A late night stroll [D1:EN][Expecting]
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Author:  Yasuki Nakaba [ Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A late night stroll [D1:EN][Expecting]

That last remark gives Nakaba the chills. "Whether that be shared or a single vessel for a soul, I'm afraid that the legal customs of the empire require you maintain only one family name Moshi Kystal. That is the name your dossier claims. " A twirl of his glass with the ice clinking. "This is the part where I ask if this is some spiritual abnormality and if I should bring you to a spiritual advisor for healing... but I figure this must be pretty established as you have just arrived and Moshi-san wasn't asking for help. The mantis sent a two for one to this miai huh. Quite the catch." he takes another chug of his hard liquor and nearly finishes his drink.

Author:  Moshi Atena [ Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A late night stroll [D1:EN][Expecting]

She rolled her eyes. "The one in the dosier is Moshi Arena... Avena... Asena... Atena... yes Atena. Just call me Kystal if it bothers you so much to use my family name." She frowned. "Not spiritual... more in the mind or so the medics told us." She shrugged. "Sad, neh."

Author:  Yasuki Nakaba [ Thu Sep 03, 2020 5:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A late night stroll [D1:EN][Expecting]

Nakaba gently facepalms for a moment and switches personalty himself. "No nothing is sad because we're having a fun time. Komori Kystal demands a memorable story so lets light up the night. Should I buy another round? Perhaps some karaoke?" Nakaba says cheerfully. Not about to let this complication ruin a perfectly good night.

Author:  Moshi Atena [ Thu Sep 03, 2020 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A late night stroll [D1:EN][Expecting]

The Komori beamed at the word Karaoke. "Of course Yasuki san... Karaoke sounds like fun." She swiftly held his hand and pulled him out.

Author:  Yasuki Nakaba [ Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A late night stroll [D1:EN][Expecting]

"W-Wait!" He tries to resist a moment just to set his glass down and barely makes it before getting dragged away from the bar. Just across the small room was a fine couch and a karaoke machine. A small screen mounted on the wall to display the lyrics and for an additional fee a disco ball to drop from the ceiling for mood lighting.

"I take it you want to go first?" Nakaba says grabbing hold of the microphone.

Author:  Moshi Atena [ Thu Sep 03, 2020 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A late night stroll [D1:EN][Expecting]

He didn't have to ask twice, Kystal was looking for a song. She picked one that probably was close to her heart. Kystal took the microphone and started to sing. Perhaps it wasn't the Moshi but it was the id and part of her. The girl glowed as she sang.

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