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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 2:34 am 
Tsugiharu mulled that over.

"It's a picture perfect description, Daidoji-sama, but you've somewhat minimized your own part in the story. You grew up on a fantastic estate and enjoyed visiting the beautiful capital....but what was it like for you growing up there? What inspired you to go into the military? Where are you going from there?" he quizzed.

Tsugiharu wasn't considering marriage to her father or to the Miyobi, but just what did the Daidoji herself bring to the table?

Spider Clan * Shugenja * Male * Military Medical Researcher * Unit 7704

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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:01 am 
"What was it like...well everything I ever wanted, toys, foods, candies," Ishiyo shrugged, "The silly little things a child wants and a parent who was willing to indulge." Her voice catches a little, "Well besides time with them of course. But my parents were busy people."

"Still I mentioned fatheh's factory before? When I was a child he took me there, his engineehs were testing a new engine and the proposed ai-eh frame foh some custom project. The engine roared, wind whipped around the frame, and my eyes lit up. When we got back home I begged foh more spaceships. I still actually have the Captain Inu plushie he gave me back then."

"As I grew oldeh it just got worse you could say, model kits, stories of heroic pilots, I watched Captain Inu's show every time it was on." She chuckled, "Fatheh loved it, well the part about my love of ships...he was not so keen on the fighteh business. But if he could get me in the company racing team...well it would have completed his little set: First daughteh runs the company with heh shrewd business sense, second son joins the design team foh the company, second daughteh lobbies foh ouh interests in court, second son oversees shipping and transit foh the products, and his youngest little girl grows up to be the pretty spokesman with heh face on catalogs, advertisements, and billboards. The hotshot raceh foh only the best in luxury spacecraft."

Ishiyo gives a mocking thumbs up 'I am Daidoji Ishiyo and this is my favorite line of space craft' pose.

"Needless to say...when I asked to enroll in military fight school, he was none to pleased." She sighed, "But in the end I won out and was enrolled at thirteen in the Crane Fleet's fighteh pilot program. Not much to say there...the Kakita ran the school and taught fighteh combat like an iai duel. Skill, observation, focus, knowing the moment to strike."

"Afteh that well...I joined the 312th NFS as they and the rest of the Heron's task force was sent to deal with pirate problems plaguing some of ouh shipping lanes."

Crane • Bushi • Pilot • Daredevil • Space Ace • Très Riche • Prestigious Family • Idealistic • Can't Lie
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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 4:48 am 
Tsugiharu quietly considered the Crane's tale as she told it. It was a lot to take in. He did not quite trust the opening narrative. She wasn't bragging about her position and wealth, she seemed almost....ashamed of it? As if she understood that having everything given to her made her weaker? But if she was willing to confess that, what was she hiding?

"Hmmm, I see." he said. "Though I am curious, Daidoji-sama, there is one part of the tale you glossed over. What was it like when you finally got into the cockpit of a fighter for the first time?"

Spider Clan * Shugenja * Male * Military Medical Researcher * Unit 7704

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Gear: Robes, Densai, Fantasy Fight Deck: Jurojin's Journey, sidearm, wakizashi, communicator, Hyper Dance Star Pin (1/8), Shirakawa Nagareboshi (TM) shades

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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:18 am 
"What was it like?" Ishiyo responds, her blue eyes practically sparkling, "What would a fish say the first time it had ever been in wateh? Everything was cleah, my life....everything."

"A fighteh leaves you suspended in a chaih surrounded by screens, like you were floating in the stahs. The force of R on you-eh body as you push the acceleratoh forward. In the heat of battle you will pull turns and maneuvohs that would cause you to pass out if you-eh were not prepared...sometimes even then. I have been in dogfights so intense I spent a good deal of it struggling with that effect. And of course you have to be hypeh-aware, dangeh is all around you and the smallest hit can be the end or the wrong turn could send you careening into a wing mate."

"Its the skill of the pilot, skill of the engineehs who made the fighteh, and the skill of squadron as a whole all on display at once. There is nothing like it, at least that I have found."

Crane • Bushi • Pilot • Daredevil • Space Ace • Très Riche • Prestigious Family • Idealistic • Can't Lie
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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:28 am 
She was certainly...wordy. But more data was always more valuable than less. But had he ever experienced anything like that? Something that had given him that much joy? There had been a few sparks during this miai...but what was Tsugiharu looking for.

"It sounds like you'd get along well with my parents and older brother. The three of them are focused on engineering. Part of that is architectural aspects of the Hive, but there's also the work that goes into the craft that are used to skim gas from the gas giant below. Not something you'd want to dogfight in, though there are elements of risk that require certain feats of engineering."

