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 Post subject: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:46 am 
With many of the local samurai and heimin working in the farms and wilds surrounding the perimeter, small all-terrain-vehicles are ubiquitous within the city. The Phoenix youth take pride in their ability to steer these rickety buggies through the dangerous terrain at a breakneck speed. When the magistrate’s office tried to ban these races more than a decade ago, the youth simply moved the races deeper into the wilderness. After two scions of prominent families were killed during one such race, the ban was lifted and today the races are fully sanctioned as long as the authorities are informed beforehand and the necessary precautions are taken. Crashes are not uncommon and so students of the Jizo’s Grace dojo often stand in attendance, ready to provide medical care if needed.

Today, the hosts have set up a race-track around the hills just south of the city. While everyone is allowed to take part, the Phoenix stress that no-one should feel compelled to race. Characters are given a buggy to ride and some time to familiarize themselves with the controls before the race.

Magic: Magic is allowed though spells must be cast so that they cover the duration of the entire event, i.e. 3 hours. You can use multiple casts to achieve this as long as you have sufficient spell slots.

Characters who do not wish to take part to the race may volunteer to help the local medical team as long as they have sufficient skills to do so (Medicine 3+ or access to Path to Inner Peace). Phoenix value compassion and courtesy above anything else and so the volunteers are rewarded with one Courtship point for their services.

Tuning your ride
The characters are allowed to spend some time with their chosen vehicle before the race. A character may either use this time to rest - allowing them to Mediate if they wish to do so. The character may instead peek under the hood in hopes of improving the performance of the vehicle by rolling Engineering / Intelligence against TN 15 or Use Computers / Intelligence against TN 20. Success and each successful raise called grants the character a Free Raise they may use later during the event. Even if a character fails this roll they may continue rolling for the event - they simply don’t get any Free Raises.

Ride to the ruin
Steering the small buggy through the rugged terrain is no mean feat. Character must roll Driving / Agility against TN 15. Success and each called Raise earns the character a Race point. Should a character fail a roll by more than 10, they will crash their vehicle, suffering 2k2 damage and become disqualified. If any of these dice explode they also gain the Lame Disadvantage.

Ride to the world’s end
The last part of the race course runs through a fungal thickets, requiring the racers to make split-second decisions at each turn. In order to navigate the thicket as quickly as possible the Character must roll Driving / Reflexes against TN 15. Success and each called Raise earns the character a Race point. Should a character fail a roll by more than 10, they will crash their vehicle, suffering 2k2 damage and become disqualified. If any of these dice explode they also gain the Lame Disadvantage.

Once you have finished making your rolls, please post your total points to this thread along with a link to the relevant rolls. The character with the most Race points will earn 3 Courtship points, the character with the second most Race points will earn 2 Courtship points, and the character with the third most Biathlon points will earn 1 Courtship point. Ties are broken by comparing the ‘Ride to the world’s end’ rolls.

Voice of the Planet • All the Tentacles • Experienced 2

"I believe Planet will talk to us if we are willing to listen."
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:56 am 
Hoshiko had heard stories of past accidents with these vehicles and was quite wary of them. Even though the otori seemed to conspire to throw her from the saddle at least once a ride, they had never hurt her. The Shiba felt much more comfortable with the birds.

Once again, she opted to volunteer her healing prayers for anyone who might be hurt during the competition.

志浪 星子 Phoenix, Shugenja, Nakauchi Trained, Older Twin, Darling, Sensation... Let's Dance!
Status: 1 (2 in Court), Honour: As Expected, Glory: 1, Courtship Points 1

GEAR: Densai, Wakizashi, Water Bottle, Purse
Accompanied by Ren, a shiba inu.
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:12 am 
She *could* try driving at breakneck speeds all over the woods. But honestly, Mumei is entirely certain Yul will _definitely_ be doing that. So instead of dodging giant mushrooms in a wee cart while wondering if he's crashed into something yet, the Osprey heads to the triage area. Then she'll learn right away how badly he's broken himself.

