We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)
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Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"You're likely right." Hayato replied with a chuckle. "I just thought you might jump at the chance at an easy win."

"The same goes for soldiers, it's not like I can keep anything in the barracks." He cooked an eyebrow at her. "I didn't take you as the type to raise digital pets though."

"I think that given more time, at least one of them will be more likely to do something dumb." And she thought Yul most likely to be the one.

Picking up a couple of small bowls of popcorn for snacks, they were ready to rejoin the other two.

"Kami-pets are cute," while she tried to say it with a straight face, there was small hints of bashfulness over it. "And I think it's good training for understanding my shugenja family members a little better... and well, it's something to bring along everywhere."

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

"Yeah, you're not wrong there." He agreed with a chuckle.

"I suppose it doesn't hurt either that you have to emraise them like a mother." Hayato offered with a glance her way and a mischievous grin.

His own entrance back into the room wasn't at thoughtful as Mumei's as he nudged it open with his shoe and strode right in. Perhaps in hope of catching a hand under a shirt and on a boob.

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

"... I never thought of it like a substitution for raising children." Judging by her reaction that was a thought she had never considered.

And Hyeon-ju really hoped that children would be easier than Kami-pets. Less prone to disappearing.

Following behind Hayato, she at least didn't make a show of looking. Just... looking in casually. Just like flying casually.

Author:  Shinjo Yul [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

Yul had been just beginning to show Mumei how unfair he could be. Lips trailing down to her collarbone, his fingers teased under the hem of her shirt, just a little...

But no more than that, and even inebriated, Yul's reflexes were fast enough to pull back quickly, affecting a casual stretch. His face was flushed... but that could be the alcohol, right?

"Hey," Yul greeted them with a grin. "We were just starting to wonder if you were coming back."

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

Hayato watched the other man for a moment, before raising his chin in a haughty manner. "We used our time better." He stated matter of factly, before moving to pass out the drinks.

"It just took us longer to come back because we got popcorn." He motioned towards the bowls Hyeon-ju was carrying. "Figured we could all use a little something with all this beer."

His eyes shifted to Mumei. "Need a few moments to pick a song?"

Author:  Nakauchi Mumei [ Wed Oct 07, 2020 3:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're all just dancing. (Day 11 Early Night, Bluebird)

As his fingers tease at her shirt, Mumei shivers. "Yul...' one word, voice low with desire and warning, shaking with laughter at just how far he's willing to push this distraction game. The remaining shreds of her composure are almost relieved at the click and swoosh of the door, as she shakes with silent laughter, over the karaoke catalog.

Her mirth has settled to an amused grin as she looks up, flushed well beyond her current drink tally. The grin fades a bit, as she blinks in some surprise at Hayato's words. It's covered quickly as she takes the fresh drink. "Yeah, popcorn's not a bad idea. Hadn't noticed it there." She glances at Yul. "Maybe just a second to pick...are we still doing duets? "

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