[D3 LE] Jam Session
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Author:  Yasuki Nishida [ Tue Sep 08, 2020 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

Daigotsu Shokomaru wrote:
Yasuki Nishida wrote:
"He is, He also has alot of irons in the forge" he said looking how Tetsu run around trying to connect al the devices to the soundbox.

He shrugged. "Busy people stay moving, I get it. So what are you moving on these days, Yasuki-san?" he asked. Likely referring to the miai.

"Ahh i had a rather lovely meeting. At least i learned a bit about her, too early to call anything." he said taking a sip from his sake. "How about you?"

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Tue Sep 08, 2020 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

Nishida probably knew all about part of it. He didn't feel like making a dig at anyone surrounded by Crab as he was.

"Things are good, actually. It's going as expected", he said and drank. "Went out to the forest today with three lovelies and we had a picnic."

Author:  Yasuki Nishida [ Tue Sep 08, 2020 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

"Ohh you seem to be very popular."

A man of Shokomarus rank is of course a target for some samurai who want to raise their own status.

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Tue Sep 08, 2020 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

he chuckled. "I'd say you're right, but Utaku-san just wanted to fly the ornithopter. I don't think she'd have noticed if I fell out."

Author:  Shinjo Yul [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:

"Yeah, not yet. Maybe not ever either." Which might be what the Unicorn was hoping for. "You're right though, we'll see soon enough."

A gaggle of Crab surrounding the Spider at the bar wasn't exactly a good sign to Hayato but he let it be for now. "It must be bodice to have visited so many places though, any world in particular that caught your fancy?"

Yul chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, they say you can never beat home, right? That's Shinjo's Grace, for me. Couldn't wait to leave, couldn't wait to get back on my first leave." He pursed his lips, considering. "I got to visit Rakuen once, but only for a day. Not sure if that would be interesting to a non-Unicorn, but I thought it was pretty neat. And then New Hope is amazing, but it's not a world. And it's so different."

Yul took another drink; it seemed like he was taking it easy. "How do you like Asakaze? Getting used to mushrooms yet?"

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 1:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

"Ah, I might find it interesting, can't say I know enough about the planet to say off the top of my head though." It seemed like he had heard about it before, but it was hard to place.

"Nit sure there is much getting used to Mushrooms. But it's not too bad of a place, could use a beach though, and maybe a few more pools."

Author:  Shinjo Yul [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 5:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"Ah, I might find it interesting, can't say I know enough about the planet to say off the top of my head though." It seemed like he had heard about it before, but it was hard to place.

"Nit sure there is much getting used to Mushrooms. But it's not too bad of a place, could use a beach though, and maybe a few more pools."

"Beach would be nice." Yul agreed. "You play any Oshidama? That's way more fun on the beach if you ask me."

He shrugged. "The baths here are pretty good. A good soak was practically the first thing I did after getting of the ship." Yul grunted. "After that biathlon, maybe another one would have been a good idea. Maybe tomorrow."

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

Ruhe patted the mic. "Kon-Ban-Wa everyone, good to see you all here. It's a Crab place, so let me tell my thanks for the invitation by playing something I put together yesterday, at Shrine to Kisada. Hope you enjoy. Here goes!"

What don't kill you will make you more strong!

[The bow started flying rhythmically across the horsehead fiddle in a rhythmic intro that could set the feet on the meter.]

You rise, you fall
You're down, then you rise again
What don't kill you will make you more strong
You rise, you fall
You're down, then you rise again
What don't kill you will make you more strong
Rise, fall down, rise again
What don't kill you will make you more strong
Rise, fall down, rise again
What don't kill you will make you more strong
Through black days
Through black nights
Through pitch black insights

[There was a slowdown at each 'more strong' so the audience could pick up the mantra, and then a violent pickup right before the refrain]

Breaking your teeth on the hard life coming
Show your scars
Cutting your feet on the hard earth running
Show your scars
Breaking your life broken, beat & scarred
We die hard!

[Before the next stanza Ruhe unleashed an instrumental interlude that allowed the audience join him in singing.]

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

"The beach is the only place to play Oshidama." Courts were just a lie they tried to sell you to convince you that the sport could be played anywhere.

"Haven't tried out the baths though." Hayato mused as he finished his first cup of sake and waved towards the bartender fo a second. "Suppose I should give it a visit though. maybe tomorrow or something."

Author:  Suzume Shion [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

Moto Ruhe wrote:
"We're in a Crab place and I'd like to honor their tropes. Wrote a piece yesterday. I don't do backgrounds that much, I trust my own instrument to carry it. And I expect to sing, yeah. 5/8 bar good for you?"