Osprey * Shugenja * Dancer * Scruffy
Courtship points: 1
Honor: What is Expected * Glory: 1 * Status: 1

Carried: Wakizashi, holoslate, communicator,inhalator, sweets, writing materials


"Remember what the Dormouse said" -Jefferson Airplane
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:26 am 
Nozomi sat at the sidelines, her usual braids tied up in a bun behind her head. She was all but efficiency in her duty as a healer.

Lion | Shugenja | Avid Reader | Awkward Conversationalist | Apparently Unimportant
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.6 | Honor: Exceptional | Courtship Points: 2 | Profile | Theme
Carries: Wakizashi, Sidearm, Holoslates, Densai, Portable Informator, Personal Seal, Fan, Holorecorder, Communicator
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:47 am 
Atena took the sidelines waiting for those injured by the crashes.

☆Mantis Clan ☆Komori Shugenja ☆Oddball ☆Melodic Voice ☆Frail Mind
☆Honor: What's expected ☆Glory:2.2 ☆Status:1
Court Points: 0 Hair: green as of Day 7
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 5:04 am 
Tsugiharu also had no interest in racing, but he was a fairly adept healer. The Phoenix were going to earn few obligations with a medical staff this diverse.

Spider Clan * Shugenja * Male * Military Medical Researcher * Unit 7704

Glory: 1.0 Honor: Honorless Dog Status 1.0 CP: 3

Gear: Robes, Densai, Fantasy Fight Deck: Jurojin's Journey, sidearm, wakizashi, communicator, Hyper Dance Star Pin (1/8), Shirakawa Nagareboshi (TM) shades

"Illuminate a brighter future for the Spider Clan"

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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 5:17 am 
Yet another shugenja sat on the sidelines, as Joo-Woo decided not to take part in the Extreme Driving challenge. It was interesting, but driving was never that big part of his life, unlike sailing in the stars, or riding giant bugs, so he decided to be helpful instead.

OOC: Volunteering at triage

Unicorn * Shugenja * Water * Medium * Wealthy *Cursed
Status: 3.0 * Glory: 1.0 * Honor: What is expected * Courtship: 2
Carries: Wakizashi, communicator, Kuwagata no Karayoraku, personal seal
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 5:23 am 
while Satoru had promised to give his all in the competition he couldn't ignore his duty as a healer. He stood in the medical area his tools by his side as he waited and watched everything unfold.

Spider * Shugenja * Doctor * Engineer * Anti-social * Seeker of Knowledge * Asakaze Space Colonist Champion
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 2.1 | Honor: Honorless Dog Courtship points: 1
carries: Wakizashi, Densai, robes, communicator, Deflector fan, side arm, Fantasy Flight Deck
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 5:27 am 
While going driving recklessly would no doubt be fun.

He had been given a revitalizer for a reason. To be in the right place to help people.

Phoenix Clan • Courtier • Researcher • Local
Honor: Exceptional Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0
Courtship Points: 1
Equipment: Sensible Clothing w/pockets, Wakizashi, Densai, Communicator Holorecorder, Revitalizer, personal seal
"Way down deep, you ain't hiding the truth"
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 5:30 am 
Tenma was no mechanic, but she did what she could. Which was too much and too little all at once. But she did manage to clean the ATV up so it was shiny. That was important.

As far as driving went though... that she could do. She likely wasn't the best here; Going out on the motorcycle was only part of what she did at the precinct. But her natural quick reflexes and sharp eyes meant she didn't crash once, even taking almost everything at full speed.


Day 9, Late Morning, Ride to Ruin, Tuning your ride, Use Computers/Int TN15, 2 raises for TN25: 4d10o10k3 15 (0 free raises~)

Day 9, Late Morning, Ride to Ruin, Ride to the Ruin, Driving/Agility TN15, 2 raises for TN25, VP1/2 for +1k1: 6d10o10k5 32 (3 Race points)

Day 9, Late Morning, Ride to Ruin, Ride to the World's End, Driving/Reflexes TN15, 2 raises for TN25, VP2/2 for +1k1: 5d10o10k4 28 (3 Race points)

Total: 6 Race points, 28 on World's End

Scorpion † Bushi † Magistrate † Yoriki † gymnast † Hummingbird
Glory: 1.2 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Status: 2.0
Gear: daisho, marksman rifle, comm, light armor, mask, conelantern, medicine pack, personal seal, hand mirror, holorecorder, portable informator.
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 10:26 am 
It would have been nice if Tetsu had the skills to volunteer, but even if his skills had been greater with the human body, the true expertise of the Kaiu were in their mechanical acumen, and after being knocked out of the Robotics Rally, Tetsu can't resist the challenge. Following Ruhe's

So, I'm sure they have safety limiters on speed for these things. I don't think that I can actually help the engine, but if I can take those out and adjust the handling to compensate...

