"Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)
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Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Mon Sep 28, 2020 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

"It would seem like it." He sighed and shook his head.

"I mean it could just be that we're bad at this marriage thing."

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Mon Sep 28, 2020 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"It would seem like it." He sighed and shook his head.

"I mean it could just be that we're bad at this marriage thing."

“Well it’s hard when you can’t practice. I go to the dojo every day to stay sharp... I can’t really do that with marriage. I mean, not without going to Scorpion planets.”

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Mon Sep 28, 2020 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

"It's not marriage you learn about on Scorpion planets." Hayato replied with a soft chuckle. "From what I hear at least it's the stuff you practice after marriage."

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"It's not marriage you learn about on Scorpion planets." Hayato replied with a soft chuckle. "From what I hear at least it's the stuff you practice after marriage."

“...Well that does sound like a Scorpion planet. But if that is what occurs there then surely they have excellent marriage counselling services too.”

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

"Why would they bother with those?" He asked for a blink. "I mean, accidents are just a bonus for them in most cases. Aren't they?"

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 12:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"Why would they bother with those?" He asked for a blink. "I mean, accidents are just a bonus for them in most cases. Aren't they?"

“Well I mean... even the Scorpion have to have effective marriages... right? They can’t all be lecherous criminals... despite most of those I have met being lecherous criminals.”

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

"Sure, but when you're learning that kind of skill, what kind of people do you think you're going to come across?" Hayato asked looking at Shoan an amused smile on his lips.

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"Sure, but when you're learning that kind of skill, what kind of people do you think you're going to come across?" Hayato asked looking at Shoan an amused smile on his lips.

“Well I suppose they would mainly be...... oh....”
Shoan looks very disapproving

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

"Yup." Hayato smirked. "Not that I've ever been to a Scorpion to know for certain. Those are the type of stories that get passed around though."

Though they were usually told in more detail.

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"Yup." Hayato smirked. "Not that I've ever been to a Scorpion to know for certain. Those are the type of stories that get passed around though."

Though they were usually told in more detail.

“... Well. I suppose so long as everyone is consenting and uses protection....”
“ I still don’t approve, it is unseemly.”

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 1:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

"I mean, affairs handled properly are perfectly acceptable behavior." He paused and glanced at Shoan. "Not that I'm encouraging any such behavior."

He reached up a hand to rub at his neck. "Though I would probably engage in a number of them if I ended up marrying a man."

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"I mean, affairs handled properly are perfectly acceptable behavior." He paused and glanced at Shoan. "Not that I'm encouraging any such behavior."

He reached up a hand to rub at his neck. "Though I would probably engage in a number of them if I ended up marrying a man."

“Oh no, not affairs I meant... you know, the other thing.”
Clear and direct as always

“I’m sure you would be a very charming affair.. person. I don’t think I would be very good at it.”

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 2:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

"Ah, you mean having a bit of fun just to get a handle of things?" Hayato asked teasingly.

"Honestly thats all up to you really." He smirked at the lioness. "It's not like you have no charm at all Shoan-san."

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 2:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"Ah, you mean having a bit of fun just to get a handle of things?" Hayato asked teasingly.

"Honestly thats all up to you really." He smirked at the lioness. "It's not like you have no charm at all Shoan-san."

Now it’s her turn to rub the back of her neck

“I think I have some kind of negative charm that wraps all the way back around to charm.”

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 2:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

"You're funny Shoan-san. Which isn't something that everyone can say." Hayato offered with a smirk.

"Just banter back and forth with someone and if yiur interested and they're interested. Well, you'll get there."

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"You're funny Shoan-san. Which isn't something that everyone can say." Hayato offered with a smirk.

"Just banter back and forth with someone and if yiur interested and they're interested. Well, you'll get there."

“... You make it sound very simple. I think there’s a bit more to it than just banter. You gotta... you know, send the right signals.”

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

"Like wearing a shirt that lets a gentleman spot a glimpse of beige undergarments?" He asked cocking an eyebrow and watching the lioness for a few moments.

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 3:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"Like wearing a shirt that lets a gentleman spot a glimpse of beige undergarments?" He asked cocking an eyebrow and watching the lioness for a few moments.

“ see.... a loose shirt... the thing about it... the shirt... it’s a shirt, sometimes you know, you see beige.”
Although Shoan’s cheeks were far from beige at the moment.

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 4:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

"See, you'll do just fine." Hayato replied just a bit of teasing in his tone. "A bit of banter, the right clothes, moving just right to give off a glimpse. Most men will hop straight to that conclusion even if you aren't wantong them too."

Fact of it was it was a perfectly acceptable kind of behavior in mirror matches too. "So don't worry about lack of charm, you've got it."

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 4:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Soooo...." (Day 9 Early Afternoon, Expecting)

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"See, you'll do just fine." Hayato replied just a bit of teasing in his tone. "A bit of banter, the right clothes, moving just right to give off a glimpse. Most men will hop straight to that conclusion even if you aren't wantong them too."

Fact of it was it was a perfectly acceptable kind of behavior in mirror matches too. "So don't worry about lack of charm, you've got it."

“And to think.... I haven’t even showed Kitsu-san my beige yet. She may not be ready for it.”
Nodding at the Tsuruchi’s reassuring words

“Well, I’d say you’re already charming but you know that.... you’re quite charming in telling other people they are charming.”

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