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 Post subject: Re: [D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense
PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 10:52 pm 
Now this was... well, actually it was flying a drone.

Well, still. Yul was at least good at flying a drone. And even if someone would disagree, he did have some measure of tactical awareness.

The drone was in position. It fired! A lot! Pew pew!

Yul shrugged. It wasn't quite the same as flying, but it was a fun game anyway.


D8LM, Reading Radar, Battle/Per, 1CR, VP 1k1, TN 20: 4d10o10k3 34
D8LM,Stay on target, pilot/agi, 2CR, TN25, Utaku1, VP 1k1: 6d10o10k4+6 45
D8LM,Fire, Radiant, Fire/Ref, 2CR, TN30, Utaki 1: 7d10o10k4+6 31
D8LM,Fire, Radiant, damage, 3 hits: 3#6d10o10k3 20 13 17
Total: 8 points, 50 tiebreaker

Unicorn | Bushi | Flyboy | Maverick | Dangerously Sexy | "Cricket"
Status: 1.0 | Glory 1.0 | Honor: Exceptional | Courtship points: 9
Standard Carry: Daisho, sidearm, communicator, (synthleather) jacket, aviators
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 Post subject: Re: [D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense
PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 11:33 pm 
Nozomi went into the room and analyzed the readings with not much effort. She then took up the reins on the drone, carefully taking it through the motions. Once lined up, she looked at the incoming meteor and though to go for an outstanding shot.

Right as she was about to fire the trigger, she twitched and looked over her shoulder. She looked back and watched her missile barely miss her target. "What? The calculations were all right though!"


D8 LM Pre-Stage 1 Reversal of Fortunes TN 10: 4d10o10k3 20
D8 LM Stage 1 Battle / Perception TN 30, 3 CR, VP for +1k1: 5d10o10k4 32

D8 LM Pre-Stage 2 Reversal of Fortunes TN 10: 4d10o10k3 17
D8 LM Stage 2 Piloting / Agility TN 15, VP for +1k1: 3d10 18

D8 LM Pre-Stage 3 Reversal of Fortunes TN 10: 4d10o10k3 16
D8 LM Stage 3 Engineering / Intelligence TN 35, 3 CR, VP for +1k1 (I DIDN'T WANT TO GO FULL GUTS BUT I DID): 5d10o10k4 28
D8 LM Stage 3 Engineering / Intelligence TN 35, 3 CR, VP for +1k1 (ROF REROLL TO SAVE ME FROM MY ARROGANCE): 5d10o10k4 30
Orokos has deemed me unworthy of 3 Raises.

Total: 5 Points

Lion | Shugenja | Avid Reader | Awkward Conversationalist | Apparently Unimportant
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.6 | Honor: Exceptional | Courtship Points: 2 | Profile | Theme
Carries: Wakizashi, Sidearm, Holoslates, Densai, Portable Informator, Personal Seal, Fan, Holorecorder, Communicator
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 Post subject: Re: [D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense
PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 4:05 am 
This was very much not his area. He was a detective, someone who sought to uphold and execute the Law. This was... this was Ishiyo's arena. But he wanted to do his part.

He could read the radar, an instinctual perceptive mind that saw the various coordinates.

And while nothing fancy, he could pilot the drone into position.

He fired the radiant cannons. Missing widely.

"Hmm." He silently spoke, before vacating the simulator.

LM8 - Miai Event: Orbital Defense - Reading the Radar (Perception 3, Battle 0, Strength in Terror +3, TN15): 3d10+3 16 +1 Defence Point

LM8 - Miai Event: Orbital Defense - Stay On Target (Agility 3, Piloting 0, TN15): 3d10 20 +1 Defence Point

LM8 - Miai Event: Orbital Defense - Fire Everything! - Radiant Weapons (Reflexes 3, Firearms 2, Strength in Terror +1, TN20): 5d10o10k3+1 15 0 Defence Points, No Pin

Total: 2 Defence Points

Spider | Bushi | Disturbing Countenance | Wary | Sensation
Status: 1.0 | Glory 1.7 | Honor: Honorless Dog
Courtship Points: 0
Carries: Daisho, Sidearm, Uniform with the Daigotsu Mon, rank in Silver with black outline, Jade cufflinks, Communicator, Densai
Danger: Rifle, Light Armor
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 Post subject: Re: [D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense
PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 5:25 am 
Bayushi Akagi stared deep into the radar display. The meteors were dim spots, almost invisible even to their best sensors, like specks of dust under the glass. Selecting one of them as his target, the Scorpion pushed the throttle forward to cause his remotely piloted drone’s thrusters to propel the drone towards the tiny blip on the radar. But no matter how hard Akagi made the thrusters burn, it just didn’t seem like the target was getting any closer.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” he muttered, and wiped the radar display with his sleeve. The radar contact that he had chosen as an objective wiped off with it. Akagi cursed as he realized he had been burning thrusters full power towards a mote of dust that didn’t even exist.