The process is pretty straightforward, and Tetsu is confident that he can turn on the power when he needs to. He immediate puts it to the test, and following Ruhe's examples, he puts on some music and blares it from some impromptu speakers as he punches the buggy to top speed and streaking ahead of the pack, rock music blaring as he rides.

Words can stab as deep as night
And cut like a razored thorn
Bitter air and the winds of spite
Like the cold of winter's scorn
Leaves may fall on sleeping ground
But the wind sweeps them away
Like hurt lovers in the final round
What once was is now decayed
I can't go on living alone now that you're gone

Now to see if the handling is any improved. Tetsu grimaces as the bumpy portion comes up, gripping the steering wheel tight.

A single strand of spider's weave
Just dancing in the sun
Please don't turn around and leave
You are my only one
Compromise is made out of peace
But history's made out of violence
After the war of the worlds has ceased
All that's left is the deafening silence
I can't go on living alone now that you're gone
You done me wrong, so here's your song
Now sing along, baby

He weaves through the obstacles, refusing the check his speed despite being bounced in the air. He brakes hard the second after he crosses the finish line, skidding the car so it stops before the stands, going up on two wheels before crashing back down.

Well, I know you know that you're killing me
But it's worth it just to see you smile
Tell 'em to carve my name in the bar stool, baby
You know I'm gonna be here a while
A single strand of spider's weave
Just dancing in the sun
Please don't turn around and leave
You are my only one
I can't go on living alone now that you're gone
You done me wrong, so here's your song
Now sing along

Come on, let me place in one event.

D9 LM-Miai Event-Ride to Ruin-Tuning Your Ride-2 called raised-Engineering/Intelligence-Kaiu Technique for +2k0-TN 25: 8d10o10k4 57 3 free raises
D9 LM-Miai Event-Ride to Ruin-Ride to the Run-Driving/Agility-2 called raises--3 free raises-VP spent-TN 25: 6d10o10k4 38 +6 Race Point
D9 LM-Miai Event-Ride to Ruin-Ride to the World's End-Driving/Reflexes-2 called raises--VP spent-TN 25: 6d10o10k4 41 +3 Race points

9 Race points, 41 tiebreaker

Last edited by Fundai Tetsu on Thu Sep 24, 2020 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

Crab Clan | Bushi/Artisan | Tinkerer
Honor: What is expected Status: 1.0 Glory: 2.0
Carries: Sturdy clothing, Daisho, Paper and Ink, Holorecorder, Communicator, Sochu
When Serious: Heavy Armor
"Drumstick" the Otori
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 10:30 am 
What Ruhe tuned up in his vehicle was the sound system, and the engine as a secondary consideration. Filling the ride with metal was essential to the result! But really, he wouldn't overthink it. It was not another drone-making.

LM9. Tuning your Ride. Engineering. VP. 1R. TN20.: 4d10o10k3 21 [2FR]

So, he had been asked if he always rode like he cared not for his life. The answer was resounding yes, and he was about to prove it. Metal on.

"Give me fuel, give me fire
Give me that which I desire, ooh!

Turn on, I see red
Adrenaline crash and crack my head
Nitro junkie, paint me dead
And I see red
A hundred plus through black and white
War horse, warhead
Fuck 'em man, white-knuckle tight
Through black and white

Ooh, on I burn
Fuel is pumping engines
Burning hard, loose and clean
And I burn, churning my direction
Quench my thirst with gasoline
So give me fuel, give me fire
Give me that which I desire

LM9. Ride to the Ruin. Driving. VP. Technique. 3R+2FR. TN30.: 9d10o10k5+4 41 [6 Points]

Hey, indeed, the dreaded fungal forest, Ruhe's nemesis from the otori race! Cursed or not, he rode straight on! Alas, the ground was treacherous, at that speed it caught him into rotation and a whirlwind ride of stalks-cutting!

