[D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)
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Author:  Matsu Hide [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

Hide rented out a room again, but this time it would be not for pleasure. No, she was beyond pissed today. And she needed to talk to the only people that could understand her right now, as they more than likely feel the same way.

From her bag, she sat down the bottle she bought last night. She was going to need it to get through the day. This damned day that just kept making her feel worse and worse.

Author:  Shinjo Yul [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

Yul arrived promptly, wearing his casual clothing once more. Spotting Hide, something flashed in his eyes. He gave a bow, deep and solemn.

"Hide-san." He said. Slowly he straightened. "My condolences on the loss of your kinswoman. She was a hero to the end, and the Unicorn will remember her as one."

Author:  Matsu Hide [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

“I was surprised I didn’t see you at the funeral, Yul-san.” Hide poured herself a glass of the top shelf shochu and looked to Yul as if she was offering to pour him one as well. “I take it you had a prior appointment.”

Drinking so early in the day was not a good sign.

Author:  Shinjo Yul [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

Yul bowed again. "I did, for which I apologize. But my presence was required at the castle by the magistrate." He grimaced. "Hopefully that will settle the business for her."

He hesitated, and then nodded acceptance. He'd take one cup, anyway.

Author:  Matsu Hide [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

“Magistrate? Why?” Hide gave Yul a strange look, like if pieces of a puzzle she had been putting together were coming into place. She poured him his drink and handed it to him giving him the slightest smirk, “Enjoy it. Fancy stuff, Eriko-san convinced me to buy it last night. We didn’t touch much of the bottle, all things considered.”

Author:  Hotaru Koseki [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

Koseki arrived next wearing smart clothes and a neutral expression. He bowed crisply to Yul and Hide.

"Minna-sama. My condolences Hide-san. I did not know Matsu Chiyoko-san but it sounds as though she was a true hero to the end."

Author:  Shinjo Yul [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

Matsu Hide wrote:
“Magistrate? Why?” Hide gave Yul a strange look, like if pieces of a puzzle she had been putting together were coming into place. She poured him his drink and handed it to him giving him the slightest smirk, “Enjoy it. Fancy stuff, Eriko-san convinced me to buy it last night. We didn’t touch much of the bottle, all things considered.”

Yul grimaced, considering for a few moments. "Punishment. It's not a big deal. I've had worse." He waved a hand, giving her an easy smile.

One eyebrow went up. "Oh? Did I interrupt anything?"

Hotaru Koseki wrote:
Koseki arrived next wearing smart clothes and a neutral expression. He bowed crisply to Yul and Hide.

"Minna-sama. My condolences Hide-san. I did not know Matsu Chiyoko-san but it sounds as though she was a true hero to the end."

Yul returned the bow. "Yeah. She was."

Author:  Matsu Hide [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

“Just in time, Koseki-san. Care for a drink?” Hide held aloft her magical mushroom juice (okay, it was just shochu).

“We were at the club... Date.” She couldn’t help but frown, eyes narrowing. “Wait, why were you being punished? What did they do to you?!”

Author:  Kuni Eriko [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

The overgrown lizard in the room came in form of Eriko finally as she made it to the meeting, dressed in functional clothes than anything stylish this time. She had on her jade badge clipped to the front of her belt than hidden away. Her mood was dour for more than a few reasons. The maho-tsukai problem was obvious. Although, did dread seeing a few people face to face again. If they were upset at her, she wouldn't hold it again them.

She might have been in their shoes.

Author:  Shinjo Yul [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

Matsu Hide wrote:
“Just in time, Koseki-san. Care for a drink?” Hide held aloft her magical mushroom juice (okay, it was just shochu).

“We were at the club... Date.” She couldn’t help but frown, eyes narrowing. “Wait, why were you being punished? What did they do to you?!”

As Eriko entered, Yul grimaced again, waving a hand in negation.

"Kuni-san." Yul said, bowing. It was, perhaps a touch on the cool side.

Author:  Hida Akemi [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

Akemi eventually arrived, in her usual suit and in a sour mood.

"Hello guys. So... Fuck?"

Author:  Matsu Hide [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

Hide was done with this bullshit. Too many times have her questions been ignored and this air of... Something. Her mood noticeably darkens, and the drink in her hand only made it worse.

“Oh fuck no.” She looked between Yul and Eriko, an uncharacteristically angry look in her eyes. “Sort whatever that is out now or we’re going to get nowhere this meeting.”

Author:  Shinjo Yul [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

Yul flushed. "Hide-san, please." He said, clearly somewhat embarrassed. "It was just a flogging, it's over, it's done, we've already been treated. It wasn't my first, and it probably won't be my last. It's... I just don't want to dwell on it." Yul shifted uncomfortably; even if he'd been doing the right thing, being flogged for dishonorable behavior was still something that made him feel shame.

Author:  Hotaru Koseki [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

Koseki nodded to the others as they entered. He blinked at Yul in surprise but didn't prove further when the man had said his piece. "I've changed my mind. I think I prefer deep space to planets."

He shook his head. "With asteroids you know what you've got. Rock, maybe a few pirates, explosive decompression. But this place? Mushroom zombies, killer lizards, and a crazy cult." He took the drink that Hide offered and took a swig. This was killing his post-race buzz.

"So. That aside. Are we going to do the Magistrate's job for her or what?"

Author:  Hida Akemi [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

Akemi mentally thanked Koseki for the save in the going terribly bad conversation:

"Well... The big shots who had to deal with her are suggesting that the magistrate is not simply incompetent – or political-focused, don't know the difference – but that she is actively hindering investigations. Covering mysterious disappearances and protecting a sect planning to unleash wrathful spirits of Sakakku on the planet.

No direct relationship with maho and zombies... But unlikely to support nosy people in all cases."


"Oh yes, you knew about the Sakakku thing already right?"

Author:  Matsu Hide [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

Annoyed still, Hide took a big swig from her glass. Her mood only continued to sour with the talk of all the shitty Sakakku stuff. “Fuck this planet. I’m beyond done with all the bullshit here. Most of all getting dragged into that bag of mess. Trickster spirits? I’m more than able to make my own problems for myself.”

Author:  Kuni Eriko [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

Eriko wanted to be everyone's friend, despite not being a good friend, but the least she could do was let Hide know. "Look, the proceedings with the magistrate and the zombies went south. She somehow knew that other people were involved and put me against Yasuki-sama's testimony, grilling me for some names. She didn't know how many people were involved but I gave her enough of an idea that it was me and two others here. The rest is history and dealt with."

The scars were more than surface level, she was sure.

"News to me about the trickster realm," she shrugged.

Author:  Shinjo Yul [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

Yul nodded. Apparently he'd heard about that one.

"Are you sure they're not connected?" Yul asked. "That'd give a good reason for someone to cover both things up."

Author:  Matsu Hide [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

Hide’s gaze fell on Eriko, softening considerably. “I... See. I’m sorry... I didn’t know. But why not all of us? If it was at that point already, why not just tell the full truth? I wouldn’t have held it against you.”

Author:  Hida Akemi [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9, EA, Blue Bird] Serious Business (Closed)

"I'm not sure about anything but what we've seen with our own eyes. So yeah, cannot exclude any possibility, even the worst case scenario."

She pulled a face at Hide's question:

"My question is more Why not only the Crab? Taking a few blows when faced with the shadowlands, even from the wrong side, is our duty, I'm fine with it. Less with pulling the Unicorn into this mess."

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