Interrupted By Fireworks (D11, LE)
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Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Interrupted By Fireworks (D11, LE)

It was a day to wear traditional garb, and for the traditions she had grown up with, that meant the furisode. And Hyeon-ju sported a purple furisode with a bold pattern of peonies. White lacey gloves and a small brooch at the crossing of her collar added some accessorising touches to make it more personalised for her.

The prizes she had won during the festival-games had been delivered to those who would recieve them as gifts, and the plush was back at the inn as well. Only the last prize was with her still, as she contemplated its future... perhaps as a gift.

Only part remaining of Tanabata now... was meeting with the one she hoped to be matched with. Now in different circumstances than last time, without a funeral hanging over them.

So she waited...

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Interrupted By Fireworks (D11, LE)

Akodo Akihiko arrives a bit later than expected, wearing his navy fatigue dress. The delay is uncommon for him, as is the seeming discomfort with which he wears it. But the smile at seeing Hyeon-ju is the usual Akihiko, who bows as custom requires but straightens quickly. "Utaku-san, please excuse my delayed arrival. I had a small change in my plans just now." He tugs at the shoulder of his jacket like it needs straightening, though the pull seems to make moo difference.

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Interrupted By Fireworks (D11, LE)

She couldn't blame him too much for the delay... it was a busy kind of night, after all. She bowed as well in return, and her smile came more easily to her features than it had done on the day of Chiyoko's funeral.

"It's no trouble, Akodo-sama. I'm... happy you accepted my invitation to watch the Tanabata-fireworks." A brief flicker of concern was in her eyes as she looked over his frumpy-jacket, and a part of her had to keep herself from instantly fixing it. It would be improper to do so right away. "... Is everything alright?"

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Fri Oct 02, 2020 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Interrupted By Fireworks (D11, LE)

Akihiko looks sheepish for a moment, but admits: "I had planned to wear my dress uniform. You are always so well dressed, and this seemed a time for me to be more complementary. I was in it. But that uniform... Its last use was an unhappy one, and I think it needs a longer rest. Unfortunately, that rest can probably only continue until tomorrow." He laughs unconvincingly, but makes a strong effort at a warm smile for the Unicorn.

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Fri Oct 02, 2020 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Interrupted By Fireworks (D11, LE)

Shaking her head, she gave him a small smile. "I'm surprised you didn't bring a yukata..." or gotten one. Maybe he didn't feel very confident about fashion? Still, she understood why the dress uniform was on a break.

"... Shall I help smooth it out or...?" Hyeon-ju offered, indicating his uniform.

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Fri Oct 02, 2020 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Interrupted By Fireworks (D11, LE)

"Um. Of course." His voice has the faintest tremble as he's caught off-guard by the offer. He tries to subtly take a deep breath. He actually looks away as she approaches, nervously saying, "Yes, I... I have probably gotten too comfortable wearing my uniform for everything. I suppose that's another thing I never thought about before coming here."

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Fri Oct 02, 2020 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Interrupted By Fireworks (D11, LE)

Stepping closer and reaching out her hands to help with the uniform, Hyeon-ju had perhaps a surprisingly gentle yet firm touch. One that knew well how a uniform was supposed to sit on a person.

"I get that. When on duty, we practically live in these uniforms... I suppose that's one of the reasons why I like dressing up when I have the chance. There." The result wasn't perfect, but its lines were smoother and there were fewer wrinkles.

"... Thank you, though. For coming to watch the fireworks with me. I... understand it's probably a little awkward, considering all that has happened." Her lips pressed together for a few moments as she held in her own nervousness. "...But, I meant what I said when we spoke some days ago, before everything changed."

Yes, she was nervous and she couldn't hide it.

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Interrupted By Fireworks (D11, LE)

He stands as stoically as he can, trying not to be the problem. But with Hyeon-ju so close, actually touching him, it was an intense moment.

He realizes he's barely been breathing, and finally he manages to say, "Yes, lots of things changing." He didn't seen nervous before, but as he looks in her eyes, he's showing nerves too.

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Interrupted By Fireworks (D11, LE)

Seeing his nervousness too reflected back at her, she took a step back to give him a little more space.

