Hayato didn't feel the need to point out the fact that both of their glasses were almost empty, just chuckled softly and shook his head.
"My immediate family?" He leaned he leaned back in his chair eyes drifting towards the cieling for a moment. "There are five of us, my Father, Mother and me as well as my two younger sisters." He offered the woman across from him a wry smile. "I should likely point out my sisters are twins... and were quite the handful growing up." Honestly they still were.
"My father's Tsuruchi Itsuki, Current president of Haruto Arms, and my mother his wife is Tsuruchi Ayame, she married in from the Yoritomo. Both on them are good parents, kind in their own ways, though my father can be a little demanding." As she could likely imagine. "Haurmi and Natsumi are my younger sisters, just recently turned seventeen. Like my father, they both have an excellent head for busniess, and like I said one of them is likely to inherit his postion. Though knowing them they might try and find a way to share it."
_________________ Mantis Clan * Bushi * Well Off * Smoker * Marksman Honor: 3.5 Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.8
Carries: Wakazashi, Sidearm(where appropriate). Cigarettes, Lighter, Communicator, Densai, Holorecorder, Gun belt, earphones
Courtship points: 6 (Certified quality husband material)