Ruhe plugged in his fiddle and tried some sweeps to check if he liked the acoustics.

"Oh!", she says, suddenly slightly surprised, pleasantly so. "'s perfect, really. Can you run me through the basic structure then? Let's stick to Shamisen fiddle and voices then. I can do some base in parts if needed so you can do your thing. Feel we can swap time for solos? If you'd rather not I can just keep adding some density and texture with my instrument and background voice and we call it a day". She doesn't actually sound annoyed at that at all, more like curious to see his style in action.

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

[Ok, looks I jumped the gun, let's incorporate it.]

Having shared the basics before the performance with Shion, it was now a good moment for her to chime in instrumentally and/or with vocals if she wanted to carry it on. Ruhe grinned at her and swung a teasing chord.

Author:  Suzume Shion [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

[I completely missed your post up there! Let's just say she followed through adding some texture to the song with her Shamisen adding some bass and 'comments' to the fiddle and her adding some backing vocals at key parts including the Chorus].

As Ruhe left some space for her, Shion took the same base melody used in the Verse and did a version of that on her Shamisen, combining some low notes keeping the base in the bass accompanying Ruhe and higher notes doing the melody proper. At some parts, she included some words in singing as well, creating an interwoven pattern as if to entice the listeners in the song.

As she approached the final part of the verse, she nodded at Ruhe, focusing on the Shamisen instead of the voice for a moment, and muttered to him away from the mike "Oi Moto-sama, short 4/4 bridge and 7/4 passage followed by 3 silent beats to get back to the 5/4 chorus in style? Or... do we just go straight in?"

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

"Go with the ornament, girl!" Ruhe whispered off the mic, his hands not pausing on the fiddle's bow in assuming background for the shamisen to provide variation. Ruhe was a great fan of improvised interludes.

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

Shokomaru shouted his approval and downed whatever wallet-breaking sake Tetsu had recommended.

"Yasuki-san, I've been waiting to see this since I landed and parted ways with that guy!"

Author:  Shinjo Yul [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

Tsuruchi Hayato wrote:
"The beach is the only place to play Oshidama." Courts were just a lie they tried to sell you to convince you that the sport could be played anywhere.

"Haven't tried out the baths though." Hayato mused as he finished his first cup of sake and waved towards the bartender fo a second. "Suppose I should give it a visit though. maybe tomorrow or something."

Yul grinned. "That's the spirit. Guess we'll just have to see if we can find a beach."

Then he waved a hand, dismissing any extra sake of his own. "I should actually head out pretty soon. Gotta get a good night's sleep after that biathlon. I just wanted to check this place out." Yul shrugged. "It's good to have a bar you can go to, you know what I mean?"

Author:  Fundai Tetsu [ Wed Sep 09, 2020 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

Daigotsu Shokomaru wrote:
Shokomaru shouted his approval and downed whatever wallet-breaking sake Tetsu had recommended.

"Yasuki-san, I've been waiting to see this since I landed and parted ways with that guy!"

Tetsu heads back and offers a bow. "Thank you Daigotsu-san. Forgive my late return they called me for a last minute sound check."

He sips his HBS. "Oh my, the taste of my youth"

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Thu Sep 10, 2020 12:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

"Knock it back and enjoy your work, Fundai-san", he held his glass up in salute and downed half of it, then went back to cheering on the Moto and Suzume.

Author:  Yasuki Nishida [ Thu Sep 10, 2020 2:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

Nishida clapped at the music. He wasn't really a fan of loud music, but he liked what the Moto and Shion played. He also drank another can of Watsu light. "Their're amazing" he said to no one particular

Author:  Fundai Tetsu [ Thu Sep 10, 2020 3:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

Yasuki Nishida wrote:
Nishida clapped at the music. He wasn't really a fan of loud music, but he liked what the Moto and Shion played. He also drank another can of Watsu light. "Their're amazing" he said to no one particular

"Damn straight" Tetsu lightly punches Nishida in the shoulder, trying to exchange a look. "They could be big. Realy big"

Author:  Tsuruchi Hayato [ Thu Sep 10, 2020 3:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D3 LE] Jam Session

Shinjo Yul wrote:

Yul grinned. "That's the spirit. Guess we'll just have to see if we can find a beach."

Then he waved a hand, dismissing any extra sake of his own. "I should actually head out pretty soon. Gotta get a good night's sleep after that biathlon. I just wanted to check this place out." Yul shrugged. "It's good to have a bar you can go to, you know what I mean?"

"If you find one let me know." Hopefully it wasn't infested with some sort of fungus monsters.

"It is." He dipped his head in farewell to the Unicorn. "But have a good night, Shinjo-san."

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