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 Post subject: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:29 pm 
Shiba Toshiaki, the owner of the Starcade, has been an avid collector of arcade cabinets. He often keeps his personal collection in storage, painstakingly ensuring they are in working form. However, for one night a year, he does take them out of storage for use and makes an event out of the generous occasion. With the cooperation of the local businesses, he has managed to offer prizing to offer to all participants. While he has managed to score high in his games, he has been on the lookout for a worthy player to top his high score if only as an incentive to regain his place as the top player.

Locals and visitors have gathered to the Starcade, often forming a long line up behind each game as they hope to get their turn before the evening is over. Toshiaki lingers close by, watching the enjoyment of others and ensuring others take care of his personal treasures.

Players may select up to three games for this event. No game can be repeated during this event.

Magic: Magic is not allowed.

Streets of Thunder 4
The arcade cabinets of Streets of Thunder 4 were imported from the Crab and arcade beat-em-up for up to four players. The game is a loose retelling of the Second Day of Thunder where each player plays as one of the Second Thunders. Each Thunder is outfitted with a different set of fighting moves and each has a limited use special move that does a lot of damage to everything around them. The Thunders fight their way into the Imperial capital and traverse through many levels, including the dreaded sewer level and even an intense rickshaw battle sequence, before arriving at the final showdown with the possessed Emperor. Over the decades, the game has been redressed with different mechanics and aesthetics but it remains overall the same. Players of the game make a Jujitsu/Agility roll at TN20, earning them 20 tickets on a successful roll and an additional 10 for each raise called.

    Play Together, Win Together: The game is known to be a real credit grind, especially with a single player. Only with more players, will the odds in the game become fairer. Before rolling, Players of Streets of Thunder IV may make a Courtier (Manipulation)/Awareness or a Temptation/Awareness roll at TN15. The Courtier and Temptations rolls count as opposed against R2 Phoenix samurai. Benten’s Blessing applies for the Courtier roll. On success, they can wrangle three other players to join them and are granted a +5 cooperative bonus to their Jujitsu/Agility roll for Streets of Thunder 4.

Castle Smasher
Castle Smasher is a pinball machine, perhaps one of the oldest form of arcade gaming in the Empire. Pinball machines were originally invented by the Kaiu with some gaijin influence. Castle Smasher has the player laying siege to a traditional-looking castle, firing the pinball from a miniature catapult. The game features a double set of paddles and several targets for the players to earn points. Players of the game make an Engineering/Intelligence roll at TN20, earning them 10 tickets and an additional 10 for each raise successfully called.

    Bonus Ball: The machine cabinet is reinforced, which doesn't allow for traditional tilting tactics. However, if the players manage to score a hit on the gardens of the fortress in the game, they are awarded another ball. Players may make a Firearms/Reflexes roll at TN15 to make this roll. On any success, they are awarded an additional +1k1 to their engineering roll for this game.

Bassui Pro Baseball Striker
Baseball is a sport that has gaijin origins more than several centuries ago that has found itself ingrained into Rokugani culture to this day. It's not uncommon for some worlds to have their own baseball team nowadays, if not individual cities. Often, the Clans have their teams compete against each other in their individual leagues. Asahina Bassui was a baseball player who saw great prestige during his tenure and his name finds itself in the sport to this day. This game has the player in the role of batter, the role that Asahina Bassui made his claim to fame. The players of the game roll Games: Baseball/Strength at TN15. On success, the player earns 10 tickets and an additional 10 tickets for each raise called. If 3 raises are called and the player is successful, they are considered to score a home run and doubles their winnings, which should be a total of 80 tickets.

    Reading the Pitcher: Despite the digital pitcher, the game features several subtleties that hint to the player that sort of throw the pitcher will make at the player. Players may make an Investigation/Perception roll at TN15. On any success, the player gains a free raise toward the roll of the game.

Starlight Miko Crusaders: Temple Defenders
This arcade cabinet has the player play as Matsu Hiroko, often the leader of the Starlight Miko Crusaders and the wielder of the mythical bow of purity. The players will wield this bow in lightgun form as they traverse through six stages, slaying various enemies and fighting a boss at the end. This will require the players to put their kyujutsu skills to the test. Many samurai youths perhaps get more practice with the archaic skill through this game rather than wielding an actual bow. This game will have players rolling Kyujutsu/Reflexes at TN15, on success, the player gets far enough to earn 10 tickets. Every additional raise called earns the player another 10 tickets.

    Quick Reload: This game requires both accuracy and fast hands from the player. Each shot will require players to make another draw from their bow before they can fire another shot. However, many will quickly realize that this is merely an extraneous action for those wanting to be authentic to the experience and players can merely reload by clicking away from the screen. This will, in essence, allow players to saturate more shots in a shorter amount of time. Players of the game may make a Sleight of Hand/Agility roll at TN15. On success, players may reroll their kyujutsu/reflex roll once.

Moshi Moshi Super Sunrise Overdive 3
Moshi Moshi Super Sunrise Overdrive is the newest iteration of the famed dancing series but the dancing simulator machines are considered to be a modern classic and included in the evening's offerings. This game has the player dancing to contemporary techniques, following the prompts as they attempt to get the best score. If the players do not follow the moves in sync, they are eventually ousted from continuing the game. The game features popular songs from the Heavenly 9 and Susumu Yakumo. Players of the game make a Perform: Dancing (Modern)/Agility roll at TN20. On success, the player earns 10 tickets and an additional 10 tickets for each raise successfully called.

    Memorizing the steps: While the newest iteration of Moshi Moshi Super Sunrise Overdrive 3 requires more intense concentration from the players, the principles are the same. Players who know the steps in advance have an advantage and the game favours veterans of the game. Players may make an Investigation(Notice)/Perception roll against TN 20 to take note of the steps from previous players and memorize them to give them an edge. A successful investigation roll will grant the player a phantom skill point of Perform: Dancing/Agility for this game only.

Driftmaster: Ignition Plus
Driftmaster has the player take the role of a street racer and challenging others to make their name as the best racer in Rokugan. The tracks span from the lengthy Lion plains to the dangerous Dragon mountains, drifting through narrow turns to make their laps on time with their modified car. The game had a historic following, featuring cards that allow players to transfer their vehicle from machine to machine. It's not uncommon for some samurai to hold on their elder or ancestor Driftmaster cards, bring them further prestige in present-day races.

