[D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight
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Author:  Iuchi Joo-Woo [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

Kitsune Izumi wrote:
"Whaddyalike? C-PophastobeUsagiDrop! Forrockthere'sSLATE. GreatKaiurockbandthateveryonethinksisKUnicosofthefacepaint. Ifyouwantsomethingslowthenthere'stheLionEnkastuff. Tooslowandboringformethough."

He'd been watching the bubble tea for more antics and was disappointed. Enough that he didn't notice a 'bubble' blockage in his straw . . .

Joo observe the blockage and was thinking hard. He wanted to say something, and stopped.

"Wow, those a re lot of bands. I am not big on music, but I'll be sure to check them out. Slate, huh? Sounds good." He drank some more, his nose deep in the glass. WILL ANYTIHNG STICK WHEN HE LOWERS IT? TUNE IN NEXT POST!

Author:  Kitsune Izumi [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

"SLATE." Izumi corrected, somehow pronouncing it in block capitals . . .

He sucked in some more tea, or at least . . . tried to. The blockage was strong, but Foxeh would not be defeated by a mere 'bubble'. It did leave him red faced and coughing a little when the blockage was finally cleared and rocketed into his mouth.

Author:  Iuchi Joo-Woo [ Fri Sep 25, 2020 5:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

Kitsune Izumi wrote:
"SLATE." Izumi corrected, somehow pronouncing it in block capitals . . .

He sucked in some more tea, or at least . . . tried to. The blockage was strong, but Foxeh would not be defeated by a mere 'bubble'. It did leave him red faced and coughing a little when the blockage was finally cleared and rocketed into his mouth.

Joo nodded seriously, then tried to hide a smile at the Fox's drinking. "Oh, I see Kitsune-sama. You are quite well versed in music." He found the small yet important Fox quite fun to hang around, so far. "Are you from Inari's Cradle?"

Author:  Kitsune Izumi [ Fri Sep 25, 2020 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

He nodded quickly, proper colour returning to his face.

"Yes,yes. WorkatthefamilybusinessKitsuneBiopharmaticals, makingperfumes. Haveyoueverbeentooneofourforestsettlements?"

Author:  Iuchi Joo-Woo [ Fri Sep 25, 2020 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

Kitsune Izumi wrote:
He nodded quickly, proper colour returning to his face.

"Yes,yes. WorkatthefamilybusinessKitsuneBiopharmaticals, makingperfumes. Haveyoueverbeentooneofourforestsettlements?"

"Ie, not yet, but from what I heard, it all sounded pretty wonderful." He smiled at the thought, thinking of the Fox as distant kin.

"You work with perfumes?"

Author:  Kitsune Izumi [ Fri Sep 25, 2020 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

"Yes. I'mofficiallyamanagerbutIactuallyworkonthenformulationandmanufacturingofsomeofourlines. NotTailNinebeforeyouask. ThatoneissupersecretandevenifIdidworkonitIwouldn'tbeallowedtoevensayso."

The Fox's best earning scent was well protected.

Author:  Iuchi Joo-Woo [ Sat Sep 26, 2020 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

Kitsune Izumi wrote:
"Yes. I'mofficiallyamanagerbutIactuallyworkonthenformulationandmanufacturingofsomeofourlines. NotTailNinebeforeyouask. ThatoneissupersecretandevenifIdidworkonitIwouldn'tbeallowedtoevensayso."

The Fox's best earning scent was well protected.

Joo nodded solemnly. "I see, I see Kitsune-sama. Gomen, I am not that well versed in your scents, although your fame does reach our lands as well." He smiled, and drank some more bubble tea, a loud slurping sound coming from the glass.

"Can I ask what is Kitsune-sama's favorite scent that he has worked on?"

Author:  Kitsune Izumi [ Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

"Cherryforestatdawnwasoneofmyfavourites. Ohsorrythatwasthelabworkingname. Itgotcalled'Hanami'ongeneralrelease."

The bubble tea behaved itself this time.

Author:  Iuchi Joo-Woo [ Sat Sep 26, 2020 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

Kitsune Izumi wrote:
"Cherryforestatdawnwasoneofmyfavourites. Ohsorrythatwasthelabworkingname. Itgotcalled'Hanami'ongeneralrelease."

The bubble tea behaved itself this time.

"Oh? I confess, I am not one to use perfumes much, alas. Perhaps Kitsune-sama could educate me sometime?" He smiled and finished slurping up the rest of his tea. "Kitsune-sama always wanted to deal with perfumes?"