Spider Clan * Shugenja * Male * Military Medical Researcher * Unit 7704

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Gear: Robes, Densai, Fantasy Fight Deck: Jurojin's Journey, sidearm, wakizashi, communicator, Hyper Dance Star Pin (1/8), Shirakawa Nagareboshi (TM) shades

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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:42 am 
"Well to be engineering knowledge is limited." Ishiyo rubs the back of her neck, "I know enough about plans because...well it helps to fly them. Knowing I can push the engine a little hardeh or make a turn a little tighteh is an advantage in a dogfight. I am afraid they would seen pass me up in breadth of knowledge very quickly. But I could probably keep up with the overall ideals they were talking about."

"You said you were a medical what brought you into that field? You-eh family sounds more mechanical oriented."

Crane • Bushi • Pilot • Daredevil • Space Ace • Très Riche • Prestigious Family • Idealistic • Can't Lie
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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:54 am 
Tsugiharu shrugged a bit.

"My family has always been blessed by the Wise One. But the actual focus is tailored to the individuals inclinations. My older brother followed my parents into more mechanical engineering. I found myself more interested in the complex workings of the body. We have come far from the Empire's origins, and yet the design of the body has continued to adapt and grow as the Empire has. Yet there is still so much we do not know. As long as Knowledge is advanced, the clan is advanced." he explained.

Spider Clan * Shugenja * Male * Military Medical Researcher * Unit 7704

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Gear: Robes, Densai, Fantasy Fight Deck: Jurojin's Journey, sidearm, wakizashi, communicator, Hyper Dance Star Pin (1/8), Shirakawa Nagareboshi (TM) shades

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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 10:01 am 
"I can not say my understanding of the body goes beyond the basics in my schooling." She responds, "But...I do remember reading some papers on a study on the effects of R on the body. Apparently some Asako got it in theih head to study just what the forces pilots and othehs who suffeh routine exposure to high R environments. It was all above my head, but perhaps it would be interest to you-eh self."

Crane • Bushi • Pilot • Daredevil • Space Ace • Très Riche • Prestigious Family • Idealistic • Can't Lie
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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 10:28 am 
Tsugiharu nods.

"There's a wide array of effects based on a number of factors, such as amount of exposure, length of exposure, and relative fitness of the subject." he agreed. "Though the sample size of many of these studies is relatively small, given that the leading cause of death of fighter pilots is being shot down."

Spider Clan * Shugenja * Male * Military Medical Researcher * Unit 7704

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Gear: Robes, Densai, Fantasy Fight Deck: Jurojin's Journey, sidearm, wakizashi, communicator, Hyper Dance Star Pin (1/8), Shirakawa Nagareboshi (TM) shades

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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 10:50 am 
"Followed by pilot erroh and mechanical failure." She added grimly, "So I will forward the papeh on to you..."

Her expression softened again, "So then...perhaps we should turn to the miai. How have you found it so fah? Not that theih has been all that much of it yet. You-eh clanmate mentioned he already had some ideas foh a match."

Crane • Bushi • Pilot • Daredevil • Space Ace • Très Riche • Prestigious Family • Idealistic • Can't Lie
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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 11:19 am 
Tsugiharu raised an eyebrow at that.

"My my, decided on a match already? A bold strategy indeed. May the Merciful One watch over him in his quest." he said.

Well so much for Katsuo's reprimand to not think with your gonads.

"I am a little more cautious in my approach. We have a decent amount of time to learn about those in attendance. There's also the fact to consider that there are many people petitioning the matchmakers, and their own dispositions. Were I to set my heart on a single target at the beginning of the miai, I might learn everything about them, and convince them that we are a perfect match. But if I lack the standing to intercede with the matchmakers, I might find myself wedding a complete stranger, and the previous weeks will be a waste of time. A pleasant waste of time, perhaps, but still."

A small shrug.

"I can say, of the Crane and shugenja I've met with, I can see value in matching with any of them. But whether I have impressed any of them, whether they have their hearts set upon another or another's heart with greater standing set upon them, these are not things in my control."

He tilted his head a bit.

"I would assume that a woman of Daidoji-sama's background has more sway with the matchmakers. Perhaps I should be asking if Daidoji-sama has decided on what she wants. From her background, she certainly has a habit of getting what she wants, after all, even when it is denied her."

Spider Clan * Shugenja * Male * Military Medical Researcher * Unit 7704

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Gear: Robes, Densai, Fantasy Fight Deck: Jurojin's Journey, sidearm, wakizashi, communicator, Hyper Dance Star Pin (1/8), Shirakawa Nagareboshi (TM) shades

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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 7:08 pm 
Ishiyo rubbed her chin and then nodded, "Yes...the Phoenix matchmakehs do seem to have made a favorable assessment of me. But who knows how everything will shake out in the end. I managed to pass the Phoenix's test earlieh but there were many who did so with more flourish and skill." She shrugs, "It is...a long miai yet."

Her smile turns sly, "Well I am glad to here my cousins and I are proving ourselves valuable to ouh allies."