    High in demand: Players of the game will find themselves confronted with a length line-up for the game that will unlikely shorten before the end of the night. Players will have to make an Etiquette/Awareness roll at TN15 to even participate in this game, either having enough savviness to line up early or making polite concessions to get a turn among the veterans. Making this attempt will count toward one of the selected games. Players must pass this roll to play the game.

Players of Driftmaster: Ignition Plus make a Driving (Car)/Agility at TN20 to navigate through the various courses and race to victory. Players also add either their glory or honour ranks to this roll. On success, players score 20 tickets and an additional 10 tickets for each raise successfully called. If the players succeed on their roll, they also gain +0.1 Glory for being victorious in their race.

Tallying up tickets
At the end of the event, players tally up the number of tickets they manage to earn by themselves in this event. Tickets may be shared but the winner is determined by their individual efforts as Shiba Toshiaki keeps a close eye on his games.

The winner of the night wins an arcade cabinet of their choosing, which will find an easy buyer on the colony. If they wish to sell their cabinet during their stay, they may sell their machine for 10 koku. They also gain +0.1 Glory for their local achievement.

Players may trade in their tickets for the following...

    Item list
    Small plastic comb: 10 tickets
    Poorly made plastic flute: 10 tickets
    Sad bag of candies: 10 tickets
    Cheap and unfashionable shades: 10 tickets
    Kami elemental chart poster: 20 tickets
    Small mirror decorated in local flora: 20 tickets
    Small (1') Oharu the Otori plush: 20 tickets
    Incense holder for a car or bike: 20 tickets
    Acceptable bag of candies: 20 tickets
    Orange or red hairband: 20 tickets
    Small (1') Phoenix plush: 30 tickets
    Large bag of candies: 30 tickets
    Heavenly 9 album, over 5 years old since its release: 30 tickets
    Small (6") plastic statue of Fukurokujin: 30 tickets
    Fantasy Fight: Signs And Portents Expansion: 30 tickets
    Small (6") plastic statue of Shiba: 30 tickets
    Communicator cover for any of the modern Phoenix models: 40 tickets
    Plastic toy bow with foam arrows: 40 tickets
    Fashionable bracelet: 40 tickets
    Cute pair of earrings: 40 tickets
    Tree-shaped plastic netsuke: 40 tickets
    Large (2') Minoru the Megadon plush: 40 tickets
    Shirakawa Nagareboshi (TM) shades: 50 tickets
    Fantasy Fight base set: 50 tickets
    Encyclopedia of Asakaze Lifeforms - digital version: 50 tickets
    Microscope set with fungal spore samples: 60 tickets
    Kami-Pet (TM), portable pet device: 70 tickets
    Encyclopedia of Asakaze Lifeforms - hardcover print version: 80 tickets
    Telescope set: 80 tickets
    Dinner voucher for two for the Snow-Moon-Flower: 100 tickets

Voice of the Planet • All the Tentacles • Experienced 2

"I believe Planet will talk to us if we are willing to listen."
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 9:23 pm 
D3 Retro Night - Driftmaster Line Up - Void for skill TN 15: 3d10o10k2 26
D3 Retro Night - Driftmaster 2CR TN 30, add Honor: 5d10o10k4+4 16

Smart enough to be first in line for Draftmaster the young Crab is super hyped to get to play this game he has heard about for years, only to quickly crash and burn in the first turn, dejected and defeated he retreats from the cheers and jeers of the other game fans.

D3 Retro Night - MoshiMoshi Memorize TN 20 unskilled: 2d10 10
D3 Retro Night - MoshiMoshi Spend Void for Dance 2Cr TN 30: 5d10o10k4 33

He then follows up with the Moshi-Moshi dance off, not being any good at following others he just trusts his own agility and coordination to get him through the game.

(+30 Tickets)

D3 Retro Night - Castle Smasher Bonus Ball , Crab hands TN 15: 3d10o10k2 13
D3 Retro Night - Castle Smasher Engineering 2 CR Tn 30: 9d10o10k4 32

He then takes the shot at the gardens with his starting ball, although he misses he persists to slowly and methodicaly tear apart the castle with his little pinball cannon.

(+30 Tickets)

Total: 60 Tickets+10 from the utaku Donation
And another 30 from Nakaba makes 100, enough for Dinner tickets!

Last edited by Kuni Koryn on Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:59 am, edited 2 times in total.

Crab Clan Pilot * Bushi * Artisan * Male * CP: 2
Idealistic * Sage * Tactician * Blood of Osano-Wo
Glory 1.0 * Status 1.0 Honor: What is Expected
Gear: Steel Silk Flight Suit, Diasho, Sidearm, Falcon, Communicator & Densai
Field Pack: Gasmask, Holorecorder, Med Pack, Cone Lantern, Paper & Ink
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 10:01 pm 
Tetsu had never particularly been a fan of Streets of Thunder, but it was kind of a Crab thing to do, so hearing about it caused him to at least take a look. It was his first time in the arcade, and the heat was sweltering compared to the well air-conditioned Drunk'N Crab, but the honest enjoyment in the games, the competitive edge and the glowing screens at least was a bit like his Academy days.

He tries to get into the Driftmaster game first, patiently waiting his turn. The vets give him the side eye, but Tetsu is non-threatening and does his best to (sincerely) ask for tips, and listen to the debates about what's better to play with depending on your style. In the end, Tetsu sticks with a high acceleration, high handling and lower speed model. It's not the sexiest choice, but for someone who hasn't memorized the tracks he figures it will help him adapt. Tetsu manages to slide in, paying a boring but effective style that lets him wheel into the winner's circle.

Retro Night-Driftmaster-High in Demand/-etiquette/Awareness-TN 15: 3d10 15 Pass, can take part in event
Retro Night-Driftmaster-Drive/Agility-VP spent for +1k1-TN 20: 7d10o10k4 32 20 tickets, +0.1 Glory

It is kind of odd to notice the pinball machine, with the idea of...knocking down the tower from a siege?

"Oh, sensei would smack me if I didn't try this."

Tetsu does his best to work on a series of probing hits with the ball, trying to get a feel for where to strike. There was an entire course of siege artillery at the Kaiu Engineering Academy, and Tetsu imagines that they designed the game along those lines. With a constant battery, he breaks own the virtual wall, the game chiming in delight as it comes down.

