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 Post subject: Firearms and other equipment
PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 6:36 pm 
During the Hantei and Toturi dynasties, ranged combat was an essential aspect of all samurai training but was still considered secondary to the art of melee combat and, especially, the art of the sword. In the Celestial Empire, however, the balance between the two has largely reversed. Ranged combat is now an absolutely essential component of all forms of warfare even though the sacred status of melee combat is still acknowledged.

The following are some notes and clarifications regarding the use of firearms.

    -For the purpose of contested rolls due to Disarm and Knockdown maneuvers, the attacker uses the DR of the weapon as their Str roll.

    -A firearm adds its user's Perception to the first number of the DR of the weapon being fired. For example, a Shiba Bushi (Perception 3) firing a sidearm (DR 3k2) would roll a total of 6k2 for damage.

    -Readying a firearm is a simple action regardless of the weapon's size. This applies to the Small sidearm as well.

New weapons

Standard sidearm
Contemporary ranged weapons all work on the same principle, producing a concentrated beam of radiant energy by focusing it through a suitably shaped prism. Even the smallest of these weapon generate enough energy to cauterize flesh or punch through regular metal. Radiant weapons are, without exception, powered by battery-like energy packs, small containers charged with fire kami.

Standard sidearms, smallest of these radiant weapons, show many variations of outward design from clan to clan while remaining nearly identical mechanically. For example, Mirumoto Heavy Industry Twin Radiance models are small sleek pistols always produced and worn in pairs, while the Shosuro Veiled Ending is even smaller, and almost toylike in appearance. The latter is readily modified with a silencer as well, effectively muting the sounds made as released energy rips through the air, though most people consider such modification dishonorable and cowardly.

Sidearms come with two energy packs, each good for six shots. Changing the energy pack is a Simple Action. A sidearm may be equipped with a silencer, effectively muting the sounds made by firing the gun, though this upgrade halves the range of the gun. Using a silencer is considered a Major Breach of Etiquette, causing appropriate honor losses.

Keyword: Small, Samurai (Small, Ninja if equipped with a Silencer)
DR: 3k2
Range: 100’ (50’ for a model with a Silencer)
Price: 5 koku

Standard Rifle

Radiant rifles, function exactly the same way as the sidearm, though their larger frames allow the mechanism to agitate the kami into a more powerful blast of energy. The most common version is the Akodo Arms Indomitable 29, which has been in service for more than two centuries with virtually no significant changes to its function or shape.

The standard rifle comes with three energy packs, each good for ten shots. Changing the energy pack is a Simple Action.

Keyword: Medium, Samurai
DR: 3k3
Range: 300’
Price: 10 koku

Heavy Assault Rifle
Despite the murderous power of standard rifles, there are times when greater impact is required. Weapons such as the Kaiu Forge Devastator mark II are renowned for their ability to crack down the armoured vehicles used in mobile warfare. Cumbersome and slow to fire, these weapons are usually mounted on vehicles to be fired by the crew, though rumours of Hida and Matsu warriors wading to battle carrying such heavy rifles are widespread among the legions of the Empire.

Heavy assault rifles come with two energy packs, each good for five shots. Changing the energy pack is a Simple Action.

Keyword: Large
DR: 5k5
Range: 400’
Special Rules: The sheer force exerted by the weapon and its significant size means that Strength 4 is required to wield it. Heavy Assault Rifles ignore 10 points of Reduction and can only be fired if properly braced, meaning that character using the weapon may not move and fire the weapon during the same turn. Additionally, the time required for the kami to re-charge the energy-arrays means that once the weapon has been fired, it cannot fired during the following round.
Price: 50 koku

Marksman’s Rifle
Certain circumstances require specialized weapons and, while there are a wide variety of such in existence, the most common are rifles customized for long-range sniping. the Tsuruchi are natural masters of this particular art, and their Distant Thunder model is widely considered one of the best sniper rifles on the market. Common samurai often eschew these weapons, considering their use cowardly and unfair. Beyond the Tsuruchi, these weapons are widespread among specialized units such as Akodo and Daidoji scouts.

The Marksman’s rifle comes with two energy packs, each good for five shots. Changing the energy pack for a Marksman's Rifle is a Simple Action.

