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 Post subject: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 4:45 am 
You know if you are supposed to be here.

Through tireless research, communing with the world itself and having taken part to the activities of the Shinri, many of the characters taking part to the miai on Asakaze have become aware that the seemingly dogmatic sect is up to something nefarious. While none of the people involved quite know what is happening, they all have a nagging sensation that something is wrong.

From their vantage point at the edge of the fungal thickets, the characters would be able to see two of the cult elders in the middle of the clearing in what seemed like a heated discussion. Moral alarmingly, a young man wearing the robes of the cult laid chained to the stone, euphoric smile on his lips. Moriko and Hoshiko would be able to identify the young man as Saneyuki. Bit further away, two shrine maidens stood at guard, both of the young women grasping rifles as they patrol the clearing.

Cunning of the Fox, Speed of the Wolf
The character may either try to sneak closer, everyone rolling Stealth/Agility against the shrine maidens. If all of the characters succeed, the cults count as having been surprised and suffer -10 to their Initiatives. This allows the characters start from 60' from the cultists.

Alternatively, the characters may charge in, rolling Athletics / Agility against TN 20 to navigate the fungal thickets for cover. Each character that passes this roll may add +5 to their TN to be hit for the two first turns of the combat. Do remember that spells in the system hit automatically and cover offers no help against prayers of the shugenja. This allows the characters start from 120' from the cultists.

When making your initial posts, not also which approach your character prefers. In case of a tie, Moriko's vote is the tie-breaker. After your first posts I will make a post to reflect what the party is doing. Then you will post your Stealth OR Athletics rolls and your Stance / TN to bit hit / Initiative rolls and we go from there.

Voice of the Planet • All the Tentacles • Experienced 2

"I believe Planet will talk to us if we are willing to listen."
- Asako Mafuyu
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 5:57 am 
"Shit, Saneyuki-san," Moriko breathed, readying her webgun. "The priests may intend to sacrifice him," she whispered to group, "we should close in and incapacitate the four of them as quickly as possible." She had a carefully bundled length of rope fastened to her gunbelt, and a sidearm on her left hip, just in case. "If they won't be taken alive," her eyes met Ryuu's, "do what you must."

OOC: Moriko votes to charge in.

志浪 森子 Bushi, Younger Twin, Dishevelled ...SQUIRREL!
Status: 1.0, Honour: As Expected, Glory: 1.3

GEAR: Sidearm, Webgun, Wakizashi, Water Bottle, Sundries.
Accompanied by Ten, a shiba inu.

She floats so soft inside his web...
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:16 am 
Ryuu, clad in the ebon armor of the Obsidian Magistrate, checked the rifle. His eyes narrowed, focused on the task at hand.

"I will not hesitate." There was a coldness to his voice. "Charging in may give us some cover from those rifles."

Ooc: I vote Speed of the Wolf.

Spider | Bushi | Disturbing Countenance | Wary | Sensation
Status: 1.0 | Glory 1.7 | Honor: Honorless Dog
Courtship Points: 0
Carries: Daisho, Sidearm, Uniform with the Daigotsu Mon, rank in Silver with black outline, Jade cufflinks, Communicator, Densai
Danger: Rifle, Light Armor
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:12 am 
Hoshiko readied her densai, nodding. "I'll follow you all in."

- - -
Speed of the Wolf

志浪 星子 Phoenix, Shugenja, Nakauchi Trained, Older Twin, Darling, Sensation... Let's Dance!
Status: 1 (2 in Court), Honour: As Expected, Glory: 1, Courtship Points 1

GEAR: Densai, Wakizashi, Water Bottle, Purse
Accompanied by Ren, a shiba inu.
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 1:50 pm 
With the party deciding to attack as honorable samurai should, Atsumori joined the others.

Phoenix • Bushi • Wildlife Enthusiast • Rider of Princess (•ө•)
Courtship Points: 5 • Glory: 1 • Status: 1 • Honor: Expected • Description
Everyday kit: Sidearm, daisho, densai, communicator, recorder drone, pocket knife, fan.
Outside town: Web gun, misc. utility gear, armor

"Here we see the miai participant in his natural habitat..."
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 1:54 pm 
Their advance did not go unnoticed, the two miko shouting warnings even as they braced their weapons.

"Intruders! Intruders!"

"For the Gilded King!"

Even as the shrine maidens sought to secure good firing position, the elders sought cover while keeping an eye on the samurai hellbent to bring the dark ritual to an end


"Kill them!"


Please roll your Athletics / Agility checks to seek cover, please roll Initiative and indicate your TN to be hit. You are 120' from the miko and 150' from the shugenja. Also write ghosting instructions in your PF!

Voice of the Planet • All the Tentacles • Experienced 2

"I believe Planet will talk to us if we are willing to listen."
- Asako Mafuyu
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 2:37 pm 
"Right, guess this is it. Cheers." Atsumori cast a tense grin at the others.

