General errata and reminders
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Author:  Tassu [ Thu Aug 29, 2019 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  General errata and reminders


Brotherhood Monks
Brotherhood Monks begin the game with base Status 1 and Glory 0.

Kitsu Shugenja School
The Eyes of the Ancestors technique cannot detect the Shadowlands Taint disadvantage possessed by characters with less than one Rank of Shadowlands Taint.

Kitsune Shugenja School
Summoning flying animals uses the Air Ring, summoning swimming animals uses the Water Ring, and all other animals use the Earth Ring. A summoned animal spirit is friendly towards you and those with the Blessed by the Realm (Chikushudo) advantage, ambivalent towards others, and hostile towards those with the Curse of the Realms (Chikushudo) disadvantage. Summoned animal spirits will defend you from immediate harm and attack easily indicated enemies, but are otherwise still animals and will react to stimuli as appropriate. Note that the Summon spell is permanent; if you summon an animal, it will remain in the area until it chooses to leave or is driven away. This technique works only in locations that have some connection to Chikushudo and thus will not work on space ships or on space stations save in very unusual circumstances where such a connection exists.


See here for comprehensive list of new and adjusted skills.

Advantages and Disadvantages

See here for a comprehensive list of new and adjusted Advantages and Disadvantages. Note that additionally some Advantages and Disadvantages have been banned for this game.


To take inflation and item prices into account, the character stipends have been adjusted as explained here.

Kata cannot be activated outside of combat, and once active, only last until the end of a given combat. Activating a kata is a simple action, as noted in the book.

Spells and Tattoos
See here for a list of adjusted/banned spells and tattoos.

Spell Scrolls
Rules for spell scrolls and their contemporaneity can be found here.

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