Author:  Kitsune Izumi [ Sat Sep 26, 2020 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

"It'sthefamilybusiness. WithMommaFoxontheboardIwasalwaysgoingtojointhecompanysomewhere. CouldhavebeenpharmaceuticalsortheagriculturedivisionsbutIshowedbetteratmakingperfumesearlyonthantheothers."

He felt like he'd been answering a lot of questions, so asked one in return.


Author:  Iuchi Joo-Woo [ Sat Sep 26, 2020 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

Kitsune Izumi wrote:
"It'sthefamilybusiness. WithMommaFoxontheboardIwasalwaysgoingtojointhecompanysomewhere. CouldhavebeenpharmaceuticalsortheagriculturedivisionsbutIshowedbetteratmakingperfumesearlyonthantheothers."

He felt like he'd been answering a lot of questions, so asked one in return.


"Oh? An early talent, how wonderful! I'm a researcher currently, into the spirit realms, mainly. I also dabble a bit in regular priestly duties, and my father is nagging me to take an exam for Navigation. Or to widen my research, whether into arms or drives." He smiled. "Or one of the many things they themselves excel at."

Author:  Kitsune Izumi [ Sat Sep 26, 2020 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

"Navigationwouldbefunwouldn'tit? NotmanyKitsunetryforthat. TheKitsudothenavigatingfortheLionandFoxboth."

Another slurp of tea to restore caffeine levels.

Author:  Iuchi Joo-Woo [ Sat Sep 26, 2020 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

Kitsune Izumi wrote:
"Navigationwouldbefunwouldn'tit? NotmanyKitsunetryforthat. TheKitsudothenavigatingfortheLionandFoxboth."

Another slurp of tea to restore caffeine levels.

"Oh? How interesting." That was indeed, interesting. "Navigation can be interesting, quite much. Well, either that, or you grip your soul for dear life so you come out to the right place. At least from what I heard."

He fiddled with his straw. "Do you work well with the Lion clan?"

Author:  Kitsune Izumi [ Sat Sep 26, 2020 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

"Theclandoes. Helpsweshareacommonfoe."

Grrrrrr Mantis.

"Daytodaythough, barelyseeany. Theydon'tcometotheforestmuchandIonlygooutothecitieswhenIneedto."

Author:  Iuchi Joo-Woo [ Sat Sep 26, 2020 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

Kitsune Izumi wrote:
"Theclandoes. Helpsweshareacommonfoe."

Grrrrrr Mantis.

"Daytodaythough, barelyseeany. Theydon'tcometotheforestmuchandIonlygooutothecitieswhenIneedto."

"Common foe?" Joo had a rough understanding of what the Fox meant.

He thinks so, at least.

"How are Lion cities, by the way? I haven't visited them yet."

Author:  Kitsune Izumi [ Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

He tried to think of the best way to describe Lion architecture.

"They're . . . functional. Notthatpretty, exceptforKitsutemples, buteverythingyouneediseasytofind."

Author:  Iuchi Joo-Woo [ Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

Kitsune Izumi wrote:
He tried to think of the best way to describe Lion architecture.

"They're . . . functional. Notthatpretty, exceptforKitsutemples, buteverythingyouneediseasytofind."

Joo nodded. "I see, I see. Kitsu temples are nice then? Back home..we actually done't have a lot of structures. We just live on the back of giant bugs usually."

Author:  Kitsune Izumi [ Sun Sep 27, 2020 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

"YestheKitsutemplesarequitepretty . . . . . . . . "

Then what Joo-Woo had just said registered and he nearly dropped his tea.

"Youliveonthebackofgiantbugs?!?!?!?!??!?! Really???? ThatisSOCOOL!!!!!"

The Vulpine Excitement Level being raised garnered them some attention from those sitting around them.

Author:  Iuchi Joo-Woo [ Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

Kitsune Izumi wrote:
"YestheKitsutemplesarequitepretty . . . . . . . . "

Then what Joo-Woo had just said registered and he nearly dropped his tea.

"Youliveonthebackofgiantbugs?!?!?!?!??!?! Really???? ThatisSOCOOL!!!!!"

The Vulpine Excitement Level being raised garnered them some attention from those sitting around them.

Joo laughed. "Yeah! There are few buildings, but mostly we live on the road. The Kuwagata bugs are very useful, and they have lots of interesting properties."

Author:  Kitsune Izumi [ Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 EE Tian] Caffeine before the (Fantasy) Fight

Excitement and business combined into one.

"Ohcanyouextractanychemicalsfromthem . . . ? Withouthurtingthemorchangingtheirhabits. Perhapsshedcarapaceordung? Andjusthowbigarethey?"

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