[LA2] CSI: Asakaze [Kawaguchi Farm]
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Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [LA2] CSI: Asakaze [Kawaguchi Farm]

He didn't like it. No. He hated it. Sounded like some sorry excuses to him. Even if there might be some truth to it.

"Fair enough, though someone knows something, don't they? Makes sense to cut to that than telling us you're new here."

The chuui sounded a little bored, not quite impatient.

Author:  Tassu [ Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [LA2] CSI: Asakaze [Kawaguchi Farm]


"We told already everything to the magistrate, samurai-sama. Or the people working here did. But I was not here when it happened." he replied, cowering in fear. "Jibo was working field that night. You just talked to him." The new overseer replied.

Author:  Susumu Geppu [ Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [LA2] CSI: Asakaze [Kawaguchi Farm]

"Headman...I understand your apprehension. We are strangers here and you only wish to ensure the safety of yourself and the others, which is wise of someone in your position. But surely, as Daigotsu-sama here said, someone knows something. That something may be awkward or otherwise embarrassing, but we are here to simply investigate and solve the problem. Many things could be forgotten in the moment than are made cleared in the mind afterwards. The faster that you can truthfully assist us with that, the faster we can be gone and you can return to your duties with a clean conscience, hm?"

Geppu slipped into the 'Catch more flies with honey' style of interrogation, attempting to play good cop against the fear and mistrust that this peasant most assuredly had for the Spider. Offering him an out that he'd hopefully jump at.

(25 Courtier/Awareness.)

Author:  Tassu [ Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [LA2] CSI: Asakaze [Kawaguchi Farm]

"Samurai-sama. As I just said, Jibo would know more." He pointed his hand in the general direction of the barley field.

We are ALL fucked.

Author:  Daigotsu Shokomaru [ Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [LA2] CSI: Asakaze [Kawaguchi Farm]


"Go interrogate Jibo properly then", Shokomaru ordered. "Someone with proper tracking skills go have a look around. I'll help."

Author:  Daigotsu Ryuu [ Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [LA2] CSI: Asakaze [Kawaguchi Farm]

"Susumu Shirokiku-san." Ryuu turned on his heel, looking to the woman from Whispers. "Please, go speak with Jibo-san again. Perhaps you will have better luck alone." He nodded as he spoke.

Then looking to the overseer. "Is there security footage that could be reviewed on site? Perhaps it would be best for Daigotsu-san and Susumu Geppu-san here to look it over."

He looked back to the field. "I will walk the fields. Perhaps there is something I can discover out there."

He nodded to the chuui. "I have survival and tracking training."

Author:  Susumu Shirokiku [ Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [LA2] CSI: Asakaze [Kawaguchi Farm]

Daigotsu Shokomaru wrote:
Shokomaru ordered. "Someone with proper tracking skills go have a look around. I'll help."

"On it, Daigotsu-sama. Ryuu-san, If I may, I'll speak to Jibo once I'm back."

With that, Shirokiku began her search for tacks, traces, anything which could help build a useful picture.

Hunting/Perception roll, 0 raises 0 void: 37

- - -

Upon finishing her search, Shirokiku approached Jibo again.

"Jibo-san, if I may have another moment of your time? I know my compatriots may be... well, a bit scary."

Author:  Tassu [ Fri Sep 04, 2020 4:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [LA2] CSI: Asakaze [Kawaguchi Farm]

Shikiroku would find barley, barley and more barley. Also, heaps and heaps of otori dung under her feet, clinging to whatever shoes she wore. There were paths running towards the road connecting the farm to the network of farms that surrounded the city.
Jibo, for his part, was again his nose down in the dung. "Samurai-sama! How can I be of... anything."

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