Castle Smasher-Bonus Ball-Firearms/Reflexes-Crab Hands for 1 rank-TN 15: 4d10o10k3 13
Retro Night-Castle Smasher-Engineering/Intellgience-Kaiu technique for +2k0-2 raises-TN 30-VP spent: 8d10o10k5 45 Pass, 30 tickets

Starlight Miko Crusaders is a bit less in his wheelhouse, but after a few passes through Tetsu has resolved that he doesn't want to dance, and that while he might enjoy watching baseball, playing it isn't his thing. The bow is at least something he has taken a whack at before as part of an "Applied Classical Weaponry" elective. The engineer in him makes him realize something: computer programmers (like engineers) like quick fixes. The drawing the bow to full isn't necessary. Tetsu gets a little fancy, trying to pepper the area with shots

Retro Night-Starlight Miko Crusaders-Quick Reload-Sleight of Hand/Agility-TN 15: 3d10 19 Extra reroll
Retro Night-Starlight Miko Crusaders-Kyujutsu/Reflexes-1 raise-TN 20-Reroll in place: 2#4d10o10k3 21 24 20 tickets

All in all, Tetsu is pretty sure that he isn't the best gamer ever, but he has a decent stack of tickets.

80 tickets
+0.1 glory

Retro Night-Starlight Miko Crusaders-Quick Reload-Sleight of Hand/Agility-TN 15: 3d10 19

Crab Clan | Bushi/Artisan | Tinkerer
Honor: What is expected Status: 1.0 Glory: 2.0
Carries: Sturdy clothing, Daisho, Paper and Ink, Holorecorder, Communicator, Sochu
When Serious: Heavy Armor
"Drumstick" the Otori
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 10:11 pm 
Arcade Night! Ruhe enjoyed those, having been a kid that had wasted quite a bit of his childhood in Arcade parlours. Now was the time to show off his skill to the Phoenix.

Street of Thunder 4! Last time he played it was Sot3 Deluxe, but Kamoko's moves hardly changed between editions. He paired up with some local Tadaka aficionado, Toturi fanboy and a girl that could handle Kachiko's assassination combo in miliseconds. He was glad. Toturi and Hitomi were lame for his playstyle. It was a solid team, so Ruhe pushed for playing on Jigokumode.

Plains were barely noticed, they burninated through tent fights, Miwaku wall hopping to the levers was easy with Kamoko's speed leaps, sewers were hard as usual but the TKT triple combo mauled through Seppun zombies as expected. The throne room, however, Ruhe thought they'd lose as Kachiko's combo was thwarted and Toturi got KO'ed. As Yakamo kept tanking Taint Surges to the limit, Ruhe desperately went for Kamoko's highest DPS combo and narrowly beheaded Fu-Fu after the ceiling leap. Glory for the Thunders!

"Fucking yeah, team!" He'd high five and hug them all, but, well, Phoenix. They might not like it.

EE3. Retro Night. Play Together. Courtier. TN15: 4d10o10k3 24
EE3. Retro Night. Streets of Thunder 4. 3R. VP. Play Together bonus.: 6d10o10k5+5 37

[50 Tickets]

Dancing time! Ruhe didn't have much appreciation for the pop things, not his genre, but Susumu lass was certainly something so in that spirit he decided to try, and maxed out the pace. Those hip twists, however, better meant for lasses. Oh well. Game over.

EE3. Retro Night. Moshi Moshi Super Sunrise Overdrive 3. 3R. VP.: 6d10o10k5 27

[0 Tickets]

What's that at the Driftmaster? A queue? No kidding. Make some space for the master, local noobs, pretty please.

EE3. Retro Night. Driftmaster. High in Demand. TN15.: 4d10o10k3 18

Ruhe sat in the chair, checked the controls, and gave himself an adrenaline boost by applying just the right song to his vocals that would illustrate his go through Ignition.

"Give me fuel, give me fire
Give me that which I desire, ooh!

Turn on, I see red
Adrenaline crash and crack my head
Nitro junkie, paint me dead
And I see red
A hundred plus through black and white
War horse, warhead
Fuck 'em man, white-knuckle tight
Through black and white

Ooh, on I burn
Fuel is pumping engines
Burning hard, loose and clean
And I burn, churning my direction
Quench my thirst with gasoline
So give me fuel, give me fire
Give me that which I desire

Turn on beyond the bone
Swallow future, spit out home
Burn your face upon the chrome
Take the corner, join the crash
Headlights, headlines
Another Junkie lives too fast
Yeah lives way too fast, fast, fast, ooh

Ooh, on I burn
Fuel is pumping engines
Burning hard, loose and clean
And I burn, churning my direction
Quench my thirst with gasoline
So give me fuel, give me fire
Give me that which I desire, ooh, yeah-heh
White knuckle tight!

Ooh, on I burn
Fuel is pumping engines
Burning hard, loose and clean
And I burn, churning my direction
Quench my thirst with gasoline
So give me fuel, give me fire
Give me that which I desire
On I burn!"

And then it was over. And there was only awe of the audience left. Fucking Pony Power, suckers!

EE3. Retro Night. Driftmaster. VP. Technique. 3R.: 9d10o10k5+4 67

[50 Tickets]


"Let's get those tickets to that luxury place. Might be handy." [100 Tickets]

[Plus all the Gaming Glory]

Unicorn Bushi \m/ Metalhead \m/ Power Fiddler \m/ Stage Diving Beast \m/ Loafer \m/ Karmic 27 Club
Status: 1 \m/ Glory: 1 \m/ Honor: Expected

Ancestral Power Morin Khuur (!!!), less important stuff like arms, blades and shells
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 12:20 am 
So, an arcade. She'd never touched an arcade machine in her life, but how hard could it be?

The first game she tried seemed to be some sort of Crab punching game. She could most certainly punch things, but it was a game for more players. Gathering up a group of Phoenix, the 4 soon made good work of the game.

The second was a driving game that seemed pretty popular. Indeed, there was quite the line. She had never driven anything in her life, but there was always a part of any Crane that was curious about popular things. She managed to get her way onto the machine and had a hard drive, but the game said she'd completed it, so she felt fairly confident that she actually had.

