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 Post subject: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 7:56 pm 
A young, rather smug looking you man sat at one of the tables, idly sipping an iridescent blue drink as he browsed his densai, occasionally shaking his head, looking bemused. He was clad in traditional robes of a priest and carried a satchel on his side, his mon identifying him as an Isawa.

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:13 pm 
Ichika found herself here, in the club, walking around the perimeter of the dance floor. Among the tables she was dressed in a far more casual outfit tonight. A white top, blue skirt. Seeing some of the other wild outfits worn by some of the other attendee's she felt rather comfortable in this one. With her hair done up as it always was, she found an odd sight for a club like this. Which caught her attention more-so because she felt like an odd sight at a club like this.

Walking up she leaned in a little, so that she could more easily be heard over the music. Brushing along her hairline by her ear as she cupped around the back of it to hear better as well, not quite sure yet if he was a quiet talker, "Isawa-sama," Ichika greeted with a smile first, "do you want some company?"

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:32 pm 
"Crane-san." Sora replied, shaken from his reverie, whatever thoughts he had had now lost. "Pardon, Doji-san." He corrected himself, standing up and bobbing his head. "Good evening. Oh and I am no 'sama'." The Isawa added. "I guess... I guess I wouldn't mind that?" His eyes were intent on the Crane even as he pulled out chair for her. "Isawa Sora, here for the miai... just as Doji-san, I pressume?"

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:40 pm 
"You presume correctly, Isawa-san," she said first with a smile, pulling her hand away a strand of hair fell over her ear, "Doji Ichika," she offered her bow. "Thank you for correcting me!" she said with pep, stepping in to accept the offered seat.

Looking up to him over a shoulder as she sat, "What were you doing before I arrived?"

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:47 pm 
It was early yet, but Shokomaru had done his chores that day, so some fun was in order. Besides, if he got the club atmosphere on him a bit more it might help when night came. After a smirk returned to the smirk the doorman gave him (seems someone remembered the other night), Shokomaru went about getting himself something to drink.

The club wasn't roaring yet, but then again this place might never quite get there. He tapped the bar to summon the staff and ordered some straight sake. The syrup drinks from last night had completely disagreed with his head that morning. It was time to be a little more traditional.

Then he had a smoke as he leaned up against the bar, dressed in in a different black suit than the last one he wore. A little snappier, the tie was darker blue and had galloping skeletal horses on it in black, very hard to see but they stood out under certain lighting.

He tilted his head slightly, seeing the Crane and Phoenix talk. That wasn't so normal anymore these days. Did they know each other? Didn't look like it, there was some formality to their manner, like people meeting for the first time. He decided to linger a look until he caught the Doji's eye, then he served her a smile to see how that would go.

Spider Clan • Bushi • 5th Company Commander • Gentry • Wealthy
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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 11:31 pm 
Doji Ichika wrote:
"You presume correctly, Isawa-san," she said first with a smile, pulling her hand away a strand of hair fell over her ear, "Doji Ichika," she offered her bow. "Thank you for correcting me!" she said with pep, stepping in to accept the offered seat.

Looking up to him over a shoulder as she sat, "What were you doing before I arrived?"

"Ah, reading news." He replies, with no reason to lie, flipping his densai to show Ichika page 4 our 'Firebrand News' wherever that was published. "I like to keep tabs on whatever's going back home when I am on this mi.. miraculous world." Whatever he had almost said was lost in the murmur of the establishment. "Oh, no worries. Doji-san is an honored guess after all." Licking his lips as he eyed her, Sora pointed at the menu. "I take Doji-san haven't been here before? Please allow me to recommend Macha Made'n'Heaven."

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:01 am 
Leaning in a little she took a quick glance at what she was showed, likely finding quickly that nothing of it was a matter that concerned her. Though, she made the earnest effort all the same. Leaning back when he turned to speaking more, she smiled by the end of his statement on the world, glancing away for a moment as she caught a little too well what a shift like that meant. Even if the exact word was lost to the environment.

In that moment, she caught a glance at Shokomaru giving her a smile, and she furrowed her brow. Not sure if it was for her she offered a quick, awkward wave. Then, quickly returned to Sora as he pointed at the menu.

