Making Time (Day 3 Late Afternoon, common room)
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Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Mon Sep 07, 2020 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Making Time (Day 3 Late Afternoon, common room)

It seemed a Mantis had taken over the Common Room of the Wisteria Inn. Headphones in and Densai on one of the tables, Hayato was seeingly folding a small army of colorful origami animals as he filled in some sort of form on his small screen. The was origami fairly well done for the most part, though one that seemed like a cross between a turtle and frog was ratehr spectacuralry bad.

The two empty tea cans on the table as well as the cigarette butts in the ashtray nearby likely gave away the fact he had been here for a bit. He didn't seem to be intending to leave anytime soon either, as there was another can of tea in front of him as well as a to-go package still have full of pasteries from the Serenity Bakery.

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