The last game appeared to be some sort of dancing game. One might have thought she'd have gone there first, but in truth, Fusako was much more a free form, move with your feelings sort of dancer. The game's regimented moves seemed to stifling. In the end, she gave it a try, and managed to get another victory screen. It was nowhere near as satisfying as a real dance, but at least it was a decent work out.

All the games had given her some form of tickets for transactions, and having not brought a pair with her, she took the opportunity for some shades.

Streets of Thunder 4
Courtier/Awareness, TN 10 from FR = 18
Jiutjutsu/Agility, TN 20 = 32 - 20 Tickets

Moshi Moshi Super Sunrise Overdive 3
Perform: Dance/Agility = 20 - 10 Tickets

Driftmaster: Ignition Plus
Etiquette/Awareness, TN 10 from FR = 32
Driving/Agility, TN 20, Adding Honor = 20 - 20 Tickets

Pair of trademarked shades aquired

Crane Clan ™ Courtier ™ Fit ™ Fashionista ™ Isora Fashion ™ Bold & Beautiful
Honor: Exceptional • Glory: 1.0 • Status: 3.0
Outfit: Extravagant Clothes, Daisho (where allowed), Traveling Pack

Theme (Dance Club Rave)
More Musical Inspiration
Profile (plus info for corporate ties)
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 12:25 am 
Ah, retro night. There was no way that Yul was going to miss that. Not when retro games were pretty much the only sorts of games that made it to his little farmsteading colony on Shinjo's Grace. He'd definitely spent more than a few hours there.

Of course, that didn't mean he was good...

"C'mon, c'mon..." Yul mashed furiously at the attack button. He'd selected the Unicorn thunder, of course. And the super move, in which a sparkling unicorn spirit rode onto the screen, reared, and exploded into purple flame, was good. But the basic attack combos were a little different than the version he was familiar with. "Of course, nerf the Unicorn one..." He grumbled as yet another attack failed to combo. With one last groan, he let someone else take over.

The Starlight Miko Crusaders game went better. Yul didn't have much experience with a bow, except through this game, but that was enough. It was almost relaxing as he played, smoothly "drawing" the "bow" and firing, again and again. He got reasonably far on a single credit, and moved on to the next one instead of paying for more.

And then... dancing. "Seriously? Yakumo songs? Of course." Yul chuckled, even as he stamped to the beat. Actually, he had to admit they were kinda catchy... any onlooker would be able to tell Yul was having fun, his handsome features showing his honest enjoyment.

In the end, he had a handful of tickets, which he exchanged for one of the mushroom mirrors. All in all, not bad, Yul thought.


Retro Night, Play together, unskilled courtier: 2d10 4 lolno
Retro Night, STREETS OF THUNDER, Jiu/agi Tn20: 4d10o10k3 9
Retro Night, Temple Defenders, unskilled, TN15: 4d10 16 - 10 tickets
Retro Night, MMSSO, TN20: 4d10o10k3 23 - 10 tickets
Total = 20 tickets, mirror acquired

Unicorn | Bushi | Flyboy | Maverick | Dangerously Sexy | "Cricket"
Status: 1.0 | Glory 1.0 | Honor: Exceptional | Courtship points: 9
Standard Carry: Daisho, sidearm, communicator, (synthleather) jacket, aviators
Danger!: Armor, marksman's rifle
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 4:38 am 
It was finally retro night.

Asako Mal-Chin had a score to settle with one machine in particular. One that had foiled him every previous year. Castle Smasher. He had a plan. He'd been taking time to practice with an actual firearm over the last year in order to hone his precision.

And it still didn't matter. He had to walk away from it defeated. Again. For maybe the last time. Would he be on Asakaze next year, to try and get his revenge?

He wandered over to where he'd earlier secured a seat at Driftmaster. The other locals recognized him. And saw that he'd suffered another defeat at Castle Smasher's hands while attempting to get the high score. So his seat was even saved.

And then he went and won his race. That was a giant surprise! He bowed to those who'd held his place for him.

He waited awhile to try and get back into Castle Smasher, but the line just never died down.

Finally he went over to join a squad for Streets of Thunder 4. It felt good to try something as part of a team. Even though his complete lack of knowledge on fighting meant that his attempt to spam low kicks just got his character punched in the head a lot from enemy jump kicks.

Castle Smasher
Bonus Ball D3 EE: Castle Smasher: Firearms/Reflexes TN 15: 3d10o10k2 26
D3 EE: Castle Smasher: Engineering/Intelligence, +1k1 Bonus Ball, Void for Skill, 3 Raises TN 35: 6d10o10k5 22

Driftmaster: Ignition Plus
D3 EE: Driftmaster: Ignition Plus: High in demand: Etiquette/Awareness TN 15: 5d10o10k3 40
D3 EE: Driftmaster: Ignition Plus: Driving (Car)/Agility TN 20, +6 Honor: 2d10k2+6 25 = +20 Tickets, +0.1 Glory.

Streets of Thunder 4
D3 EE: Streets of Thunder 4: Play Together, Win Together Courtier/Awareness TN 15: 5d10o10k3 15
D3 EE: Streets of Thunder 4: Jujitsu/Agility, +5 Cooperative TN 20: 2d10k2+5 17

Total: 20 Tickets. +.1 Glory.

Phoenix Clan • Courtier • Researcher • Local
Honor: Exceptional Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0
Courtship Points: 1
Equipment: Sensible Clothing w/pockets, Wakizashi, Densai, Communicator Holorecorder, Revitalizer, personal seal
"Way down deep, you ain't hiding the truth"
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 6:33 am 
Ganbold first stepped up to the CastleSmasher set. Rolling his mighty shoulders, the audible cracks caught the attention of several of the local Phoenix, who gathered around the stand to watch the ungainly-seeming hill of a man perform. His first shot thudded with such force that the ball went aloft--at least as far aloft as a pinball is permitted to go, ricocheting off the glass top of the machine to land powerfully on the gardens to the excited whispers of the locals. Ganbold played it cool, letting the world know that he had meant to do that all along. Really. Calculated the arc and everything. The rest of the game was workmanlike, but decent, and Ganbold walked away with a fistful of tickets!

Next came his go at Streets of Thunder. Choosing the powerful and determined Hida Yakamo, he battered and bludgeoned his way through the streets of Otosan Uchi BY HIMSELF while the stunned Phoenix looked on. Seven Thunders? Never heard of 'em. There was just the Crab, hurling himself at the avatar of Fu Leng and flattening him with his tremendous bulk!