After carefully cleaning the smudged monitor until it was crystal clear, Akagi picked another target, a small rock on the fringe of the meteor storm formation, and adjusted his drone’s course to intercept it. Laying in a firing solution, Akagi pressed the button that caused the drone’s beam weapons to score the meteor with radiant energy.

“That’s better,” Akagi said with a sigh of relief as much of the meteor’s mass evaporated away into space.

8LM Reading the Radar PER/Battle TN15: 3d10 9 failed
8LM Stay on Target AGI/Piloting TN15: 3d10 10 failed
8LM I’m doing my part! REF/Firearms TN20: 7d10o10k4 22 hit for 1 Defence Point!
8LM Radiant Weapon damage: 6d10o10k3 32 damage to a meteor. Pin acquired!

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Merchant Marine • Doshin
Status 1.0 • Glory 2.3 (saved Asako Chiruha) • Untrustworthy
carries: daisho, sidearm, communicator, portable informator, holorecorder.
when appropriate: otori mount, light armor, standard rifle.
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 Post subject: Re: [D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense
PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 8:18 pm 
Hoshiko had watched this once as a child. It had been a spectacular sight, like fireworks among a shower of falling stars. Actually shooting at meteors was a different experience. It reminded her of the games at Starcade. Maybe that's why she did as well as she did. But she couldn't match her sister.

- - -
[D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense, Battle/Perception, 2 CR, TN 25, VP for +1k1: 5d10o10k4 33 Should say "Void for Skill", which is reflected by dicepool and Raises called.
[D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense, Piloting/Agility TN 15, Unskilled: 3d10 21
[D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense, Firearms/Reflexes TN 20, Void for Skill: 4d10o10k3 21
[D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense, Radiant Weapon Damage: 6d10o10k3 21

5 points, unless Battle needs to be rerolled

志浪 星子 Phoenix, Shugenja, Nakauchi Trained, Older Twin, Darling, Sensation... Let's Dance!
Status: 1 (2 in Court), Honour: As Expected, Glory: 1, Courtship Points 1

GEAR: Densai, Wakizashi, Water Bottle, Purse
Accompanied by Ren, a shiba inu.
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 Post subject: Re: [D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense
PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 11:57 pm 
"Hello my old nemesis." Tetsu squints at an ancient looking simulator sensor display. This had been his bane at the academy, trying to predict and failing. The doubt creeps in and he second guesses himself, going completely the wrong way. What should be a basic piloting maneuver goes awry, kicking him out of the proper flight path.

From then though "You're in my wheelhouse now!" Gunnery practice was a must for members of the Crab Navy, and Tetsubwas no exception. His asteroid shatters to bits on the virtual display.

LM-Orbital Defense-Reading the Radar-Battle/Perception-1 raise for no effect for Doubt, 1 called raise, Tn 25: 3d10o10k2 20 Fail, 0 points
LMD8-Orbital Defense-Stay on Target-TN 15-Piloting/Agility: 4d10o10k3 13

LMD8-Orbital Defense-Fire Everything!-Engineering/Intelligence-TN 20: 6d10o10k4 30 1 point

Missile Damage: 10d10o10k8 47 - Asteroid Destroyed! +0.1 Glory

Crab Clan | Bushi/Artisan | Tinkerer
Honor: What is expected Status: 1.0 Glory: 2.0
Carries: Sturdy clothing, Daisho, Paper and Ink, Holorecorder, Communicator, Sochu
When Serious: Heavy Armor
"Drumstick" the Otori
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 Post subject: Re: [D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 6:05 am 
Some things the Tsuruchi wasn't made for, and if yesterday was no indication Drone piloting was one of them. Taking his place at the console he looked down at it a soft frown on his features. Where was the trigger? He was supposed to fire something wasn't he?

Looking at it, he started to experimentally press warriors buttons. Now that wasn't it? He ducked his head down checking under the console. It wasn't there either... Which was good, it would of been silly. Tapping his chin he began examine the chair. No, this wasn't like one of those videos.

Shouldn't there be like a flight stick or something? He continued to frown and press buttons experimentally, but soon enough the simulation was over...

Day 8, orbital defense. Reading the radar. Battle/perception. Void for skill, 2 raises. Tn 25: 4d10o10k3 21

Day 8, orbital defense. Stay on target, may as well go a little YOLO... void for 1k1 3 raises tn 30.: 4d10o10k3 22

Day 8, orbital defense. Fire everything! Radiant weapons 2 raises, firearms/reflexes tn 30: 8d10o10k4 20

0 points... it's ok I got to shoot giant dinos.

