Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)
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Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sat Sep 05, 2020 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

Ishiyo finished changing into her swimsuit and began to stretch. The pool looked the same as it had two days prior, so the influx of guests hadn't prompted the management to make the room any more appealing. She smiled a little as her stretches were done and walked toward the water. Of course the Crane would have to cut the exercise short today given the biathlon coming up...

Author:  Daigotsu Ryuu [ Sat Sep 05, 2020 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

"Daidoji-san. Good morning." He appeared from the changing room, his swimwear simple trunks. He rolled his arms in big circles, engaging in kinetic stretches as he made his way to the edge of the water. His hair was tied back tight in a high bun, keeping it free from his face.

In the lighting, his skin was a shade darker than pale, though having the strength of the Earth was apparent in his athletic form.

"It is good to see you again."

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sat Sep 05, 2020 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

Ishiyo's own swimsuit was a one piece. It erred on the side of usability with only a small fringe for accent. She was pale, a life born to luxury and lived on warships did little to tan a person.

"Oh Daigotsu-san." She smiled at the Spider, a sincere happiness in seeing him, "You look well today."

The Crane stood at the edge of the pool facing Ryuu.

Author:  Daigotsu Ryuu [ Sat Sep 05, 2020 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

"Thank you." His hands clasped behind his back, icy blues focused on her face. Seeing her smile, caused a little flush to show in his cheeks. His stance was a parade rest, though it didn't look too different from standard attention, falling back to habit in situations such as this.

"You look very well, as well." He blinked, realizing that he was staring. "The competition today looks rigorous. This for warming up seems wise."

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sat Sep 05, 2020 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

Her stance was more relaxed, arms resting on her hips. "You should relax. I am not you-eh commanding officeh." Her smile turned gentle. "I mean for one both of us are in clothing one step above undeh garments."

"And yes...I suppose I will have to try and excel in you-eh world. I would much ratheh soah oveh the forest then crawl through it personally."

"How have you been? Meet any otheh interesting people?"

Author:  Daigotsu Ryuu [ Sun Sep 06, 2020 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

The flush turned brighter, and he laughed. "Yes, of course Daidoji-san." He relaxed, leaning back for most of his weight to be on his right leg, looking far more like a human should look when trying to relax.

"I don't expect to excel. But I have a feeling that I still have to try. We shall see. I favored the sword over the sidearm. Anyway." He cleared his throat, realizing he was rambling.

"I spent some time speaking with my roommate yesterday. Doji Ichika-san. My fellows and I went out to the Kawaguchi farm. Just to ask some questions. It appeared to be a dead end."

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sun Sep 06, 2020 1:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

Ishiyo's grin turned mischievous and she leaned forward, bowing a little to look up at Ryuu.

"Is it too warm in face is a little flushed." She regards him with her blue eyes.

"Oh Ichika-san. She is a nice girl." Her brows raise and her expression turns more serious. "Something happened at the farms? Oh...the disappearances. Surely the local Magistrate is handling it?"

Author:  Daigotsu Ryuu [ Sun Sep 06, 2020 2:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

"Yes, it is." He smiled back, though it always looked a little off, coming from him. "Perhaps... we should dive in?" An eyebrow raised. There was a small part of him that wanted to push her in and dive after her.

He suppressed that urge.

"That's what the farmhands said. We only wished to lend our assistance to the matter. Perhaps it would help our image."

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sun Sep 06, 2020 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

Her blue eyes shone with a sympathetic light to them, "I think you will find for amount of aid will help you-eh image. A few moments of interaction versus a lifetime of stories."

Ishiyo turned away from Ryuu and moved to the edge of the pool giving him a view of her backside. She squatted down to brush a hand in the water, "It is surprisingly warm," She called over her shoulder glancing back at him. "But it will do I think."

Then suddenly she leapt forward and dove in, coming up out the water a few feet past where she had entered and moving fast.

Author:  Daigotsu Ryuu [ Sun Sep 06, 2020 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

"It would not surprise me if that were so..." His voice trailed off as she turned.

