You know if you're supposed to be here.The majority of the day was quiet, which was perhaps unfavourable with the given circumstances. The kidnappers gave no further contact to Akodo Akihiko and any calls to Kuni Eriko's communicator would yield nothing, revealing that there the recipient of the contact was no longer on the world. That could have meant either her communicator was destroyed or she had been taken off-world. This possibility hanged in the air until sometime in the afternoon Akodo Akihiko would find his communicator spammed with message notices. Often, samurai communicators were default set to overlook messages from heimen, not even warning buzz or a beep.

Akodo Akihiko<<
Tou: hay>>
Tou: accept>>
Tou: hay>>
Tou: ay>>
Tou: HAY>>
Tou: HERO>>
Tou: fuck>>
Tou: meet me at development i13 before sundown>>
Tou: do it or shes dead>>
Development I-13 could be found at the farmlands, a collection of acres of newly tilled land. Construction was ongoing before the miai, only put on hold by the governor to have the local worker focus on other matters. The development was meant to host a large corral for farmed otori and more specifically, would eventually serve as a slaughterhouse to provide the colony's potential growing demand for local protein in the future. Much of the structures had been erected already, made of metal frames and panels for walls. There were long stretches of tall fencing set up that lead to a large two-story barn house. Adjacent to the barn, there was also a tower house overlooking the courtyard which had a few stacks of construction materials as well as a heimen work van.
Large lights were shining on the compound which made it stick out like a sore thumb to anyone travelling this far into the rural countryside but also made it difficult for the occupants to be surprised, in theory. There was no sign of Kuni Eriko.
Characters begin 100 feet from the barn and tower. There is cover at 30 feet, which provides +5TN against ranged attacks.
The character may sneak closer, everyone rolling Stealth/Agility against the
kidnappers (TN 12). If all of the characters succeed, the kidnappers count as having been surprised and adding 10 initiative to the characters. This allows the characters to start from 60 feet from the barn and tower.
Potentially, Akodo Akihiko may choose not to roll Stealth/Agility and get even closer at 30 feet but not gain the initiative bonus. This is only possible if others succeeded in their stealth roll.