D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE
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Author:  Hanako Michiya [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

"Well, depending on how things turn out, I may be able to visit Whisper," he says with a nod.

"But yes, Asakaze is the first world I've been to other than Rokugan. I grew up in the Imperial City and only reached my gempukku around two years ago. The Hanako are a traditionalist family and we are often placed as diplomats and ambassadors for the Seppun. While many of us do travel to other worlds, it is often for very long periods in single locations. I plan on doing far more traveling than that, and seeing the many worlds of the empire."

When Nara mentions being on a show, he thinks back to what spider programs he's seen. Unlike many other clans, the Imperials and the Imperial City has access to programming from every clan. He had seen much of it too. He had been encouraged to watch much of the popular programming to better understand the aesthetics of them all. And then he remembered watching the first season of her show. "Ah! Now I recognize you. You are the lead from Teenage Demon Hunters. I watched it with some of my former classmates," he says with a smile.

Author:  Kuni Koryn [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

A Crab in full dress uniform depicting him both as a pilot and a low ranked one has found a spot in the corner of the tent, eating his bowl of rice and vegetables and just watching as people of some many foreign clans pass by.

Author:  Moshi Atena [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

The Moshi shrunk. Great... She took a step back, allowing the Spider and the Imperial talk. She sighed. Just take another step... She took another step. Maybe it was time for her to continue he reading. Book made her feel confortable. Reading made her feel better. Odd for a communications officer to be such an introvert.

Stepped off the conversation with the Imperial and the Spider, the tent seem to have new arrivals. But before leaving the Hanako the Moshi whispered. "We in the Mantis travel a lot... perhaps we can talk later."

She found a seat, taking a bit of tea and food. She opened her book War of the Nexus and resumed where she left off.

Author:  Susumu Nara [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

Hanako Michiya wrote:
"Well, depending on how things turn out, I may be able to visit Whisper," he says with a nod.

"But yes, Asakaze is the first world I've been to other than Rokugan. I grew up in the Imperial City and only reached my gempukku around two years ago. The Hanako are a traditionalist family and we are often placed as diplomats and ambassadors for the Seppun. While many of us do travel to other worlds, it is often for very long periods in single locations. I plan on doing far more traveling than that, and seeing the many worlds of the empire."

When Nara mentions being on a show, he thinks back to what spider programs he's seen. Unlike many other clans, the Imperials and the Imperial City has access to programming from every clan. He had seen much of it too. He had been encouraged to watch much of the popular programming to better understand the aesthetics of them all. And then he remembered watching the first season of her show. "Ah! Now I recognize you. You are the lead from Teenage Demon Hunters. I watched it with some of my former classmates," he says with a smile.

"Ooh, you know my show?" Nara looked delighted at that "wow, now I feel truly honoured! What did you think of it? Did you enjoy it? Was I your favourite character?"

She didn't even notice the Moshi slipping away, her focus on the man.

"It was a really fun show, I can't wait to start season three. It's ended on such a cliffhanger hasn't it?"

Author:  Hanako Michiya [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

The Seppun did notice the Mantis leaving. He suspected that conversation with her would be easier in a quieter setting than a banquet. Particularly with an actor entering the conversation. Big personalities tended to draw focus.

So he smiled and nodded to the Moshi. "I would like that Moshi-san." He offers her his contact information so that they can set up something more private.

Turning back to Nara. "I have not yet seen the entire series yet. Just the first season," he replies. "Time has been more of a factor than interest in not completing it. I will admit that I tend to prefer shows that are about travel and new technology, but I enjoy a good drama as much as anyone. Perhaps, if you have time during the miai, we might watch the second season together, if you have a copy or access to it here. I have to admit that I am partial to the interactions between Mia and Tenshi. Scenes where the two of you interact are my favorite."

Author:  Susumu Nara [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

Hanako Michiya wrote:
The Seppun did notice the Mantis leaving. He suspected that conversation with her would be easier in a quieter setting than a banquet. Particularly with an actor entering the conversation. Big personalities tended to draw focus.

So he smiled and nodded to the Moshi. "I would like that Moshi-san." He offers her his contact information so that they can set up something more private.

Turning back to Nara. "I have not yet seen the entire series yet. Just the first season," he replies. "Time has been more of a factor than interest in not completing it. I will admit that I tend to prefer shows that are about travel and new technology, but I enjoy a good drama as much as anyone. Perhaps, if you have time during the miai, we might watch the second season together, if you have a copy or access to it here. I have to admit that I am partial to the interactions between Mia and Tenshi. Scenes where the two of you interact are my favorite."

"Oops! I'm sorry" Nara looked concerned "I didn't mean accidental spoilers. I can't see why they wouldn't have it, the show is on the internet in some form, or I could connect to Spider networks maybe to see if I can access it. You'd want to watch it with me?"

She considered that, before smiling and nodding.

"Hai. I'd really like that Seppun-sama. I've actually never watched the show with anyone except when going over takes. I think that would be really fun."

Author:  Asahina Fusako [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

Susumu Geppu wrote:
"I am most certainly that they have. It would be rude to guests otherwise. But as I said, old habits are hard to break. It is said that grace is in the step of every Crane and to ask them to move otherwise would be difficult, no?"

He takes a sip of his tea as well, enjoying the cool temperature and mild flavor.

