Joyride [EA10]
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Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Wed Oct 07, 2020 4:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joyride [EA10]

He touched her arm with a finger and withdrew it with a simulated sound of sizzling as if it had become seared, waving it in the air afterwards with a funny-serious expression. "I'm happy to pay with a few burns for the joy of doing fiery things with my celestial hottie."

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Wed Oct 07, 2020 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joyride [EA10]

That got a kiss out of her before she got off Ruhe, smiling at him before picking her tea back up, "Well, just so long as we both know the risks of being too close to the sun, as they say. I almost want to cool off though."

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Wed Oct 07, 2020 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joyride [EA10]

"Okay, let's not overheat... things." He coyly agreed, trying to stand up to her teasing a little. "Your tea can surely help!" He drank it in one go, seeking some control over the turbulence her recent closeness had caused. He had to keep his wits about rather than change into a drooling idiot without a straight thought just because Tenma was her teasing Scorpion self. He'd felt a bit of her own wildness in their first real kiss but it was apparently something she could manage, and he didn't want to be a man who couldn't. "Wonder if you want to risk a dip in the pool."

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Thu Oct 08, 2020 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joyride [EA10]

"Eeeeeh... maybe? If there's an underwater stream, there might be an undertow. Still, what about the ledge over there? It's under the waterfall, that could be refreshing."

Tenma drank her cup of tea in one gulp as well, though she offered no indication as to why.

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Thu Oct 08, 2020 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joyride [EA10]

"Following your lead in this, Tenma. You say we swim, we swim. You say we ledge behind the waterfall, we ledge." He smirked, leaning over to give the cup back to her.

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joyride [EA10]

"Waterfall it is."

Tenma took the cup with a smile, stacking it with her own.

"You know, I'm kind of partial to seeing you wet. Probably because that's how I first saw you."

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joyride [EA10]

"You know, I can get very wet for you. But I'm going to demand the same. Most certainly because this is how I first saw you, and the image - and the hunger for more - has stuck." He got up.

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Thu Oct 08, 2020 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joyride [EA10]

Tenma nodded, putting her cups back in her bag before standing up on the blanket. She took Ruhe's hand to pull him with, "Comeon then; If that's what you're hungry for, then let's get you fed, Tiger."

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Thu Oct 08, 2020 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joyride [EA10]

He dropped his sidearm onto the blanket and gave her his hand. "Rawr."

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Fri Oct 09, 2020 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joyride [EA10]

A small giggle and she pulled him along. The ledge narrowed as they approached the waterfall, and Tenma had to sidle along sideways as the two of them approached within a few meters of it.

"There's a little sort of dip carved by the water when the wind blows, so I was going to sit in that. Just a little bit further."

Getting into said dip necessitated passing under the smallish waterfall, which was a cool blast before Tenma half skipped through; The "dip" itself was a sort of seat or curved shelf worn smooth into the rock, a kind of mini-cave that only extended back a meter or so from the narrow ledge but was gently sloped enough on the bottom to form a kind of seat if you didn't mind water droplets occasionally dripping on to you.

Tenma certainly didn't mind; The passage under the waterfall, even if it wasn't a terribly large waterfall, had absolutely soaked her, and her scant clothes clung half-transparent to her as she looked back, arm extended through the sheet of water to help Ruhe through.

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Fri Oct 09, 2020 1:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joyride [EA10]

He let himself be pulled across the curtain of water, a passage to another realm. A realm where there were just two of them in the world, and both were soaking wet. What a man can do in the face of such a romantic and erotic setup? He can only kiss his beloved, having told her how he feels about her.

He gripped her, kissed her, look into her big eyes and made his confession with honesty, conviction and smile that couldn't be easily refuted. It appeared the Water conspired to bring them together at every major step, since the very beginning, wrapping them both in its flow.

Dripping or dry, Ruhe was convinced she was meant to be his in marriage, and he resolved to make it so.

Author:  Bayushi Tenma [ Fri Oct 09, 2020 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joyride [EA10]

Tenma gave a little nod in response to his words, softly saying her confession in return, sinking back into the seat in the wall after the kiss, hand still holding his.

Author:  Moto Ruhe [ Fri Oct 09, 2020 1:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joyride [EA10]

It was a moment of bliss Ruhe hadn't known before and was hell-bent to never lose. Whatever occurred or didn't occur next, was their private affair.


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