"As for my own choices...I suppose were it to be pushed on me now I would have a few choices I could make. But nothing which I truly committed. To be blunt I am not expecting Benten's eyes to be on me during all this...ratheh would have preferred to remain with my squadron and live this business to fatheh and the Clan. But...I suppose we shall see how it plays out. There have been a few surprises and none of them expected."

Crane • Bushi • Pilot • Daredevil • Space Ace • Très Riche • Prestigious Family • Idealistic • Can't Lie
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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 10:26 pm 
Tsugiharu nodded.

"A very sensible determination, Daidoji-sama." he agreed. "And as one ties Benten most closely to the Crane clan, I'm sure you understand very well indeed that her favor is the one that more often than not is a surprise, rather than something you can actively pursue."

He gestured about the gardens.

"But as you say, we still have days stretched before us. Many conversations and tests await. Hmm, might I ask what sort of activities you might be interested in participating in during these days? I will assume that logistically, the Crane did not loan you a fighter to spend your days zipping around the planet, and the thought of playing with a simulator in the starcade is about as appealing as showing a picture of food to one who is hungry."

Spider Clan * Shugenja * Male * Military Medical Researcher * Unit 7704

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Gear: Robes, Densai, Fantasy Fight Deck: Jurojin's Journey, sidearm, wakizashi, communicator, Hyper Dance Star Pin (1/8), Shirakawa Nagareboshi (TM) shades

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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 7:07 am 
" Fighteh school grew from the ancient Kakita traditions." Ishiyo began, "Teaching fighteh combat in a manner similar to the art of iai." She rubbed her cheek and smiled pensively. "I have...displayed much laxity in the traditional forms of my school in my eagerness to excel as a pilot. I intend to use at least some of the time polishing my skills with the blade."

"And of course now learning how to ride an otori." She laughed again, "And beyond that....who knows, its a chance to explore new things. Maybe find some new hobbies since I am grounded foh much of the duration."

"What about yourself?"

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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 7:19 am 
A small shrug.

"Well, there really is no end of interesting ways to occupy one's time, Daidoji-sama. Luxuriating in the hot baths, walking the mall, exploring alien landscapes on the back of an otori, winning dance pins at the starcade, dancing at the club, or even just the simple pleasure of gazing at the night sky." he said.

He chuckled a bit.

"And I always have Fantasy Fight to play with in-between times."

Spider Clan * Shugenja * Male * Military Medical Researcher * Unit 7704

Glory: 1.0 Honor: Honorless Dog Status 1.0 CP: 3

Gear: Robes, Densai, Fantasy Fight Deck: Jurojin's Journey, sidearm, wakizashi, communicator, Hyper Dance Star Pin (1/8), Shirakawa Nagareboshi (TM) shades

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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 7:33 am 
"Oh...that card game? Are you one of the retro only decks or have you bought into the neweh edition?" Ishiyo chuckled and then shrugged, "I don't pay it myself but I would have to been more sheltered then I was to not no of the game."

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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 7:51 am 
Tsugiharu nodded.

"Well, I brought rice edition with me, Daidoji-sama." he admitted. "There are better editions, but they're not recognized outside of Spider space. I had hoped that bringing an edition that was recognized Empire wide would increase my chances of finding players to play with. Plus I didn't want to risk annoying a Phoenix cultural protection officer anymore than I do simply by existing."

Spider Clan * Shugenja * Male * Military Medical Researcher * Unit 7704

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Gear: Robes, Densai, Fantasy Fight Deck: Jurojin's Journey, sidearm, wakizashi, communicator, Hyper Dance Star Pin (1/8), Shirakawa Nagareboshi (TM) shades

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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 8:05 am 
"Oh deah..." Ishiyo sighed, "Yes, I know enough that there are few conflicts outside of wah more violent then what edition of Fantasy Flight is the best. I would not be so foolish as to enteh into such a conversation."

"Have you found any otheh playehs yet?"

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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 9:36 am 
Tsugiharu smirked at little bit at the Daidoji's comment. It was an odd speech defect, but it did make certain statements seem sillier.

"Alas, no." he admitted. "It's apparently not very popular this miai. The dance club seems popular enough, if you haven't been yet."

Spider Clan * Shugenja * Male * Military Medical Researcher * Unit 7704

Glory: 1.0 Honor: Honorless Dog Status 1.0 CP: 3

Gear: Robes, Densai, Fantasy Fight Deck: Jurojin's Journey, sidearm, wakizashi, communicator, Hyper Dance Star Pin (1/8), Shirakawa Nagareboshi (TM) shades

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 Post subject: Re: A quaint old-fashioned walk in the garden (D2, EA)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 9:49 am 
"Perhaps you merely have not found were you-eh eitheh playehs are congregating." Ishiyo offered with a smile, "Ah yes...the dance club, I intend to visit there tonight I think. Not much of a danceh oh drinkeh but were are here to meet people afteh all."

Crane • Bushi • Pilot • Daredevil • Space Ace • Très Riche • Prestigious Family • Idealistic • Can't Lie
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