"Susumu Geppu, Asahina-sama. The pleasure is mine."

She gave a slight bow in turn, not enough to disturb her spot against the tent pole. "Asahina Fusako, and I cannot say this meeting to be UNpleasant on my part." She gave the faintest of smiles. "A Susumu pilot then, or at least a spacer. We both have deviated from our family traditions it seems."

Author:  Hanako Michiya [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

For a moment Michiya seems to think.

"Let's share contact information, and if one of us can locate a means to watch it we can arrange something. Perhaps others might be interested in a viewing as well. Showing off your talents to those that have had limited or no access to Spider Clan programming," he replies. "If we cannot find it, then I will look forward to when I get the opportunity to watch it in the future."

Author:  Kuni Koryn [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 7:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

Moshi Atena wrote:

She found a seat, taking a bit of tea and food. She opened her book War of the Nexus and resumed where she left off.

The Crab looks over from where he is sitting at the Moshi who seems also to be looking for a quiet corner, "Goof book?"

Author:  Moshi Atena [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

She looked up to see who was talking to her. "Hai... it is. The plot is kind this giant battle between clans over a nexus which can transport you to any spirit realm." The girl explained. "This is the first of nine books."

Author:  Susumu Geppu [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

"I have indeed deviated, but I am neither pilot nor spacer. Magistrate in training and senior marksman, actually." Another sip of his tea as he returns the appraising look she gave him earlier, though not so crass as to be considered ogling. "Given your overall fitness, I'd say...dancer perhaps? Or at the very least someone with a strict exercise regimen. I am afraid that I am...less familiar with Crane practices than perhaps I should be. Perhaps Asahina-sama would be so kind as to enlighten me as to her divergence?"

Author:  Asahina Fusako [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

It wasn't too surprising to have a magistrate spend plenty of time in space, so Fusako didn't show much surprise, instead just nodding. "I have a personal trainer that keeps me in a strict exercise regimen, but I am a courtier trained and business woman in practice. I work for Isora Fashion as lead fashion designer in the upcoming lineup."

Author:  Kuni Koryn [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

Moshi Atena wrote:
She looked up to see who was talking to her. "Hai... it is. The plot is kind this giant battle between clans over a nexus which can transport you to any spirit realm." The girl explained. "This is the first of nine books."

"Exploring other realms is super dangerous, I hope they seal up the nexus as soon as possible"

Author:  Susumu Geppu [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

Asahina Fusako wrote:
It wasn't too surprising to have a magistrate spend plenty of time in space, so Fusako didn't show much surprise, instead just nodding. "I have a personal trainer that keeps me in a strict exercise regimen, but I am a courtier trained and business woman in practice. I work for Isora Fashion as lead fashion designer in the upcoming lineup."

"That would explain your physique, yes. But a fashion designer, hm? That is interesting. I'm afraid many of my compatriots are...less than fashion forward, as it were. Are you wearing one of the pieces from Isora now?"

Author:  Moshi Atena [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

Kuni Koryn wrote:
"Exploring other realms is super dangerous, I hope they seal up the nexus as soon as possible"

She shook her head. "Well, the sealing of the nexus is not a plan from Lord Tsukihito... He wants to weaponize the nexus and summon an army of Ravenkus, corrupted form of a kenku." She explained. "Oh... i didn't mean to spoil it."

Author:  Asahina Fusako [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

Fusako nodded softly. "All the dresses and outfits I brought to the miai are ones I had a hand in designing myself. It is, perhaps, a business woman's way of looking at things, but self promotion is one of the key ways of expanding one's reach in fashion."

Author:  Susumu Geppu [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

Geppu returns the nod and takes another sip from his tea as she explains.

"If you want something done right, do it yourself is an old adage that still holds weight, even to this day. I am sure that you will find success in marketing your fashions as well as acquiring a suitable suitor, especially with such an attitude."

He'll take another sip of his tea while eyeing her outfit once more.

"Perhaps if the opportunity should come to me, I will peruse your styles and see if any would compliment my wardrobe."

Author:  Kuni Koryn [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

Moshi Atena wrote:

She shook her head. "Well, the sealing of the nexus is not a plan from Lord Tsukihito... He wants to weaponize the nexus and summon an army of Ravenkus, corrupted form of a kenku." She explained. "Oh... i didn't mean to spoil it."

He frowns, "Weaponizing corrupted creatures is a horrible idea, that would only spread the corruption to other realms. Why would anyone be so irresponsible?"

Author:  Asahina Fusako [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

"Mmm, I must admit, many of my designs have been more tailored toward samurai-ko thus far, but that is mostly as a result of my lacking a suitable test subject to try them out on. I fear if I marry a man here, he will inevitably become part mannequin as well," she noted with a slight smirk.

Author:  Moshi Atena [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D1 Side Event: Welcome banquet (orange tent) EE

Kuni Koryn wrote:

He frowns, "Weaponizing corrupted creatures is a horrible idea, that would only spread the corruption to other realms. Why would anyone be so irresponsible?"

Atena chuckled. "That is why Tsukihito is the villain of the story. The other clans are trying to prevent his plan. Sort of like a Day of Thunder but instead of the lord of the Shadow lands they are fighting the evil Tsukihito, neh."

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