We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)
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Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

Still dressed in her uniform with her leather jacket draped over one shoulder, Hyeon-ju easily navigated the inn with her two bags easily to find the room.

First room on this floor, after all.

The key-fob worked as intended and she stepped inside. It was... smaller and more run-down than she had expected, but at least it seemed to have more space than the cots on most battle-cruisers she'd seen. And of course, she'd have to share it with three others.

Sweet Shinjo-Kami, if it's that edgy teen from the flight, I'll...Hyeon-ju shook her head instead of finishing the thought, and claimed one of the top-bunks by tossing her leather-jacket on it.

Author:  Daigotsu Ryuu [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

Shortly after the Unicorn entered, the lock gave a click, and the door opened again. The sound of bootheels clicked against the floor of the room. "These quarters shall be adequate." His voice was level, in the higher range of a tenor. He moved in, placing his suitcase and small travel bag on the other top bunk.

Ryuu turned on his heel, looking to the Unicorn, his intense blue eyes focused on her, not blinking for a long time. He bowed, his movements precise to the point of concern.

"Good Morning. This one is Daigotsu Ryuu. It seems we are roommates."

Author:  Kuni Koryn [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

A young Crab comes in wearing a dress uniform, with a duffle and a bird cage. He looks a little lost and confused. "Is this the barracks for the Crab security detachment?"

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

More Spiders it seemed.

The Utaku adjusted the collar of her uniform, which probably didn't need adjusting actually, as it seemed tailored to fit her perfectly. "So it seems."

Before she got the chance to give her introduction, a Crab arrived. Yet another Crab for her. It seemed the place were teeming with Spiders and Crabs.

"This is room number One, assigned to four of the Governor's guests. Which so far is Daigotsu Ryuu-sama, yourself, and myself..."

Her own bow was sharp, curt, efficient. "Utaku Hyeon-ju of the Unicorn, pilot of the 7th Sky Rider Wing, Insect Squadron. Rank hohei. It is a pleasure, Daigotsu-sama, Crab-sama. As military personnel, I can give my assurances that my stay in this room will not be a nuisance to yourself or the others staying here."

Author:  Daigotsu Ryuu [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

He slowly turned his head as the Crab entered, eyes focused intensely on him for a moment, then a bow. "For full introduction, I am a doshin with the Magistrates office on Shiragiku. I enjoy music, theater, dramas, the Starlight Miko Crusaders. I do not snore, but I do apparently roll in my sleep. I apologize for any disturbance that causes."

Author:  Doji Ichika [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

"GOOD MOOOORNIIIING," Ichika shouted! Then, standing in the doorway, looked at all of the faces of those who would be her roommates and lowered her head, laughing awkwardly. Rubbing the back of her neck, "Doji Ichika," she said, stepping in with her things.

"Looks like we're all roommates," she shuffled toward a bed awkwardly.

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 12:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

A slight cringe at the very loud greeting. But at least this seemed to be all of them...

"It does seem so, Doji-sama." Hyeon-ju stood in a relaxed military posture, hands linked behind her back. Of luggage, there was a pilot's duffel-bag and a hard suitcase. The duffel-bag had plenty of decorations to it, most of it seeming to be of military nature like emblems of her unit and squadron, but also some individual styles... and... what seemed like a cute cartoony-version of Susumu Yakumo?

"I have claimed this top bunk." She said as she indicated the one that had her jacket on it. Since the last one had arrived, she introduced herself once more. "Utaku Hyeon-ju, hohei and pilot of the 7th Sky Rider Wing, Insect Squadron. A pleasure to meet you all, and I hope our stay together will be smooth flying."

Author:  Doji Ichika [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

"Ooo.." she said, walking over toward the bed she indicated. Viewing the jacket a little closer. "I like your jacket!" she said, bowing toward the room from where she now stood. "Doji Ichika, like I said before, trained in diplomacy. My apologies for my entrance before," she bowed again.

"I.." she was about to elaborate when she shook her head. Looking between them all, rather serious faces. Nope, quieter was best.

Author:  Daigotsu Ryuu [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

"Your exuberance is welcome. If this is to be our domicile for the next two weeks, perhaps we should make it as much a home as possible?" He spoke as if it was how someone thought a proper samurai should speak, but unsure of being human in doing so. A sharp turn as he saw the cartoony Yakumo.

He immediately grabbed his densai, and showed the back of it to the Utaku. "I enjoy Susumu Yakumo as well. We should be friends."