Ganbold didn't really know from dancing, but his clever tactical mind pieced together that the game could only be programmed for a couple hundred thousand different kinds of dance. All he had to do was stand there and memorize them! Yeah! Take that, programmers everywhere! He studied about eight of them, then got bored and asked for a go. Unfortunately, his impatience had gotten the better of him, and he found himself stumbling around like a drunken mule. The Phoenix got a good laugh out of that one! Ganbold laughed as well...on the outside.

He walked over to the prize counter with his 20 measly tickets, hiding his eyes from Minoru the Megadon, who looked down at him with disapproval. Forgive me, Minoru-sempai, for I have failed you! Bitter tears fell in Ganbold's noble soul, but then...then a voice of hope. I would never judge you, Moto-san. Come, exchange your tickets for my company, and we will walk together in the light of friendship and mutual understanding.

"That does sound nice..." Ganbold said aloud as he looked up into the serene face of Oharu to Otori. In a moment, the increasingly worried shopkeeper had handed over the plush-toy, leaving Ganbold smiling, his soul restored.


Castle Smasher: Firearms/Reflexes, tn 15: 5d10o10k3 17 Success! +1k1 to Engineering/Intelligence rolls

Castle Smasher: Engineering/Intelligence (+1k1 from Firearms check): Tn=20: 4d10o10k3 22 10 tickets

D3: Streets of Thunder Jiujutsu/Agility tn:20: 4d10o10k3 22 10 tickets

Moshi Moshi Sunrise Overdrive: Investigation/Perception tn:20: 4d10o10k3 28 1 free rank in Perform: Dance.

Moshi Moshi Sunrise Overdrive: Perform: Dancing/Agility Phantom rank from previous roll. Tn=20: 4d10o10k3 12 FAILURE!

20 tickets: securing Oharu the Otori

Unicorn Clan * Bushi * Space Marine * Call Sign: Scimitar to the Face
Honor: Untrustworthy, Glory: 1, Status: 1

Wears: Sturdy, sensible clothing. A scimitar and a wakizashi. His communicator.
FIGHTING!: Heavy Armor, Khal Tugalga: His Sidearm, Three Swords, Advanced Gas Mask, Night-Vision Goggles.
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 8:14 am 
Michiya enjoyed a good video game every now and then, but he didn't have a lot of experience with them. His parents had considered them a waste of time so they were never allowed in the household for the children. So most of his experience with them was visiting arcades occasionally or visiting friends houses.

As such, he didn't do so well overall, earning very few tickets. He did okay on Castle smasher, but not so much on Streets of Thunder 4 despite being able to get into a group of fellow players. When he saw the line for the racing game though, he stood at the back of it before realizing how slowly it was moving and deciding to turn in his tickets and get a snack.

He picked up a little bird plush and called it a night at Starcade.


D3 EE, Castle Smasher Bonus Ball, Firearms / Reflexes, VP +1k1, TN 15: 4d10o10k3 15 +1k1 to Engineering
D3 EE, Castle Smasher, Engineering / Intelligence, VP Phantom Rank, +1k1 Bonus Ball, 1 Called Raise, TN 25: 5d10o10k4 33 20 tickets

D3 EE, Driftmaster High Demand, Etiquette / Awareness, TN 15: 4d10o10k3 9

D3 EE, Streets of Thunder 4 Play Together, Courtier (Manipulation) / Awareness, TN 15: 4d10ro1o10k3 24 +5 on Jiujutsu
D3 EE, Streets of Thunder 4, Jiujutsu / Agility, VP Phantom Rank, +5 Play Together, TN 20: 4d10o10k3+5 18 0 tickets

20 tickets spent for 1' Oharu the Otori plush

Imperial ֍ Seppun Vassal ֍ Courtier ֍ Prestigious ֍ Wealthy ֍ Profile
Honor: Expected ֍ Glory: 1.0 ֍ Status: 4.0

Carries: Wakizashi, Sidearm, Communicator, Densai, Portable Informator, Persnal Seal, Holorecorder, Fan
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 11:24 am 
"It would be a good idea to play together." Ryuu spoke up to a group of Phoenix as he made his way to the Streets of Thunder Cabinet. Most of them scoffed at worst, politely ignored at vest. Undeterred, the Obsidian Magistrate made his way through the game, finally defeating the Emperor. He had used Bayushi Kachiko as his character, and found her sprite animation to be quite good, if a bit... revealing and sensational.

Next came Moshi Moshi Super Sunrise Overdive 3. Selecting his favorite Susumu Yakumo song, the Obsidian Magistrate played an extremely technical moveset, succeeding.

Finally, he went to Bassui Pro Baseball Striker. It was fun.

Taking his tickets, he looked through the prizes. A fine bracelet, of silver and gold. A small blue gem at the wrist.

He knew exactly who to give it to.

EE3 - Retro Night - Streets of Thunder IV - Play Together, Win Together (Awareness 2, Courtier 0, +3 Strength In Terror, TN15, +5 Disturbing Countenance): 2d20+3 16 No one wants to help Ryuu

EE3 - Retro Night - Streets of Thunder IV (Agility 3, Jiujitsu 1, Strength of Terror +3, TN20): 4d10o10k3+3 21 +20 Tickets

EE3 - Retro Night - Moshi Moshi Super Sunrise Overdive 3 (Agility 3, Perform: Dance 0, Sensation, +3 Strength in Terror, TN20): 4d10o10k3+3 23 +10 Tickets

EE3 - Retro Night - Bassui Pro Baseball Striker (Strength 3, Games: Baseball 0, +3 Strength in Terror, TN15): 3d10+3 25 +10 Tickets

Total: 40 Tickets, Fashionable Bracelet chosen

Spider | Bushi | Disturbing Countenance | Wary | Sensation
Status: 1.0 | Glory 1.7 | Honor: Honorless Dog
Courtship Points: 0
Carries: Daisho, Sidearm, Uniform with the Daigotsu Mon, rank in Silver with black outline, Jade cufflinks, Communicator, Densai
Danger: Rifle, Light Armor
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 11:48 am 
Feeling a bit bold, the Moshi decided to go to the arcade and see what was all the buzz. The flashing lights and the colors made her lose control of her body. She stood there in a spell like state.