Turn on beyond the bone
Swallow future, spit out home
Burn your face upon the chrome
Take the corner, join the crash
Headlights, headlines
Another Junkie lives too fast
Yeah lives way too fast, fast, fast, ooh

Ooh, on I burn
Fuel is pumping engines
Burning hard, loose and clean
And I burn, churning my direction
Quench my thirst with gasoline
So give me fuel, give me fire
Give me that which I desire, ooh, yeah-heh
White knuckle tight!

Ooh, on I burn
Fuel is pumping engines
Burning hard, loose and clean
And I burn, churning my direction
Quench my thirst with gasoline!"

LM9. Ride to the World's End!. Forth Motolingas! Driving. VP. Technique. 3R. TN30.: 8d10o10k4+4 29

At the finish line he arrived later then he otherwise would have, but unscathed, preserved by the power of metal! Crossing the finish line with Tenma was an additional day-maker!

So give me fuel, give me fire
Give me that which I desire
On I burn!

[6 Points, 29 for tie-break]

Unicorn Bushi \m/ Metalhead \m/ Power Fiddler \m/ Stage Diving Beast \m/ Loafer \m/ Karmic 27 Club
Status: 1 \m/ Glory: 1 \m/ Honor: Expected

Ancestral Power Morin Khuur (!!!), less important stuff like arms, blades and shells
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:51 pm 
Hyeon-ju faced the challenge with a silent stoicism, retreating more into her Ice Queen shell for the time being, as she had a feeling that Chiyoko would've been upset if she went back on the promise she had given to herself about participating in all the arrangements the hosts put on.

Working directly on a machine like this was a bit more like the mechanics she knew from her pilot-career, and she managed to fine-tune the controlling a little bit.

The speed proved a great distraction, and while she did not finish near the top, there was no reckless driving or crashing from Wasp.


D9 EVENT LM: Tuning da engine. Engineering/Intelligence. TN 15: 3d10o10k2 17 1 unexpected Free Raise
D9 EVENT LM: Ride to the ruin. Driving/Agility. Void for skill. 1FR for effect. TN 15: 4d10o10k3 21 +2 Points (roll should've said Reflexes, but the stat is the same)
D9 EVENT LM: Ride to the world's end. Untrained Driving/Agility. TN 15: 3d10 12 +0 Points

2 Points

Unicorn Clan • Sky Rider • "Wasp" • Prodigious Fashionista • Silent Lady Wrestling Villain • Ice Queen • Tactician
Theme | Profile | Day 12 makeup
Honor: Exceptional • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 2.2 • CP: 4
Has: Daisho, sidearm, fashionable attire, cool shades, densai, comm, Kami-pet.
Sometimes: Light armor, Marksman rifle.
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:59 pm 
Izumi is tempted to attempt the drive . . . but he also recognises the current situation may lead to horrible, terrible things on the next day so he tempers his enthusiasm and put his extensive healing abilities to there proper use.

Not that anyone had ever enquired before to his spells or medical training.


D9 LM Event DOES FOXEH HAVE TO RIIIDDDEEEEEE!?!?!?!?!?! Per Trait Roll TN 20: 3d10o10 24

Overconfidence overcome. Sitting out to heal. Qualify on both Path to Inner Peace and Medicine 3+.

Kitsune Clan * Shugenja * Smol * Rich * FULL ON FOXEH * Connected * Fantasy Fight Champion * CP 6

Glory 1.3 * Status 4.0 * Honour What is Expected

Carries: Wakizashi, sidearm, spellslates, communicator, densai, medicine pack, kami-pet.
Current Hair Colour: D12
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 2:38 pm 
A race was normally just what Yul would have been into... but Yul's heart just wasn't in it today. His mind was racing, and it wasn't on any track. There was the flogging. The deaths. The questions. Was Shin the one they'd heard on the ship? Was this connected to the rest of the conspiracy? Had Hyeon-ju and Chiyoko been targeted specifically? He closed his eyes at the memory... but only for a moment; he was driving, after all.

