Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]
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Author:  Fundai Tetsu [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]

"I'm mean, I am not going to commit seppuku in shame if I miss my mark." Tetsu nods to Tomo. "Either would indeed make excellent matches for a variety of reasons. Unicorn would be an excellent link to strengthen in the face of war, and their raw materials could fuel our shipyards at maximum capacity. Phoenix is desperate for support: their machine spirit experts could create a brand new set of innovations if that knowledge was shared and might bring in Osprey as well."

Tetsu looks back at the pair of Yaisuki. "What? Just because I'm a Fundai doesn't mean I have never thought about our struggles and inter-clan relations"

Author:  Boogiepop [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]


"I'm sure you all have your inter-Clan relationships figured out before you landed here. If either of you ends up marrying yourself to this rock, you could always consider the Drunk'n Crab as a place to host your reception," he offered and took a look at the dreary decor of the place as an Enka tune played in the background. "It may not look like it but I'm sure we can manage something..."

Author:  Fundai Tetsu [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]

"Ha!" Tetsu lets out a chuckle and looks over at Nishida. "He's way to suave to end up with someone like me. I'm just the pretty one" He runs a hand through his hair and smiles. "But yes, I'll help you if you help me"

"But you're too hard on the Crab. I like the place. Though, if you want music, one of my roommates brought her guitar with her..."

Author:  Boogiepop [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]


Tomo gave a slow look around the place and eventually centred his gaze on a stack of boxes that were kept in the corner. Something like that would have a better place in storage but it seemed perhaps he was already tight on space as it to keep stock in the open. "I wouldn't mind it if you want to have her come by, I can have my staff wipe a few tables and move some things. Don't have any of the equipment, she'll have to bring her own."

Author:  Yasuki Nishida [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]

"I am sure that something can be arranged. If we get enough life in here, it will only have advantages for the clan" Nishida said.

Author:  Fundai Tetsu [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]

Tetsu nods in agreement. "We certainly don't want to disrupt your aesthetic Tomo-san, but I have a feeling that after a while some Mantis or Unicorn will begin to get bored with everything looking proper. If you don't mind, we would be happy to try to drum up some business"

Author:  Boogiepop [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]


Tomo eyed both Crab questioningly as he took a long swig from his can and then nodded slowly in understanding. "If you're looking to play talent agent and direct people here. We'll see how much things pick up and if some profits can be raked to pay everyone involved. I would add a cover, which would pay for sure...but this place isn't exactly known as a stage, especially when there is the club a few blocks down."

Author:  Yasuki Nishida [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]

"Not everyone enjoys the noise fest these clubs provide, at least i don't" he commented on that.

Author:  Boogiepop [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]


Tomo did a slow scan of his own business and his clientele, the air of the room was definitely more subdued and somber. He gave a few sound nods, "You're right about that. If it can happen, it'll happen. Hopefully I can pass a few drinks to some of the local security if they get up in arms about head space and fire hazard protocols..."

He fished out another set of cans from the fridge under the bar counter top. "I should get back to checking on the status of my shipments but here, have some drinks on the house," he poured them both a glass of Watsu Lights and set down a glass in front of them each.

Author:  Fundai Tetsu [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]

"A house approved buyback hustle is a well beloved tradition." Tetsu nods along with Nishida and appreciatively takes the next round on the house. "I am serious Tomo-san, I legitimately like the feel of this place far better than a club with pounding music or fancy overpriced cocktails."

"Some low key live music and some word of mouth and who knows." Tetsu looks around appreciatively. "Your AC system is champion, and you clearly make sure things are structurally sound, even if it ain't fancy. You can handle extra bodies"

Author:  Boogiepop [ Mon Aug 31, 2020 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]


"I don't doubt it and I'm open to hosting them. Without seeing the talent and the crowds, it's kind of hard to fully crystallize at the moment. But sure, if you get the talent here and if it gets the butts on the seats or people standing here, I could raise the prices slightly. I might be willing to give you a cut of the profits for your hard work."

Author:  Yasuki Nishida [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]

"I can organise things, if i know who would be able to play. Tetsu-san, do you think you can get some of our fellow participants to play their music here?"

Author:  Fundai Tetsu [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 4:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]

"I am sure of at least one, but I have a suspicion that I can find a lot of them. Maybe put up some fliers or something on the net"

Author:  Boogiepop [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 6:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]


Tomo shrugged and tossed the can into a bin by his foot, joining an assortment of cans. "Ah, well, everyone is an artist until they have to get on stage. Be sure to sample their skill before you go through with anything. That's not a suggestion but a requirement, I don't want to become the laughing stock of the town of having someone play here who isn't cut for it. I mean, I'm sure that heat will go down in a few weeks...but doesn't bode well for what you have in mind."

Author:  Fundai Tetsu [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 7:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]

Tetsu nods thoughtfully. "Having the house hear them audition seems like a very reasonable request."

Author:  Yasuki Nishida [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]

Nishida took a sip from his beer. "That is our strength, isn't it, Tomo-san. Evaluating"

Author:  Boogiepop [ Tue Sep 01, 2020 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]


Tomo nodded knowingly at his fellow cousin, figuring that he would know best when it comes to evaluation and appraisal of a product before buying. "That's good to hear. With you two being in the miai, I'm going to guess that you're doing both for business and...well, business. Good business is found in a good marriage but we all know that already. I'm sure you'll figure it out."

Author:  Fundai Tetsu [ Wed Sep 02, 2020 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]

Tetsu pulls out his communicator and taos away. "I have one on the line, is there a time you want to check her out? She's a Sparrow musician"

Author:  Yasuki Nishida [ Wed Sep 02, 2020 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]

"A Sparrow you say? Perhaps Suzume Shion-san? When she has time we could arrange a meeting tommorrow evening, yes"

Author:  Fundai Tetsu [ Wed Sep 02, 2020 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drinking the Scenery [D1, LE]

Tetsu nods. "Yep, that's the one. Do you know her?" tetsu taps a message into his communicator. "Inviting her to come tomorrow evening"

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