D3 EE Resist Seizure willpower TN 15: 2d10o10k2 10

resolved here: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=607

☆Mantis Clan ☆Komori Shugenja ☆Oddball ☆Melodic Voice ☆Frail Mind
☆Honor: What's expected ☆Glory:2.2 ☆Status:1
Court Points: 0 Hair: green as of Day 7
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 2:42 pm 
Retro night? It seemed like a good way to pass the evening it's not like he had any real plans anyways either, and with a event like this it might be a good way to meet people as well.

Passing through the shop he spotted first the Miko Crusader machine, and while his inner trsuruchi sighed everytime he thought abotu how they gave the Matsu a bow in the show he couldn't help but try his hand at it. It was shooting a bow afterall, abd he was very much a Tsuruchi. He couldn't quite master the way to reload quickly, that didn't seem to matter though as he racked up an impressive amount of tickets regardless.

His turn at dancing didn't go nearly as well though, he had taken the time to memorize the steps for the Kyuden Agasha level, but Had manged to accidently select Kyuden Asako instead, the comign attempt was a bit of a disater, but he had fun regardless.

Next was Streets of thunder four! A fun game thoguh not one he was too good at. Still he managed to find a few people to play with him. They didn't manage to make it past the first level though... Maybe he was a bit rusty?

retro night! Starlight miko crusaders! Temple defenders! The quick reload! Slieght of hand/agility: 2d10 13
retro night! Starlight miko crusaders! Temple defenders! Kyujutsu/reflexes! 2 raise, void point tn 25: 6d10o10k5 29

30 tickets!

retro night! Moshi Moshi Super Sunrise Overdive 3 dancing/agility add a phantom rank! Tn 20! Lol: 3d10o10k2 7
retro night! Moshi Moshi Super Sunrise Overdive 3 dancing/agility add a phantom rank! Tn 20! Lol: 3d10o10k2 7

retro night! Streets of Thunder 4 play together win together! Courtier/awareness tn 15!: 4d10o10k3 20
retro night! Streets of Thunder 4 lets Fight! Jiujitsu/agility! Tn 20 +5 from friendship power: 3d10o10k2+5 17

30 tickets acquired!
Not picking anything in Particular... So 30 tickets up for grabs?!?!

Edit: Tickets passed to Phoenix Kids. Have fun.

Last edited by Tsuruchi Hayato on Mon Sep 07, 2020 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mantis Clan * Bushi * Well Off * Smoker * Marksman
Honor: 3.5 Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.8

Carries: Wakazashi, Sidearm(where appropriate). Cigarettes, Lighter, Communicator, Densai, Holorecorder, Gun belt, earphones

Courtship points: 6 (Certified quality husband material)
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 3:45 pm 
Having had so much fun the other morning, when they first arrived. Ichika couldn't allow herself to miss out on this! Having rushed back for it she came in ready, seeing a new dancing game she immediately had to try it. While she would never have been able to focus well enough to learn about the dance prior, she still watched for fun and cheered on the other dancers. When it was her turn she stepped up and showed them some rather gracefully chosen moves to these modern songs!

Laughing as she stepped down she started talking with a group of those who came here every year. When they all stepped up together toward the Driftmaster game there were a few people who let her new momentary friends through, veteran players of the years as they were, and they brought her through with them. Sitting her in a seat in the middle they gave her a little pep talk, telling her to try her best!

Try her best she did! Yet, even her best didn't stand up against these veteran's of years passed. While she was giving up her seat for someone else to play one of them came over and gave her a little thumbs up, said she did alright for a newbie, and wished her well on her way.

Leaving Ichika some time to make her way around the other many gathered Samurai, maybe even claim herself a simple prize!

Moshi Moshi Super Sunrise Overdive 3:
EE 3 | Retro Night! MMSSO3, Perform: Dancing/Agility, Void +1k1 vs TN 20: 4d10 22
22 vs 20, Success: 10 Tickets

Driftmaster: Ignition Plus
High in Demand:
EE 3 | Retro Night! DM:IP High in Demand: Etiquette/Awareness vs TN 15: 7d10o10k4 36
36 vs 15, Passed!
EE 3 | Retro Night! DM:IP Driving/Agility, Void +1k1, vs TN 20: 4d10 14

Total: 10 Tickets, and a good time.
Tickets used for the cheap and unfashionable shades.

Crane Clan | Low-Rank-Courtier | Artsy | Pretty Voice | Eye-Patch: Damaged Eye
Honor: Exceptional ♪ Glory: 1.0 ♪ Status: 1.0
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 4:17 pm 
Okay, so she couldn't get to play the driving game. Big deal. It was only her favorite arcade game EVER... baka.

Well, as least she managed to snag some tickets at MMSSO 3 with her sweet improv. And she completely keelhauled some chumps at Streets of Thunder. It's like the devs STILL hadn't fixed Bun-Li's Spinning Cyclone Kick juggle combo.



Driftmaster Etiquette = 7 vs TN 15 (not happening)

MMSSO3 Memorization = 15 vs TN 20 (memorizing dance is lame)

MMSSO Dancing = 25 vs TN 20 {+10 tickets}

Streets of Thunder Coop = 13 vs TN 15 (the Hummingbird fights alone)

Streets of Thunder fighting = 36 vs TN 30 {+40 tickets}

Total = 50 tickets
Traded for small plastic comb and a Streets of Thunder communicator cover.

Scorpion † Bushi † Magistrate † Yoriki † gymnast † Hummingbird
Glory: 1.2 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Status: 2.0
Gear: daisho, marksman rifle, comm, light armor, mask, conelantern, medicine pack, personal seal, hand mirror, holorecorder, portable informator.
"The law never rests."
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 10:34 pm 
"So, uh, apparently, you cannot win this game just by spamming the Hida Smash! move. So, uh, want to help me? I would be very gra... You know what? Forget about that, I have enough issues with suitors already.

And does the line for this driving game ever gets shorter? Heck with that too."

Akemi sighed. This kind of place was completely foreign for her, and she didn't get the pleasure one could find into waiting in line to play for fake what they could just do in real life, like fighting or driving. She guessed it could be considered training... If what she was seeing on the screen wasn't that different from reality.

Still, there was one stand that seemed to require and teach one skill that she could use in real life. One she might have become a little overly competitive about as of late.

