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Author:  Tassu [ Thu Aug 29, 2019 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Fear

Any time a character is confronted with something which might make his courage falter, the GM can make him roll to resist a Fear effect. Fear effects are given a Rank, ranging from 1 to 10, to represent their severity. To resist a Fear effect, a character must roll Raw Willpower at a TN equal to 5 + (5 x Fear Rank). Thus, resisting a Fear 3 effect requires a roll at TN 20. All characters may add their Honor Rank to the Willpower Roll.

A character who fails to resist a Fear effect suffers a penalty to all of his die rolls equal to –Xk0, where X is the Rank of the Fear effect. Thus, for example, a Fear 2 effect would inflict a –2k0 penalty on all die rolls. This penalty lasts until the end of the encounter, unless the source of the Fear is removed prior to that time. If a character fails a roll to resist Fear by 15 or more, she is overwhelmed by fear and either flees or cowers helplessly, as the GM warrants.

A Fear effect occurring at the beginning of a combat happens before initiative is rolled but during the first combat round. This means that should character fail to resist the Fear they will suffer the -Xk0 penalty to their initiative roll. Should character use Void point to gain +1k1 on their Willpower Trait Roll to resist Fear they cannot use Void points that round for any other effects unless they possess an ability that allows them to bypass this rule. (See page 78 on Core Book for using Void)

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