Author:  Doji Ichika [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 2:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

"Oh!" Ichika walked up, standing between them but off to the side, "I know her!" she said, a bright smile. "A friend of mine is obsessed with her!"

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

"Thank you. You have a discerning eye," she responded to the compliment of her jacket, with no trace of humor in the remark about 'eye'.

And then... well, it seemed there was common ground with music at least. "Yes..." Hyeon-ju almost seemed embarrassed for a brief moment. "I really enjoy her music. She has a lot of songs that are great to fly to..." a sceptical glance was given to the Daigotsu, before she recalled her manners. "As we are all sharing room, to be friendly is a good thing. It would make the cramped quarters for the duration of the stay better for us all."

Friends huh? No one in her unit spoke to her like that.

Author:  Daigotsu Ryuu [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

"It would. My statement would be more directed that some familiarity with each other here could have other benefits. This is high stakes, and I am sure we are all under certain pressures. Knowing we could come to this room, and simply be, and that level of comfort with each other?" He looked to the three others.

"It would behoove us because then we could put forth our best efforts elsewhere, and allow a little slip of the On here to be more... comfortable. Of course not to leave this room, either. For what it is, it is home."

Author:  Doji Ichika [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

"Maybe .." she curled her lips, thought. Tapped her chin with two prominent taps as she looked at all of them, no she was rather certain of it. There was a need here that she could provide.

"We are all here to participate in the Miai, right, so.. if it's help anyone and they wanted to," she raised a hand and went over to her things. Sifting through the orderly bag she had she pulled out a writing implement and some real sheets of paper.

"Maybe we could help eachother too? Not like there's only one spot open, right? So, I could help you guys write poems? If it helps your uh.. well," she looked down, "you know."

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

Hyeon-ju looked between the others, thinking. "... If we're all here for the same reason, then are we also not rivals and possible matches at the same time?"

That felt like a really weird dynamic. At least to her. They were being grouped up like a unit, to trust eachother while sleeping and keeping belongings in the same room, but they were also possible rivals... and possible partners.

Woah, is that real paper? she looked with some surprise at Ichika's tool of the trade. "I... don't have much experience with poetry. Is that something we should know? For a miai, I mean?"

Author:  Kuni Koryn [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

He places the cage on the side table, pulling off the curtain to reveal a young Toritaka hunting Falcoln "Myself and Inu will of course try not to disturb any of you from your own work, I had heard the security teams would be placed in competition with each other as part of a tournament."

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

Inu was a strange name for a bird, but maybe she had misheard. And misheard more. "Sorry, Kuni-san, uh... did you say security teams competiting in a tournament?"

The Utaku was confused now. Had she and the other two ended up on the wrong inn?!

Author:  Doji Ichika [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

Ichika, looking between Koryn and Hyeon-ju, giggled into her sleeve. First, the Unicorn, "Well, there is not just one or a few 'winners' here, yea? So, we can certainly help each other out. Help each other overcome stuff!" she said, a smile.

Bringing the page up, "Like my poetry!" she laughed, then.. once more found herself looking at both.. "You.." she indicated Koryn, "Do.. you know why you're here?" a half-chuckle. "Or like, are you maybe here for the wrong reason?" another, half-chuckle.

"And you!" she pointed back at Hyeon-ju! "Have you never received a poem? Or maybe, have you read one?"

Author:  Kuni Koryn [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

He nods to the unicorn and Crane, "I am here as security for a diplomatic conference being held by the Miya. Apparently to help promote interclan cooperation the various clan security teams will be split into squads and compete against each other. I am not sure if our squad will be all the same clan or mix of clans, I guess its possible it might even be based on bunk assignments. I really need to find the senior Crab ambassador and get my mission brief. Luckily there were some very helpful people on my shuttle down that explained it all."

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

". . ."

Hyeon-ju held up a finger to Ichika, indicating that she intended to return to the subject of poetry and herself. But first, there seemed to be a Kuni in need of... assistance. Of some kind.

"Kuni-san... is that your mission-statement? Because, uh, as far as I know, there is no such diplomatic conference being held here on Asakaze."

Author:  Doji Ichika [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: We're Number One! (Day 1, EM)

With a glance, a nod, she quickly slipped up beside Hyeon-ju, as if to join in on the point, "Yea, I mean.." she laughed, opened her arms and showed off her kimono. "I'm certainly not here for a security conference," another chuckle.

"Utaku-san isn't here for a security conference," she said, pointing at the woman. Then, slipping around, she indicated Ryuu like a little show-person, "and Daigotsu-san isn't here for one either? And if they aren't here for a security conference, well, "she giggled into a sleeve.

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