(D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six
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Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

Nozomi had stayed in bed a bit longer than usual. She hadn't even gotten out of bed before starting to flip through her densai in a reading frenzy.

When it was time to get ready, she slid out of her bed and went through what could be thought of as an exceptionally loud wake-up stretch. It wasn't that she was trying to. Instead, it was her bones simply cracking loud enough for others to hear...

Author:  Daidoji Ishiyo [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

Nozomi's Crane roommate had left earlier for morning exercises and would not be actually be present until much later that day. However were one to look at her bunk they would see it made up with a pair of folded pajamas resting on the bed. Also on the bed was a plush dog in a pilot's outfit. At present he had been left sitting up and a little note had been set on him in such a way to give the impression the plush was holding it:

Hello fellow room mates.
I am Daidoji Ishiyo, fighter pilot in the Crane Navy.
I am sorry I have missed you all this morning so here is my contact information: [insert ID information to reach Ishiyo's communicator]
I look forward to meeting you all!

P.S. Please don't bother Inu-tai.


Author:  Moto Ganbold [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

Almost in counterpoint, a loud snore emanated from the bed housing the mound of humanity that was Moto Ganbold. So loud, in fact, that it jerked the Moto awake.

"Wha..." He looked around like a startled chicken. "Oh! Lion-san!" he called out after catching sight of her. "Good morning!"

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

"Oh? Did I wake you up?" Nozomi asked, biting her lip a bit sheepishly afterwards. This wasn't the military, after all. Maybe this was part of the whole 'getting to know each other' part of the miai.

She glanced at the plush holding onto something inside its paws. "Dogs certainly are popular among these parts. I wonder..." she mused out loud. A smile crept up on her lips and she looked back to the Moto. "Seems like you liked the bed here, huh?"

Author:  Moto Ganbold [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

Ganbold laughed heartily. "Yeah, better than the cot back ship-board, that's for sure! Name's Moto Ganbold, by the way. What's yours?"

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

"No kidding," Nozomi enthused. She checked herself out in the mirror and then sighed. Making herself look extra cute for a miai seemed like an awful lot of work.

"I'm Kitsu Nozomi, priestess of the Lion." She nodded over at the little plushie. "And that's Inu-tai."

Author:  Moto Ganbold [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

"Oh, yeah?" Ganbold peered over at the plushie. "Cute fella. He's your pal?"

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

"Oh, no. That's, uh," Nozomi trailed off. She peeked back at the note and then nodded. "Daidoji Ishiyo, a fighter pilot in the Crane Navy. Her plushie, that is."

Author:  Moto Ganbold [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 5:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

"Oh! I wonder if it's normal for pilots to have that kinda thing. Never been in one's quarters before."

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

"Me neither. Not a lot of pilots among my family." She smiled a bit. "I wonder if pilots ever have to make prayers of their own though!"

Author:  Moto Ganbold [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

Ganbold smiled. "Maybe not. Just quick "please let me land this okay" stuff, I'd guess. You a bit of an innovator, then, Kitsu-san?"

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

"Oh certainly not. I wish I could make some fancy stuff." Nozomi walked over to her belongings and patted her bag. "I just recite prayers most of the time. I haven't had to actually commune and figure stuff out in awhile."

She tilted her head. "Maybe I should check in with the local kami sometime."

Author:  Moto Ganbold [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

"I'm sure that'd be a neat experience!" Ganbold, of course, had no way of knowing either way. "Is there a big difference between kami on different planets?"

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

"As much as there is a difference between people," Nozomi admitted, "It's not like they're suddenly a lot different. But different environments bring different perspectives."

Author:  Moto Ganbold [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

"Cool!" Ganbold beams. "So...what does Kitsu-san do for fun?"

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

"Oh, well, I do like to read." Nozomi patted her densai and then smirked. "Watching shows is entertaining too. I admit, I rarely create things myself."

Author:  Moto Ganbold [ Wed Sep 02, 2020 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

Ganbold nodded in solidarity. "Yeah, me neither. Just ain't got the hands for it, I think. What kinda stuff do you like to read?"

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Wed Sep 02, 2020 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

"All sorts of things," she said earnestly, "You name a genre and I've probably looked at it!"

Author:  Moto Ganbold [ Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

"Neat! Broad-mindedness is a sure sign of a quick mind, or so my father used to say." He nodded. "I've been getting into electrical systems lately, myself."

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open) A Bit of a Tight Spot - Room Six

"Electrical systems? Like aboard a ship or do you mean the computer itself?"

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