Keyword: Large
DR: 4k3
Range: 1000’
Special Rules: Because of the superior targeting optics, any character using a Marksman's Rifle gains +2k0 to all of their attack Rolls with the weapon. The weapon can only be fired if it has been properly braced, meaning that character using it may not move and fire the weapon during the same turn. Additionally the time required for the kami to re-charge the energy-arrays means that once the weapon has been fired, it cannot be used during the following round.
Price: 25 koku

The cylindrical, 4-foot-long incinerator is the primary anti-armor weapon of modern infantry. Heavy and unwieldy, the Incinerator hosts a swarm of tightly-contained, highly-agitated fire kami. Pressing the activation prayer-mechanism at the side of the weapon frees the kami, sending them screaming towards whatever the device is pointed at. Upon impact, the superheated spirits explode furiously, melting silksteel and scorching flesh.

The incinerator contains enough power only for a one shot, after which it needs to be recharged in a suitable facility.

Keyword: Large
DR: 8k8
Range: 300’
Special Rules: The weapon ignores up to 20 points of reduction. Due the cumbersome nature of this weapon, the attacker does not add his or her Perception to rolled dice when determining the damage.
Price: 100 koku

Web Gun
The web Gun is an exotic, non-lethal weapon used to immobilize a target. Originally developed by the Phoenix, it fires masses of fungally-derived filaments, which expand in the air to form a web of sticky, near-unbreakable material. Targets stuck by the web become entangled as the viscous threads wrap around their limbs. The sticky polymers are biodegradable.

The Web Gun contains enough chemicals for five shots, after which it needs to be refueled in a suitable facility.

Keyword: Medium
DR: Special
Special: If the attack hits, the target becomes Entangled and can attempt to break free as a Complex Action with a Strength roll at TN 20. Entanglement lasts for 30 minutes or until the target can free themselves.
Price: 30 koku


Additional energy packs for weapons may be purchased at the rate below
-Sidearm energy packs: 2 bu
-Rifle energy packs: 4 bu
-Assault Rifle energy packs: 1 koku
-Marksman’s rifle energy packs: 6 bu
-Webgun Liquid polymer tank: 3 bu

Energy packs can be recharged by plugging them to a energy source (say an outlet) for six hours (two time slots) or exposing them to open fire for 12 hours (four time slots). Stoke the Inner Fires spell can be used to recharge an energy pack instantly.

A harpoon is a dart-launching device used in fishing and other marine hunting to catch large fish or marine mammals such as dolphins. It accomplishes this task by impaling the target animal and securing it with barb or toggling claws, allowing the fishermen to use a rope or chain attached to the butt of the projectile to catch the animal. A harpoon can also be used as a weapon.

Harpoon-guns hold a single dart, though come with three darts.

Keyword: Large
DR: 2k2
Range: 60’
Special Rules: Target hit by a harpoon-gun become entangled. Entangled characters cannot move away from the attacker. Entangled character my try to break free by spending a Complex Action and rolling Contested Strength against the attacker. If they succeed, they are no longer Entangled.

During their next turn, the attacker may try to reel in an Entangled character by rolling Contested Strength against them. If they succeed, the Engangled Character is moved towards the the attacker by distance determined by the GM.

Loading Harpoon-gun takes two complex actions.

Price: 5 koku

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 Post subject: Re: Firearms and other equipment
PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 6:37 pm 
New melee weapons

The warglave is an awkward combination of traditional naginata and modern sidearm. The six foot polearm is heavier than its ancient counterpart due to the extra weight of an attached rifle. Unfortunately, the sheer size of the weapon makes aiming the sidearm nearly impossible, drastically reducing the weapon's effective range. For these reasons it is a primarily ceremonial weapon.

The weapon comes with one energy pack (sidearm size) which is good for five shots. Changing the energy pack is a Simple Action.

In game terms, the warglave is a Large sidearm and polearm, using Firearms/Reflexes to fire the rifle, and Polearms/Agility to strike with the blade. Additionally, due to the cumbersome nature of the weapon, a character may never attack as a Simple Action with it.

Keyword: Large
DR: Rifle 3k2 / Blade 3k2
Range: 60'
Price: 15 koku

Deflector Fan
Built in the shape of a regular courtly fan the deflector fan contains a small field disruptor within its frame. The field disruptor is activated when the fan is opened, distorting the air around it. A skilled warrior can use fan to deflect shots from radiant weapons, dancing though a hail of fire as they close on the enemy.

In game terms, the Deflector Fan is a warfan that gives its bearer +5 to armor TN against the first shot targeting them each turn.