"I have not!" she said with some mirth, "Macha made'n'Heaven you said?" she said, a quick chuckle, "That sounds kind of like a mouthful no?" she laughed again, lightly. "What is it like?"

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:19 am 
"Really good. It has tea and lemon in it, I think. Sweet, but not too sweet, sour but not too sour." Sora replied. "I was here the other night. Not many places like this in this city." He looked at the Spider, following Soraka's gaze and frowned, bobbing his head to let the Daigotsu see he had been acknowledged. "This is something different. Not as good, really." he added, pointing at his glass. "You know the Spider?"

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:27 am 
"No," she said, glancing over again and then back. Shaking her head, "But I'm pretty sure he was smiling at me.. I think? Or maybe someone else," she chuckled a little awkwardly. Laying down her purse on the table she glanced around. "I don't usually come to places like this, well.. at least, back home I guess places like this are a little different too," but it was still true, it wasn't her usual haunt.

"So.." she laughed, a little awkwardly. Clasping her hands together on the top of the table she ventured to ask, "How do I order it?"

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:27 am 
Shokomaru picked up his drink and walked over. Yeah, he knew frowns and simple nods of acknowledgement were not in any way an invitation.

...but the girl had waved and that was enough for him.

Pity he couldn't pretend to have met her somewhere. Well, she was easily recognizable, and he had information. That would have to do.

"Apologies, minna-sama, for interrupting", he said with a bow. "I'm Daigotsu Shokomaru, chuui assigned to the 9th Obsidian legion." he turned to the Crane. "Might you be Doji Ichika-san?"

Spider Clan • Bushi • 5th Company Commander • Gentry • Wealthy
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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:31 am 
Doji Ichika wrote:
"No," she said, glancing over again and then back. Shaking her head, "But I'm pretty sure he was smiling at me.. I think? Or maybe someone else," she chuckled a little awkwardly. Laying down her purse on the table she glanced around. "I don't usually come to places like this, well.. at least, back home I guess places like this are a little different too," but it was still true, it wasn't her usual haunt.

"So.." she laughed, a little awkwardly. Clasping her hands together on the top of the table she ventured to ask, "How do I order it?"

"Ah. Well then." If she didn't know the Spider, Sora had no qualms ignoring the man. Not after what she had said. "Well, he might have had his reasons." he added with a smile on his lips, raising his drink to a makeshift toast. "Just saying." His smile widened into a grin. "Oh you don't?" The young priest sounded a little puzzled by this claim and as much was evident on his face. That was when the Spider nation attacked.

Shokomaru picked up his drink and walked over. Yeah, he knew frowns and simple nods of acknowledgement were not in any way an invitation.

...but the girl had waved and that was enough for him.

Pity he couldn't pretend to have met her somewhere. Well, she was easily recognizable, and he had information. That would have to do.

"Apologies, minna-sama, for interrupting", he said with a bow. "I'm Daigotsu Shokomaru, chuui assigned to the 9th Obsidian legion." he turned to the Crane. "Might you be Doji Ichika-san?"

"Ah, good evening Daigotsu-sama." Sora shuffled to his feet, bowing deep. "Good evening to you too." His smile was gown, the young man now frowning as he turned to the Doji, wondering how the Spider knew her if she didn't know him.

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:37 am 
Ichika's brow furrowed as her name was uttered, hiding this through rising just as the Phoenix did. Bowing, equal to match that of the Phoenix at least, when she rose, "A pleasure to meet you this evening, Daigotsu-sama," she said, politely. Glancing to the Phoenix, who seemed to be frowning, her smile dimmed.

Back to the Daigotsu, "I apologize, Daigotsu-sama, I do not recall if we've ever met and.." she furrowed her brow once more, thought. Wasn't proper to cast herself down too much, but really, how could someone like him possibly know her? She was just Ichika.

Ichika shook her head, corrected herself, and then asked, "You know who I am, Daigotsu-sama?"