Mantis Clan * Bushi * Well Off * Smoker * Marksman
Honor: 3.5 Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.8

Carries: Wakazashi, Sidearm(where appropriate). Cigarettes, Lighter, Communicator, Densai, Holorecorder, Gun belt, earphones

Courtship points: 6 (Certified quality husband material)
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 Post subject: Re: [D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 3:05 pm 
Izumi understood all the principles of what they had to do. Just he'd never, ever done anything like this. On every Fox colony the actual orbital defences were the responsibilities of the Lion . . . Still, that would not stop him trying!!!

The radar was difficult to begin with by not having a high enough seat. He only got a good look at half the screen and totally picked out all the wrong rocks. Then he proceeded to fly the drone perfectly at the wrong set of wrong rocks . . . .

Then came the shot! FOXEH LIKED FLASHY, SO FLASHY-FLASHY was fired. The radiant beam zapped out at the offending rock. Light intersected dark . . . . and just kept on going. MISSED!!!!


The Fox was not happy.

D8 LM FOXEH READ RADAR BESTEST! Bat/Per TN 15: 3d10 13 nupes, it was upside down. Honest.

D8 LM FOXEH PILOT DRONE GOOD! Pil/Agi TN 15: 2d10 6 . . . in the wrong direction . . .

D8 LM FOXEH FIRE IT ALL!!! ALL I SAY!!!! Fir/Ref TN 20: 3d10o10k2 19 . . . ACK! just winged it!

0 Points and Irate Fox.

Kitsune Clan * Shugenja * Smol * Rich * FULL ON FOXEH * Connected * Fantasy Fight Champion * CP 6

Glory 1.3 * Status 4.0 * Honour What is Expected

Carries: Wakizashi, sidearm, spellslates, communicator, densai, medicine pack, kami-pet.
Current Hair Colour: D12
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 Post subject: Re: [D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 4:29 pm 
Unfortunately Koseki wasn't on form today. He was more likely to be hurtling at an asteroid than vice versa. So his strategy wasn't great.

He tried to make up for it with fancy flying but ended up over-reaching and out of position. It would have been easier in space, or so he told himself later.

Fortunately when it came to demolitions he was a freaking expert. It felt pretty satisfying to blast some rock to smithereens, even a computer generated one.

So he walked away with a planetary defense pun even though he felt a bit let down by his performance.


D8. LM. Orbital Defense. Reading The Radar. Battle/Perception. Void for skill. 1CR. TN20.: 3d10o10k2 9 Fail.

D8. LM. Orbital Defense. Stay On Target. Piloting/Agility. 2CR. Prodigy. TN25: 7d10o10k3 23 Fail.

D8. LM. Orbital Defense. Fire Everything! Engineering (Siege)/Intelligence. 2CR. Prodigy. Hotaru 1. Void for +1k1.TN30: 8d10o10k4 34. Success, 3 points.

D8. LM. Orbital Defense. Fire Everything! Missile Damage 10k10: 10d10o10 61 Boom! Stray asteroid gone if the big one is finished by now.

3 points and a pin badge for the Firefly

Firefly Clan • Bushi • Miner • Pilot • Engineer • Prodigy • Fearless • Tough • Smokin • Author • Drummer • Fan
Status 1.0 | Glory 2.0 | Honour Expected | Courtship Points 3

Equipment: Sturdy clothes, densai, Sidearm, Daisho, lighter, smokes.
Where appropriate: Light armour, rifle
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 Post subject: Re: [D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 9:56 pm 
Oh kami, why? She had new idea what she was doing. However, determined to help, Shizuku sat down in front of the controls the people around pointed her toward. She was somewhat familiar with them, thankfully. Though she rarely spent time on the bridge, she'd seen radar arrays, and could at least interpret the information.

Unfortunately, being able to see the meteorites didn't mean that she could get the drone anywhere near where it was supposed to be. The bot leaned and spun, weaving back and forth like a drunk Mantis on shore leave. At least it got there eventually. The target reticle lit up by chance on one of its many spins around, and she fired near-blindly.

Unfortunately, the drone swung out of the way too quickly and she missed.


Orbital: Battle/Per TN 15: 3d10o10k2 17 Success
Orbital: Piloting/Agi, Void for skill, 1 raise for TN 20: 4d10o10k3 9 Fail
Orbital: Firearms/Ref TN 20: 5d10o10k2 18 Fail

1 Point

Crane Clan | Bushi | Programmer | Very Active | Space Cadet | Can't Lie | Profile
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: Exceptional | CP 5
Carries: Daisho, sidearm, portable computer, densai, communicator
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 Post subject: Re: [D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 10:47 pm 
Reading The Radar

Looking at the radar, and magnifying to get a better view of how many of the meteors are coming. "I see a lot of Bogeys in coming."

Reading The Radar (Perc 3 + Battle 2 + 2 CR) = 25: 7d10o10k3 29 3 pt

Stay On Target

"Mobilizing orbital defense drones."

