The kisses on his neck were certainly pleasant, Yul arching slightly against her. He settled again, smiling gently. "They're... simple, but in a good way, if that makes sense. They're both hard workers, they both like what they do. They revere the Fortunes, they take good care of their kids... oh, did I mention I've got five sisters and two brothers?" Yul chuckled softly. "They're a lot alike in a lot of ways, too. Cheerful, and friendly, and open. My mom's the funny one, though. But they're both happy to live out their lives on Shinjo's Grace." Funny, how both of them seemed to have differences from their parents.
He sat up a little as Mumei did, meeting her gaze with a gentle smile. The smile grew as she spoke. "They won't." Yul said, shaking his head gently. "I promise." He leaned forward, kissing her gently, almost soothingly, as good a response as his words, Yul hoped.
Yul sat back again, his forehead creasing just a little. "In fact..." He chewed his lip a moment, "-I've never told anyone this before. But I never knew my grandfather, on my father's side. I mean, I've told people that." His eyes met hers again. "What my parents have told me, I can't put my finger on it, but something's not right. Over the years, I've noticed more and more inconsistencies, little things here and there." The smile he gave her was slightly crooked. "So... hey. Maybe a fuzzy pedigree is just one more thing that you and I share?"