[Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)
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Author:  Murame Shoan [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

Kitsu Nozomi wrote:
"Let me ask another way then," she said in-between breaths. "Would he be your top pick?"

Shoan is quiet for a few moments, even unconsciously increasing her pace slightly as she thinks
"I....think so, there are other samurai on the list though, of course."

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

"I see. He must be very popular indeed though," Nozomi contemplated out loud. "What's your second pick, then? We need to make sure you at least get top three."

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

Kitsu Nozomi wrote:
"I see. He must be very popular indeed though," Nozomi contemplated out loud. "What's your second pick, then? We need to make sure you at least get top three."

"Oh, well, I'm hardly the most important Lion here Kitsu-san. I think the Wasp....Tsuruchi Hayato-san might be another pick? He seems a man with my sense of humour."
Whatever that actually meant
"And the Osprey is nice but....even more popular than Yul-san. I cannot tell whether I have terrible or excellent tast."

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

"Oh but I want all of my Lion clan mates... to be happy." Nozomi took a moment to walk a bit. She tried to pass it off as mostly thinking. "I don't know about your taste. Um, but isn't he a bit, well, of an undesirable clan? He is fun but..."

She giggled awkwardly. "I liked him too myself but I don't think his clan would fit either of us."

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

Kitsu Nozomi wrote:
"Oh but I want all of my Lion clan mates... to be happy." Nozomi took a moment to walk a bit. She tried to pass it off as mostly thinking. "I don't know about your taste. Um, but isn't he a bit, well, of an undesirable clan? He is fun but..."

She giggled awkwardly. "I liked him too myself but I don't think his clan would fit either of us."

Slowing alongside her clanmate

"You are very kind Kitsu-san, I'm sure most of our cousins, and hopefully you as well, will end the miai happily."
Shoan runs a hand through her hair
"You are not wrong about the is frustrating, I have no interest in spending my career as a merchant patron or the like. He is....very affable though, despite the smoking. It is an irony I think that I think most of my own clan would make appropriate matches, but yet that is the complete opposite of our purpose here."

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

"Most?" she asked, completely stopping in her thoughts. She then blinked and resumed a light jog. "I'm assuming another bushi would suit you. Me, well, the duties always feel the same..."

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

Kitsu Nozomi wrote:
"Most?" she asked, completely stopping in her thoughts. She then blinked and resumed a light jog. "I'm assuming another bushi would suit you. Me, well, the duties always feel the same..."

"Hai, most."
With her usual deadpan tone it's hard to tell what she's inferring

"Bushi, courtier, shugenja, artisan. So long as they are an honourable samurai who will not shame me it is a match I can live with. Ensuring it somehow benefits the Lion is my goal."
The slightest of frowns

"Your duties might feel very different in a...less orthodox Clan. But I have no doubt you would complete them well. Even the Unicorn have to consume poisoned mushrooms occasionally."

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

"Most..." she echoed, leaving it at that.

"It will have to be for the Lion at the end of the day. You might end up a courtly flower and I might... Hm. If I were to join the Osprey, then best I learn to navigate, huh?"

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

Kitsu Nozomi wrote:
"Most..." she echoed, leaving it at that.

"It will have to be for the Lion at the end of the day. You might end up a courtly flower and I might... Hm. If I were to join the Osprey, then best I learn to navigate, huh?"

"And dance. If you mastered both you would rise high in their ranks. I will of course, have to work on looking pretty and sitting still for long periods of time if that is to be my future."

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

"Dance? Like this?" Nozomi did the best dance she could come up in the moment. She certainly seemed pleased with herself, at least.


D5 EM Dance / Agility for Fluff: 2d10 6

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

Kitsu Nozomi wrote:
"Dance? Like this?" Nozomi did the best dance she could come up in the moment. She certainly seemed pleased with herself, at least.


D5 EM Dance / Agility for Fluff: 2d10 6

Shoan looks on. Her eyes start to water, the muscles in her cheeks tighten, but she absolutely does not laugh
"Hai, just like that. You're certainly better at it than I am."

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

"Am I? Maybe I should marry that Osprey you were talking about then," she said, continuing her little jig.


Dang the hyperlink seems broken. Here you go.


Author:  Murame Shoan [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

Kitsu Nozomi wrote:
"Am I? Maybe I should marry that Osprey you were talking about then," she said, continuing her little jig.


Dang the hyperlink seems broken. Here you go.


((And people say Lion can't dance))

"Oh yes, you're very....very....jiggy. Very jiggy indeed. I am sure she would appreciate it. Indeed, I appreciate it."
By this time Shoan has turned slightly away and is willing her features to pure stone.

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

"Good," Nozomi said, catching her breath afterwards. All that running and dancing left her a bit winded. Then, an idea flashed in her head, and she went back at it again. "Check this out!"



Author:  Murame Shoan [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

Kitsu Nozomi wrote:
"Good," Nozomi said, catching her breath afterwards. All that running and dancing left her a bit winded. Then, an idea flashed in her head, and she went back at it again. "Check this out!"



A squeak escaped Shoan, then another, then a torrent of laughter as the Murame can only contain herself for so long

"I...I swear." Still unable to regain control of herself "It's not you, it's me, I probably saw something else funny in the distance."

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

"Oh! What did you see?" the Kitsu asked, stopping her dancing. She looked around and then smiled
"You have a very nice laugh!"

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

Kitsu Nozomi wrote:
"Oh! What did you see?" the Kitsu asked, stopping her dancing. She looked around and then smiled
"You have a very nice laugh!"

"It was hard to make out, I thought I saw some kind of...creature in the distance, it had such an odd manner of movement."
Shoan takes a deep breath with her shoulders rising quickly and then sloooowly falling. A smile lingers on her face for a few more moments before being carefully swept away.

"That's very kind of you, I do not laugh often so having it be remarked on is nice. You have a very cu- nice laugh as well."

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Mon Sep 14, 2020 5:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

Nozomi looked around and then shrugged. There was no look of recognition on her face, at least.

"Oh," she said, looking away from her running companion. "Yes, it is good that we both have nice laughs." She pointed forward as a sign for them to continue their exercise.

Author:  Murame Shoan [ Mon Sep 14, 2020 5:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

Kitsu Nozomi wrote:
Nozomi looked around and then shrugged. There was no look of recognition on her face, at least.

"Oh," she said, looking away from her running companion. "Yes, it is good that we both have nice laughs." She pointed forward as a sign for them to continue their exercise.

"It is better than the alternative. I knew a sensei who laughed like a hyena."
Shoan shakes her head slowly
"He was eaten by a pack of them on safari."
The Lion nods and sets off again, jogging happily along the streets slowly filling with workers.

Author:  Kitsu Nozomi [ Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 5 EM] And I Ran (Expecting)

"That sounds terrible," Nozomi commented. She worked back up to pace with Shoan, still taking laborious breaths every once in awhile. "Were you there?"

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