What're The Chances [Day 8, EA]
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Author:  Doji Ichika [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What're The Chances [Day 8, EA]

Ichika shook her head, furrowing her brow on a thought. Speaking as she thought it, "I'd still like to think there's some way.. like, a discovery that might be out there. Something that might make it worthwhile to be more reserved in the expansion of it all, yea? Not just to preserve the unique natural beauty of the place but.. more."

Author:  Isawa Sora [ Fri Sep 25, 2020 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What're The Chances [Day 8, EA]

"Trust me, the Phoenix have been working for peace for longer than anyone else. I am sure Doji-san has studied history enough to know that. But it seems that without arms there is no peace." His voice still rang steel. "Now, I would blame the Mantis and many would agree with me. Question is, why does the Crane stand by the Mantis?"

Author:  Doji Ichika [ Fri Sep 25, 2020 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What're The Chances [Day 8, EA]

There was a turn there, one that Ichika wasn't ready for in the conversation and the acknowledgement played across the way she was looking at him like a book. Yet, she brought her arms forward and crossed them over her chest a little. Hiding behind one of her forearms the fiddling she was doing with her fingers.

Glancing down, then back, "I-" she shook her head, inhaled and exhaled through her nose consciously. "Isawa-san," she restarted, her voice softer. "I can't answer for the specifics of the dealings between my Clan and the Mantis, they are more complicated than the question you ask might suggest," it came out sounding stiff at first, as she slipped into it though her training reasserted and her voice flowed naturally again. "Though.. if I was going to ask you an equal question, I don't think you would have any better of an answer for me, yea?" she said, there was a little tremble notable on her lip right before she smiled and sight of it naturally vanished.

"It's a nice day for a meal and some more pleasant conversation than what we've been having maybe, hmm?" she suggested, glancing toward the cart but the person ahead of them was taking their time with some rather large order.

Author:  Isawa Sora [ Fri Sep 25, 2020 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What're The Chances [Day 8, EA]

There was more pages to Sora than it first seemed - the index rather well hidden under the façade. "Perhaps?" Sora quipped, sounding still rather flippant. Young and convinced of his cause and not particularly tactful, Sora had no qualms speaking his mind when he was not trying to worm his way into someone's fundoshi. "Complex as the relations might be, the circumstances where we find ourselves are very real. Circumstances which more or less force Asako-sama's hand." he nodded at the direction of the castle.

"Doji-san is free to ask such an question though. I would want to try to find an answer, rather than swallow the claim that I cannot." His fingers found their way to the side of his head, the young man tapping his temple. "As for the day, yes. It is rather pleasant. Hot, but still." Sora fanned himself with his hand. "What Doji-san would rather discuss then?" They were now next to the food cart, the heimin calling for their orders.

Author:  Doji Ichika [ Fri Sep 25, 2020 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What're The Chances [Day 8, EA]

"I would prefer not to, really," she said, a soft but strained smile. Glancing forward to the cart she gave him a smile and looked to Sora before stepping forward. "I just don't think that particular line of conversation would be helpful, yea? I'd like to see if.. while I'm here, there might be things I can do to help, hmm?" she said with a small smile.

Turning to the heimin at the cart she smiled, a small dip of her head as a reflexive apology for the wait and one to those behind her. With the small break, she got to ordering what she wanted. The classic for this particular establishment, of course.

"I never did ask, Isawa-san, you're taking part in the Miai, aren't you? Maybe we could talk about what you were hoping to come of it all? Any type of spouse interest you most?" she said with a light smile as she mentally already knocked a few off her list, she almost chuckled at the thought but she managed herself well enough.

Author:  Isawa Sora [ Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What're The Chances [Day 8, EA]

"Then perhaps Doji-san should no suggest such a thing, hmm?" he looked at her with a frown on her lips. "We Isawa don't mind being challenged. Doji-san would have been welcome to do so." Sora was arrogant, smug and certain that he had the moral high ground, leaving Ichika the proverbial Anakin. "Sometimes, things are beyond our control, neh. Desire to help is one thing, circumstances another."

"Two knobblers onna stick for me!" Sora quipped his order, the heimin handing him two sets of knobbly mushrooms covered with spicy sauce skewered on long plastic sticks. The young man paid his order without making as much as an eye contact with the commoner, keeping his attention on the Crane.

"Yes, yes I am." he nodded, tilting his head to the side. "Hoping? I am hoping to marry someone who would suit me and my proclivities. The nakado have given me some names, but I am not sure it would be appropriate to discuss them like this." Now, Sora was lying through his teeth but as the thread took place in the past, no dice rolling would happen. "Isn't it the same for all of us?"

Author:  Doji Ichika [ Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What're The Chances [Day 8, EA]

For a moment, Ichika looked to him with a slightly twisted bottom lip. Perhaps lucky in a sense that her Family was Doji, and jumping that gap was not one she was intended upon. With a little smile she dipped her head toward him. "It's a shame, yea? Desire doesn't always get you want you want," she nodded, "but I'll hold on to hoping it might offer me a few chances."

"Though.." she smiled again, a little pause. Luckily, perhaps, as much as time had passed them by in this effect there would quite likely never been an ability to mistrust him. With how unfortunate her ability to spot a lie was. "I am glad that you have at least a few names, yea? I'd love to maybe help but.." she shook her head, a little laugh, "no I shouldn't pry, hmm?" she smiled again.

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