Keyword: Small
DR: 0k1
Special: + 5 to armor TN against first ranged attack each turn.
Price: 10 koku

Shock Tonfa
Shock Tonfas, or Shockers are metal nightsticks that release an electrical shock upon impact. Designed to incapacitate, this weapon is mostly used by yoriki and security forces to knock down dissidents and criminals resisting arrest without injuring them.

Keyword: Medium
DR: 0k3
Special: Anyone hit by the weapon must pass Stamina roll against TN 10 or become Stunned.
Price: 10 koku

Voice of the Planet • All the Tentacles • Experienced 2

"I believe Planet will talk to us if we are willing to listen."
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 Post subject: Re: Firearms and other equipment
PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 6:37 pm 
New Equipment

Employed by both hackers and programmers, AlterEgo is used to communicate with kami embedded in modern devices. Simple queries can be sent to the kami via complex spiritual machinery that turns written commands into makeshift digital prayers.

The user can access any machine with suitable dataport rolling Use Computers / Intelligence against TN 20. On success, they can converse with the spirits within the machine as if they had cast ‘Commune’ spell. A spirit reached with AlterEgo will answer two questions. The caster may call Raises on the Use Computers roll to get more questions (one per Raise). The caster may also Raise for clarity, to get a more accurate and informative answer to the questions. (Kami are notorious for their inability to fully comprehend human behavior, and asking questions without Raises for clarity can often result in confusing, enigmatic, or incomplete answers.)

Most devices have been programmed to make a log entry for spiritual inquiries meaning that such an intrusion will be eventually discovered.

Price: 6 koku

A modern handheld device which uses a small core of clear plastic imbued with fire kami to create bright cone of light. Price: 2 Bu

A device that upon activation transmits the user’s speech to another communicator within range and within an approved network. Anyone on a ship or station can be assumed to have access to a general communication channel that allows them to contact others sharing ship or station. Price: 3 Bu

Isawa Industritech's recent invention is essentially a large capacity holoslate encased in a small neosteel frame, which boasts greater durability and lacks issues the flimsier holoslates have had with creases in their plastic matrix eventually degrading quality. All models come with a standard digital copy of the Tao of Shinsei, thanks to Phoenix policies. In a moderate nod toward marketing realities, those devices created for Lion markets often include Akodo's Leadership as well.

Waterproof shell may be purchased for 2 bu, though this makes the touch screen somewhat clunky to use.

Price: 3 Bu and upwards

Elemental Performance Tracker
This small wrist mounted item measures and records the Elemental status of its bearer. Data can be uploaded from the tracker to densai assuming both have been manufactured by the same company. Favored by both athletes and soldiers these small devices allow one to optimize their physical training routines.
Price: 1 Koku and upwards

Fantasy Fight Console
Bootleg version of the original Phoenix game that comes with the core set. This allows the player to enjoy the sounds and special effects almost as the Phoenix intended.

3-5 bu

Fantasy Fight deck
Fantasy Fight is a long forgotten virtual card game that found a surprising renaissance during the fall of 3123, eventually spreading to the Empire at large. Crane merchants have attempted to turn the trend to their advantage by acquiring rights to the game and publishing an expansion known as 'Sword and Fan'. Most fans, however, reject such alterations to the elegant game and prefer to stick to what they call the ‘Rice’ version of the game. Fan-driven tournaments proliferate, with rare, unopened packs from the game's heyday becoming sought after prizes.

1 Bu for starter set.
3 Bu for a copy of a tournament winning deck that grants +1 bonus to Games: Fantasy Fight skill rolls.

Gas Mask
A simple device used to protect the wearer against airborne toxins and pollutants. Gas masks come in various shapes and designs, though they can be roughly divided into 'basic' and 'advanced' models. Basic gas mask, when worn, provides 2 Free Raises to resists the effects of airborne toxins and diseases. The advanced model provides three Free Raises instead.
Price: Usually provided to those in need of one. Simple models cost 1 koku, while advanced models are around 2 koku on markets.

Small devices which upon activation, invokes the air-kami within to capture what they see and hear. The recollected images can be replayed from the memory of the spirits. Price 5 koku and upwards.

Foldable sheets of plastic that have replaced paper in every-day use among the samurai. When folded open, the small spiritual circle is closed and whatever written or drawn on the slate becomes softly illuminated. The sheets are normally clear and thus engineers and designers favor them as complex schematics can be observed by layering several holo-slates on top of each other. Most shugenja store their spells on small slates, allowing them to maintain digital copies of the prayers they have mastered. 2 Zeni for 10 slates.