Daigotsu Ryuu was many things. A Spider. A Samurai. A law enforcement officer.

Right now, what he was most, was a man.


He couldn't help but steal a glance. Two glances... many glances... as she touched the pool. He was caught as she looked over her shoulder, and he quickly looked up, taking a deep breath.

As soon as she took the plunge, he exhaled, and ran in, diving like a jackknife into the water after her.

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sun Sep 06, 2020 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

Ishiyo had a head start, and was more then halfway to the other side when she heard the splash behind her. It wasn't until she touched the wall and braced herself against it did the Crane maiden look back to see where the would be magistrate was....

Her feet pressed up against the wall she waited.

Author:  Daigotsu Ryuu [ Sun Sep 06, 2020 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

He remained beneath the water as long as he could, engaged in breastsrroke, his legs frog kicking as his arms pulled him forward in the pool. He made it to the opposite edge of the pool, coming up with a splash as he took a deep breath.

Water ran down his face, his smile wide. "Invigorating." Was he talking about the swim, or being near her.

A hand rested at the edge of the pool. "Do you have a preferred stroke, Daidoji-san?"

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sun Sep 06, 2020 7:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

Ishiyo just smiled at him and pushed off the wall, making a leisurely backstroke toward the opposite wall. Her pale blue eyes on Ryuu and a sly smiled on her lips. She stopped again resting against the wall, this time just float freely only a hand on the side.

She ran a hand through her wet hair and waited to see if doshin followed.

Author:  Daigotsu Ryuu [ Sun Sep 06, 2020 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

Ryuu nodded as he watched her. He breathed in, and decided to show-off a bit. Arms out stretched, his legs working in unison in a flip kick.

The Doshin pursued the Fighter Ace, exerting himself in a butterfly stroke. His shoulders tensed and flexed as he moved, showcasing his strength.

And endurance.



Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sun Sep 06, 2020 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

The fighter ace seemed to smile in approval, when the Daigotsu arrived on her end of the pool. "You are a good swimmer." Blue eyes twinkled. "Though I think you-eh goal of cooling off has happened."

She pulled herself up out the water enough to rest her head on crossed arms. A smile rested on her lips. Of course her own cheeks were a red as well, probably just from the exertion of the exercise.

Author:  Daigotsu Ryuu [ Sun Sep 06, 2020 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

"My goal was warming up, Daidoji-san." He mirrored her, legs slowly moving beneath the water, just keeping the blood moving as his head rested, looking to her.

"Thank you, Daidoji-san. You are too kind." Then he flushed again. "Yournform is excellent. Swimming, I mean. You are quite good, as well." Still, he couldn't stop smiling.

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sun Sep 06, 2020 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

Ishiyo dipped back down into the water and looked at Ryuu, she smiled for a moment then dunked her head in and came back up. Half submerged she chuckled, "I have spoken to some of you-eh otheh cousins too." She says, "An odd bunch you-eh clan has sent here."

Author:  Daigotsu Ryuu [ Sun Sep 06, 2020 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

The Spider opted to tread water as they spoke. "I can see why you would say that. But out minders must believe in out strength to see this through, to the end." Legs kicked, arms made tiny circles as he maintained buoyancy.

"Hopefully we can show our strengths, in different ways. Instead of looking like a dark collective." A joke, he chuckled.

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sun Sep 06, 2020 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

Ishiyo keeps her eyes on Ryuu's face, recognizing how close they had drifted to each other. She sought refugee on the wall again, "Many of you-eh kin have started at the bottom of the mountain...and must climb their way out of the valley." Her eyes shift to the wall, giving Ryuu a blushing Crane in profile. "But I am given to understanding the Spideh are used to that."

Author:  Daigotsu Ryuu [ Sun Sep 06, 2020 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Back to the Pool (Akaboshi EM D3)

"It is our lot in life. It helps hone the things necessary to succeed. The Will, the drive to be Strong, to be in Control." He found himself trying to memorize her profile. Who knew what would come in the coming days.

"Have you tried the dancing game at Starcade yet?"

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