Still, the troubled mind meant that Yul's driving was actually relatively safe and sedate. At least, until he made it to the thickets. There, Yul couldn't help but grin, his eyes beginning to light up. He didn't quite go full out, but his buggy definitely accelerated, weaving through the thickets skillfully.

And then it was over. Yul sighed. And then brightened, as a thought occurred to him. Parking the buggy, he stepped out, rubbing his neck awkwardly. Yes, his neck and lower back definitely hurt in a vaguely unspecified way. Sure. And so he went to the medical area for assistance...


D9LM, Tuning, Eng/int, TN15: 3d10o10k2 12 nothing
Ride to Ruin, Drive/agi, TN15: 4d10o10k3 16 1 point
Ride to Ruin, worlds end, Drive/Ref, 1CR, TN 20: 5d10o10k4 27 2 points
3 points total

Unicorn | Bushi | Flyboy | Maverick | Dangerously Sexy | "Cricket"
Status: 1.0 | Glory 1.0 | Honor: Exceptional | Courtship points: 9
Standard Carry: Daisho, sidearm, communicator, (synthleather) jacket, aviators
Danger!: Armor, marksman's rifle
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 2:45 pm 
After plugging some bad commands into his buggy, Shokomaru bumped, slid, and spun every which way he could. Getting a failing grade, but eventually crossing the line. With a literal push.

Computers/Intelligence, 1 raise. 3k2 vs TN 25: 11
Driving 1, 1 raise. VP for skill. 3k2 vs TN 20: 15
Driving 2, 1 raise. VP for skill. 3k2 vs TN 20: 14

0 points.

Spider Clan • Bushi • 5th Company Commander • Gentry • Wealthy
: Honorless Dog
, Status: 4, Glory: 1

Carries: Sidearm, wakizashi, Densai, uniform/leisure or traditional clothes, cigs, fan.
Armor, Daisho, Rifle for battle.
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:15 pm 
Koseki wasn't a great driver. In fact he didn't really know what he was doing. He did know engines though, so he spent a long time tinkering with the buggy. After he was done with it the machine was running like a dream with enhanced steering, brakes, and engine power.

As the race started he screeched out into the lead, weaving and jostling his way up close to the front of the pack. It felt good and his adrenaline was pumping.

Unfortunately his modifications couldn't keep up with his lack of skill and as the end neared he started to drop back through the pack. In the end he couldn't quite place but he was really enthused by his performance, which was considerably better than anyone had expected.

D9. LM. Tuning your ride. Engineering / Intelligence. 2CR. Prodigy. TN25: 6d10o10k3 30 Success. 3 Free raises.

D9. LM. Ride to the Ruin. Driving / Agility. 2CR. 3FR. Void for skill. TN25. Go big or go home...: 4d10o10k3 30 Success. 6 Race points.

D9. LM. Ride to the world’s end. Driving / Reflexes. 1CR. Void for skill. TN20. Let's do this!: 4d10o10k3 17 Fail, so close!

Came close, but 6 points with only a 17 for the tiebreaker.

Firefly Clan • Bushi • Miner • Pilot • Engineer • Prodigy • Fearless • Tough • Smokin • Author • Drummer • Fan
Status 1.0 | Glory 2.0 | Honour Expected | Courtship Points 3

Equipment: Sturdy clothes, densai, Sidearm, Daisho, lighter, smokes.
Where appropriate: Light armour, rifle
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 6:31 pm 
Driving wasn't Hayato's strongest talent, he did enjoy it though and have a bit of trainign in it from his time in the military. The day started fairly well as he tried to get the bike in good working order, and managed to install some programs to help stablize it in turns.

It sent Down hill from there though, at least for a bit as he but narrowly avoid crashing in the start of the race. He did finish strong though, and without his earlier mishap may have very well been a contender.

