yul [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

"Not a chance." Breath hissed through Yul's teeth. "But huh, okay. That's a surprise... but huh. Okay." Yul shrugged. He certainly wasn't going to begrudge Hyeon-ju a little fun.

"Hmmm..." Yul's grin went decidedly playful, one arm slipping around her. "Tell you what. Why don't you pick out a song, and I'll see about keeping things even." He leaned closer, taking his turn to let his lips brush across her jaw, along her neck, teeth gently grazing her skin. "Let me know what you come up with." He whispered teasingly.

Author:  Nakauchi Mumei [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

Her breath caught."I'm supposed to focus on...*songs*?!" she breathes, shivering slightly andfeeling the heat rising to her face. "That's not even fair..."

But it was kind of hot, so she played along, scrolling through the catalog without actually seeing anything in it, while being very pleasantly distracted.

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