The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]
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Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Fri Sep 25, 2020 5:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

Tenma did not speak up again; She knew how to listen well, as so she did with all of her focus. Which... in her case meant inevitably drifting away from reality and getting lost in the music. But it meant her focus was entirely on that music, her eyes closing as she listened to the nuances in the song, having not actually heard it in a few years and this own version feeling much more real and immediate than past memories of video game soundtracks and home made metal discs made on her big brother's disc burner.

Yes, she liked this version, and felt safe and happy even as she sat there with her eyes closed, just listening with a small smile.

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Fri Sep 25, 2020 6:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

Seeing her like that, he made it his goal to buoy her in this state for as long as the song allowed; her moment of quiet reverie and attunement was something precious to him as a musician, and increasingly - as a man. He was so much into music because he thought it drew authenticity out of people, and if this was genuine her, he liked who he witnessed.

So his broad smile became a part of the denouement and lingered after the music had trailed off, just like his gaze on her.

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

It took her a moment to open her eyes, "Mmmm... like I said, I like it. And improved too."

Tenma's voice was kind of soft, smile still there.

"You definitely have quite the talent in your music, Moto-san. I am glad the Unicorn saw fit to send samurai with a multitude of talents, especially that can be shared like this."

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Fri Sep 25, 2020 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

"It kind of feels special to share it with you." There was an emotional inflection in his words. "Say, would you agree to be asked out for a date, to eat something good and talk some more?"

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Sat Sep 26, 2020 5:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

"Eh, a date? But aren't we here to get marriages and such arranged anyways? I might not be free too much longer, and all."

Tenma still had a slightly wrong idea of what was going on here it seemed.

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Sat Sep 26, 2020 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

"We are, and they are! But as I understand it, there's a catch. The Phoenix are going to let some of us choose, if we impress them. I think I've been impressing them quite a bit, so..." He rubbed his chin, flustered a bit. "going on a date might make sense!"

Ruhe, don't be an idiot. He gripped the leather on his knees. "I haven't met anyone here who I'd consider more seriously than you, Bayushi-sama. I really want to know you better."

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Sat Sep 26, 2020 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

"A date then? With me?"

She blinked her big eyes a few times in shock behind her mask before blurting out an answer.

"Oh, of course! That sounds like a fun time. And I do like spending time with you, Moto-san. Let's call it a date then."

Tenma beamed happily.

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Sat Sep 26, 2020 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

"Grand!" He beamed momentarily as well, relieved it worked so well. "How about the Snow-Moon-Flower tomorrow evening? I haven't been there yet, but I've heard its a nice place."

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Sun Sep 27, 2020 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

"I could certainly use some more traditional food; It's nice that the dorms have food, but it's either prepackaged or local. And the local stuff is kind of... I don't think scary is quite the word, but perhaps unappealing. I like mushrooms as much as the next samurai-ko, but I don't need them for every meal."

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Sun Sep 27, 2020 4:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

"Then I'll gladly rescue you from the woes of monotonous diet." Ruhe smirked. "And have a chance to learn your tastes!"

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Sun Sep 27, 2020 4:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

"True. And it's certainly much safer than asking me to cook for you, even if I could find the right ingredients. That is certainly one of those things that will likely stay on my 'to learn' list rather than actively learning. But who knows I suppose?"

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Sun Sep 27, 2020 5:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

"Life's a one-way trip into the unknown!" He laughed. "If you ever try, I can volunteer as the test subject. But for tomorrow, let's give those posh food magicians a shot." Flush warmth started colouring Ruhe's cheeks as if he'd just performed on stage; the excitement was building fast in him at all the perspectives of doing things together with Tenma for reasons he was so far failing to name and rationalise. He had to do something, and fast, else he felt he'd explode. Pouncing at her, tumbling and rolling together, while it felt compelling, was not a good option, he assumed. "...How about we walk for a bit?"

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Sun Sep 27, 2020 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

"Mmm mmm; Let's."

Tenma stood up, giving a few stretches to either side.

"I didn't come to the gardens to just sit around. Well, there are good reasons to do so, but I do like walking, talking or no."

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

"How about a jog together?" Ruhe felt hard-pressed to let off some steam somehow. He packed his instrument and go up, ready.

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

That got a small snicker from the Scorpion, "Well, as long as they don't mind us disturbing the gardens with jogging, I would love to."

She looked down at her shoelaces briefly before waving for him to follow, "Come on; There was a path I saw under some of those sky lilies that looks like a nice way to go."

And with that, Tenma started off, giving one glance back to make sure Ruhe hadn't had any problems packing up his stuff and such.

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

He was ready in no time and darted after her, carried forth by newfound energy.

"Lead the way!"

/Fade to run?

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Mon Sep 28, 2020 1:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Call of the Wild [EE7, Expecting]

Moto Ruhe wrote:
/Fade to run

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