Ride to Ruin: Tuning your bike Use computers/int Void for 1k1 tn 20: 4d10o10k3 24 1 free raise

Ride to Ruin: Ride to the ruin Driving/Agility one raise tn 20, void for 1k1: 4d10o10k3 16 - fail 0 points

Ride to Ruin: Ride to the worlds end Driving/Reflexes void for 1k1 2 raises tn 25 1 free raise for effect: 6d10o10k5 33 pass four points

4 points total.

Mantis Clan * Bushi * Well Off * Smoker * Marksman
Honor: 3.5 Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.8

Carries: Wakazashi, Sidearm(where appropriate). Cigarettes, Lighter, Communicator, Densai, Holorecorder, Gun belt, earphones

Courtship points: 6 (Certified quality husband material)
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:17 pm 
Shion had recently learned to ride. Like, properly ride, on giant birds. She was surprised and a bit frustrated when she came to the event on Kurikoo's back and learned that the ride to the ruins would actually take place in buggies... even though they were kinda fun.

After leaving Kurikoo and Stray close to a tree and talking to them for a bit to make sure they would behave, she considered for a while whether she should risk it. She had no training in driving whatsoever, and what some were saying and the number of participants that joined the group of healers seemed to indicate this could be pretty dangerous...

But she was curious. So in the end she went for it.

She tried to use her computer to tune her vehicle, but vehicles were quite different from microphones, instruments and the like, so no luck there.

The actual driving went well enough, though. She was definitely not one of the best competitors, but she managed to go through the whole course well enough, avoiding any crashes and finishing in one piece.

It was nothing to be remembered, but she was happy enough as she went back to pet her dog and giant bird.

D9 EE - Ride to Ruin - Tuning - Use Computers/ Int, 2 CR, TN 30: 4d10o10k2 14 - Nope!

D9 EE - Ride to Ruin - Ride to Ruin - Driving/ Int TN 15, unskilled: 3d10k3 20 - 1 Point

D9 EE - Ride to Ruin - Ride to World's End - Driving/ Ref TN 15, unskilled: 3d10k3 15 - 1 Point

Total: 2 Points, 15 for tie breaker (not that it'll be needed)

雀 詩音
Sparrow * Miya Network * Musician * Bushi? * Profile
Mellow voice * Music nerd * Quiet but gig-ready * Starkly honest

Honour: Exceptional * Status: 1 * Glory: 1 * CP: 0

Carries: Communicator, Densai+Radio+Headphones, Wakizashi, 1> Instruments, Purse.
Sidekick: Stray the mutt
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 Post subject: Re: [D9 LM] Miai Event: Ride to Ruin
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:19 pm 
"I've prepared the car Hida-sama. It's not your usual high-end bike but it should serve you fine."
"Thanks Kyoko."
"Pardon me for my impudence Hida-sama... But you seem weirdly distant. Isn't that trial exactly about what you enjoy and are good at?"
"Oh totally."
"So maybe there are more important things in life than playing daredevil on wheels to impress a bunch of Phoenix."
"Your grandpa would disagree. He would say that getting the Phoenix support to snatch the best possible spouse is your raison d'être right now and that if they ask you to jump you should jump."
"Grandpa may disagree. That doesn't make me any less right."
"You might have more of him in you than the both of you would admit."
"I dunno how I should interpret that Kyoko."
"As a humble fact."

[Akemi's race will end up terrible but at least with no crash]


D9LM | Ride to Ruin | Tuning your ride | Engineering / Intelligence(TN 15) | Servant | No Raise (Servants cannot raise): 5d10o10k2 18 -> Success, 1FR
D9LM | Ride to Ruin | Ride to the ruin | Driving / Agility (TN 15) | 2CR, 1FR (TN25) | VP for +1k1: 6d10o10k4 22
D9LM | Ride to Ruin | Ride to the world’s end | Driving / Reflexes (TN 15) | No raise: 4d10o10k2 14

Total: 0 point

Crab Clan * Bushi * Fleshcraft (left arm) * Lecherous * Crab Rich
Honor: Untrustworthy – Glory: 1.0 – Status: 1.0 – Bio – Courtship: 3
Carries: Daisho, Sidearm, Communicator, Personal Seal, Money
Carries, when angry: Tetsubo, Heavy Armor
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