Stay On Target (Agility 3 + unskilled + 1 VP) = TN 15: 4d10o10k4 29 1 pt

Fire Everything!

And.. Nothing.

Fire Everything! Radiant Weapons (Ref 3 + Firearms 3 + 1 VP + 2 CR) = TN 30: 8d10o10k4 24 0 pt

4 pts

Crane | Bushi | Soldier | Driver | Balance | Reichtum | Conumed - Strength | Idealistic | Can't Lie
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.2 | Honor: Exceptional | CP 3
Carries: Daisho, sidearm - silencer, rifle, densai, communicator, Night Vision Goggles

Theme | Profile
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 Post subject: Re: [D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:00 am 



"Asteroids! These giant space rocks have pummeled the planet of Asakaze since long before humans settled here."


"Did these ancient asteroid strikes change the planet's climate and contribute to the native biodiversity here today? Asako scientists are still investigatin'!"


"But one thing we do know, now that humans have arrived, a new strike could devastate the colony! Let's see how the locals prepare to keep that from happenin' on their watch..."

Few things made Atsumori genuinely anxious, but one printed line on the miai agenda had been troubling him--just slightly--all week. "Orbital Defense"? That sounded suspiciously... aerial.

When the participants were told that Asakaze's asteroid defense system was drone-based, Atsumori heaved a sigh of relief loud enough that anyone near him could have heard it.

"Let me at 'em! I fly drones all the time." Well, one holorecorder drone, anyway. But now that he knew his breakfast was going to stay where it belonged, he was confident he wouldn't be embarrassing himself today.

And, in fact, he piloted the orbital drone quite competently. Except... this was not a holorecorder drone, and when the instructions said 'shoot', they meant actually shoot. Like, with the weapons systems. Definitely not 'get in and line up an extra close view.' And definitely, definitely not 'get in and try to line up an extra close view, let your simulated drone get clipped by the asteroid's particle trail, and explode in a giant simulated fireball.' Oh, well...

Some you win, some you lose. At least his guts were completely undisturbed.


Step 1: Succeed, 1 point
D8 LM Event--radar scan, battle/perception TN 15: 3d10 15

Step 2: Succeed with 2 raises, 3 points
D8 LM Event--piloting/agi, oh thank gawd it's a remote drone, VP. 2 CR = TN 25: 5d10o10k4 33

Step 3: Fail with raises! 0 points.
D8 LM Event--firearms/reflex, shoot the big spess rocks! VP. 2 CR = TN 30: 7d10o10k4 24

Final tally: 4 points, no shiny pin.

Phoenix • Bushi • Wildlife Enthusiast • Rider of Princess (•ө•)
Courtship Points: 5 • Glory: 1 • Status: 1 • Honor: Expected • Description
Everyday kit: Sidearm, daisho, densai, communicator, recorder drone, pocket knife, fan.
Outside town: Web gun, misc. utility gear, armor

"Here we see the miai participant in his natural habitat..."
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 Post subject: Re: [D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:40 am 
Event is closed as we get to D9. Boogie will score this when she can get to it.

Voice of the Planet • All the Tentacles • Experienced 2

"I believe Planet will talk to us if we are willing to listen."
- Asako Mafuyu
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 Post subject: Re: [D8 LM] Miai Event: Orbital Defense
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:56 am 
At the conclusion of the drill exercise, the locals are sure to give the participants a round of applause for their participation. While it wasn't exactly a real incident, they had done their part and saved the colony from a lot of property damage! If this were a real incident, the colonists were sure that the participants would have done their part and that alone was worthy of praise!

The meteor storm is defeated by...
Susumu Geppu
Shiba Moriko
Kuchiki Tsugiharu
Asako Mal-Chin
Bayushi Tenma
Yasuki Nishida

Suzume Shion
Moto Ruhe
Kuchiki Satoru
Utaku Hyeon-Ju
Shinjo Yul
Fundai Tetsu
Hotaru Koseki
...did their part (40 damage or more dealt)!

All defenders above gain +0.1 Glory and a pin for their participation in the military exercise! Well done!

[Score Board]
Maximum damage dealt by radiant weapon barrage: Shiba Moriko, 157 (39%/15% assist)
Maximum damage dealt by guided missile: Yasuki Nishida, 79 (0.5%/7.5% assist)
Total damage dealt by everyone: 1049

1st place: Moto Ruhe, 8 points and 108 damage
2nd place: Shinjo Yul, 8 points and 50 damage
3rd place: Akodo Akihiko, 8 points and 28 damage

Moto Ruhe gains 3 Courtship Points!
Shinjo Yul gains 2 Courtship Points!
Akodo Akihiko gains 1 Courtship Point!

Yasuki Rogue Trader • Advocate of Great Hats • And Plushies! • Really-Really • Experienced 2

Avatar by chibi-oneechan
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