(D1 EM Open - Room 5) So who's around?
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Author:  Suzume Shion [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  (D1 EM Open - Room 5) So who's around?

Yaaaawn... that was a late arrival last night... but an early day to get to know the place is good.

Shion stretches and looks around, then remembers Stray won't be there. He's actually not used to sleeping that far from her, so she hopes he's behaving. No loud barking so far, so all seems good...

She hadn't a chance to have a good look at those who would share the room with her last night, so now she looks around as she starts fumbling around her things getting into her usual clothes and takes a look at her Shamisen and guitar to check that nothing got damaged while dragging things around last night.

Author:  Fundai Tetsu [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open - Room 5) So who's around?

Tetsu hears movement and slowly stirs. It's early, but life in the Crab navy meant that you had abundance of practice of being a light sleeper, and being able to slip back to sleep at the drop of a hat.

"Ohayo" He murmers, rolling in his bunk. He's dressed plainly in sleeping clothes, comfortable shorts and a relatively form fitting t-shity

Author:  Suzume Shion [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open - Room 5) So who's around?

She turns her head and looks. "Oh... sorry", she says in a quiet voice. "Was I too loud? Didn't mean to wake you up. Just making sure everything's in order, was hard settling in in the dark"

If he doesn't get pissed off or just turn around and go back to sleep, she'll add.

"So... also here for the festival? I... guess most here in the Inn are?"

The way she says 'festival' might hint that she's less than hyper about it... but she tries to place it in a good light nevertheless.

Author:  Fundai Tetsu [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open - Room 5) So who's around?

"Oh, kusu, right people are still sleeping." Tetsu flashes a quick grin and offers his most sheepish look.

"Don't worry about it. My sleep schedule is never normal, and everything is way too interesting to stay in bed all day."

She's kinda cute too.

"I am here too. I guess we're all looking for spouses, eh?"

Author:  Suzume Shion [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 5:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open - Room 5) So who's around?

She half-grins, half-smiles at his last sentence in a somewhat awkward way, scratching her head.

"Ah... right. Yeah. Looking. Of course! That's..."

She turns back to her things to get her Shamisen case closed and hang it on her shoulder before turning back.

"Ah... yeah, this seems to be quite an interesting place, ne? Well, at least... it's different from what I'm used to, for sure. So... have you planned what you want to see or do already? I'm still a bit lost, to be honest. Just sure to hit the club or hunt for concerts if there are any, I guess..."

Author:  Fundai Tetsu [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open - Room 5) So who's around?

"Yeah...this is weird. Can I say that this is weird? Because it's a little weird"

Tetsu kicks off his blankets and stretches, seemingly used to the cramped quarters and relative state of undress in mixed company. Modesty was a quick casualty on a ship, where privacy was a valuable commodity.

"I heard a fellow Crab has a sake house in the lower section of the city, and it seems like a good place to get the lie of the land. I don't know when they meet, but there is supposed to be a robotics club at the local dojo and I figure it could be a fun place to go. What about you...looking for a place to play?"

Author:  Suzume Shion [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open - Room 5) So who's around?

She chuckles slightly, trying to keep the volume down. "Well, I suppose it's weird whether or not we say it, ne?"

She eyes him sideways for a moment as he leaves the bed, but is quickly back to a bland expression.

"... a Sake house sounds good. And... robotics? At the dojo?" She looks as if she didn't expect that - and she seems curious, but maybe not particularly so. She gives a bit of a shrug, unwittingly, then notices it and recomposes herself. "Oh... so are you in robotics, then? Me... I'll try to get the local scene, mostly. Styles, people, what's going on. Always something to learn", she says, with a slight smile. "Playing somewhere would be fun if it can happen, of course"

She then remembers herself and bows slightly to him. "Oh, name's Suzume Shion, by the way. Nice to meet you, -sama."

Author:  Fundai Tetsu [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open - Room 5) So who's around?

Tetsu lets out a low chuckle of his own. "Don't worry, I'm no sama. Kaiu Tetsu of Fundai. Tetsu-san is fine, it's easier than needing to worry about Fundai vs. Kaiu."

"But yes, something like that. I'm an engineer. I thought it might be a good idea to see what the Phoenix are, it would be nice to be back in a shop"

Author:  Suzume Shion [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open - Room 5) So who's around?

"Oh... that sounds interesting,, san", she says, then freezes for a moment and shakes her head, noticing he just told her to use his given name instead.

Hard to shake off ingrained tendencies, she thinks, grinning. "Never learned much about technology back home, really. Well, except for computers. Had to learn something to work with music, eh?", she says, her face blander again, even if her eyes show some interest at least. "Maybe I can have a look one day while we're here." she shrugs "Not sure I'll understand much though. Oh, maybe I could sample something!".

She places the rest of her things and arranges a guitar, a computer and a small keyboard in her locker, and asks with her back still turned to him.

"So - does Fundai-sa...n like industrial vibes then?"

Author:  Fundai Tetsu [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 5:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open - Room 5) So who's around?

Tetsu leans over her shoulder, looking at the array of instruments, just barely brushing against her back. "Dang, you're practically a whole band"

"Industrial is good, but rock in general. I'm pretty eclectic in my tastes"

Author:  Suzume Shion [ Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D1 EM Open - Room 5) So who's around?

She chuckles, silently "Oh... I've got that one a few times. I guess I like the variety, different timbres and all... would be happy to experiment with other things, but we can only carry - or afford - so much, ne?", she says, her smile spreading a bit.

"I see... have you had the chance to look up any places here before we arrived? We... might go and hear something somewhere one of these days, I suppose." As she stops, she notices what this might sound like and extends her hand a bit apologetically "Oh, I mean...", she says, her voice sounding a bit louder than she means it to, then toning it down again. "Just see what's playing and all, you see"

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