Even if they were going to sacrifice that poor bloke, Atsumori couldn't quite bring himself to pull a deadly weapon on a couple of young girls who might still be talked down. He charged through the brush with the web gun he usually used for wildlife at the ready. Unfortunately, his armor made it harder to maneuver as effectively as he would otherwise have managed.


D10 LA--charging, Ath/Agi TN 20 +5 for armor = 25: 5d10o10k3 21

No cover bonus.
Attack stance, ATN 25
Reduction 3
Initiative: 17

Last edited by Shiba Atsumori on Sun Sep 27, 2020 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Phoenix • Bushi • Wildlife Enthusiast • Rider of Princess (•ө•)
Courtship Points: 5 • Glory: 1 • Status: 1 • Honor: Expected • Description
Everyday kit: Sidearm, daisho, densai, communicator, recorder drone, pocket knife, fan.
Outside town: Web gun, misc. utility gear, armor

"Here we see the miai participant in his natural habitat..."
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 2:52 pm 
Ryuu was quick, even with the terrain, he engaged, serpentining his way up from stalk to stalk, able to maintain cover while keeping his focus on the mission objective.

Doji Ayame howled in his ear, slowing his reflexes. He had made a choice, and she had such plans.

"Honored Oubaasan... kindly... not now!" He hissed under his breath, the distraction impacting his Reflexes at a poor opportunity.

LA10 - Ascension - Fungal Stalks for Cover - (Agility 3, Athletics 2, Strength of Terror +3, +5 TN for Light Armor, TN25): 5d10o10k3+3 44

LA10 - Ascension - Initiative (Reflexes 3, IR 1, -1k1 for Angry Haunted): 3d10o10k2 17

Initiative 17
ATN 25 (30 from ranged attacks for 2 rounds)
Reduction 3
Attack Stance

0/15 Healthy (Earth 3 + Strength of the Earth)
Rifle Range 300'

Ghosting Instructions
-Geek the Mages, 5d10o10k3+Difference in Honor (Ryuu's is 1, subtract lowest from highest)
Remain in Attack Stance, save void for damage Reduction.

Last edited by Daigotsu Ryuu on Sun Sep 27, 2020 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Spider | Bushi | Disturbing Countenance | Wary | Sensation
Status: 1.0 | Glory 1.7 | Honor: Honorless Dog
Courtship Points: 0
Carries: Daisho, Sidearm, Uniform with the Daigotsu Mon, rank in Silver with black outline, Jade cufflinks, Communicator, Densai
Danger: Rifle, Light Armor
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 3:09 pm 
This was all too unfamiliar to Moriko, too many anxieties striking her from too many directions. She focused on keeping her feet, rather than keeping in cover as she closed the distance. Not close enough, the priests and maidens outside her webgun’s range.

[D10 LA] Serpentine! Serpentine! (Agility 3 / Athletics 1, Light Amour, Adjusted TN25): 4d10o10k3 18
Failure. No cover bonus.

Initiative: 11
ATN: 25
Reduction: 3
Defence Stance (+3 ATN)

Stance changed with GM permission.

Last edited by Shiba Moriko on Sun Sep 27, 2020 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

志浪 森子 Bushi, Younger Twin, Dishevelled ...SQUIRREL!
Status: 1.0, Honour: As Expected, Glory: 1.3

GEAR: Sidearm, Webgun, Wakizashi, Water Bottle, Sundries.
Accompanied by Ten, a shiba inu.

She floats so soft inside his web...
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 3:25 pm 
Hoshiko dashed forward, preparing to unleash the elements.

- - -
[D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension, Speed of the Wolf, Athletics/Agility TN 20: 4d10o10k3 21 +5 ATN for 2 rounds
Initiative: 22
Stance: Defence
ATN: 29 for 2 rounds

志浪 星子 Phoenix, Shugenja, Nakauchi Trained, Older Twin, Darling, Sensation... Let's Dance!
Status: 1 (2 in Court), Honour: As Expected, Glory: 1, Courtship Points 1

GEAR: Densai, Wakizashi, Water Bottle, Purse
Accompanied by Ren, a shiba inu.
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 3:35 pm 
"I see them! Mika!"

While one of the miko was quick on her feet, her companion was more sluggish, panicking as she fiddled with the safety of her gun.

"What are they doing here!"

"Protect the gift!"

The two priests also sprung into action, taking cover.

Saneyuki for his part seemed to remain oblivious, grinning as he laid tied to a rock.


Hoshiko 22
Elder Ken 20
Shrine Maiden Hana 18
Ryuu 17
Atsumori 17
Masked Elder 12
Moriko 11
Shrine Maiden Mika 7
Saneyuki - drugged and happy

You are 120' from the miko and 150' from the shugenja. Elders are in cover, Hoshiko and Ryuu are in the cover.

Hoshiko is up.