Holodrone combines a simple remote controlled drone with a holorecorder. Widely used by the Clan armies and security forces, the larger and more quiet models are not available to the general public. Smaller devices are sold however, though as the light commercial drones can carry only so much weight, the holorecorders used on the commercial holodrones are often inferior to the hand-held devices. The holodrones are far from quiet, buzzing quite loudly as they hover in the air. This is not a problem for a journalist as they can always edit the footage later, but makes the holodrones next to useless for espionage.

A normal civilian drone can be controlled by voice as long as the operator is withing 15' of the drone. For 'long range' missions the drone can be piloted by a small hand-held console that has a 100' range. Price 7 koku and upwards.

Remote controlled holodrone is flown with Piloting skill. A holodrone stalking a PC can be detected by rolling Investigation (Notice) / Perception against TN 10.

Night vision glasses
Night vision glasses use advanced photosensitive materials to amplify the ambient light, allowing the wearer to see in the dark. Most models have been programmed to instantaneously adapt to changing light conditions, protecting the user from bright flashes of light. Some night vision goggles can be upgraded with infrared module that converts thermal radiation into a visible image. .

Character wearing night vision goggle suffers no penalties for fighting in poor lighting. However they will suffer penalties for fighting in total darkness unless their night vision goggles have the thermal module upgrade.

Price: 6 koku. Thermal module upgrade 4 koku.

Portable Computer
Portable and relatively light (8-12 pounds, depending on the model) version of the ubiquitous consoles found at most work desks in the Empire. For reasons of security, portable computers have limited connectivity, usually only ever able to establish wireless connection to the local networks of the manufacturer’s clan, though most models allow the user to tap into any broadcasts available.

A skilled programmer can establish a virtual personal tether (VPT) to other networks (Use Computers / Intelligence at TN 20) as long as they can find a socket to plug their computer into. Generally such sockets can be found by stationary consoles. It should perhaps be noted that plugging your portable computer to an ATM or other public consoles might raise questions.

When combined with a communicator, the device can be usually used to access the lowest-level communication networks, though the operator should be wary that the network's bots are likely to infiltrate his or her hardware for 'security reasons' if they connect their machine to the network in such a direct fashion.

Price: 3 to 5 koku, with lighter models costing usually more.

Portable device capable of playing music, either by tapping into local networks or by playing files downloaded from a densai or computer terminal. Many prefer to build music libraries of their own as the public broadcasts are usually filled with propaganda and commercials.

Price: 2 bu for a version without internal hard disc, 4 bu for a version with a hard disc and ability to connect it to a computer or densai.

This is a weapon attachment that allows one to fire a sidearm without revealing their presence. Even after attacking a target, opponents and bystanders must succeed at a Contested Roll using Investigation (Notice) / Perception against your Stealth / Agility to detect you. (The GM may rule that this does not work in situations where concealment is impossible.) When a silencer is employed, the weapon's range is halved. 2 Koku

Voice of the Planet • All the Tentacles • Experienced 2

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 Post subject: Re: Firearms and other equipment
PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 2:49 am 


Kami-Pet was first created by the Phoenix Clan as a teaching tool for their young shugenja, allowing them to learn lessons in appeasing and revering the elemental kami. However, their novelty soon spread outside of the clan and even to non-shugenja who see the opportunity to keep a handheld pet without the need to adhere to strict pet rules on ships and space stations. The Kami-Pet is a fire kami that takes shape into a creature and the owner must foster them to full growth, which takes 5 full days.

The owner must roll Animal Handling/Awareness at TN10 once per day. If the owner succeeds, the pet grows and the TN is increased by One for the next day. If the owner fails the roll and the differences is greater than 5, the pet is displeased and leaves. If the roll only fails otherwise, the pet remains, but doesn't grow and the TN remains unchanged. After the pet has grown five times, the kami is full-grown and must be appeased with purification, religious offerings and maintenance of the shrine hosted by the Kami-Pet. The daily roll is replaced with Lore: Theology/Intelligence at TN15, and the TN increases by One per day indefinitely. Any time the owner fails with a difference of greater than 5, the pet is displeased and leaves. Anytime a pet leaves, they are replaced by another on the next day.

Kami-Pet are known to be demanding and require attention. If the owner forgets to make a roll for the day, the pet does not receive any attention and leaves. They will find their previous pet replaced with another pet after the day ends.

Price: 1 Koku

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