Thus she spent a good deal of the evening focused on one single game, Moshi Moshi Super Sunrise Overdive 3, observing others play, discussing with them for tips, and of course practicing until some high level song finally got the best of her.


[D3 EE] Retro Night - Streets of Thunder 4 | Temptation/Awareness (TN15) | Unskilled -> 12 (Failed)
[D3 EE] Retro Night - Streets of Thunder 4 | Jujitsu/Agility (TN20) | 2 Raises (TN30) -> 19 (Failed)
[D3 EE] Retro Night - Moshi Moshi Super Sunrise Overdive 3 | Investigation(Notice)/Perception (TN20) | Unskilled -> 26 (Success)
[D3 EE] Retro Night - Moshi Moshi Super Sunrise Overdive 3 | Perform: Dancing (Modern)/Agility (TN20) | 2 Raises (TN30) | +1 Dance rank from previous success | VP for +1k1 -> 57 (Success, 30 tickets)
[D3 EE] Retro Night - Driftmaster: Ignition Plus | Etiquette/Awareness (TN15) -> 8 (Failed)

Total: 30 tickets -> Large bag of candies

Crab Clan * Bushi * Fleshcraft (left arm) * Lecherous * Crab Rich
Honor: Untrustworthy – Glory: 1.0 – Status: 1.0 – Bio – Courtship: 3
Carries: Daisho, Sidearm, Communicator, Personal Seal, Money
Carries, when angry: Tetsubo, Heavy Armor
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 12:16 am 
Hearing the familiar tunes of Heavenly 9 and Susumu Yakumo, Hyeon-ju naturally gravitated towards the Moshi Moshi Super Sunrise Overdive 3 first... though she had a hard time paying attention to the dancers as she was more busy listening to the music and watching the animations on screen.

When it was her turn, she chose one of the Yakumo tracks (because of course), but the difficulty was higher than she expected, and it wasn't a performance worthy of any prizes. Still, she enjoyed herself - dancing to one of her favorite musicians!


Moving on, she saw a bunch of other samurai playing Streets of Thunder and she joined in the discussion what would make the best team-ups in the game. Ice Queen-charisma and beauty worked to her advantage at least to form a team, and she of course chose to play as the original Unicorn Thunder; Otaku. The rest of the team was Isawa Tadaka, Bayushi Kachiko, and Shosuro.

It was not the ideal team-up, forcing Otaku who was more a swift striker to go in the front of the other three to save them from their lower defenses, but overall it was not an ideal matchup. Someone should've played Atarasi or Yakamo...


After quenching her thirst with a bubble tea, she joined the queue for Starlight Miko Crusaders: Temple Defenders! This game was to her somewhat reminiscent of some pilot-simulations she had seen, and she quickly picked up on the trick of the Quick Reload.

Not that she needed it, as she showed herself pretty capable of advancing the far in the game, earning her the only tickets she'd win that night.

"Oh well, I'll give these to Koryn. Maybe he'll get himself something nice."


D3 EE Retro Night! Moshi Moshi Super Sunrise Overdive 3. Untrained Investigation/Perception TN 20: 3d10 16
D3 EE Retro Night! Moshi Moshi Super Sunrise Overdive 3. Untrained Dance/Agility TN 20: 3d10 12
0 Tickets

D3 EE Retro Night! Streets of Thunder 4. Courtier/Awareness. Void for Skill. +0k1 Benten's. TN 15: 3d10o10 27
D3 EE Retro Night! Streets of Thunder 4. +5 from Co-op. Untrained Jiujutsu/Agility TN 20: 3d10+5 15
0 Tickets

D3 EE Retro Night!Starlight Miko Crusaders: Temple Defenders. Sleight of Hand TN 15: 3d10 24
D3 EE Retro Night!Starlight Miko Crusaders: Temple Defenders. Untrained Kyujutsu/Reflexes TN 15: 3d10 21
10 Tickets

10 Tickets total, gifted to Kuni Koryn (as thanks for the assist with the Ikebana-poisoning)

Unicorn Clan • Sky Rider • "Wasp" • Prodigious Fashionista • Silent Lady Wrestling Villain • Ice Queen • Tactician
Theme | Profile | Day 12 makeup
Honor: Exceptional • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 2.2 • CP: 4
Has: Daisho, sidearm, fashionable attire, cool shades, densai, comm, Kami-pet.
Sometimes: Light armor, Marksman rifle.
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 3:30 am 
Nozomi gripped onto the pinball machine, much like someone might go for another's hips. She shook the thought of her head and focused on the mechanism that would give her an extra ball. Oops. Lots of wanton thoughts going on.

Still, she managed to do pretty well at pinball! So much so that she wanted to push her limits, get the best prizes, perhaps even win the whole night!

The priestess went up to the baseball machine. She had watched the pitcher go at it, boosting her confidence. "This one will go to the sky!" she claimed, pointing to the air. And with a mighty swing that might have hurt somebody in the skull, she completely up and missed the ball...

So the Kitsu scurried away from her failure. Her only hope now was to do the dancing thing. She had had a little practice before with one of the Mantis clan guys. After taking moments to watch others play at it, she went onto the platform herself.

Just like before, she wasn't much of a dancer at all. She watched as no tickets came out of the machine. Shaking her head, she took her paltry amount to the collection stand and took the cutest thing she could find.


D3 EE Castle Smasher - Firearms/Reflexes TN 15: 3d10o10k2 15
D3 EE Castle Smasher - Engineering/Intelligence TN 25, 1 CR, +1k1 from Bonus Ball, VP for Skill: 5d10o10k4 40

20 Tickets!

D3 EE Baseball - Investigation/Perception TN 15: 4d10o10k3 18
D3 EE Baseball - Games: Baseball/Strength TN 25, 2 CR, FR from RtP, VP for Skill: 4d10o10k3 22

0 Tickets...

D3 EE Overdrive - Investigation(Notice)/Perception TN 20: 4d10o10k3 25 (You did me dirty orokos)
D3 EE Overdrive - Perform: Dancing (Modern)/Agility TN 25, 1 CR, Skill from Memorizing, VP for +1k1: 4d10o10k3 15

0 Tickets...

Total of 20 Tickets! Buying the Oharu plush.