Voice of the Planet • All the Tentacles • Experienced 2

"I believe Planet will talk to us if we are willing to listen."
- Asako Mafuyu
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 3:44 pm 
Hoshiko attempted to call down the power of the elements, but the kami did not heed her.

- - -
[D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension, Fury of Osano Wo targeting Elder Ken, TN 10: 3d10o10k2 6

志浪 星子 Phoenix, Shugenja, Nakauchi Trained, Older Twin, Darling, Sensation... Let's Dance!
Status: 1 (2 in Court), Honour: As Expected, Glory: 1, Courtship Points 1

GEAR: Densai, Wakizashi, Water Bottle, Purse
Accompanied by Ren, a shiba inu.
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 3:48 pm 
Elder ken pointed his finger at Hoshiko, murmuring arcane words. A bright bolt of sickly yellow energies shot from his fingers, striking the Phonenix shugenja and shocking her body.

Hoshi takes 16 damage and must make Stamina roll against TN 15 or become unable to use Void points during their next activation (they can use Void outside their activation normally)

Voice of the Planet • All the Tentacles • Experienced 2

"I believe Planet will talk to us if we are willing to listen."
- Asako Mafuyu
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 3:51 pm 

Meanwhile Hana took aim at Atsumori, her shot nailing a small lizard scuttling on a tree just by his side, but leaving him unharmed.

Voice of the Planet • All the Tentacles • Experienced 2

"I believe Planet will talk to us if we are willing to listen."
- Asako Mafuyu
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 4:01 pm 

Ryuu, figuring that the priests were the immediate threat, took aim at elder Ken, scoring a solid hit that struck his shoulder.


Ken takes 13 damage after Voiding it.

Last edited by Daigotsu Ryuu on Sun Sep 27, 2020 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Spider | Bushi | Disturbing Countenance | Wary | Sensation
Status: 1.0 | Glory 1.7 | Honor: Honorless Dog
Courtship Points: 0
Carries: Daisho, Sidearm, Uniform with the Daigotsu Mon, rank in Silver with black outline, Jade cufflinks, Communicator, Densai
Danger: Rifle, Light Armor
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 4:04 pm 
Hoshi gritted her teeth as her body was wracked with pain and she felt the balance within her disrupted.

- - -
Damage Voided to 6
[D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension, Stamina: 2d10o10 10

志浪 星子 Phoenix, Shugenja, Nakauchi Trained, Older Twin, Darling, Sensation... Let's Dance!
Status: 1 (2 in Court), Honour: As Expected, Glory: 1, Courtship Points 1

GEAR: Densai, Wakizashi, Water Bottle, Purse
Accompanied by Ren, a shiba inu.
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 4:19 pm 
Atsumori winced on behalf of the lizard. It hadn't asked to be dragged in to this!

"Sorry miss, but all's fair in..." he muttered as he lined up a shot on the second shrine maiden, the one who was just about to get her safety off. But he could tell it was too far--the web gun's payload would fall short, and he only had so many shots. Cursing, he jogged forward.

Stance: still attack!
ATN: still 25
Reduction: 3

ignore the attack roll I made, I can't get closer than 110' and still shoot, so no shooty for me.

Simple move 2x, 40' total. Now 80' from miko and 110' from priests.

Phoenix • Bushi • Wildlife Enthusiast • Rider of Princess (•ө•)
Courtship Points: 5 • Glory: 1 • Status: 1 • Honor: Expected • Description
Everyday kit: Sidearm, daisho, densai, communicator, recorder drone, pocket knife, fan.
Outside town: Web gun, misc. utility gear, armor

"Here we see the miai participant in his natural habitat..."
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 4:20 pm 
The masked elder, covering behind a stone pointed his fingers at Hoshiko, murmuring a prayer as he did so. The same yellow-white energies stuck out again, scorching her hair and robes.


Hoshiko takes 9 damage.

Voice of the Planet • All the Tentacles • Experienced 2

"I believe Planet will talk to us if we are willing to listen."
- Asako Mafuyu
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 4:25 pm 
Moriko winced as her sister bore the brunt of the priests attacks, anger rising with in her. She cautiously stalked forward...

2x move = 40ft.
Now 80ft from the Miko, 110ft from the priests.

Defence stance.
ATN: 28
Reduction: 3

志浪 森子 Bushi, Younger Twin, Dishevelled ...SQUIRREL!
Status: 1.0, Honour: As Expected, Glory: 1.3

GEAR: Sidearm, Webgun, Wakizashi, Water Bottle, Sundries.
Accompanied by Ten, a shiba inu.

She floats so soft inside his web...
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Side Event: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 4:39 pm 

"Uhh, how did this work again..." Hana pointed her rifle at Moriko and pulled the trigger, somehow managing to hit the elusive samurai-ko, striking her squarely.

Moriko takes 29 damage.

Voice of the Planet • All the Tentacles • Experienced 2

"I believe Planet will talk to us if we are willing to listen."
- Asako Mafuyu
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