"I know..." Hyeon-ju began, then looked up at the sky as she almost hoped the fireworks would start soon. Very soon. At least the calm for now gave her the chance to start over again. "... I know I'm probably not going to be one who gets to choose tomorrow, but... were our roles reversed, I would gladly choose you, Akihoko-sama. You're... nice, honorable, more charming than I could ever hope to be, and... for a long time this miai I considered you and Chiyoko-san equally."

Well. There she said it. When in doubt of how to say it, go for honesty. "If... you were to choose me, I would be honored. Glad, even."

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Sat Oct 03, 2020 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Interrupted By Fireworks (D11, LE)

Akihiko relaxes slightly as she steps back, but Hyeon-ju's words draw his heart closer to her than it's ever been. The Lion looks to the sky, and his breath catches.

A ragged sigh is the first audible response to the Unicorn, and when Akihiko looks to meet her eyes, he quickly turns his eyes to the ground. "Utaku-san is too kind," he manages, and he hurries to say more before she can wave away the compliment.

"Utaku-san is too kind and too virtuous. She sees," his voice fails him. It takes him more than one attempt to get going again. He finally forces out words, in a sad whisper: "Utaku-san sees a samurai who has not already failed her, as I have."

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Sat Oct 03, 2020 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Interrupted By Fireworks (D11, LE)

Those weren't exactly the words she had expected and she looked at him with visible confusion. And the nervousness still there.

"I... don't understand. What do you mean?"

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Interrupted By Fireworks (D11, LE)

The Lion takes a labored breath, keeping his head bowed and eyes closed. "I would be honored to marry you, Utaku-san, but... The Lion must provide a match equal to your honor. I..." Akihiko's fists clench and his eyes squeeze tighter. "I knew... I knew, from our first meeting in the garden, that I would struggle to keep pace with you. But I hoped, and I thought it was getting... I think that we connected."

A huge sigh passes through him. "But it was supposed to be Matsu Chiyoko. We all know. And I can't..." He shakes his head. "I'm sorry. I'm not making sense. This... I have failed you, and I have failed Matsu-san."

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Sat Oct 03, 2020 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Interrupted By Fireworks (D11, LE)

... So it was just going to be how it always was. If she put her best foot forward, and was the best she could be, it was not good enough somehow.

She had thought he was different. He had seemed to understand her when she had shared that.

"... it's because you don't want to choose me." That hurt more than she had thought it would, but it hurt. Hyeon-ju took a step away from him. He was choosing to fail Chiyoko.

And he couldn't have told her sooner?! Two funerals, nearly becoming tsukai victim, and now two heartbreaks, the second on one of the most romantic evenings of the year. The Utaku turned her back to him. "I won't forgive you." Her voice was strained, pained even.

Author:  Akodo Akihiko [ Sat Oct 03, 2020 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Interrupted By Fireworks (D11, LE)

Akihiko nods, and his voice comes clearer. It is frightfully easy to agree with what she has said.

"You should not forgive me. Ever. But even if I picked you tomorrow, you still would not forgive me. It would simply be a slow, painful, little by little realization."

Akihiko takes a tentative step toward her, but just one. He keeps his voice soft, hoping what he's about to say will help relieve her. "You said the other day that you wanted to be my friend, regardless of this choice. I know you meant that, but you could not have known my weakness then. I," he pauses, "I do not expect that to hold now." He starts to lose his voice again, but he pushes through. "But my obligation to you, and to Matsu Chiyoko, would not end tomorrow, in any circumstance. I will do anything in my power to help and honor you for as long as I live."

Author:  Utaku Hyeon-ju [ Sat Oct 03, 2020 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Interrupted By Fireworks (D11, LE)

Her hands clenched, angry that he didn't understand why he was angry now. She hated that she had been looking forward to this moment under the fireworks. No, she would not beg or plead for him to reconsider. He owned his words and they had cut deep.

"You don't understand... Now I won't be able to keep my promises to her either. And now, you're... doing this. You could've just told me earlier and not... tonight." Hyeon-ju gritted her teeth, refusing to let all her emotions surface. It had all been for nothing then, all the work in trying to bring the two clans closer. What the hell was she supposed to do now.

"For breaking my heart on the eve of Tanabata, for breaking the promises to Chiyoko-san, for leaving me scrambling at the last minute now for a match that won't destroy everyone else's... our friendship is over."

When she looked at him it was with watery, cold eyes. "I will judge whatever choice you make tomorrow harshly. It had best be a choice that would be more honorable than ab Utaku from your clan's ally."

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