Lion | Shugenja | Avid Reader | Awkward Conversationalist | Apparently Unimportant
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.6 | Honor: Exceptional | Courtship Points: 2 | Profile | Theme
Carries: Wakizashi, Sidearm, Holoslates, Densai, Portable Informator, Personal Seal, Fan, Holorecorder, Communicator
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 5:40 am 
Having rendered assistance to a seizing Moshi, and talked about baseball with a Phoenix of all things, Tsugiharu still had some time to game. Some might consider it a bit weird, but the last thing the Moshi needed was more attention called to her incident, so the veneer of normality was raised again.

The pinball game was definitely interesting looking. There were some very interesting skill shots where one could take a much safer route for a much lower score, or go for a much higher score at the risk of not scoring at all. He saw little reason not to go for the high score. If it meant he had to buy his own candy at the mall, so be it. There was also the matter of those gardens to try and hit, but you'd need pretty fast reflexes to do that.

My Gardens! You fiend! Bonus bonus bonus Ball! Ref/Firearms 17 vs. 15 pass

Castle Sieged! Int/Engineer, 2 CR, Bonus Ball, Void, 41 vs. 30 passed.

30 tickets!

Which really was enough tickets for a prize he had his eye on, but the night was still young. He didn't have a chance of being crowed King of the Starcade, not with some of the people running around looking like they'd knocked over a Phoenix ticket making factory....but those shades were cool.....

Well...there was a flock of Phoenix clustered around Streets of Thunder 4. Sure Tsugiharu was a Spider, but he'd just been all compassion providing medical care to a Moshi, maybe they'd at least help him out a little here?

Team up? Awa/Courtier (Manipulation) 11 vs 15 fail.

Yep he could definitely talk them into....not throwing a drink in his face. Ah well, Spiders often fought alone....

Fought alone, and died alone: 13 vs. 20 Fail

The glasses were likely out of his reach now. The only chance now was to absolutely Crush it on the newest and hottest dancing game. He'd not embarrassed himself on the dance floor yet, but this was going to take nailing a really hard song that he hadn't learned yet.

He selected a song by his clanmate Susumu Yakamo, intergalatic idol, and hoped the spirit of Asahina-sama would be with him.

Does it feel good? Knowing you tried?
Knowing that all that remains
Is the slow cold brutal death
Of the fools that will all die in vain

And after a bloody hard dance that left him panting and sweating......he was victorious.

Agi/Perform: Dance 1 CR, 25 vs 25, pass.

+20 tickets!

Total: 50 tickets

Prize awarded: Shirakawa Nagareboshi (TM) shades: 50 tickets

Spider Clan * Shugenja * Male * Military Medical Researcher * Unit 7704

Glory: 1.0 Honor: Honorless Dog Status 1.0 CP: 3

Gear: Robes, Densai, Fantasy Fight Deck: Jurojin's Journey, sidearm, wakizashi, communicator, Hyper Dance Star Pin (1/8), Shirakawa Nagareboshi (TM) shades

"Illuminate a brighter future for the Spider Clan"

Theme Song
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 7:52 am 
D3:EE Retro Night (Machine:Thunder)(Play Together) Courtier/Awareness + Benten Blessing TN15: 4d10o10k4 42 -Received bonus
D3:EE Retro Night (Machine:Thunder) Ju/Agi +5 bonus +1 raise TN25: 6d10o10k3+5 35 - 30 tickets earned.

"What?! You think any of the thunders could of won the day alone?! Nonsense we stand together! Lets get up on that scoreboard." Nakaba pressures a group of phoenix friends to play with him and destroy the cabinet's scoreboard. After the possessed emperor is defeated and goes through his climatic death throes the credits begin to roll. Nakaba and the three other phoenix register their name on the scoreboard and even snap a goofy group photo using the cabinet's camera function.

D3:EE Retro Night (Machine: Driftmaster)(High in demand) Etiq/Awa TN15: 4d10o10k3 33 - access to play
D3:EE Retro Night (Machine: Driftmaster) Drive/Agi + Honor + 1 raise. TN25: 6d10o10k3+2 25 - 30 tickets and earned + 0.1 glory

The crab slips into a group of veteran racing enthusiasts and cuts the line. Hoping into the drivers chair, he swips in his own memory card for his own tricked out custom ride. A light silver framed vehicle focused on abusing boost powerful as much as as often as possible. With chaotic grace of barely maintaining control over the machine, he soars to the finishline.

D3:EE Retro Night (Machine: Castle) (Bonus Ball) Fire/Ref TN15: 3d10o10k2 11 - no bonus
D3:EE Retro Night (Machine: Castle) Eng/Intel +1 raise TN25: 6d10o10k3 25 - 20 tickets earned

Winding down the night with a pinball machine is always a favorite. Moving away from the high high octane action, violence, and visuals come such a simple machine. Its clicks, flashing lights, and buzzing of the scoreboard carrying its own nostalgia from the machine he had growing up.

Total tickets: 80

Crab * Professional Chauffeur * Benten's Blessing * Profile
Status: 1.0 | Honor: What is expected | Glory: 1 | Courtship Points: 0
Carries: Business Suit, Wakizashi, Sidearm, Communicator, engraved metal lighter, pack of cigarettes.
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 Post subject: Re: D3 Side Event: Retro Night (EE)
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:22 am 
It seemed the arcade was not the Daidoji's forte. Ishiyo attempted Castle Smasher, never quite scoring any meaningful amount of points. Then after spending several minutes in line for Driftmaster, she was forced to give up and find another game. Finally settling on Starlight Crusaders, figuring this would be her game...another resounding failure.

A bit dejected and utterly embarrassed the Ace pilot faded into the crowd with out a single ticket.

Firearms/Reflexes for Castle Smasher. TN15: 5d10o10k3 13

Engineering/Intelligence for Castle Smasher. TN20: 4d10o10k3 15

Etiquette/AWA for Driftmaster. TN15: 4d10o10k3 13

Kyujutsu/Reflexes Starlight Crusaders. TN15. Unskilled: 3d10 13

0 Tickets.

Crane • Bushi • Pilot • Daredevil • Space Ace • Très Riche • Prestigious Family • Idealistic • Can't Lie
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.5 • Honor: Exceptional
Courtship Points: 5
Carries: Daisho and Sidearm (when appropiate), Densai, Personal Seal, Communicator, Portable Informator.
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