Nakauchi Mumei wrote:
"Iuchi Shono. I mean, he's _one_ of the authors on the paper, but also apparently descended from he line that was involved in developing the Opening the Way ritual in the first place," she shrugs. "I mean, I'm not sure how many people follow theoretical NavCom research, it's dry and academic if it's not your field. Ok it's a bit dry and academic, even if it is your field."
"But...ohhh." Mumei grins. "You two? So...probably good to know...that's kinda common with shugenja, yeah? Looong fuse, but terrifying once you're at the end of it."
"I'm sure NavCom research has its moments..I can't imagine them, but I am sure they are there."
Shoan was more than a little intimidated by kami science at that level"Us two?...O-oh
Us, two."
Oh was that something fascinating on the ground? Better look down there"I hadn't realised this was a common shugenja trait...I'll try my best to not be on the other end of that fuse. Wait...."
Probably easier asking Mumei than Nozomi"Um, just...apropos of nothing. Hypothetically, if one was raising a child who could speak to the spirits...that happens later, right? Usually a shugenja can't talk to them as a baby?"
Please let them not be able to be fire babies