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:44 am 
"hmm?" he tilted his head to the side slightly, looking curious. "Haven't you met Kikuchi Tsugiharu-san? He spoke highly enough of you. Am I mistaken?"

In regard to the Phoenix he grinned. "Looks like you two could use some more drinks. Allow me, since I've come barging in like this."

Spider Clan • Bushi • 5th Company Commander • Gentry • Wealthy
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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:55 am 
"Oh!" she shook her head, "No, you are not mistaken. Kikuchi Tsugiharu-san and I had a wonderful morning when we met," she said, chuckling into her knuckles as she seemed a little lost without the usual sleeve.

"I just hadn't thought he would have spoken of me," she said, glancing aside, at least not to someone as highly placed as Shokomaru.

"That would certainly be kind Daigotsu-sama," Ichika added, looking to the Sora to see what he thought of this.

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 1:06 am 
Daigotsu Shokomaru wrote:
"hmm?" he tilted his head to the side slightly, looking curious. "Haven't you met Kikuchi Tsugiharu-san? He spoke highly enough of you. Am I mistaken?"

In regard to the Phoenix he grinned. "Looks like you two could use some more drinks. Allow me, since I've come barging in like this."

"One never says no to free drinks though, I already have mine so, maybe Daigotsu-sama could offer one to Doji-san?" Sora suggested, still looking bit sour, though managed to keep his tone polite.

Doji Ichika wrote:
"Oh!" she shook her head, "No, you are not mistaken. Kikuchi Tsugiharu-san and I had a wonderful morning when we met," she said, chuckling into her knuckles as she seemed a little lost without the usual sleeve.

"I just hadn't thought he would have spoken of me," she said, glancing aside, at least not to someone as highly placed as Shokomaru.

As the Spider presented his information, Sora looked at him, then to Ichika and then back to the Spider, only to take a spit from his drink, wondering what was going on.

"That would certainly be kind Daigotsu-sama," Ichika added, looking to the Sora to see what he thought of this.

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 1:11 am 
He nodded, and set his drink down on their table.

"Easily done", his bow was sharp, but still proper and he seemed to be smiling still as he went off to the bar. Easily giving the other two a post before he returned.

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 1:16 am 
"Well, looks like Doji-san has made an impression." Sora quipped, smirking as he turned to Ichika. "Truly."

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 1:51 am 
"It would appear so," she said, looking to Sora with a small chuckle.

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 1:56 am 
"Well, one can't blame Daigotsu-sama." Sora murmured softly as he eyed Ichika. "One really cannot." Turning to the Spider, he added. "Maybe I should take my leave? Since he seemed to have business with you?"

Phoenix Clan • Shugenja
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 Post subject: Re: [D2 LE] Mediation on the Beach (OPEN)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 2:03 am 
The Spider returned with a pair of drinks. Both a bit on the orangish side in color, though much more clear that murky, the ice easily visible.

"I would imagine Isawa-san is familiar with this one, Yoake Sunrise", he said and placed on in front of Ichika, then one at the end of the table where his drink sat. He found himself a seat and joined them, as naturally they were all fast friends now.

"I thought the mix of flavors might not be subtle enough, persimmon is a bit unique. Sweet, tangy and rich all at once, though I'd trust a Crane's taste so I bought you one to be my test subject."

Though clearly he had one of this own as well. He nodded, giving an assuring look at Ichika.
Isawa Sora wrote:
"Well, one can't blame Daigotsu-sama." Sora murmured softly as he eyed Ichika. "One really cannot." Turning to the Spider, he added. "Maybe I should take my leave? Since he seemed to have business with you?"

Shokomaru gave the Isawa an odd look. A mix of pleasant surprise and perhaps a bit of admiration. It wasn't every day you saw a man willing to abandon a fair lady in front of a villain. Maybe the Phoenix knew the Spider better than most, or maybe he thought Shokomaru would just cause trouble and wanted to avoid a scene. Either way he nodded.

"Might have to accept your generous offer, but Doji-san and you were speaking first." Either an opportunity to stay or reaffirm his choice to leave, he waited to hear what the Isawa would say.

Spider Clan • Bushi • 5th Company Commander • Gentry • Wealthy
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